790 resultados para social assessment
Bien qu’il soit largement reconnu dans différents milieux d’intervention au Québec que l’intervenant est un des agents actifs les plus importants de l’efficacité d’une intervention – et c’est un des postulats centraux de l’intervention psychoéducative –, il existe encore très peu d’instruments de mesure validés empiriquement permettant l’évaluation du fonctionnement d’un groupe d’intervenants. Néanmoins, il existe un instrument pouvant mesurer le climat social d’une équipe, soit le Questionnaire du climat social d’une équipe d’intervenants (QCSÉI; Le Blanc, Trudeau-Le Blanc, & Lanctôt, 1999; Moos 1987). Le QCSÉI compte 10 échelles de premier niveau. Dans ses écrits théoriques, Moos (2003) a suggéré que le climat social est un construit hiérarchique et que l’ensemble des instruments mesurant différentes dimensions du climat social d’un groupe ou d’une équipe devrait se regrouper en trois facteurs d’ordre supérieur, soit les relations interpersonnelles, la découverte de soi et le maintien de l’ordre et du changement. Un examen conceptuel des échelles du QCSÉI suggère que ce modèle théorique est problématique. Cette étude visait à déterminer si la structure hiérarchique proposée par Moos était adéquate pour le QCSÉI dans un échantillon d’intervenants québécois. L’échantillon utilisé était composé d’intervenants faisant partie de Boscoville2000, un projet d’intervention cognitivecomportementale en milieu résidentiel pour les adolescents en difficulté. Des analyses factorielles exploratoires ont d’abord démontré que la structure de premier niveau est bien reproduite. Deux échelles jugées importantes pour mesurer le climat social ont ensuite été ajoutées. Par la suite, des analyses factorielles exploratoires et confirmatoires ont démontré que la structure théorique hiérarchique en trois dimensions d’ordre supérieur de Moos ne représente pas bien les données. Les analyses ont révélé une structure alternative plus intéressante sur le plan conceptuel et qui représentait mieux les données. Des corrélations entre les échelles de climat social de l’équipe et les traits de personnalité des intervenants ainsi que différentes variables sociodémographiques et liées à la pratique professionnelle ont procuré un appui qui suggère que le QCSÉI possède une validité de critère acceptable.
A current advance within the agricultural industry is the use of genetic engineering to produce novel crops for food production. This technology raises questions about how societies should position themselves with respect to genetically modified (GM) crop development and implementation; namely, how should the potentials and risks of this technology be evaluated? We argue that current methods to evaluate the risks and benefits of GM crops are inadequate and not conducive to the strategic development of this technology, where a way to ameliorate technology assessments for GM crops is to include farmers in the research process of evaluating these crops prior to their commercialization. However, particularities concerning the ethical status of such research require special consideration and vigilance. For example, in such technology assessment initiatives, farmers would occupy both the roles of research participant and research investigator. Other particularities surface due to factors related to the nature of GM crops. These particularities are examined with reference to concepts drawn from the field of research ethics, namely informed consent, compensatory decisions, and issues of participant inclusion/exclusion.
This article is an excellent example of applied ethics in public health policy development.
The growing epidemic of allergy and allergy-induced asthma poses a significant challenge to population health. This article, written for a target audience of policy-makers in public health, aims to contribute to the development of policies to counter allergy morbidities by demonstrating how principles of social justice can guide public health initiatives in reducing allergy and asthma triggers. Following a discussion of why theories of social justice have utility in analyzing allergy, a step-wise policy assessment protocol formulated on Rawlsian principles of social justice is presented. This protocol can serve as a tool to aid in prioritizing public health initiatives and identifying ethically problematic policies that necessitate reform. Criteria for policy assessment include: 1) whether a tentative public health intervention would provide equal health benefit to a range of allergy and asthma sufferers, 2) whether targeting initiatives towards particu- lar societal groups is merited based on the notion of ‘worst-off status’ of certain population segments, and 3) whether targeted policies have the potential for stigmatization. The article concludes by analyzing three examples of policies used in reducing allergy and asthma triggers in order to convey the general thought process underlying the use of the assessment protocol, which public health officials could replicate as a guide in actual, region-specific policy development.
Les troubles du spectre autistique (TSA) sont actuellement caractérisés par une triade d'altérations, incluant un dysfonctionnement social, des déficits de communication et des comportements répétitifs. L'intégration simultanée de multiples sens est cruciale dans la vie quotidienne puisqu'elle permet la création d'un percept unifié. De façon similaire, l'allocation d'attention à de multiples stimuli simultanés est critique pour le traitement de l'information environnementale dynamique. Dans l'interaction quotidienne avec l'environnement, le traitement sensoriel et les fonctions attentionnelles sont des composantes de base dans le développement typique (DT). Bien qu'ils ne fassent pas partie des critères diagnostiques actuels, les difficultés dans les fonctions attentionnelles et le traitement sensoriel sont très courants parmi les personnes autistes. Pour cela, la présente thèse évalue ces fonctions dans deux études séparées. La première étude est fondée sur la prémisse que des altérations dans le traitement sensoriel de base pourraient être à l'origine des comportements sensoriels atypiques chez les TSA, tel que proposé par des théories actuelles des TSA. Nous avons conçu une tâche de discrimination de taille intermodale, afin d'investiguer l'intégrité et la trajectoire développementale de l'information visuo-tactile chez les enfants avec un TSA (N = 21, âgés de 6 à18 ans), en comparaison à des enfants à DT, appariés sur l’âge et le QI de performance. Dans une tâche à choix forcé à deux alternatives simultanées, les participants devaient émettre un jugement sur la taille de deux stimuli, basé sur des inputs unisensoriels (visuels ou tactiles) ou multisensoriels (visuo-tactiles). Des seuils différentiels ont évalué la plus petite différence à laquelle les participants ont été capables de faire la discrimination de taille. Les enfants avec un TSA ont montré une performance diminuée et pas d'effet de maturation aussi bien dans les conditions unisensorielles que multisensorielles, comparativement aux participants à DT. Notre première étude étend donc des résultats précédents d'altérations dans le traitement multisensoriel chez les TSA au domaine visuo-tactile. Dans notre deuxième étude, nous avions évalué les capacités de poursuite multiple d’objets dans l’espace (3D-Multiple Object Tracking (3D-MOT)) chez des adultes autistes (N = 15, âgés de 18 à 33 ans), comparés à des participants contrôles appariés sur l'âge et le QI, qui devaient suivre une ou trois cibles en mouvement parmi des distracteurs dans un environnement de réalité virtuelle. Les performances ont été mesurées par des seuils de vitesse, qui évaluent la plus grande vitesse à laquelle des observateurs sont capables de suivre des objets en mouvement. Les individus autistes ont montré des seuils de vitesse réduits dans l'ensemble, peu importe le nombre d'objets à suivre. Ces résultats étendent des résultats antérieurs d'altérations au niveau des mécanismes d'attention en autisme quant à l'allocation simultanée de l'attention envers des endroits multiples. Pris ensemble, les résultats de nos deux études révèlent donc des altérations chez les TSA quant au traitement simultané d'événements multiples, que ce soit dans une modalité ou à travers des modalités, ce qui peut avoir des implications importantes au niveau de la présentation clinique de cette condition.
Réalisé sous la co-direction de Linda Booij, Catherine Herba et Patricia Garel
The Palma Project is an experiment in the use of cultural identity as a social trigger to address ecological degradation. The research methodology draws from environmental, social and urban analyses to unveil the best strategy to address the ecological, river restoration and water treatment challenges in Berkeley, California’s “Sister City” in southeast Cuba, Palma Soriano. The objective is to provide a better quality of life and to create new opportunities for the local community to reconnect with natural cycles of water and the cultivation of their own land. The project aim is to promote the strength and capacity of local communities to protect their own environment based upon a master plan, which includes natural wastewater treatment, reforestation, urban agriculture and the facilitation and utilization of a public space bordering the major river which flows by Palma Soriano, the Cauto. This project will contribute and produce healthy water recycling for Palma, provide a potable water source for the city, encourage ecological restoration of the riparian zone of the Cauto, and provide new opportunities for food production. It is designed to preserve the cultural identity of the local community, and to restore the essential balance between the community’s need to sustain both itself and the natural environment.
In the pastoral production systems, mobility remains the main technique used to meet livestock’s fodder requirements. Currently, with growing challenges on the pastoral production systems, there is urgent need for an in-depth understanding of how pastoralists continue to manage their grazing resources and how they determine their mobility strategies. This study examined the Borana pastoralists’ regulation of access to grazing resources, mobility practices and cattle reproductive performances in three pastoral zones of Borana region of southern Ethiopia. The central objective of the study was to contribute to the understanding of pastoral land use strategies at a scale relevant to their management. The study applied a multi-scalar methodological approach that allowed zooming in from communal to individual herd level. Through participatory mapping that applied Google Earth image print out as visual aid, the study revealed that the Borana pastoralists conceptualized their grazing areas as distinctive grazing units with names, borders, and specific characteristics. This knowledge enables the herders to communicate the condition of grazing resources among themselves in a precise way which is important in management of livestock mobility. Analysis of grazing area use from the participatory maps showed that the Borana pastoralists apportion their grazing areas into categories that are accessed at different times of the year (temporal use areas). This re-organization is an attempt by the community to cope with the prevailing constraints which results in fodder shortages especially during the dry periods. The re-organization represents a shift in resource use system, as the previous mobility practice across the ecologically varied zones of the rangelands became severely restricted. Grazing itineraries of 91 cattle herds for over 16 months obtained using the seasonal calendar interviews indicated that in the areas with the severest mobility constraints, the herders spent most of their time in the year round use areas that are within close proximity to the settlements. A significant change in mobility strategy was the disallowing of foora practice by the communities in Dirre and Malbe zones in order to reduce competition. With the reduction in mobility practices, there is a general decline in cattle reproductive parameters with the areas experiencing the severest constraints showing the least favourable reproductive performances. The study concludes that the multi-scalar methodology was well suited to zoom into pastoral grazing management practices from communal to individual herd levels. Also the loss of mobility in the Borana pastoral system affects fulfilment of livestock feed requirements thus resulting in reduced reproductive performances and herd growth potentials. While reversal of the conditions of the situations in the Borana rangelands is practically unfeasible, the findings from this research underscore the need to protect the remaining pastoral lands since the pastoral production system remains the most important livelihood option for the majority of the Borana people. In this regards the study emphasises the need to adopt and domesticate regional and international policy frameworks such as that proposed by the African Union in 2010.
Blogging has become one of the key ingredients of the so-called socials networks. This phenomenon has indeed invaded the world of education. Connections between people, comments on each other posts, and assessment of innovation are usually interesting characteristics of blogs related to students and scholars. Blogs have become a kind of new form of authority, bringing about (divergent) discussions which lead to creation of knowledge. The use of blogs as an innovative, educational tool is not at all new. However, their use in universities is not very widespread yet. Blogging for personal affairs is rather commonplace, but blogging for professional affairs – teaching, research and service, is scarce, despite the availability of ready-to-use, free tools. Unfortunately, Information Society has not reached yet enough some universities: not only are (student) blogs scarcely used as an educational tool, but it is quite rare to find a blog written by University professors. The Institute of Computational Chemistry of the University of Girona and the Department of Chemistry of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona has joined forces to create “InnoCiència”, a new Group on Digital Science Communitation. This group, formed by ca. ten researchers, has promoted the use of blogs, twitters. wikis and other tools of Web 2.0 in activities in Catalonia concerning the dissemination of Science, like Science Week, Open Day or Researchers’ Night. Likewise, its members promote use of social networking tools in chemistry- and communication-related courses. This communication explains the outcome of social-network experiences with teaching undergraduate students and organizing research communication events. We provide live, hands-on examples and interactive ground to show how blogs and twitters can be used to enhance the yield of teaching and research. Impact of blogging and other social networking tools on the outcome of the learning process is very depending on the target audience and the environmental conditions. A few examples are provided and some proposals to use these techniques efficiently to help students are hinted
Las Salas ERA (Enfermedad Respiratoria Aguda) son áreas definidas en las Unidades Primarias de Atención (UPAs), Centros de Atención Médica Inmediata (CAMIs) y de algunas instituciones de segundo nivel, para la atención de pacientes con ERA, que puedan ser manejados con esquemas terapéuticos básicos que en muchas oportunidades se ocupan las salas de observación de urgencias por casos que podrían manejarse en un nivel de complejidad más bajo, pero tampoco pueden ser manejados a nivel domiciliario. La enfermedad respiratoria aguda (ERA) es un conjunto de patologías que afectan el sistema respiratorio, siendo esta una causa muy frecuente de morbilidad y mortalidad en los niños y niñas menores de 5 años, en especial por infección respiratoria aguda (IRA). El pago de la atención integral en las salas ERA a los niños menores de cinco años (población vinculada) de edad corresponde al Fondo Financiero Distrital el cual ha establecido un paquete que incluye valoración médica, valoración con la terapeuta respiratoria, analgésicos, corticosteroides e inhaladores. En el momento en que el médico ordena un examen de laboratorio clínico como ayuda diagnóstica el Fondo Financiero Distrital deja de pagar el paquete completo de prestación de servicios en Salas ERA y paga los medicamentos y dispositivos médicos empleados en la atención de pacientes de manera individual, con esta segunda manera de pago tiene menos ganancias el hospital ya que este debe asumir los costos de la valoración por parte del médico y la terapeuta respiratoria. El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer la magnitud en la solicitud de exámenes de Laboratorio Clínico a los niños menores de cinco años que recibieron atención por parte de la Sala ERA de una Empresa Social del Estado de primer nivel de atención en la ciudad de Bogotá.
La monografía presenta la auto-organización sociopolítica como la mejor manera de lograr patrones organizados en los sistemas sociales humanos, dada su naturaleza compleja y la imposibilidad de las tareas computacionales de los regímenes políticos clásico, debido a que operan con control jerárquico, el cual ha demostrado no ser óptimo en la producción de orden en los sistemas sociales humanos. En la monografía se extrapola la teoría de la auto-organización en los sistemas biológicos a las dinámicas sociopolíticas humanas, buscando maneras óptimas de organizarlas, y se afirma que redes complejas anárquicas son la estructura emergente de la auto-organización sociopolítica.
The results presented in this paper are aim at examining and comparing the migratory events occurred betwixt two countries which have different social and economic conditions. The information developed along this text is, therefore, an initial assessment on migration between Canada and Colombia. The author used hermeneutics as a main methodological tool for conducting this study.This paper concludes that, although there are a range of motivations behind the decision to leaving one’s home country, the pursuit for better economic conditions is the dominant factor.
Este documento contiene el Diseño de Aplicación de la Norma internacional ISO 26000:2010 Modelo de Gestión de Responsabilidad Social en la Fundación Hospital San Carlos, Bogotá - Colombia, en el que se incluye la herramienta que se diseñó para el desarrollo del estudio con base en los requisitos aplicables de la norma que orientan a un comportamiento socialmente responsable; así como el diagnóstico inicial que se realizó en la organización objeto de estudio desde una perspectiva cualicuantitativa, frente a los lineamientos que la norma presenta como elementos esenciales: Principios y Materias Fundamentales. De igual manera y acorde a la metodología que se definió para el estudio que fue observacional de corte descriptivo cualitativo interpretativo, se muestra la matriz DOFA de la institución según el diagnóstico, con el respectivo análisis e interpretación derivados de los hallazgos evidenciados en el proceso de evaluación; en el cual se identificó que la Fundación Hospital San Carlos cumple con un 47,97% de los requerimientos de responsabilidad social según la norma ISO 26000:2010, con el logro de 71 criterios de los 148 evaluados y aplicables a la organización, observándose especial fragilidad en los componentes Fortalecimiento de la Comunidad, Prácticas Laborales, y Transparencia, con un cumplimiento que estuvo por debajo del 50%. Por otra parte y como propósito fundamental del estudio se presenta el diseño propuesto para la aplicación de la norma ISO 26000:2010 en la IPS Fundación Hospital San Carlos, en el cual se registran estrategias y mecanismos que los autores sugieren y recomiendan se deben trabajar para que la implementación de este modelo internacional de Responsabilidad Social, se haga de una manera pragmática y sencilla, que lo conviertan además en un diseño de aplicación de la norma que pueda ser referenciado por organizaciones del sector salud o no, interesadas en trabajar en responsabilidad social empresarial. Para la estructura del diseño de aplicación de la norma y conforme el estudio realizado, se plantean 7 pasos que deben seguir las organizaciones de manera sistemática, metódica y ordenada: comprender la responsabilidad social; reconocer su Responsabilidad Social; levantar una matriz DOFA con base en un diagnóstico institucional; planificar; estructurar y definir de la Responsabilidad Social dentro de la organización; sensibilizar, divulgar y capacitar los estándares de la Norma ISO 26000:2010; documentar el Modelo de Responsabilidad Social; Implementar el modelo de Responsabilidad Social; y monitorear el modelo mediante un mecanismo que integre un sistema de auditoría integral y la revisión de gerencia.
En el presente trabajo de grado, se realiza un acopio, valoración y respectivo análisis de la jurisprudencia nacional, la doctrina especializada y la legislación vigente en Colombia en materia de Facultades Administrativas Discrecionales, con el propósito de determinar, si en nuestro ordenamiento existe diferencia de fondo en el tratamiento de la Discrecionalidad Técnica entre la jurisprudencia contencioso administrativa y la constitucional. Así mismo, se resalta que en un Estado Social de Derecho como el nuestro, es necesario que el quehacer administrativo se aproxime cada vez más a los ideales constitucionales de transparencia y justicia social, de forma tal que las decisiones que se adopten, estén siempre sujetas a los principios de legalidad y debido proceso, y en todo caso, propendan por la salvaguarda del bien común y el interés general.
The World Bank Report 2012 starts with this statement: “Gender equality matters in itself andit matters for development because, in today’s globalized worlds, countries that use the skillsand talents of their women would have an advantage over those which do not use it.” With theframe that suggest that gender equality matters, this paper describes some policy alternativesoriented to overcome gender disadvantages in the formal labor market incorporation of theurban middle class women in Colombia. On balance, the final recommendation suggest that itis desirable to adopt policy alternatives as Community Centers, which are programs orientedto a social redistribution of the domestic work as a way to encourage women participationin the formal labor market with the social support of the members of their own community.The problem that the social policy needs to address is the segregation of women in the formallabor market in Colombia. Although the evidence shows that the women overcome theeducational gap by showing better performance in education that their male peers, womenare still segregated of the labor market. The persistence of high rates of unemployment on thefemale population, the prevalence of the informal labor market as a women labor market, andthe presence of the payment difference between men and women with similar professionaltrainings are circumstances that sustain the segregation statement. These circumstances areinefficient for the society because an economic analysis shows that the cost of maintain the statuquo is externalized in the social security system that includes health, pension and maternityleave regimens. Therefore, the women segregation involves a market failure.This paper evaluates five policy alternatives each directed to the progress of a different causaldimension of the problem: (i) Quotas in the private market, (ii) Flexible working hours,(iii) replace the maternity leave with a family leave, (iv) Increase the Community Centers forredistributing the care work, and (v) Equal payment enforcement. The first alternative looksto increase women’s participation in the formal labor market. The second, third, and fourthalternatives constitute a package addressed at redistributing care work by reducing women’sresponsibility for reproductive work in the household with the help of husbands and the localgovernment. The fifth alternative intervenes to resolve the equal payment problem.After a four criteria evaluation that measure effectiveness, robustness and improbability inimplementation, efficiency and political acceptability or social opposition, the strongest alternativeis the fostering of Community Centers that promote a redistribution of care work. Thispolicy performs well in the assessment process because it combines gender focus with importantindirect effects: child support and human capabilities. The policy also shows a bottomup implementation process that overcomes the main adoption difficulties in the gender focusprograms and is supported by strong evidence of success in the Colombian context; this evidenceis produced by both transnational actors as a World Bank and also in local accountabilityreporters executed by local institutions like Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF).