956 resultados para remote diagnostics of electric drives
Taajuudenmuuttajan kytkennän synnyttämä nopea jännitemuutos aiheuttaa pitkään moottorikaapeliin sähköisen värähtelyilmiön. Ilmiö on tullut erityisesti esille uusien nopeasti kytkevien puolijohdetehokytkimien ilmestyttyä markkinoille. Taajuudenmuuttajan lähtöön asennettu jännitteen nousunopeutta rajoittava suodin vähentää kaapelivärähtelyä, mutta riittävän pitkässä kaapelissa värähtely on voimakasta lähtösuotimesta huolimatta. Kaapelivärähtelyilmiön seurauksena moottorikaapelin taajuudenmuuttajan puoleiseen päähän syntyy voimakas virtavärähtely ja moottorin puoleiseen päähän voimakas jännitevärähtely. Sähkökäyttöjen vektorisäätöalgoritmit tekevät ohjauspäätöksiä moottorikaapelin taajuudenmuuttajan päästä tehtyjen virtamittausten perusteella. Säädön päätösväli on niin lyhyt, että kaapelin virtavärähtely ehtii häiritä säädön toimintaa. Tässä työssä on esitetty kaapelivärähtelyä kuvaava taajuudenmuuttajan lähtösuotimen huomioon ottava siirtofunktioperustainen matemaattinen malli. Mallin avulla kaapelivärähtelyilmiötä voi analysoida lineaarisen säätöteorian menetelmillä. Virtavärähtelyn moottorisäätöön tuomiin ongelmiin ratkaisuksi on esitetty virran mittasignaalin käsittelemistä analogisella ja digitaalisella suotimella. Simulointitulosten perusteella ratkaisua voidaan pitää toimivana. Lopuksi esitetään, kuinka avaruusvektoriteorian mukaista induktiomoottorimallia ja kaapelivärähtelymallia voidaan simuloida yhdessä.
Työn päätavoitteena oli tutkia mobiilipalveluita ja langattomia sovelluksia Suomen terveydenhuollon sektorilla. Tutkimus havainnollistaa avain-alueita, missä mobiilipalvelut ja langattomat sovellukset voivat antaa lisäarvoa perinteiseen lääketieteen harjoittamiseen, ja selvittää, mitkä ovat tähän kehitykseen liittyvät suurimmat ongelmat ja uhkat sekä tutkimustuloksiin pohjautuvat mahdolliset palvelut ja sovellukset 5-10 vuoden kuluttua. Tutkimus oli luonteeltaan kvalitatiivinen ja tutkimuksen toteuttamiseen valittiin tulevaisuudentutkimus ja erityisesti yksi sen menetelmistä, delfoi-menetelmä. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin kahdelta puolistrukturoidulta haastattelukierrokselta. Työn empiirinen osuus keskittyi kuvailemaan Suomen terveydenhuollon sektoria, siinä meneillään olevia projekteja sekä teknisiä esteitä. Lisäksi pyrittiin vastaamaan tutkimuksen pääkysymykseen. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että tärkeät alueet, joihin langaton kommunikaatio tulisi vaikuttamaan merkittävästi, ovat ensiaputoiminta, kroonisten potilaiden etämonitorointi, välineiden kehittäminen langattomaan kommunikaatioon kotihoidon parantamiseksi ja uusien toimintamallien luomiseksi sekä lääketieteellinen yhteistyö jakamalla terveydenhuoltoon liittyvät informaation lähteet. Työn tulosten perusteellavoitiin antaa myös muutamia toimenpide-ehdotuksia jatkotutkimuksia varten.
Frequency converters have started to gain new market areas in the field of motion control applications. The communication and control properties of frequency converters have reached the properties of traditional servo amplifiers during the past few years. In this thesis a motion control system was examined. This particular system consists of frequency converters, permanent magnet synchronous motors and linear belt drives. The properties and prerequisites for packing are discussed. A test setup was build and measurement sets were done to examine the performance of the system. Speed and accuracy measurements were done in all three dimensions. Based on the measurement results applicability of the system for packing industry was evaluated.
Perinteisen valmistavan teollisuuden yritykset ovat pyrkineet kehittämään palveluja perinteisen tuotevalikoimansa rinnalle. Tuotekeskeinen palvelu on valmistettavaan laitteeseen liitettävä lisäpalvelu, jonka toimitus mahdollistuu siihen liitettyyn laitteeseen lisättyjen älykkäiden ominaisuuksien, kuten etädiagnostiikkalaitteiden avulla. Systemaattisesti kehitetyt prosessit ovat avainasemassa palvelun sujuvalle tuottamiselle. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää miten kohdeyrityksen tuotekeskeisen palvelun tuotantoon liittyvät prosessit voidaan integroida yrityksen muihin olemassa oleviin prosesseihin. Työn teoreettisessa osuudessa aihepiiriä lähestyttiin prosessijohtamisen ja siihen liittyvän termistön ja viitekehysten kautta, sekä lisäksi tutkittiin tuotekeskeisen palvelun käsitteistöä ja tähän kokonaisuuteen liittyviä prosesseja ja niiden kehittämistä. Teoreettista viitekehystä sovellettiin työn empiirisessä osassa kuvaamalla prosessien nykytilaa, sekä niihin liittyviä ongelmia ja kehityskohteita mm. haastattelujen ja olemassa olevan dokumentaation avulla. Nykytilan selvittäminen toimi lähtökohtana työn aikana käynnistetylle kehitysprojektille, jossa pyrittiin tuomaan tuotannollinen ja myynnillinen valmius valittuihin trukkimalleihin. Työssä syntyi toimintamalli niille tehtäville, joita yrityksessä täytyy toteuttaa tavoitteisiin pääsemiseksi, sekä laadittiin kuvaukset myynti- ja jälkiasennusprosesseihin.
Research into the course of life, mental stamina and health status of wartime prisoners, victims of Soviet partisan attacks, and paupers in Finnish Lapland The basis of this research comprised the issues raised during the interviews conducted in my work as a general practitioner in Lapland, regarding factors that have possibly affected the life stories and health conditions of Lappish people who had lived through the war as war prisoners, victims of partisan attacks, or paupers. The purpose of the study was to describe how the different life phases and experiences emerged from the interviewees’ stories and to identify their mental stamina. Another goal was to make observations on their health status, in which the main emphasis became to address mental symptoms. The cohort consisted of elderly Finns who lived in Lapland during the war and experienced war imprisonment, pauperism, or became victims of partisan attacks. All three groups consisted of 12 interviewees. The interview transcripts were read several times and then investigated using the content analysis methods applicable to the material. The research methodology was based on building awareness and understanding. Thematic tagging and data coding were used as structured analysis tools. In all three groups most of the interviewees clearly identified their mental stamina, the most fundamental of which were home, family and work. The war prisoners’ injuries and nervous sensibility symptoms had been shown in earlier studies on war prisoners, and on this basis they had been granted disability pensions. However, many of them had suppressed their traumatic experiences and mental difficulties, and they could not talk about these issues until at the time of these interviews held at old age. Four of them still suffered from a post-traumatic stress disorder. The victims of Soviet partisans had had to carry their mental load alone for decades before the cruel ravages on civilians in remote areas of Lapland became publicly known. Most of them still had disturbing nervous sensibility symptoms. Four interviewees had a post-traumatic stress disorder, and in addition to these, the mental symptoms of one had developed into a post-traumatic stress disorder during old age. Many of the interviewees who had been left paupers remembered their childhood as filled with grief and feelings of inferiority, and had nightmares relating to their wartime experiences. Yet none of them suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. The results showed that the exceptional suffering caused by the war, the wartime imprisonment and the devastating attacks by Soviet partisans had led especially to mental difficulties. These were left almost completely unnoticed in the post-war conditions, and the war victims were unable to seek help on their own. Based on the results, our health care for the elderly should focus on familiarization with the individual experiences and life stories of each elderly person. This can facilitate geriatric diagnostics and individual therapy planning. Empathic familiarization with the life experiences of the elderly may strengthen their mental stamina and improve the quality of successful aging.
The main purposes of this study are analyzing of forest sector of North-West and research of potentials of wood fuel market in this region. Research is focused on definition of the most perspective areas for export of wood fuel: logging residues, industrial wood processing residues, pellets and briquettes. Russian wood energy industry is very young in comparison with European countries. Nowadays there are no support and serious attention from the government to this sector. Hence almost all wood fuel market is oriented to the Western Europe. Export of wood fuel is dominated over the internal consumption. Pellet production in North –West is rapidly growing. Despite internal market has been developed the lion's share of pellets goes to export. Part of industrial wood processing residues is used by producers for their own goals, part goes to the export and rest of them is not used at all. Logging residues as raw materials for fuel have great potentials; most of them are left in a forest. Special techniques for their processing are too expensive for Russian entrepreneur. Some parts of North –West, which are situated close to the border with European countries, are potential for export. Political, economical and logistical challenges are complicated facilities for foreign customer to purchase wood fuel in remote parts of North-West. However some decisions for solving this problem exist and Russian manufactures are still interested in export of their products.
Lasikuituputkien kelaamiseen tarkoitettu automaatio voidaan toteuttaa suorakulmaisen kolmion trigonometrian perusteella. Kelaaminen tapahtuu pyörittämällä muottia ja liikuttamalla samalla muottia sivuttain. Näin tehdessä saadaan kelattavat lasikuitulangat leviämään koko muotin leveydelle. Jos langat halutaan saada kelattua tiiviisti toistensa viereen, on muotin liikuttava tietty matka yhtä muotin pyörähdystä kohden. Matkaa kutsutaan nousuksi. Nousu riippuu lankojen muodostaman kimpun leveydestä, kelauskulmasta ja muotin säteestä. Kelauskulmalla voidaan vaikuttaa kelattavan tuotteen aksiaaliseen ja pitkittäiseen lujuuteen. Kelauskoneen automaatiojärjestelmä koostuu sähkökäytöistä, ohjaavasta yksiköstä, valvomosta ja erilaisista antureista. Eri osat yhdistetään toisiinsa väylätekniikalla. Sähkökäytöt ovat yleensä servokäyttöjä, koska niiltä vaaditaan tarkkuutta ja nopeutta. Ohjaavana yksikkönä toimii yleensä teollisuus logiikka. Anturointia tarvitaan esimerkiksi hartsin lämpötilan säätöön ja lankojen ratakireyden säätöön. Anturoinnilla ja säädöillä pyritään parantamaan kelattavan tuotteen laatua. Koneen ohjelmallinen toteutus vaatii kelauskoneen mekaniikan ja kelausprosessin ymmärtämistä. Lisäksi on huomioitava koneen käyttäjät ja heidän turvallisuus.
In this thesis an electric propulsion system is designed on a device level using Cadence ORCAD. The vehicle belongs to the Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sci-ences and it is to compete in the Automotive X-Prize competition held in the USA. In this thesis the electric propulsion system and related electric safety measures are designed. Also electro-magnetic compatibility and interferences present in the system are examined by examining the birth mechanisms and transmission paths of interference. Per device effects of interference and solutions to minimize them were examined and proposed. Suitability of permanent magnet synchronous machines for passenger vehicle use was examined by examining the torque production capability of the motor and the torque requirements of the vehicle. Also a short overview of history of electric vehicles is given.
The main idea of this diploma work is to study electric field distribution on the micro level. For this purpose a silicon edgeless detector was chosen as the object of investigation and scanning electron microscope as an investigation tool. Silicon edgeless detector is an important part of installation for studying proton-proton interactions in TOTEM experiment at Large Hadron Collider. For measurement of electric field distribution inside scanning electron microscope a voltage contrast method was applied.
Sähkökäytön suunnittelussa säätöä voidaan testata useassa tapauksessa reaaliaikasimulaattorilla todellisen laitteiston sijaan. Monet reaaliaikasimulaatioiden perustana käytetyt algoritmit soveltuvat täysinohjatulle invertterisillalle. Eräissä sovelluksissa halutaan kuitenkin käyttää puoliksiohjattua siltaa. Puoliksiohjattulla sillalla mallin kausaalisuus voi kääntyä, mitä perinteiset reaaliaikasimulaattorit eivät pysty simuloimaan Tässä työssä oli tavoitteena kehittää reaaliaikasimulaattori puoliksiohjatulle kestomagneettitahtikonekäytölle. Emulaattoriin mallinnettiin todellisen käytön kestomagneettitahtikone ja invertterisilta. Simulaattori toteutettiin digitaaliselle signaaliprosessorille (DSP) ja mittauksiin liittyvät oheislaitteet mallinnettiin FPGA-piirille. Emulaattoriin liitettiin erillinen säätäjä, jota käytettiin myös todellisen sähkökäytön säätämiseen. Emulaattorilla ja todellisella käytöllä tehtyjä mittauksia verrattiin ja emuloimalla saadut tulokset vastasivat melko hyvin todellisesta käytöstä mitattuja.
A coupled system simulator, based on analytical circuit equations and a finite element method (FEM) model of the motor has been developed and it is used to analyse a frequency-converterfed industrial squirrel-cage induction motor. Two control systems that emulate the behaviour of commercial direct-torque-controlled (DTC) and vector-controlled industrial frequency converters have been studied, implemented in the simulation software and verified by extensive laboratory tests. Numerous factors that affect the operation of a variable speed drive (VSD) and its energy efficiency have been investigated, and their significance in the simulation of the VSD results has been studied. The dependency of the frequency converter, induction motor and system losses on the switching frequency is investigated by simulations and measurements at different speeds for both the vector control and the DTC. Intensive laboratory measurements have been carried out to verify the simulation results.
The focus of the present work was on 10- to 12-year-old elementary school students’ conceptual learning outcomes in science in two specific inquiry-learning environments, laboratory and simulation. The main aim was to examine if it would be more beneficial to combine than contrast simulation and laboratory activities in science teaching. It was argued that the status quo where laboratories and simulations are seen as alternative or competing methods in science teaching is hardly an optimal solution to promote students’ learning and understanding in various science domains. It was hypothesized that it would make more sense and be more productive to combine laboratories and simulations. Several explanations and examples were provided to back up the hypothesis. In order to test whether learning with the combination of laboratory and simulation activities can result in better conceptual understanding in science than learning with laboratory or simulation activities alone, two experiments were conducted in the domain of electricity. In these experiments students constructed and studied electrical circuits in three different learning environments: laboratory (real circuits), simulation (virtual circuits), and simulation-laboratory combination (real and virtual circuits were used simultaneously). In order to measure and compare how these environments affected students’ conceptual understanding of circuits, a subject knowledge assessment questionnaire was administered before and after the experimentation. The results of the experiments were presented in four empirical studies. Three of the studies focused on learning outcomes between the conditions and one on learning processes. Study I analyzed learning outcomes from experiment I. The aim of the study was to investigate if it would be more beneficial to combine simulation and laboratory activities than to use them separately in teaching the concepts of simple electricity. Matched-trios were created based on the pre-test results of 66 elementary school students and divided randomly into a laboratory (real circuits), simulation (virtual circuits) and simulation-laboratory combination (real and virtual circuits simultaneously) conditions. In each condition students had 90 minutes to construct and study various circuits. The results showed that studying electrical circuits in the simulation–laboratory combination environment improved students’ conceptual understanding more than studying circuits in simulation and laboratory environments alone. Although there were no statistical differences between simulation and laboratory environments, the learning effect was more pronounced in the simulation condition where the students made clear progress during the intervention, whereas in the laboratory condition students’ conceptual understanding remained at an elementary level after the intervention. Study II analyzed learning outcomes from experiment II. The aim of the study was to investigate if and how learning outcomes in simulation and simulation-laboratory combination environments are mediated by implicit (only procedural guidance) and explicit (more structure and guidance for the discovery process) instruction in the context of simple DC circuits. Matched-quartets were created based on the pre-test results of 50 elementary school students and divided randomly into a simulation implicit (SI), simulation explicit (SE), combination implicit (CI) and combination explicit (CE) conditions. The results showed that when the students were working with the simulation alone, they were able to gain significantly greater amount of subject knowledge when they received metacognitive support (explicit instruction; SE) for the discovery process than when they received only procedural guidance (implicit instruction: SI). However, this additional scaffolding was not enough to reach the level of the students in the combination environment (CI and CE). A surprising finding in Study II was that instructional support had a different effect in the combination environment than in the simulation environment. In the combination environment explicit instruction (CE) did not seem to elicit much additional gain for students’ understanding of electric circuits compared to implicit instruction (CI). Instead, explicit instruction slowed down the inquiry process substantially in the combination environment. Study III analyzed from video data learning processes of those 50 students that participated in experiment II (cf. Study II above). The focus was on three specific learning processes: cognitive conflicts, self-explanations, and analogical encodings. The aim of the study was to find out possible explanations for the success of the combination condition in Experiments I and II. The video data provided clear evidence about the benefits of studying with the real and virtual circuits simultaneously (the combination conditions). Mostly the representations complemented each other, that is, one representation helped students to interpret and understand the outcomes they received from the other representation. However, there were also instances in which analogical encoding took place, that is, situations in which the slightly discrepant results between the representations ‘forced’ students to focus on those features that could be generalised across the two representations. No statistical differences were found in the amount of experienced cognitive conflicts and self-explanations between simulation and combination conditions, though in self-explanations there was a nascent trend in favour of the combination. There was also a clear tendency suggesting that explicit guidance increased the amount of self-explanations. Overall, the amount of cognitive conflicts and self-explanations was very low. The aim of the Study IV was twofold: the main aim was to provide an aggregated overview of the learning outcomes of experiments I and II; the secondary aim was to explore the relationship between the learning environments and students’ prior domain knowledge (low and high) in the experiments. Aggregated results of experiments I & II showed that on average, 91% of the students in the combination environment scored above the average of the laboratory environment, and 76% of them scored also above the average of the simulation environment. Seventy percent of the students in the simulation environment scored above the average of the laboratory environment. The results further showed that overall students seemed to benefit from combining simulations and laboratories regardless of their level of prior knowledge, that is, students with either low or high prior knowledge who studied circuits in the combination environment outperformed their counterparts who studied in the laboratory or simulation environment alone. The effect seemed to be slightly bigger among the students with low prior knowledge. However, more detailed inspection of the results showed that there were considerable differences between the experiments regarding how students with low and high prior knowledge benefitted from the combination: in Experiment I, especially students with low prior knowledge benefitted from the combination as compared to those students that used only the simulation, whereas in Experiment II, only students with high prior knowledge seemed to benefit from the combination relative to the simulation group. Regarding the differences between simulation and laboratory groups, the benefits of using a simulation seemed to be slightly higher among students with high prior knowledge. The results of the four empirical studies support the hypothesis concerning the benefits of using simulation along with laboratory activities to promote students’ conceptual understanding of electricity. It can be concluded that when teaching students about electricity, the students can gain better understanding when they have an opportunity to use the simulation and the real circuits in parallel than if they have only the real circuits or only a computer simulation available, even when the use of the simulation is supported with the explicit instruction. The outcomes of the empirical studies can be considered as the first unambiguous evidence on the (additional) benefits of combining laboratory and simulation activities in science education as compared to learning with laboratories and simulations alone.
Työssä tutkitaan pienitehoisen monimoottoritaajuusmuuttajakäytön yhteismuotovirtojen aiheuttamia ongelmia. Työn tavoitteena on muodostaa monimoottorikäyttöjen toteuttajille opastus, jonka avulla sähkökäytön suunnittelun alkuvaiheessa voidaan ottaa huomioon monimoottorikäytön erikoistarpeita. Työn teoriaosuudessa esitellään taajuusmuuttajan vaihtosuuntaustekniikan aiheuttamia ongelmia, moottorikaapelin mallintamista ja vertaillaan ongelmien ratkaisukeinoja pienitehoisten taajuusmuuttajien näkökulmasta. Yhteismuotoista virtaa tutkitaan mittaamalla rakennetulla monimoottorikäytöllä sekä simuloimalla vaihdellen kaapelin pituutta ja moottorien lukumäärää. Mittaamalla vertaillaan myös virran suodatusratkaisuja. Muodostettu simulointimalli on hyvin yksinkertainen ja luotettavammat virta-arvot saadaankin mittauksella. Kuitenkin työn perusteella voidaan antaa ohjeita monimoottorikäytön suunnittelulle. Esimerkiksi jokaiselle moottorille täytyy suunnitella erillinen suojaus ja taajuusmuuttaja on syytä mitoittaa todellisen kuormavirran mukaan. Yhteismuotoisen virran aiheuttamat ongelmat ovat sitä pienempiä, mitä vähemmän moottoreita on rinnakkain ja mitä lyhyempi moottorikaapelien yhteispituus on.
Background: Approximately two percent of Finns have sequels after traumatic brain injury (TBI), and many TBI patients are young or middle-aged. The high rate of unemployment after TBI has major economic consequences for society, and traumatic brain injury often has remarkable personal consequences, as well. Structural imaging is often needed to support the clinical TBI diagnosis. Accurate early diagnosis is essential for successful rehabilition and, thus, may also influence the patient’s outcome. Traumatic axonal injury and cortical contusions constitute the majority of traumatic brain lesions. Several studies have shown magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to be superior to computed tomography (CT) in the detection of these lesions. However, traumatic brain injury often leads to persistent symptoms even in cases with few or no findings in conventional MRI. Aims and methods: The aim of this prospective study was to clarify the role of conventional MRI in the imaging of traumatic brain injury, and to investigate how to improve the radiologic diagnostics of TBI by using more modern diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) techniques. We estimated, in a longitudinal study, the visibility of the contusions and other intraparenchymal lesions in conventional MRI at one week and one year after TBI. We used DWI-based measurements to look for changes in the diffusivity of the normal-appearing brain in a case-control study. DTI-based tractography was used in a case-control study to evaluate changes in the volume, diffusivity, and anisotropy of the long association tracts in symptomatic TBI patients with no visible signs of intracranial or intraparenchymal abnormalities on routine MRI. We further studied the reproducibility of different tools to identify and measure white-matter tracts by using a DTI sequence suitable for clinical protocols. Results: Both the number and extent of visible traumatic lesions on conventional MRI diminished significantly with time. Slightly increased diffusion in the normal-appearing brain was a common finding at one week after TBI, but it was not significantly associated with the injury severity. Fractional anisotropy values, that represent the integrity of the white-matter tracts, were significantly diminished in several tracts in TBI patients compared to the control subjects. Compared to the cross-sectional ROI method, the tract-based analyses had better reproducibility to identify and measure white-matter tracts of interest by means of DTI tractography. Conclusions: As conventional MRI is still applied in clinical practice, it should be carried out soon after the injury, at least in symptomatic patients with negative CT scan. DWI-related brain diffusivity measurements may be used to improve the documenting of TBI. DTI tractography can be used to improve radiologic diagnostics in a symptomatic TBI sub-population with no findings on conventional MRI. Reproducibility of different tools to quantify fibre tracts vary considerably, which should be taken into consideration in the clinical DTI applications.
Due to technical restrictions of the database system the title of the thesis does not show corretly on this page. Numbers in the title are in superscript. Please see the PDF-file for correct title. ---- Osteomyelitis is a progressive inflammatory disease of bone and bone marrow that results in bone destruction due to an infective microorganism, most frequently Staphylococcus aureus. Orthopaedic concern relates to the need for reconstructive and trauma-related surgical procedures in the fast grow¬ing population of fragile, aged patients, who have an increased susceptibility to surgical site infections. Depending on the type of osteomyelitis, infection may be acute or a slowly progressing, low-grade infection. Peri-implant infections lead to implant loosening. The emerging antibiotic resistance of com¬mon pathogens further complicates the situation. With current imaging methods, significant limitations exist in the diagnosing of osteomyelitis and implant-related infections. Positron emission tomography (PET) with a glucose analogue, 18F-fluoro¬deoxyglucose (18F-FDG), seems to facilitate a more accurate diagnosis of chronic osteomyelitis. The method is based on the increased glucose consumption of activated inflammatory cells. Unfortunately, 18F-FDG accumulates also in sterile inflammation regions and causes false-positive findings, for exam¬ple, due to post-operative healing processes. Therefore, there is a clinical need for new, more infection-specific tracers. In addition, it is still unknown why 18F-FDG PET imaging is less accurate in the detec¬tion of periprosthetic joint infections, most frequently due to Staphylococcus epidermidis. This doctoral thesis focused on testing novel PET tracers (68Ga-chloride and 68Ga-DOTAVAP-P1) for early detections of bone infections and evaluated the role of pathogen-related factors in the appli¬cations of 18F-FDG PET in the diagnostics of bone infections. For preclinical models of S. epidermidis and S. aureus bone/implant infections, the significance of the causative pathogen was studied with respect to 18F-FDG uptake. In a retrospective analysis of patients with confirmed bone infections, the significance of the presence or absence of positive bacterial cultures on 18F-FDG uptake was evalu¬ated. 18F-FDG and 68Ga-chloride resulted in a similar uptake in S. aureus osteomyelitic bones. However, 68Ga-chloride did not show uptake in healing bones, and therefore it may be a more-specific tracer in the early post-operative or post-traumatic phase. 68Ga-DOTAVAP-P1, a novel synthetic peptide bind¬ing to vascular adhesion protein 1 (VAP-1), was able to detect the phase of inflammation in healing bones, but the uptake of the tracer was elevated also in osteomyelitis. Low-grade peri-implant infec¬tions due to S. epidermidis were characterized by a low uptake of 18F-FDG, which reflects the virulence of the causative pathogen and the degree of leukocyte infiltration. In the clinical study, no relationship was found between the level of 18F-FDG uptake and the presence of positive or negative bacterial cul¬tures. Thus 18F-FDG PET may help to confirm metabolically active infection process in patients with culture-negative, histologically confirmed, low-grade osteomyelitis.