471 resultados para pharmacists
Die Pharmazeutische Betreuung erfolgt mit dem Ziel der Identifikation, Vermeidung und Lösung von Arzneimittelbezogenen Problemen (AbP). In einer prospektiven, randomisierten Studie sollte geprüft werden, ob durch klinisch-pharmazeutische Betreuung bei multimorbiden Patienten mit Polymedikation die Dauer eines AbP verkürzt und ob durch einen individuellen, bebilderten Medikationsplan das Patientenwissen zur aktuellen stationären Medikation verbessert werden kann. In die Studie wurden 244 herzchirurgische Patienten eingeschlossen (≥65 Jahre, ≥5 Arzneimittel). Die Patienten wurden in vier Gruppen randomisiert. Es gab keine statistischen Unterschiede bezüglich der Patientenmerkmale Alter, Geschlecht, Aufnahmediagnose, Anzahl an Arzneimitteln bei der Aufnahme oder stationäre Verweildauer. Das Patientenwissen zur stationären Medikation wurde mittels Fragebogen bei 188 Patienten ermittelt (Rücklaufquote 78%). Zur objektiven Evaluation des Patientenwissens wurden die Patientenangaben zu Einnahmegründen, Arzneimittelbezeichnung, Stärke und Dosierung und zur Therapiedauer gerinnungshemmender Arzneimittel mit der tatsächlichen Medikation verglichen. Insgesamt wurden 1335 AbP bei 235 Patienten detektiert. Durch klinisch-pharmazeutische Betreuung konnten mehr AbP erkannt, frühzeitig gelöst und deren Dauer im Median von 4 auf 2 Tage signifikant (p-Wert<0,001) reduziert werden. Ein bebilderter Medikationsplan verbessert das Patientenwissen über die stationäre Medikation subjektiv und objektiv und erhöht die Motivation der Patienten, die Arzneimittel entsprechend den Einnahmehinweisen auf dem Medikationsplan einzunehmen.
Zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit und Effektivität der Phenprocoumon-Therapie wurden drei unterschiedliche Untersuchungen durchgeführt.rnZunächst wurde auf Grundlage bekannter Datenbanken und Informationsquellen zu Arznei-mittelinteraktionen (Drugdex, Abda Datenbank, Marcumar® Fachinformation, Coumarin-Interaktionsliste der Federatie van Nederlandse Trombosediensten, Review zu Warfarin-Interaktionen) eine handlungsorientierte Interaktionsdatenbank für Phenprocoumon erstellt. Dazu wurden in einer Übersichtstabelle relevante Informationen zu potentiellen Interaktionen für insgesamt 375 Arzneimittel zusammengestellt. Diese Tabelle wurde durch ein dreiköpfiges Expertenteam begutachtet und die potentiellen Interaktionspartner fünf verschiedenen Schweregraden und Stufen klinischer Relevanz zugeordnet. Für fast 50% der potentiellen Interaktionspartner wurden Handlungen als nicht erforderlich erachtet. Für die restlichen potentiellen Interaktionspartner wurden Handlungen zum klinischen Management der Interaktion in Abhängigkeit vom zeitlichen Zusammenhang mit der Phenprocoumon-Einnahme festgelegt. rnAnschließend wurde in einer Anwendungsbeobachtung der Zusammenhang zwischen der zusätzlichen Einnahme potentiell interagierender Arzneimittel (in der entwickelten Datenbank eingestuft mit dem Schweregrad „hoch“ und „sehr hoch“) und der Häufigkeit von Änderungen der Phenprocoumon-Wochendosis an 116 Patienten untersucht. Das relative Risiko für eine Dosisanpassung war bei Patienten in der Interaktions-Gruppe (n=23) signifikant erhöht (RR=1,9; p<0,001). Als weitere potentielle Einflussfaktoren stellten sich zunehmendes Alter (Alter 80-85 Jahre: RR=2; p<0,05), vielfache Komorbiditäten (4 Komorbiditäten: RR=2,1; p<0,05) und eingeschränkte Nieren- (RR=1,47; p>0,05) und Leberfunktion (RR=1,3; p>0,05) heraus.rnZur Untersuchung der Betreuungsqualität von VKA-Patienten im Thrombosedienst Mainz wurden retrospektiv die Daten von 118 Patienten ausgewertet. Als Qualitätsparameter wurden die prozentuale Häufigkeit von INR-Werten im Zielbereich, die TTR (Time in Therapeutic Range), die Dauer der NMH-Therapie, die Zeit bis zum Erreichen des Zielbereichs und der durchschnittliche Abstand zwischen zwei Kontrollterminen ermittelt. Im Median lag jeder Patient mit 73% der gemessenen INR-Werte und im individuellen Zielbereich. Die TTR betrug im Median 80%. Die Patienten benötigten 7 Tage zum Erreichen des Zielbereiches. Die NMH-Therapie wurde über 8 Tage durchgeführt. Die Patienten kamen im Median alle 11 Tage zu einem Kontrolltermin. Im Benchmark zu international publizierten Qualitätskenn-zahlen zur VKA-Therapie ist die Betreuungsqualität im Thrombosedienst Mainz als sehr gut einzustufen.rn
Purpose The accuracy, efficiency, and efficacy of four commonly recommended medication safety assessment methodologies were systematically reviewed. Methods Medical literature databases were systematically searched for any comparative study conducted between January 2000 and October 2009 in which at least two of the four methodologies—incident report review, direct observation, chart review, and trigger tool—were compared with one another. Any study that compared two or more methodologies for quantitative accuracy (adequacy of the assessment of medication errors and adverse drug events) efficiency (effort and cost), and efficacy and that provided numerical data was included in the analysis. Results Twenty-eight studies were included in this review. Of these, 22 compared two of the methodologies, and 6 compared three methods. Direct observation identified the greatest number of reports of drug-related problems (DRPs), while incident report review identified the fewest. However, incident report review generally showed a higher specificity compared to the other methods and most effectively captured severe DRPs. In contrast, the sensitivity of incident report review was lower when compared with trigger tool. While trigger tool was the least labor-intensive of the four methodologies, incident report review appeared to be the least expensive, but only when linked with concomitant automated reporting systems and targeted follow-up. Conclusion All four medication safety assessment techniques—incident report review, chart review, direct observation, and trigger tool—have different strengths and weaknesses. Overlap between different methods in identifying DRPs is minimal. While trigger tool appeared to be the most effective and labor-efficient method, incident report review best identified high-severity DRPs.
BACKGROUND: In 2003 the Swiss federation of pharmacists organized a campaign "sleep disturbances--daytime sleepiness". The goal was to assist pharmacy clients in detecting likely causes of any sleep disturbance or daytime sleepiness through a free of charge screening, and to deliver targeted counselling. For pharmacy practice there are no screening or triage guidelines to assess the severity of sleep and wakefulness disturbances and potential causes for those disturbances. In this paper the outcome of the campaign in terms of feasibility, participation, observed response patterns, sale of over-the-counter (OTC) sleeping pills, and counselling activities is evaluated. METHODS: The Stanford sleep disorders questionnaire and the Epworth sleepiness scale served to identify patterns of symptoms suggestive of four major categories of sleep disorders. The questionnaires were posted on a web-site and the clients' data were entered online in the pharmacies. A report was automatically generated and immediately available online to the pharmacists. The pharmacists documented separately their counselling activities in a pharmacist's activity report. RESULTS: Six hundred and twenty-two (23%) of 2743 pharmacy clients had response patterns suggestive of obstructive sleep apnoea, 418 (15%) of restless-legs-syndrome, 39 (1%) of a sleep disorder potentially associated with a psychiatric condition and 79 (3%) of narcolepsy. An Epworth sleepiness score >10 points was found in 567 (21%). After screening, 2345 (86%) pharmacy clients received targeted counselling. Only 216 (8%) purchased an OTC sleeping pill and 704 (26%) were recommended to consult a physician, but of these, 446 (63%) were already under medical supervision. CONCLUSIONS: The online screening tool for sleep disorders and daytime sleepiness was successfully introduced in Swiss pharmacies. Pharmacies were able to assess the pattern of individual sleep disorders and to identify a possible cause in nearly one-third of the cases.
PURPOSE: Although critically ill patients usually have various central intravenous (i.v.) lines, numerous drugs have to be infused simultaneously through the same lines. This can result in potentially harmful in-line incompatibility that can cause decreased drug effectiveness or increased microparticle load. To minimize the risk of these medication errors at an anesthesia intensive care unit (ICU), the preparation and administration of continuously infused drugs were standardized and the practicability in daily clinical routine was evaluated. SUMMARY: The concentration and diluent of continuously administered i.v. drugs were standardized. The drugs were grouped according to pH, medical indication, and chemical structure. The ICU staff decided to use multilumen central venous catheters, and each group of drugs was assigned to one lumen. Only drugs that belonged to the same group were infused simultaneously through the same lumen; therefore, intragroup incompatibilities had to be excluded before establishing the new drug administration plan at the ICU. The visual compatibility of 115 clinically reasonable intragroup drug mixtures was investigated. All drug combinations were compatible for six hours except mixtures containing thiopental, which was reassigned to a single-line use. In the following year, the practicability of this drug administration plan was evaluated. No deviations were found in the compliance of the staff prescribing and preparing only standardized concentrations and diluents. Further research to investigate the chemical compatibility of the drugs in these multiple mixtures will follow. CONCLUSION: A project intended to avoid incompatibility among i.v. drugs infused in the intensive care setting included steps to standardize solutions and determine which could be given together.
This study examines the social and behavioral determinants of two types of primary care, seeing a physician or a pharmacist, for Koreans and evaluates the equity of the Korean national health insurance system. The study applies the Aday and Andersen access framework to cross-sectional data from the 1992 Korean National Health Interview Survey (N = 21,841).^ The study found that in Korea, the elderly were most likely, and children least likely, to have used physician services. Women, household heads, those in small families, and the less educated were more likely than their counterparts to use physician and pharmacist services. Health status and need were important determinants of Koreans seeing a doctor or a pharmacist. Differences in need substantially accounted for the original differences observed between subgroups. Resources associated with having insurance coverage, a regular source of care, and place of residence (rural/urban) ameliorated to some extent the subgroup differences in the use of physicians' and pharmacists' services among Koreans. They were also major independent predictors of access. Having insurance remains a particularly important predictor of who uses physician services. Among the insured, trade-offs in the use of physician and pharmacist services were found in the current system, i.e., uninsured and poor Koreans were more likely to use pharmacist services, while insured and rural Koreans were more likely to use doctor services. Among the insured, cost sharing rates are lower for physician than for pharmacist services. Self-employed persons were less likely than government and industrial workers to use physician services. An underlying expectation under universal health insurance was that the Korean health care system would be equitable. The research results, however, did not fully support this expectation.^ The policy implications of these findings are that measures are required to extend insurance coverage to the uninsured, to equalize differences in benefit packages between health plans, and to expand the availability of physicians in rural areas. Further research is also needed to understand those who do not currently have a regular source of care and why and the access barriers that may exist for selected demographic subgroups (those in large families and unmarried or divorced/widowed persons). ^
The evolution of pharmaceutical care is identified through a complete review of the literature published in the American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, the sole comprehensive publication of institutional pharmacy practice. The evolution is categorized according to characteristics of structure (organizational structure, the role of the pharmacist), process (drug delivery systems, formulary management, acquiring drug products, methods to impact drug therapy decisions), and outcomes (cost of drug delivery, cost of drug acquisition and use, improved safety, improved health outcomes) recorded from the 1950s through the 1990s. While significant progress has been made in implementing basic drug distribution systems, levels of pharmacy involvement with direct patient care is still limited.^ A new practice framework suggests enhanced direct patient care involvement through increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of traditional pharmacy services. Recommendations advance internal and external organizational structure relationships that position pharmacists to fully use their unique skills and knowledge to impact drug therapy decisions and outcomes. Specific strategies facilitate expansion of the breadth and scope of each process component in order to expand the depth of integration of pharmacy and pharmaceutical care within the broad healthcare environment. Economic evaluation methods formally evaluate the impact of both operational and clinical interventions.^ Outcome measurements include specific recommendations and methods to increase efficiency of drug acquisition, emphasizing pharmacists' roles that impact physician prescribing decisions. Effectiveness measures include those that improve safety of drug distribution systems, decrease the potential of adverse drug therapy events, and demonstrate that pharmaceutical care can significantly contribute to improvement in overall health status.^ The implementation of the new framework is modeled on a case study at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. The implementation of several new drug distribution methods facilitated the redeployment of personnel from distributive functions to direct patient care activities with significant personnel and drug cost reduction. A cost-benefit analysis illustrates that framework process enhancements produced a benefit-to-cost ratio of 7.9. In addition, measures of effectiveness demonstrated significant levels of safety and enhanced drug therapy outcomes. ^
BACKGROUND There are no specific recommendations for the design and reporting of studies of children with fever and neutropenia (FN). As a result, there is marked heterogeneity in the variables and outcomes that are reported and new definitions continue to emerge. These inconsistencies hinder the ability of researchers and clinicians to compare, contrast and combine results. The objective was to achieve expert consensus on a core set of variables and outcomes that should be measured and reported, as a minimum, in pediatric FN studies. PROCEDURE The Delphi method was used to achieve consensus among an international group of clinicians, pharmacists, researchers, and patient representatives. Four surveys focusing on (i) the identification of a core set of variables and outcomes; and (ii) definitions of these variables and outcomes, were administered electronically. Consensus was predefined as more than 80% agreement on any statement. RESULTS There were forty-five survey participants and the response rate ranged between 84 and 96%. There was consensus on eight core variables and 10 core outcomes that should be collected and reported in all studies of children with FN. Consensus definitions were identified for all of the core outcomes. CONCLUSION Using the Delphi method, expert consensus on a set of core variables and outcomes, and their corresponding definitions, was achieved. These core sets represent the minimum that should be collected and reported in all studies of children with FN. This will promote collaboration and ensure consistency and comparability between studies.
Medication reconciliation, with the aim to resolve medication discrepancy, is one of the Joint Commission patient safety goals. Medication errors and adverse drug events that could result from medication discrepancy affect a large population. At least 1.5 million adverse drug events and $3.5 billion of financial burden yearly associated with medication errors could be prevented by interventions such as medication reconciliation. This research was conducted to answer the following research questions: (1a) What are the frequency range and type of measures used to report outpatient medication discrepancy? (1b) Which effective and efficient strategies for medication reconciliation in the outpatient setting have been reported? (2) What are the costs associated with medication reconciliation practice in primary care clinics? (3) What is the quality of medication reconciliation practice in primary care clinics? (4) Is medication reconciliation practice in primary care clinics cost-effective from the clinic perspective? Study designs used to answer these questions included a systematic review, cost analysis, quality assessments, and cost-effectiveness analysis. Data sources were published articles in the medical literature and data from a prospective workflow study, which included 150 patients and 1,238 medications. The systematic review confirmed that the prevalence of medication discrepancy was high in ambulatory care and higher in primary care settings. Effective strategies for medication reconciliation included the use of pharmacists, letters, a standardized practice approach, and partnership between providers and patients. Our cost analysis showed that costs associated with medication reconciliation practice were not substantially different between primary care clinics using or not using electronic medical records (EMR) ($0.95 per patient per medication in EMR clinics vs. $0.96 per patient per medication in non-EMR clinics, p=0.78). Even though medication reconciliation was frequently practiced (97-98%), the quality of such practice was poor (0-33% of process completeness measured by concordance of medication numbers and 29-33% of accuracy measured by concordance of medication names) and negatively (though not significantly) associated with medication regimen complexity. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios for concordance of medication number per patient per medication and concordance of medication names per patient per medication were both 0.08, favoring EMR. Future studies including potential cost-savings from medication features of the EMR and potential benefits to minimize severity of harm to patients from medication discrepancy are warranted. ^
Se presume que la prescripción de medicamentos sin receta médica en las farmacias es una práctica frecuente. El objetivo fue conocer la conducta del personal de las farmacias ante una consulta realizada por estudiantes de medicina entrenados para actuar como pacientes simulados de las siguientes situaciones: 1: Infección respiratoria alta, 2: Diarrea aguda; 3: Disuria, 4: Ulcera genital, 5: Hipertensión arterial, 6: Cefalea aguda, 7: Artralgia de tobillo. Se efectuaron 100 entrevistas y cada una de las situaciones se realizó al menos 12 veces. En solo el 28% de los casos no se indicó tratamiento y las 72 prescripciones fueron realizadas por 38 farmacéuticos y 34 no profesionales. La medicación se consideró inadecuada en 58.3%, iatrogénica en 51.4% y la posología incorrecta en 50%. Los fármacos más indicados fueron antibióticos (23.6%), AINES (20.8%), antidiarreicos (11.8%) y antigripales (9.7%). Las situaciones 7 (100%), 1 (93.3%) y 2 (84.6%) tuvieron la mayor frecuencia de indicación de tratamiento y fue significativa la negativa a medicar en las situaciones 4 (OR, 0.16) y 5 (OR, 0.22) (p<0.05). La prescripción fue incorrecta en el 100% de las situaciones 2 y 4 y iatrogénica en el 100% de las situaciones 2, 4 y 5. En 48 casos se sugirió consulta médica y la situación 5 tuvo 4.27 veces más posibilidades de ser derivada (p= 0.01). Este estudio demuestra que en las farmacias del gran Mendoza es común la venta de medicamentos sin prescripción médica lo que compromete la seguridad y salud de las personas.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the initial stages of the implementation of a risk-reduction model designed by Iniciativas Sanitarias to shield women from unsafe abortion in a traditional community on the Uruguay-Brazil border. METHODS: This mixed-design study was conducted first between 22 and 26 March 2010, and then between 2 and 7 May 2011, in Rivera, Uruguay, to gather information from women seen at health centers, healthcare providers, and local policy makers before the project started and midway through the project. RESULTS: At baseline most women and providers considered abortion justifiable only on narrow grounds, yet favored the implementation of a risk-reduction model that would include preabortion as well as postabortion counseling, the former providing information on different abortion methods and their risks. By the midterm assessment, the counseling service had assisted 87 women with unwanted pregnancies. Of the 52 who came for a postabortion visit, 50 had self-administered misoprostol, with no complications. Women were highly satisfied with the counseling. At baseline, misoprostol seemed to be available from both pharmacists and informal sellers. At midterm, it was still available from informal vendors but pharmacists said they did not provide misoprostol. The risk-reduction initiative heightened public attention to the abortion issue but the controversy it generated did not seriously impede its implementation. CONCLUSION: It is feasible to implement the proposed risk-reduction model in a traditional community such as Rivera, not only in Uruguay but in any country irrespective of its abortion laws.
Quase um em cada dez pacientes é lesionado ao receber cuidados de saúde e, destes, muitos sofrem lesões incapacitantes ou morte todos os anos. Entendendo a importância e o impacto negativo das falhas na segurança do paciente em âmbito global e a influência que a cultura e o clima de segurança exercem sobre a adoção de ações e decisões mais seguras, este estudo teve por objetivo a analise da cultura de segurança do paciente em instituições hospitalares, por meio da mensuração do clima de segurança. Trata-se de pesquisa quantitativa, transversal, do tipo Survey, em que para a realização da coleta de dados foi aplicado o Questionário de Atitudes de Segurança, adaptação transcultural para o Brasil do Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ) - Short Form 2006. O estudo ocorreu em dois hospitais gerais do estado de São Paulo, localizados em diferentes regiões metropolitanas, sendo um público e o outro privado. Os profissionais Médicos, Enfermeiros, Técnicos e Auxiliares de Enfermagem, Fisioterapeutas, Farmacêuticos e Nutricionistas, que atuavam nestes hospitais há pelo menos 6 meses, com carga horária de trabalho semanal de no mínimo 20 horas, constituíram a população deste estudo. Foi realizado um estudo piloto com 25 profissionais em cada hospital e a prevalência resultante deste teste foi utilizada no cálculo do tamanho amostral com nível de significância de 5%, erro relativo de 10% e perda de 20%, resultando em um total de 235 participantes. Os profissionais escolhidos como parte da amostra foram sorteados empregando-se amostragem aleatória simples computadorizada. As variáveis de cada domínio da escala quando testadas pelo Teste Kolmogorov-Smirnov não apresentaram normalidade. Deste modo, foi aplicado o Teste Mann-Whitney para comparar os valores das pontuações entre os hospitais e entre as categorias profissionais. Com relação aos resultados houve índice de participação de 86,8% da amostra sorteada, prevalecendo os sujeitos com 5 a 20 anos de tempo na especialidade, do gênero feminino, e trabalhadores da enfermagem. Não houve diferenças significantes dentre as pontuações obtidas pelos dois hospitais. Os participantes do estudo apresentaram percepção negativa quanto ao clima de segurança do paciente, com domínios Reconhecimento do Estresse e Percepção da Gestão apresentando resultados negativos, tanto para a amostra como um todo quanto por hospital. Os domínios Clima de Trabalho em Equipe, Satisfação no Trabalho e Comportamento Seguro/Práticas Seguras resultaram em percepções positivas para todas as categorias profissionais. Já o domínio Percepção da Gestão do Hospital resultou em percepção negativa para todas estas. Os Médicos e os Técnicos e Auxiliares de Enfermagem apresentaram percepções negativas em mais domínios. Em contrapartida, os Enfermeiros foram os únicos a apresentar atitude de segurança do paciente positiva, com escore total do SAQ exibindo diferença significante quando comparado a todas as outras categorias, apresentando também percepção positiva em maior número de domínios. Concluiu-se que existe a necessidade de abordagem relacionada ao Reconhecimento do Estresse dos profissionais, além dos aspectos do Gerenciamento. As categorias profissionais diferiram entre si com relação às percepções sobre a atitude de segurança do paciente. Desta forma, o desenvolvimento da cultura de segurança deve englobar todas as categorias profissionais, uma vez que esta abrange toda a organização, destacando-se a necessidade de enfoque de ações com relação a categoria dos Médicos e dos Técnicos e Auxiliares de Enfermagem. Além disso, ficou evidente o papel de destaque e liderança dos profissionais Enfermeiros nos processos de melhoria da qualidade, e colocando-os em posição privilegiada para conduzir os esforços de melhoria contínua da qualidade nos serviços de saúde
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.