938 resultados para locus of control


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A satisfação profissional tem sido nas últimas décadas encarada como condição importante, se não mesmo essencial para lograr e melhorar o funcionamento de empresas e demais organizações. Este relatório de estágio tem como objetivo conhecer as principais razões que condicionam a satisfação profissional dos enfermeiros que atuam nos Cuidados de Saúde Primários, nomeadamente no Centro de Saúde de Oleiros e pela necessidade em conhecer as relações existentes entre a satisfação no trabalho desses enfermeiros, o clima organizacional, o locus de controlo e algumas variáveis sócio-demográficas. O estágio decorreu entre fevereiro e junho de 2011, baseou –se num estudo exploratório, recorrendo-se a observação direta e aplicação de um questionário constituído por quatro partes distintas: questionário sócio-demográfico e profissional; Escala sobre a Satisfação Geral no Trabalho; Escala de Locus de Controlo de Levenson e a Work Environment Scale. A população – alvo é constituída por 9 enfermeiros que exercem funções no Centro de Saúde de Oleiros e salientando-se como principais conclusões que o conforto físico é o menos valorizado como importante para o clima organizacional, sendo o envolvimento e a coesão entre os colegas o mais valorizado. O relacionamento como dimensão do clima organizacional interfere no nível de satisfação geral no trabalho. O estudo demonstrou que das expectativas avaliadas através de uma escala de locus de controlo, sendo que os indivíduos cujos acontecimentos determinantes são percebidos como escapando ao controlo individual e dependentes de fatores tais como a ação de outras pessoas ou instituições poderosas, tendem a ter menor satisfação.


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BACKGROUND: Surveillance for colorectal neoplasia in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is widely practised despite a lack of convincing mortality reduction. The psychological impact of this approach is largely unexplored. AIM: To examine psychological well-being among IBD subjects undergoing colonoscopic surveillance for colorectal cancer (CRC). METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed by interrogating an IBD database for subjects currently enrolled in colonoscopic surveillance programmes. Identified surveillance subjects were age- and gender-matched with IBD control subjects not meeting surveillance criteria. Subjects were mailed a questionnaire including demographic details, the Short Form 36 (SF-36) survey to assess quality of life, the Spielberger State-Trait Personality Inventory, the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control, and a Risk Perception Questionnaire. RESULTS: One hundred and thirty-nine of 286 (49%) subjects responded, 53% male, 46% Crohn disease. Fifty-six per cent respondents were in the surveillance group. Surveillance subjects were older (55.4 vs 51.1 years; P = .048) with longer disease duration, but otherwise had comparable demographics with controls. Overall, quality of life was not significantly different between cohorts (mean SF-36 63.82 vs 65.48; P = 0.70). Groups did not differ on any locus of control classification (P = 0.52), nor was there any difference between mean scores on 'state' subscales of the Spielberger State-Trait Personality Inventory: anxiety (P = 0.91), curiosity (P = 0.12), anger (P = 0.81) or depression (P = 0.70). Both groups grossly overestimated their perceived lifetime risk of CRC at 50%, with no difference between surveillance and control subjects (P = 1.0). CONCLUSIONS: Enrolment in colonoscopic colon cancer surveillance does not appear to impair psychological well-being in individuals with IBD despite longer disease duration. IBD patients overestimate their risk of CRC.


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Entrepreneurship education has emerged as one popular research domain in academic fields given its aim at enhancing and developing certain entrepreneurial qualities of undergraduates that change their state of behavior, even their entrepreneurial inclination and finally may result in the formation of new businesses as well as new job opportunities. This study attempts to investigate the Colombian student´s entrepreneurial qualities and the influence of entrepreneurial education during their studies.


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Teniendo en cuenta el drástico aumento en Colombia y el mundo de la población adulta mayor la pirámide poblacional se ha invertido. Lo que ha generado que cada vez haya más adultos mayores y la esperanza de vida sea mayor. Motivo por el cual surge la importancia de conocer diversos aspectos del envejecimiento, entre ellos los estereotipos. Adicionalmente hay muy poca investigación relacionada con los estereotipos sobre el envejecimiento según el género y el periodo de desarrollo. Levy (2009) encontró que son los jóvenes quienes tienen más estereotipos negativos sobre el envejecimiento pues estos sienten que la vejez está muy lejos de su realidad actual y no es en una amenaza personal. Por otro lado Bodner, Bergman y Cohen (2012), encontraron que son los hombres quienes tienen más estereotipos negativos sobre el envejecimiento. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo describir el efecto del periodo del desarrollo y el género en los estereotipos sobre el envejecimiento en 860 adultos colombianos. Se midió la variable de estereotipos sobre el envejecimiento a través del cuestionario de Ramírez y Palacios (2015) y el periodo del desarrollo y el género a través de un cuestionario de datos sociodemograficos. Contrario a lo esperado, los resultados mostraron que no existe relación entre los estereotipos negativos con el género, el periodo del desarrollo, ni en la interacción de estos. En cambio, se encontraron diferencias entre los estereotipos positivos el género y el periodo de desarrollo. Se considera importante continuar realizando investigaciones relacionadas con esta temática pues cada vez son más los adultos mayores y la manera en que nos relacionemos con ellos, va a determinar un mejor proceso de envejecimiento para ellos.


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El objetivo que tiene este proyecto es revisar los conceptos básicos acerca de las relaciones que crean los líderes con sus colaboradores dentro de las organizaciones, dichas relaciones y vínculos pueden afectar positiva o negativamente el desempeño de sus actividades diarias dentro de una organización. Para darle inicio a la investigación se estudió como primer paso el concepto de liderazgo transformacional, capital psicológico y que componentes hacían parte de este factor. El desarrollo de la investigación se enfatizó entre el liderazgo transformacional y la autoeficacia ya que son factores claves dentro del desarrollo de las actividades organizacionales debido a que afectan claramente el capital humano de las compañías y están directamente relacionados con el crecimiento de las mismas, lo que nos llevó a preguntarnos ¿qué relación tendrá el liderazgo transformacional y la autoeficacia en la productividad de las empresas? Es aquí donde radica la importancia de esta investigación ya que el cambio de pensamiento de las organizaciones hacia un liderazgo transformacional podría lograr una maximización del desempeño del personal de trabajo en relación al objetivo de la compañía. Como conclusión llegamos a que efectivamente hay un efecto positivo en los individuos que desarrollan un capital psicológico específicamente en el factor de autoeficacia para lograr un desempeño destacable, productivo y eficiente dentro de las organizaciones.


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El propósito de este estudio es realizar un estado del arte sobre estrés laboral entre los años 2005 y 2016 utilizando artículos publicados en las bases de datos Ebsco, Apa-Psychnet, Proquest, Psycodoc, Pubmed, Redalyc y Scielo las cuales están abaladas por la Universidad del Rosario. Se hallaron en total 2674 artículos utilizando 6 palabras claves como criterios de búsqueda los cuales fueron Estrés Laboral, Estrés ocupacional, Estrés en el Trabajo, Job Stress, Work Stress y Occupational Stress. El instrumento de recolección de información fue una ficha bibliográfica modificada la cual permitió sistematizar los datos de los artículos encontrados en diferentes dimensiones para así poder utilizar los artículos encontrados como unidades de análisis para la investigación. El análisis de los artículos arrojó una diferencia significativa entre el volumen de publicaciones hechas en español versus las hechas en inglés tanto de artículos empíricos como teóricos. También se encontraron indicadores que permiten ver como el estudio del estrés laboral ha aumentado desde el año 2012 hasta la actualidad, siendo este el lapso en el cual el 59% de los artículos han sido arbitrados y subidos a las diferentes bases de datos.


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The changes in internal states, such as fear, hunger and sleep affect behavioral responses in animals. In most of the cases, these state-dependent influences are “pleiotropic”: one state affects multiple sensory modalities and behaviors; “scalable”: the strengths and choices of such modulations differ depending on the imminence of demands; and “persistent”: once the state is switched on the effects last even after the internal demands are off. These prominent features of state-control enable animals to adjust their behavioral responses depending on their internal demands. Here, we studied the neuronal mechanisms of state-controls by investigating energy-deprived state (hunger state) and social-deprived state of fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster, as prototypic models. To approach these questions, we developed two novel methods: a genetically based method to map sites of neuromodulation in the brain and optogenetic tools in Drosophila.

These methods, and genetic perturbations, reveal that the effect of hunger to alter behavioral sensitivity to gustatory cues is mediate by two distinct neuromodulatory pathways. The neuropeptide F (NPF) – dopamine (DA) pathway increases sugar sensitivity under mild starvation, while the adipokinetic hormone (AKH)- short neuropeptide F (sNPF) pathway decreases bitter sensitivity under severe starvation. These two pathways are recruited under different levels of energy demands without any cross interaction. Effects of both of the pathways are mediated by modulation of the gustatory sensory neurons, which reinforce the concept that sensory neurons constitute an important locus for state-dependent control of behaviors. Our data suggests that multiple independent neuromodulatory pathways are underlying pleiotropic and scalable effects of the hunger state.

In addition, using optogenetic tool, we show that the neural control of male courtship song can be separated into probabilistic/biasing, and deterministic/command-like components. The former, but not the latter, neurons are subject to functional modulation by social experience, supporting the idea that they constitute a locus of state-dependent influence. Interestingly, moreover, brief activation of the former, but not the latter, neurons trigger persistent behavioral response for more than 10 min. Altogether, these findings and new tools described in this dissertation offer new entry points for future researchers to understand the neuronal mechanism of state control.


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mitochondrial genomes are generally thought to be under selection for compactness, due to their small size, consistent gene content, and a lack of introns or intergenic spacers. As more animal mitochondrial genomes are fully sequenced, rearrangements and partial duplications are being identified with increasing frequency, particularly in birds (Class Ayes). In this study, we investigate the evolutionary history of mitochondrial control region states within the avian order Psittaciformes (parrots and cockatoos). To this aim, we reconstructed a comprehensive multi-locus phylogeny of parrots, used PCR of three diagnostic fragments to classify the mitochondrial control region state as single or duplicated, and mapped these states onto the phylogeny. We further sequenced 44 selected species to validate these inferences of control region state. Ancestral state reconstruction using a range of weighting schemes identified six independent origins of mitochondrial control region duplications within Psittaciformes. Analysis of sequence data showed that varying levels of mitochondrial gene and tRNA homology and degradation were present within a given clade exhibiting duplications. Levels of divergence between control regions within an individual varied from 0-10.9% with the differences occurring mainly between 51 and 225 nucleotides 3' of the goose hairpin in domain I. Further investigations into the fates of duplicated mitochondrial genes, the potential costs and benefits of having a second control region, and the complex relationship between evolutionary rates, selection, and time since duplication are needed to fully explain these patterns in the mitochondrial genome. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Network induced delay in networked control systems (NCS) is inherently non-uniformly distributed and behaves with multifractal nature. However, such network characteristics have not been well considered in NCS analysis and synthesis. Making use of the information of the statistical distribution of NCS network induced delay, a delay distribution based stochastic model is adopted to link Quality-of-Control and network Quality-of-Service for NCS with uncertainties. From this model together with a tighter bounding technology for cross terms, H∞ NCS analysis is carried out with significantly improved stability results. Furthermore, a memoryless H∞ controller is designed to stabilize the NCS and to achieve the prescribed disturbance attenuation level. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


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This correspondence paper addresses the problem of output feedback stabilization of control systems in networked environments with quality-of-service (QoS) constraints. The problem is investigated in discrete-time state space using Lyapunov’s stability theory and the linear inequality matrix technique. A new discrete-time modeling approach is developed to describe a networked control system (NCS) with parameter uncertainties and nonideal network QoS. It integrates a network-induced delay, packet dropout, and other network behaviors into a unified framework. With this modeling, an improved stability condition, which is dependent on the lower and upper bounds of the equivalent network-induced delay, is established for the NCS with norm-bounded parameter uncertainties. It is further extended for the output feedback stabilization of the NCS with nonideal QoS. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the main results of the theoretical development.


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This paper is concerned with the design and implementation of control strategies onto a test-bed vehicle with six degrees-of-freedom. We design our trajectories to be efficient in time and in power consumption. Moreover, we also consider cases when actuator failure can arise and discuss alternate control strategies in this situation. Our calculations are supplemented by experimental results.


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This paper serves as a first study on the implementation of control strategies developed using a kinematic reduction onto test bed autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). The equations of motion are presented in the framework of differential geometry, including external dissipative forces, as a forced affine connection control system. We show that the hydrodynamic drag forces can be included in the affine connection, resulting in an affine connection control system. The definitions of kinematic reduction and decoupling vector field are thus extended from the ideal fluid scenario. Control strategies are computed using this new extension and are reformulated for implementation onto a test-bed AUV. We compare these geometrically computed controls to time and energy optimal controls for the same trajectory which are computed using a previously developed algorithm. Through this comparison we are able to validate our theoretical results based on the experiments conducted using the time and energy efficient strategies.


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Popular wireless networks, such as IEEE 802.11/15/16, are not designed for real-time applications. Thus, supporting real-time quality of service (QoS) in wireless real-time control is challenging. This paper adopts the widely used IEEE 802.11, with the focus on its distributed coordination function (DCF), for soft-real-time control systems. The concept of the critical real-time traffic condition is introduced to characterize the marginal satisfaction of real-time requirements. Then, mathematical models are developed to describe the dynamics of DCF based real-time control networks with periodic traffic, a unique feature of control systems. Performance indices such as throughput and packet delay are evaluated using the developed models, particularly under the critical real-time traffic condition. Finally, the proposed modelling is applied to traffic rate control for cross-layer networked control system design.


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Is it possible to control identities using performance management systems (PMSs)? This paper explores the theoretical fusion of management accounting and identity studies, providing a synthesised view of control, PMSs and identification processes. It argues that the effective use of PMSs generates a range of obtrusive mechanistic and unobtrusive organic controls that mediate identification processes to achieve a high level of identity congruency between individuals and collectives—groups and organisations. This paper contends that mechanistic control of PMSs provides sensebreaking effects and also creates structural conditions for sensegiving in top-down identification processes. These processes encourage individuals to continue the bottom-up processes of sensemaking, enacting identity and constructing identity narratives. Over time, PMS activities and conversations periodically mediate several episode(s) of identification to connect past, current and future identities. To explore this relationship, the dual locus of control—collectives and individuals—is emphasised to explicate their interplay. This multidisciplinary approach contributes to explaining the multidirectional effects of PMSs in obtrusive as well as unobtrusive ways, in order to control the nature of collectives and individuals in organisations.


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Is it possible to control identities using performance management systems (PMSs)? This paper explores the theoretical fusion of management accounting and identity studies, providing a synthesised view of control, PMSs and identification processes. It argues that the effective use of PMSs generates a range of obtrusive mechanistic and unobtrusive organic controls that mediate identification processes to achieve a high level of identity congruency between individuals and collectives—groups and organisations. This paper contends that mechanistic control of PMSs provides sensebreaking effects and also creates structural conditions for sensegiving in top-down identification processes. These processes encourage individuals to continue the bottom-up processes of sensemaking, enacting identity and constructing identity narratives. Over time, PMS activities and conversations periodically mediate several episode(s) of identification to connect past, current and future identities. To explore this relationship, the dual locus of control—collectives and individuals—is emphasised to explicate their interplay. This multidisciplinary approach contributes to explaining the multidirectional effects of PMSs in obtrusive as well as unobtrusive ways, in order to control the nature of collectives and individuals in organisations.