976 resultados para final degree project


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This final year project presents the design principles and prototype implementation of BIMS (Biomedical Information Management System), a flexible software system which provides an infrastructure to manage all information required by biomedical research projects.The BIMS project was initiated with the motivation to solve several limitations in medical data acquisition of some research projects, in which Universitat Pompeu Fabra takes part. These limitations,based on the lack of control mechanisms to constraint information submitted by clinicians, impact on the data quality, decreasing it.BIMS can easily be adapted to manage information of a wide variety of clinical studies, not being limited to a given clinical specialty. The software can manage both, textual information, like clinical data (measurements, demographics, diagnostics, etc ...), as well as several kinds of medical images (magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, etc ...). Moreover, BIMS provides a web - based graphical user interface and is designed to be deployed in a distributed andmultiuser environment. It is built on top of open source software products and frameworks.Specifically, BIMS has been used to represent all clinical data being currently used within the CardioLab platform (an ongoing project managed by Universitat Pompeu Fabra), demonstratingthat it is a solid software system, which could fulfill requirements of a real production environment.


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Tässä insinöörityössä suunniteltiin Helsingin ammattikorkeakoululle jakeluverkoissa tapahtuvien oikosulkujen symmetristen komponenttien laskutavan havainnollistamiseen sopiva sijaiskytkentä. Sijaiskytkennässä tärkeitä huomioitavia asioita olivat mm. jännitetaso, havainnollistavien muuntajien oikosulkukestoisuus, jatkokäyttö laboratoriotyönä ja yleinen havainnollistavuus. Työssä on aluksi perehdytty symmetristen komponenttien ja jakeluverkoissa tapahtuvien oikosulkujen teoriaan. Tämän jälkeen mitoitettiin tarvittavan kytkennän komponenttien jännite- ja virtakestoisuudet mahdolliset lisäkäytöt huomioiden. Näiden rajoitusten mukaan perusteella työtä ruvettiin toteuttamaan. Työssä tilattiin sähkön 40 V:n pääjännitetasolle alentava muuntaja syöttämään oikosulun kestävää muuntajaa, jolla simuloitiin jakeluverkon yleisimpiä vikatyyppejä. Jälkimmäiselle muuntajalle mitoitettiin ja hankittiin sisäistä impedanssia vastaava induktanssi. Tämän avulla rakennettiin kokonaisuus, jonka avulla voidaan simuloida kaikkia tapahtuvia oikosulkuja vastaavat sijaiskytkennät. Työhön jätettiin kehittämisvaraa ja muita laboratoriotyön rakentamismahdollisuuksia tulevien insinööritöiden tekijöille.


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Tässä työssä tutkitaan Merima Oy:n tuotantolaitoksen toimintaa ohjattavuusanalyysillä. Työn tarkoituksena on etsiä potentiaalisia kehityskohteita yrityksen tuotannosta. Yrityksen tuotanto on muutospaineessa ja se tarvitsee kvantitatiivista informaatiota kehityksen suunnannäyttäjäksi. Työ aloitettiin jalostamalla yrityksen tuotannonohjausjärjestelmästä saatava data analysoitavaan muotoon. Tämän jälkeen päätettiin analyysityypeistä, joita työssä käytetään. Analyysivaiheessa jalostettu data saatettiin informoivaan muotoon, jonka jälkeen voitiin analysoida tuloksia ja tehdä johtopäätöksiä. Työn tuloksena saadaan joukko kehityskohteita, joihin kehityspanos tulisi fokusoida. Lisäksi raportin lopussa pohditaan keinoja kehityskohteiden parantamiseksi.


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Tässä insinöörityössä selvitetään ABB Oy System AC -liiketoimintayksikön pakkaamon ulkoistamiseen liittyviä ongelmia sekä mahdollisia ratkaisuja näihin ongelmiin. Koko ongelman käsittely on liian laaja projektin yhdelle insinöörityölle. Tässä työssä keskitytään ratkaisemaan ko. ulkoistamiseen liittyvät keskeisimmät ACS800-kaappimoduulien kuljetuslogistiset ongelmat. Näitä ongelmia ovat kaappimoduulien kiinnitystarve kuljetusalustaansa sekä kuljetuspaketoinnin puuttuessa kaappimoduulien suojaaminen maantiekuljetuksen ajaksi. Työssä on otettu huomioon viranomaisten maantiekuljetuksia koskevat vaatimukset. Työssä on suunniteltu uusia kiinnitysvälineitä sekä muutoksia olemassa oleviin kuljetusalustoihin, joita käytetään tehtaan sisäisissä kaappimoduulien siirroissa. Kiinnitysvälineistä on tehty lujuuslaskelmia ja määritelty kiristysmomentteja. Tuotettavuuden ja kustannustehokkuuden kannalta on selvitetty kiinnitysvälineisiin soveltuvia materiaalivaihtoehtoja. Kuljetusalustojen muutoksista on myös tehty ohjeistusta. Tämän työn tulos on uusien kiinnitysvälineiden ja kuljetusalustojen mekaanisten muutosten suunnittelu. Samalla on todistettu, että kaappimoduulien siirto tehtaan ulkopuoliseen pakkaamoon ilman kuljetuspaketointia on teoriassa mahdollista.


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L’objectiu que pretén aquest treball final de Grau en Ciències de l’Activitat Física i l’Esport, és fer una aproximació inicial a la caracterització dels professors d’Educació Física en la secundària i la identitat docent que se’n deriva per les característiques de l’alumnat d’aquesta etapa i d’organització de les matèries. Alhora pretén reflexionar sobre la importància dels elements relacionals i soci - emocionals que ha de conrear tot docent que treballa en les etapes de l’adolescència. Per aconseguir aquest objectiu he enquestat a diferents professors/es i, a una desena d’alumnes de cada professor/a per tal d’analitzar les diferents característiques de cadascú i identificar les més recurrents i/o més eficaces que defineixen a un/a bon/a professor/a de secundària. Després d’aquest anàlisi de contingut de les respostes dels alumnes i les enquestes i entrevistes dels propis professors/es, podem concloure que hi ha quatre variables importants a tenir en compte; el perfil personal, la metodologia que utilitza cada professor/a en les seves classes, la convivència amb el grup – classe i la societat i, la formació del professorat.


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The final year project came to us as an opportunity to get involved in a topic which has appeared to be attractive during the learning process of majoring in economics: statistics and its application to the analysis of economic data, i.e. econometrics.Moreover, the combination of econometrics and computer science is a very hot topic nowadays, given the Information Technologies boom in the last decades and the consequent exponential increase in the amount of data collected and stored day by day. Data analysts able to deal with Big Data and to find useful results from it are verydemanded in these days and, according to our understanding, the work they do, although sometimes controversial in terms of ethics, is a clear source of value added both for private corporations and the public sector. For these reasons, the essence of this project is the study of a statistical instrument valid for the analysis of large datasets which is directly related to computer science: Partial Correlation Networks.The structure of the project has been determined by our objectives through the development of it. At first, the characteristics of the studied instrument are explained, from the basic ideas up to the features of the model behind it, with the final goal of presenting SPACE model as a tool for estimating interconnections in between elements in large data sets. Afterwards, an illustrated simulation is performed in order to show the power and efficiency of the model presented. And at last, the model is put into practice by analyzing a relatively large data set of real world data, with the objective of assessing whether the proposed statistical instrument is valid and useful when applied to a real multivariate time series. In short, our main goals are to present the model and evaluate if Partial Correlation Network Analysis is an effective, useful instrument and allows finding valuable results from Big Data.As a result, the findings all along this project suggest the Partial Correlation Estimation by Joint Sparse Regression Models approach presented by Peng et al. (2009) to work well under the assumption of sparsity of data. Moreover, partial correlation networks are shown to be a very valid tool to represent cross-sectional interconnections in between elements in large data sets.The scope of this project is however limited, as there are some sections in which deeper analysis would have been appropriate. Considering intertemporal connections in between elements, the choice of the tuning parameter lambda, or a deeper analysis of the results in the real data application are examples of aspects in which this project could be completed.To sum up, the analyzed statistical tool has been proved to be a very useful instrument to find relationships that connect the elements present in a large data set. And after all, partial correlation networks allow the owner of this set to observe and analyze the existing linkages that could have been omitted otherwise.


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El treball final de grau està orientat a l'estudi de les competències professionals d'un enginyer en informàtica i sobre la formació que ha de proporcionar un pla d'estudis per poder-les desenvolupar.


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Memoria del proyecto final de máster de la categoría administración de web y comercio electrónico. Documenta los cambios realizados en la plataforma de comercio electrónico open source PrestaShop para la web GrandesZapatos.com.


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Clopidogrel is a widely used antiplatelet drug used in preventing vascular events after suffering a first stoke. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) has not been able to establish a clear association between polymorphisms and recurrence. Therefore in the present final master project an epigenetic approach is proposed. Using an array based technology, 450.000 CpG sites across all genome were assessed in 48 individuals (21 cases and 21 controls). Looking at differentially methylated levels between cases and controls, 58 CpG sites (DMGs) were found. Although, no clear locus was observed. Looking individually to each 49 genes, two appeared to be important to our study. TRAF3 and ADAMTS2 are gens highly related to platelet aggregation. In orther to confirm these result, a new DNA methylation study will be done in a larger cohort, using Sequenom technology.


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This final thesis project was carried out in the Industrial Management department of University of Applied Sciences Stadia for Forum Virium Helsinki. The purpose of this study was to answer to the question of how companies can use online customer community of co-creation in service development and what is the value gained from it. The paper combines a range of recently published theoretical works and ongoing customer community case development. The study aims to provide new information and action approaches to new service developers that may increase the success of the community building process. The paper also outlines the benefits of the use of online customer community and offers practical suggestions for maximizing the value gained from the community in service development projects. The concepts and suggestions introduced in the study appear to have notable new possibilities to the service development process but they have to be further tested empirically. This paper describes the online consumer community of co-creation to an important organizational process of innovation management suggesting that it possesses a great value to business. Online customer communities offer a potential of improving the success of new services or products enabling early, penetrable market entry and creating sustainable competitive advantage.


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En aquest Treball de Final de Grau es proposa un pla de gestió per a la finca de propietat privada de la Casanova de Dalt, situada al municipi de les Masies de Voltregà, a Osona. Aquesta finca no disposa de cap element que gestioni el patrimoni natural i cultural que conté, per aquest motiu és de gran interès la seva redacció. L’objectiu del projecte és analitzar els valors que posseeix la finca: faunístics, florístics, paisatgístics, culturals, etc. per avaluar la importància d’aquesta com a punt estratègic dins la comarca, ja que actua com a connector ecològic entre diferents espais protegits de la zona. Un cop obtinguda tota la informació s’han proposat uns objectius per a la finca i un seguit d’estratègies per aconseguir els objectius establerts. Com a resultats del projecte s’han elaborat 7 fitxes d’actuació per dur a terme a la finca. Aquestes fitxes corresponen a estratègies per a la gestió de l’espai i es basen en dues línies principals de treball, la conservació de la biodiversitat i l’ordenació d’usos. La primera està enfocada en conservar els principals valors naturals que presenta la finca i la segona està dirigida a fer compatibles les activitats ago-ramaderes que s’hi duen a terme amb els anteriors valors.


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El tema central d'aquest Treball Final de Grau és el joc i les seves potencialitats com a eina inclusiva. El objectiu de la recerca és conèixer la importància que té el joc en l'educació infantil i indagar sobre las possibilitats que aporta a la inclusió de nens i nenes amb necessitats educatives especials. El treball es divideix en diferents apartats. Inicialment, es fa una recerca teòrica sobre com el joc col·labora en l’educació dels infants a nivell acadèmic i transversal i sobre els beneficis de l’activitat lúdica en els alumnes amb necessitats educatives especials. A continuació, es realitza un estudi de cas d’un infant amb certes necessitats dins d’un context escolar i s’analitza la funció el joc com el mecanisme d’ajuda per incloure’l dins d’un grup. L’estudi es porta a terme mitjançant l’observació de l’infant a l’escola i de entrevistes realitzades amb diferents persones del seu entorn. Per últim, es presenta una anàlisi de les dades recollides amb l’objectiu d’extreure conclusions sobre com el joc pot ser una eina per incloure els infants amb necessitats educatives especials dins d’un grup-classe.


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This Degree Project is the development of an application for mobile devices with Android operating system. It is based on a generic manual with exercises for Alzheimer patients. The aim of the manual -and therefore, of the video game- is simply to be helpful in stimulating cognitive abilities of patients, ie players.


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Enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic polymers is likely to become one of the key technologies enabling industrial production of liquid biofuels and chemicals from lignocellulosic biomass. Certain types of enzymes are able to hydrolyze cellulose and hemicellulose polymers to shorter units and finally to sugar monomers. These monomeric sugars are environmentally acceptable carbon sources for the production of liquid biofuels, such as bioethanol, and other chemicals, such as organic acids. Liquid biofuels in particular have been shown to contribute to the reduction of net emissions of greenhouse gases. The solid residue of enzymatic hydrolysis is composed mainly of lignin and partially degraded fibers, while the liquid phase contains the produced sugars. It is usually necessary to separate these two phases at some point after the hydrolysis stage. Pressure filtration is an efficient technique for this separation. Solid-liquid separation of biomass suspensions is difficult, because biomass solids are able to retain high amounts of water, which cannot be readily liberated by mechanical separation techniques. Most importantly, the filter cakes formed from biomaterials are compressible, which ultimately means that the separation may not be much improved by increasing the filtration pressure. The use of filter aids can therefore facilitate the filtration significantly. On the other hand, the upstream process conditions have a major influence on the filtration process. This thesis investigates how enzymatic hydrolysis and related process conditions affect the filtration properties of a cardboard suspension. The experimental work consists of pressure filtration and characterization of hydrolysates. The study provides novel information about both issues, as the relationship between enzymatic hydrolysis conditions and subsequent filtration properties has so far not been considered in academic studies. The results of the work reveal that the final degree of hydrolysis is an important factor in the filtration stage. High hydrolysis yield generally increases the average specific cake resistance. Mixing during the hydrolysis stage resulted in undefined changes in the physical properties of the solid residue, causing a high filtration resistance when the mixing intensity was high. Theoretical processing of the mixing data led to an interesting observation: the average specific cake resistance was observed to be linearly proportional to the mixer shear stress. Another finding worth attention is that the size distributions of the solids did not change very dramatically during enzymatic hydrolysis. There was an observable size reduction during the first couple of hours, but after that the size reduction was minimal. Similarly, the size distribution of the suspended solids remained almost constant when the hydrolyzed suspension was subjected to intensive mixing. It was also found that the average specific cake resistance was successfully reduced by the use of filter aids. This reduction depended on the method of how the filter aids were applied. In order to obtain high filtration capacity, it is recommended to use the body feed mode, i.e. to mix the filter aid with the slurry prior to filtration. Regarding the quality of the filtrate, precoat filtration was observed to produce a clear filtrate with negligible suspended solids content, while the body feed filtrates were turbid, irrespective of which type of filter aid was used.


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The study injected ten pigs with Naltrexone and ten pigs a saline injection to study the effects on relaxation. In the end, the study discovered that "treatment had no effect on the final degree of relaxation", but "pressure on the sides of a pig's body in a comfortable padded apparatus will induce pigs to relax".