361 resultados para enlightenment


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Is there a concept of nationhood in the Bible that can provide us with a framework for cross-cultural Christian mission? This thesis argues that current evangelical missiology has accepted too willingly the categories of the secular Enlightenment understanding of ethnicity and nationhood, and that it needs to rethink its understanding of nations from a biblical standpoint. While the pressures of globalisation are seen by some as rapidly eclipsing the nation-state, this thesis will argue that we need to move beyond the narrower secular categories of citizenship, political power and the boundaries of the state to recover a more biblical understanding of nationhood. By reference to Genesis 10-11, Acts 2:1-11 and those passages in the Book of Revelation that discuss the destiny of the nations, it will show that the biblical understanding of nations includes deeper ideas of shared history, culture and language as the essential components of nationhood. It will explain how nations are part of the created order, and explore the impact of the Babel narrative on our understanding of nations in relation to God. It will demonstrate that Pentecost did not reverse the curse of Babel, but served rather to honour the dignity and value of nations and their languages. It will also argue that nations have a destiny in the New Creation according to the Book of Revelation. This biblical concept of nationhood has significant implications in several areas: the development of a public theology; a Christian response to nationalism; the question of how urban mission fits within mission to the nations; and the importance of indigenous languages in cross-cultural mission, especially in the multicultural cities of Europe.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena ja tavoitteena on ymmärtää osuuskunnan ja erityisesti osuuskaupan edustajiston tehtäviä ja roolia. Tutkimuksessa halutaan tunnistaa osuuskunnan edustajiston tehtävät ja rooli siten, että ne parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla lisäisivät edustajiston jäsenten vaikuttavuutta ja vaikuttavuuden tunnetta. Tarkoituksena on kehittää toimintaa sellaiseksi, että edustajiston jäsenet kokevat osuuskunnan omakseen ja roolinsa siellä tärkeäksi, ja tätä kautta sitoutuvat tehtäviinsä ja ottavat vastuuta. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, kuinka edustajisto voi tulevaisuudessa toteuttaa edustuksellista rooliaan parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla huomioiden jäsenten osuuskuntatoimintaa koskevat arvot, tavoitteet sekä odotukset. Tutkimus suoritettiin laadullisena haastattelututkimuksena, johon kuului kuusi puolistrukturoitua haastattelua huhtikuussa 2016. Esimerkkiorganisaationa tässä tutkimuksessa käytettiin Helsingin Osuuskauppa Elannon edustajistoa. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että edustajiston jäsenet tuntevat roolinsa ja tehtävänsä vaikuttavaksi, mutta ongelma näyttäisi olevan, että tätä mielikuvaa ei ole pystytty siirtämään eteenpäin jäsenistölle. Jotta mielikuva ja tieto välittyisi ulospäin pitäisi tutkimusta tehdä vielä lisää sekä lisätä mainontaa, koulutusta ja valistusta edustajiston tehtävien ja roolin tiimoilta. Edustajat kokevat tulosten mukaan roolinsa tärkeäksi, mutta parannettavaa löytyi osuuskunnan omaksi tuntemisessa sekä sitä kautta sitoutumisessa. Omistuksen tunteen kehittyminen auttaisi sitoutumisessa työhön. Kollektiivisena tällainen omistamisen tunne palvelisi myös osuuskunnan etuja edustajien paremman työpanoksen ja yhteisten päämäärien kautta. Tällainen vahvemman siteen syntyminen edesauttaisi myös mielikuvien ja ennakkoluulojen muuttamista, joita osuuskunnan jäsenillä näyttäisi olevan edustajistosta ei kollektiivisena yhteisönä.


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Notre étude porte le western crépusculaire et cherche plus précisément à extraire le « crépusculaire » du genre. L'épithète « crépusculaire », héritée du vocabulaire critique des années 1960 et 1970, définit généralement un nombre relativement restreint d'œuvres dont le récit met en scène des cowboys vieillissants dans un style qui privilégie un réalisme esthétique et psychologique, fréquemment associé à un révisionnisme historique, voire au « western pro-indien », mais qui se démarque par sa propension à filmer des protagonistes fatigués et dépassés par la marche de l'Histoire. Par un détour sur les formes littéraires ayant comme contexte diégétique l’Ouest américain (dime-novel et romans de la frontière), nous effectuons des allers et retours entre les formes épique et romanesque, entre l’Histoire et son mythe, entre le littéraire et le filmique pour mieux saisir la relation dyadique qu’entretient le western avec l’écriture, d’une part monumentale et d’autre part critique, de l’Histoire. Moins intéressée à l’esthétique des images qu’aux aspects narratologiques du film pris comme texte, notre approche tire profit des analyses littéraires pour remettre en cause les classifications étanches qui ont marqué l’évolution du western cinématographique. Nous étudions, à partir des intuitions d’André Bazin au sujet du sur-western, les modulations narratives du western ainsi que l’émergence d’une conscience critique à partir de ses héros mythologiques (notamment le cow-boy). Notre approche est à la fois épistémologique et transhistorique en ce qu’elle cherche à dégager du western crépusculaire un genre au-delà des genres, fondé sur une incitation à la narrativisation crépusculaire de la part du spectateur. Cette dernière, concentrée par une approche deleuzienne de l’image-cristal, renvoie non plus seulement à une conception existentialiste du personnage dans l’Histoire, mais aussi à une mise en relief pointue du hors-cadre du cinéma, moment de clairvoyance à la fois pragmatique et historicisant que nous définissons comme une image-fin, une image chronogénétique relevant de la contemporanéité de ses figures et de leurs auteurs.


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Studies of strategic HRM have dominated HRM research over the last three decades. Focusing on the HRM-organisation performance relationship, researchers take various themes and perspectives in their approach to strategic HRM. Among these themes, two contrasting approaches of strategic HRM continue to flourish: first, the best practice approach suggests that certain HRM practices will have the same effect irrespective of context and, second, the best fit approach suggests that the choice of HRM practices should be designed in accordance with an organisations’ specific context. While there is little consensus on what constitutes strategic HRM, the most common feature agreed in this field is the notion of the strategic integration; aligning HRM practices with organisations’ overall strategic objectives (vertical fit) and with each other (horizontal fit). Utilising the best fit approach as its theoretical framework, this study examines how vertical and horizontal fit is practised in the Indonesian civil service and what factors likely influence the prevalence of vertical and horizontal fit in the Indonesian civil service context. This study is significant for two important reasons. Firstly, the literature suggests that there are limited studies examining the best fit concept in the civil sector despite its implementation in the private sector positively contributing to organisational performance improvement. Secondly, the study provides enlightenment on how the best fit approach could contribute to performance improvement in the Indonesian civil service. This is in line with the fact that negative images of the Indonesian civil service are continuously highlighted although various HRM reform initiatives have been put in place. To achieve the objectives of the study, the qualitative case study approach accompanied by semi-structured interviews was employed involving 53 senior officials and one focus group discussion from eight Indonesian government agencies, consisting of three central agencies mandated to manage human resources, the National Bureaucratic Reform Team and four line agencies from both central and local governments. Thematic analysis was employed for data analyses and NVIVO software was used to manage the data. The study suggests three main findings. First, various HRM initiatives in relation to the HRM reform have been introduced in the Indonesian civil service differentiating them from the old HRM practices. However, the findings indicate that some HRM policies are still contradicting and hinder vertical and horizontal fit. Second, despite the contradictory policies, vertical and horizontal fit can be seen in the line agencies which have been acknowledged as ‘reformed agencies’. This demonstrates that the line agencies play an important role in aligning HRM practices with the line agencies’ goals and objectives and with one another although they are bounded by HRM policies that are unlikely to support the vertical and horizontal fit concept. Third, factors influencing the prevalence of vertical and horizontal fit include knowledge of contemporary HRM in both central agencies and line agencies, commitment from the line agencies’ leaders, devolvement of HRM to the line agencies and the socio-political and economic environments of the Indonesian civil service. The findings of the study raise policy, practical and theoretical implications. In terms of policy implications, the study highlights the importance of fit in HRM policies to support the achievement of the line agencies’ goals. Therefore, when formulating an HRM policy, the central agencies need to ensure that the HRM policy is linked to line agencies’ goals and to other HRM policies. This is to ensure synchronisation among the policies and thus maximising the achievement of the line agencies’ goals. From the practical perspectives, the study highlights important points which can be learned by the central agencies in carrying out their strategic role with regard to the formulation of HRM policies; by the line agencies in maximising the contribution of HRM to the achievement of the goals and objectives of the agencies through the implementation of the best fit concept, and by the leaders of the agencies in providing continuous support to each of the involved parties in the line agencies and involving the HRM department in all agency’s strategic decision-making. In relation to the theoretical implication, it is clear that the best fit approach is not thoroughly applied due to factors discussed previously. However, this does not mean that the best fit concept cannot be implemented. As argued by McCourt & Ramgutty-Wong (2003), instead of adopting the whole concept of best fit, a modulated approach reflecting the best fit concept, such as selecting individual HRM practices and experimenting with devolution, is possible for civil service organisations which still embrace centralised HRM systems. As demonstrated in the findings, some of the line agencies being studied seem to be ready to adopt the best fit approach given that they have knowledge of the best fit concept, strong support from the top leader, less political intervention and less corruption, collusion, and nepotism practices in their HRM practices.


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Dissertação de dout. História da Arte, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2006


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília,Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, 2014.


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Three and a half centuries after the treaty of Westphalia ended the bloody religious wars in Europe, religious zealots are again threatening to undo the progress of Western civilised society, the achievements of science, the Enlightenment and liberal democracy. Such is the charge of the 'new atheist' movements of which Michael Onfray is but one example. Onfray's self-confessed task is to rekindle the Enlightenment, to shine 'Atheology's dazzling light' on the tyranny and darkness of monotheism. And in just 219 pages, Onfray exposes 4,000 years of evil and darkness perpetrated by the three monotheistic religions-or so his Atheist Manifesto claims (2007: 219).It is the new atheists' rejection of the Enlightenment principle of toleration that prompted Karen Armstrong to write her book The Case for God. The Case for God is an argument and demonstration that all forms of fundamentalism represent a 'defiantly unorthodox form of faith that frequently misrepresents the tradition it is trying to defend' (2009: 7). As a modem twentieth century movement, fundamentalist movements are essentially pragmatic, 'modem, innovative, and modernizing' and have a symbiotic relationship 'with an aggressive liberalism or secularism' (Armstrong 2000: 178).


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Dans Dialectique de la Raison, Adorno et Horkheimer tentent d’esquisser le pourquoi et le comment de ce retour à la barbarie qu’a connu la civilisation européenne, lors du troisième Reich. Quelles sont ces conditions qui ont rendu possibles les massacres administrés sous le régime nazi? La résolution de cette énigme qui se solde sur l’échec de l’Auflkärung nous dévoile une nécessité, celle d’une transformation radicale à la fois de l’éthique et de la métaphysique dans sa conception de la vérité. Celle-ci se présente à nous sous la forme d’une norme morale : « Dans leur état de non-liberté, Hitler a imposé aux hommes un nouvel impératif catégorique; penser et agir en sorte qu’Auschwitz ne se répète pas ». Quelles modalités de penser et d’agir nous exhortent ce nouvel impératif catégorique? La philosophie d’Adorno, critiqué pour n’avoir été que négative dans son entreprise, est-elle en mesure de nous fournir des prescriptions normatives capables de réorienter le penser théorétique et l’éthique?


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The purpose of my thesis is to analyze notions of the sublime in James Joyce’s Ulysses and how the sublime is evoked and presented in Joyce’s work. The present work will examine concepts of the sublime from the Classical and Medieval period, through the Enlightenment, and into the Romantic era to develop my own definition. Placing the sublime in a historical perspective allows me to discover how the sublime is at work through Joyce’s creative use of complex narrative approaches. The beauty of aesthetic perfection was achieved by employing all of Joyce’s artistic faculties. My thesis investigates how Ulysses’ experimental writing technique, unique structuring, and difficult prose created a work of genius which evokes the sublime. By analyzing Joyce’s use of language, unconventional narrative, and ambiguity in Ulysses I will explore how the sublime is aroused.


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The popularization of academic spaces that combine Buddhist philosophy with the literature of the Romantic period – a discipline I refer to as Buddhist Romantic Studies – have exposed the lack of scholarly attention Samuel Taylor Coleridge and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner have received within such studies. Validating Coleridge’s right to exist within Buddhist Romantic spheres, my thesis argues that Coleridge was cognizant of Buddhism through historical and textual encounters. To create a space for The Rime within Buddhist Romantic Studies, my thesis provides an interpretation of the poem that centers on the concept of prajna, or wisdom, as a vital tool for cultivating the mind. Focusing on prajna, I argue that the Mariner’s didactic story traces his cognitive voyage from ignorance to enlightenment. By examining The Rime within the framework of Buddhism, readers will also be able to grasp the importance of cultivating the mind and transcending ignorance.


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Dans Dialectique de la Raison, Adorno et Horkheimer tentent d’esquisser le pourquoi et le comment de ce retour à la barbarie qu’a connu la civilisation européenne, lors du troisième Reich. Quelles sont ces conditions qui ont rendu possibles les massacres administrés sous le régime nazi? La résolution de cette énigme qui se solde sur l’échec de l’Auflkärung nous dévoile une nécessité, celle d’une transformation radicale à la fois de l’éthique et de la métaphysique dans sa conception de la vérité. Celle-ci se présente à nous sous la forme d’une norme morale : « Dans leur état de non-liberté, Hitler a imposé aux hommes un nouvel impératif catégorique; penser et agir en sorte qu’Auschwitz ne se répète pas ». Quelles modalités de penser et d’agir nous exhortent ce nouvel impératif catégorique? La philosophie d’Adorno, critiqué pour n’avoir été que négative dans son entreprise, est-elle en mesure de nous fournir des prescriptions normatives capables de réorienter le penser théorétique et l’éthique?


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In the post-Enlightenment period, Anglo-American criminal law has been applied with increased force, and an ever expanding scope, to collective actors like corporations and other organizations. Recent scholarship has focused on developing “truly organizational” bases of liability that break with the conventional approach of imputing individual conduct to an organization and instead analyze culpable conduct and intent in a way that reflects the distinct and independent capacity of organizations to pursue their interests or goals collaboratively. In 2004, Canada enacted amendments inspired by these ideas in the hope they would lead to more effective criminal enforcement against organizations. Twelve years later, however, the promise of Bill C-45 is largely unfulfilled. In this thesis, I explore how much of this failure of law reform to deliver transformational change is attributable to an individualist bias that permeates how we think about what it means to be responsible and how this then shapes the responsibility ascription process. Using an analytical framework that combines criminal law theory with selected aspects of rational-structural theory and organization culture, I suggest that a promising way forward may lie in reframing the essential qualities required to be a subject of the criminal law in a way that captures the unique attributes that make organizations different from individuals. The resulting organizational concept of responsible agency allows for an integration of organizational reality into how we assess organizational culpability while keeping the ambit of criminal liability within the limits of what is practicable and fair. This better aligns with the spirit of Bill C-45: to impose criminal liability in a way that takes organizations – and their crimes – seriously.