663 resultados para brine valorisation


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The study was undertaken with the aim to study the variation of different components in the drip/liquid and meat sampled at different stages of processing. The fresiand the frozen oyster meat were canned in Tin and in Aluminium cans. Various media like brine, oil, tomato sauce and wine were used. Observations were made physically and chemically for the drip/liquids and the meat at different stages of processing. The chemical analysis were made for certain nutritional and mineral components


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Little is known about the bacterial ecology of evaporative salt-mining sites (salterns) of which Teguidda-n-Tessoumt at the fringe of the West-African Saharan desert in Niger is a spectacular example with its many-centuries-old and very colorful evaporation ponds. During the different enrichment steps of the salt produced as a widely traded feed supplement for cattle, animal manure is added to the crude brine, which is then desiccated and repeatedly crystallized. This study describes the dominant Bacteria and Archaea communites in the brine from the evaporation ponds and the soil from the mine, which were determined by PCR-DGGE of 16S rDNA. Correspondence analysis of the DGGE-community fingerprints revealed a change in community structure of the brine samples during the sequential evaporation steps which was, however, unaffected by the brine's pH and electric conductivity (EC). The Archaea community was dominated by a phylogenetically diverse group of methanogens, while the Bacteria community was dominated by gamma proteobacteria. Microorganisms contained in the purified salt product have the potential to be broadly disseminated and are fed to livestock across the region. In this manner, the salt mines represent an intriguing example of long-term human activity that has contributed to the continual selection, cultivation, and dissemination of cosmopolitan microorganisms.


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Este artículo pertenece a una sección de la revista dedicada a investigación. - Incluye, a modo de anexo, la tabla de modelo de adquisición de competencias obtenida de la investigación 'La valorisation des compétences sur le marché du travail' de 2001. - Resumen tomado parcialmente de la revista


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El objetivo principal es la evaluación de la biomasa como recurso energético renovable en Cataluña. Su alcance requiere el estudio de diversas temáticas, desarrolladas en los doce capítulos que componen el documento.El Capítulo 1 describe los objetivos de la tesis. El Capítulo 2 describe los motivos que justifican la valorización energética del recurso biomasa. El Capítulo 3 presenta la metodología general utilizada. El Capítulo 4 realiza un análisis multicriterio del aprovechamiento energético de biomasa forestal. El Capítulo 5 cuantifica la biomasa disponible para usos energéticos en Cataluña. Los Capítulos 6, 7, 8 y 9 analizan las tecnologías y la viabilidad de la producción de energía con colza y chopo. El Capítulo 10 caracteriza físico-químicamente la biomasa de colza como combustible complementario al actual uso del grano para biodiesel. El Capítulo 11 evalua el uso de cultivos para la producción de productos químicos. El Capítulo 12 resume las Conclusiones generales.


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La sang és un subproducte amb un alt potencial de valorització que s'obté en quantitats importants en els escorxadors industrials. Actualment, la majoria de sistemes de recollida de la sang no segueixen unes mesures d'higiene estrictes, pel que esdevé un producte de baixa qualitat microbiològica. Conseqüentment, l'aprofitament de la sang és una sortida poc estimulant des del punt de vista econòmic, ja que acostuma a perdre les qualitats que permetrien l'obtenció de productes d'alt valor afegit. El capítol I del present treball s'inclou dins d'un projecte que proposa la inoculació de bacteris de l'àcid làctic (LAB) com un cultiu bioconservador de la sang, un sistema senzill i de baix cost que cerca l'estabilitat de la sang, tant microbiològica com fisicoquímica, durant el període del seu emmagatzematge. El capítol II s'emmarca dins d'un projecte que cerca la millora de l'aprofitament integral de la sang que, en el cas de la fracció plasmàtica, es centra en l'estudi de la funcionalitat dels seus principals constituents. Conèixer la contribució dels components majoritaris ha de permetre la millora de la funcionalitat dels ingredients alimentaris derivats. Els resultats presentats en aquesta tesi poden ajudar a la valorització de la sang porcina d'escorxadors industrials, mitjançant els coneixements adquirits pel que fa a la millora del seu sistema de recollida i del desenvolupament d'ingredients alimentaris amb interessants propietats funcionals.


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No matter how elementary the level of attention that is paid to contemporary Museology in Portugal, its multifaceted character should nevertheless be acknowledged. It is a site where concepts, attitudes and aims cross, translating not only museology’s general guidelines, but the role and the place that the different actors in the most diverse processes seek to occupy in society, in the affirmation of the shared right to a full citizenship. The different forms of museology that has developed throughout the country, in particular post April 25, vouchsafes the statement that, in parallel with State museums, there came to light hundreds of museological processes by initiative of the cultural and ecological associative movements, in addition to those of the reinvigorated autonomous power. There are tens of thousands of people who, in various ways - more or less elaborated or theorised - find in museology the privileged expression means on issues concerning so many heritages – historical, architectural, linguistic, archaeological or anthropological - within the context of the valorisation and identification of local specificities and competences.


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Les chroniques d’un Altermuséologue, diffusées régulièrement dans un bulletin, “ Minuit-Express “, auprès d’une vingtaine de muséologues partageant notre intérêt pour la muséologie sociale, à la recherche d’alternatives pour contrer la standardisation de la muséologie actuelle, ont pour but de stimuler la réflexion auprès de nos cadets, de penser autrement. Ces chroniques ont pris les formes suivantes: Commentaires au fil de rencontres et de lectures, reconnaissance de la valeur de travaux de collègues, analyse critique de cheminements personnels quotidiens, courts essais sur des problématiques au coeur de la légitimité de la muséologie en rapport avec sa prise en compte des enjeux de société, la valorisation de la muséologie locale, son insertion dans le monde, le courage du muséologue engagé. Ces jours le jour cherchent enfin à entrer dans l’univers clos d’un muséologue, à favoriser la transparence, la confidence, le partage instantanné de nos processus, de nos états d’âme à l’intérieur d’un mouvement qui se meurt d’ hermétisme et de clostrophobie.


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O presente relatório recapitula as diversas etapas de um trabalho de projeto de investigação-ação, no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Especial - Domínio Cognitivo e Motor. Com ele pretendeu-se elaborar uma investigação-ação numa turma do 1º ciclo de escolaridade onde dois alunos sentiam grandes dificuldades de integração. A rejeição e a indiferença em que viviam provocavam, consequentemente, grandes dificuldades de aprendizagens académicas. O foco principal deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento da interação dos alunos, promovendo a troca de saberes pela entreajuda. Daí resultaram os sucessos escolares esperados dos dois alunos visados a que se juntou a dinamização de todos os alunos da turma e dos restantes intervenientes educativos, professores, técnicos, encarregados de educação e comunidade escolar na construção efetiva de uma verdadeira escola inclusiva. Valorizaram-se as diferenças como património comum. Na fundamentação teórica deste projeto abordam-se a educação inclusiva e suas respetivas estratégias, a aprendizagem cooperativa, as dificuldades específicas de aprendizagem, a inter/multiculturalidade e o modelo pedagógico do Movimento da Escola Moderna como estrutura organizativa da intervenção. De seguida, é caracterizado o projeto e a situação inicial onde se interveio, referenciando o plano de ação implementado. As reflexões conclusivas evidenciam que trabalhar em cooperação permite progressos por parte de todos, tanto a nível das aprendizagens académicas como a nível da interação social.


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This paper describes the measurements of the acoustic and petrophysical properties of two suites of low-shale sandstone samples from North Sea hydrocarbon reservoirs, under simulated reservoir conditions. The acoustic velocities and quality factors of the samples, saturated with different pore fluids (brine, dead oil and kerosene), were measured at a frequency of about 0.8 MHz and over a range of pressures from 5 MPa to 40 MPa. The compressional-wave velocity is strongly correlated with the shear-wave velocity in this suite of rocks. The ratio V-P/V-S varies significantly with change of both pore-fluid type and differential pressure, confirming the usefulness of this parameter for seismic monitoring of producing reservoirs. The results of quality factor measurements were compared with predictions from Biot-flow and squirt-flow loss mechanisms. The results suggested that the dominating loss in these samples is due to squirt-flow of fluid between the pores of various geometries. The contribution of the Biot-flow loss mechanism to the total loss is negligible. The compressional-wave quality factor was shown to be inversely correlated with rock permeability, suggesting the possibility of using attenuation as a permeability indicator tool in low-shale, high-porosity sandstone reservoirs.


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Laboratory measurements of the attenuation and velocity dispersion of compressional and shear waves at appropriate frequencies, pressures, and temperatures can aid interpretation of seismic and well-log surveys as well as indicate absorption mechanisms in rocks. Construction and calibration of resonant-bar equipment was used to measure velocities and attenuations of standing shear and extensional waves in copper-jacketed right cylinders of rocks (30 cm in length, 2.54 cm in diameter) in the sonic frequency range and at differential pressures up to 65 MPa. We also measured ultrasonic velocities and attenuations of compressional and shear waves in 50-mm-diameter samples of the rocks at identical pressures. Extensional-mode velocities determined from the resonant bar are systematically too low, yielding unreliable Poisson's ratios. Poisson's ratios determined from the ultrasonic data are frequency corrected and used to calculate the sonic-frequency compressional-wave velocities and attenuations from the shear- and extensional-mode data. We calculate the bulk-modulus loss. The accuracies of attenuation data (expressed as 1000/Q, where Q is the quality factor) are +/- 1 for compressional and shear waves at ultrasonic frequency, +/- 1 for shear waves, and +/- 3 for compressional waves at sonic frequency. Example sonic-frequency data show that the energy absorption in a limestone is small (Q(P) greater than 200 and stress independent) and is primarily due to poroelasticity, whereas that in the two sandstones is variable in magnitude (Q(P) ranges from less than 50 to greater than 300, at reservoir pressures) and arises from a combination of poroelasticity and viscoelasticity. A graph of compressional-wave attenuation versus compressional-wave velocity at reservoir pressures differentiates high-permeability (> 100 mD, 9.87 X 10(-14) m(2)) brine-saturated sandstones from low-permeability (< 100 mD, 9.87 X 10 (14) m(2)) sandstones and shales.


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Lake Kinneret (LK) is a relatively fresh water take situated in the Dead Sea Rift (DSR) Valley. The pore water (PW) in the sediments underlying LK pelagic zone have significantly higher salinity than that of the lake. The concentrations of major ion solutes (Cl, Br, Na, K, Mg) in PW from six 2.4 m to 5.1 m long sediment cores increase linearly with depth, indicating the occurrence of saline, deep seated brines. The upper part of the PW column is affected by the much fresher boundary with LK water and in most cores is characterized by gradually increasing Br/Cl and decreasing Na, Mg, K/Cl molar ratios, which tend to stabilize at about 2.0 m below the sediment surface. The 'stable' molar ratios in the deeper PW vary spatially and are supposed to represent the ratios in the deep underlying brines at each site. When plotted as Na/Cl vs. Br/Cl, the stable ratios of the northern and central part of the lake fall close to a straight line which characterizes many of the brines in the DSR Valley. However, the respective ratios in the southern part of the lake fall markedly off the DSR line. Moreover, Na/Cl and K/Cl molar ratios in the south are significantly higher than in the central and northern parts. delta Cl-37 measured in present LK water is ca. 0.0 parts per thousand. Along the PW column at the lake center, delta Cl-37 is becoming more positive with depth, reaching values of about +0.5 parts per thousand to +0.6 parts per thousand at 3 m depth. Even more positive values (+0.7 parts per thousand to +0.8 parts per thousand) are detected further north, in PW from deeper sediment layers. In contrast, in PW from the southeastern part of the lake, delta Cl-37 is becoming more negative with depth (-1.0 parts per thousand at similar to 2.6 m). It is suggested that these isotopic differences are also indicative of spatial variability in the PW brine sources. O-18 and D values in the PW of all 3 m long cores are similar and resemble the respective levels in LK. The source of H2O in 3 m deep, bed sediments is claimed to be the overlying lake water, and therefore water isotopes do not provide a clue regarding the original water isotopic composition in the underlying brines. PW from the southeast with higher K/Cl and Na/Cl but lower concentrations of these solutes, suggest leaching by meteoric water of sub-surface halite and post-halite salt formations, while the more saline PW from the northern and central parts, that have lower K/Cl and Na/Cl, and higher Br/Cl, are similar to DSR brines and represent underlying residual brines. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The presence of savory peptides in moromi has been investigated. Moromi was prepared by fermenting yellow soybean using Aspergillus oryzae as the starter at the first step (mold fermentation) and 20% brine solution at the next step (brine fermentation). The moromi was then ultrafiltered stepwise using membranes with MW cut-offs of 10,000, 3,000, and 500 Da, respectively. The fraction with MW < 500 Da was chromatographed using Sephadex G-25 SF to yield four fractions, 1-4. Analysis of soluble peptides, NaCl content, alpha-amino nitrogen, amino acid composition, peptide profile using CE coupled with DAD, taste profile and free glutamic acid content, were performed for each fraction. Fraction 2 contained a relatively high total glutamic acid content, but a relatively low free glutamic acid content and had the highest umami taste. This fraction also had more peptides containing non-aromatic amino acids than the other fractions. The peptides present in fraction 2 may play a role, at least in part, in its intense umami taste.


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The texture and microstructure of white-brined cheeses similar to urfa (a traditional Turkish cheese) were studied. One batch of cheeses was made in the traditional manner and one batch was made from ultrafiltered (UF) milk. Samples from each batch were either ripened in brine after production or scalded in whey for 3 min at 90degreesC prior to ripening. The results showed only marginal differences in the ripening profiles of both batches of unscalded cheeses, but scalding slowed down the extent of proteolysis in both batches. The scalded cheeses had a firmer texture than the unscalded ones, and the unscalded UF cheese had a more 'springy' body than the unscalded traditional cheese. Overall, scalding resulted in a more homogeneous structure, but the unscalded UF cheese had a close texture that resembled the scalded samples. It was concluded that, with respect to texture and structure, cheeses made with UF milk do not need to be scalded after production.


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The influence of adjunct brine cultures on the volatile compounds in Feta-type cheeses made from bovine milk was studied. Four batches of brine were produced: one with no added adjuncts, a second containing Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei, a third containing Lb. paracasei subsp. paracasei plus Debaryomyces hansenii and a fourth with Lb. paracasei subsp. paracasei plus Yarrowia lipolytica. All the cultures were isolated from commercial Feta brines. Aroma compounds were analysed by dynamic headspace analysis, on-line coupled with GC/MS. The most important volatile compounds were quantified in the experimental cheeses; it was concluded that the use of Lb. paracasei subsp. paracasei and D. hansenii as adjuncts in the manufacture of Feta-type cheeses contribute to the formation of a richer pattern of aroma compounds, namely alcohols, aldehydes and esters. The inclusion of Y. lipolytica resulted in the production of undesirable aroma compounds that are not part of the usual volatile profile of high quality Feta cheeses. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, ∼21,000 years ago) the cold climate was strongly tied to low atmospheric CO2 concentration (∼190 ppm). Although it is generally assumed that this low CO2 was due to an expansion of the oceanic carbon reservoir, simulating the glacial level has remained a challenge especially with the additional δ13C constraint. Indeed the LGM carbon cycle was also characterized by a modern-like δ13C in the atmosphere and a higher surface to deep Atlantic δ13C gradient indicating probable changes in the thermohaline circulation. Here we show with a model of intermediate complexity, that adding three oceanic mechanisms: brine induced stratification, stratification-dependant diffusion and iron fertilization to the standard glacial simulation (which includes sea level drop, temperature change, carbonate compensation and terrestrial carbon release) decreases CO2 down to the glacial value of ∼190 ppm and simultaneously matches glacial atmospheric and oceanic δ13C inferred from proxy data. LGM CO2 and δ13C can at last be successfully reconciled.