985 resultados para VENTILATOR WEANING


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The association between aflatoxin intake from maize-based weaning food and aflatoxin albumin adducts (AF-alb) was investigated in 148 Tanzanian children aged between 12 and 22 months, at 2 visits 6 months apart. At the first visit (storage season) there was a significant correlation at the individual level between AF-alb (geometric mean 43.2 pg/mg albumin) and aflatoxin intake (geometric mean 81.7 ng/kg b.w./d) through maize-based weaning food (r = 0.51, p < 0.01). Overall, this correlation was r = 0.43 (p < 0.01). The AF-alb level in weaning-age children in Tanzania closely reflects aflatoxin intake from maize in weaning food. Exposure levels suggest children may be at risk from aflatoxin associated health effects.


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All mammals lose their ability to produce lactase (β-galactosidase), the enzyme that cleaves lactose into galactose and glucose, after weaning. The prevalence of lactase deficiency (LD) spans from 2 to 15% among northern Europeans, to nearly 100% among Asians. Following lactose consumption, people with LD often experience gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, bowel distension, cramps and flatulence, or even systemic problems such as headache, loss of concentration and muscle pain. These symptoms vary depending on the amount of lactose ingested, type of food and degree of intolerance. Although those affected can avoid the uptake of dairy products, in doing so, they lose a readily available source of calcium and protein. In this work, gels obtained by complexation of Tetronic 90R4 with α-cyclodextrin loaded with β-galactosidase are proposed as a way to administer the enzyme immediately before or with the lactose-containing meal. Both molecules are biocompatible, can form gels in situ, and show sustained erosion kinetics in aqueous media. The complex was characterized by FTIR that evidenced an inclusion complex between the polyethylene oxide block and α-cyclodextrin. The release profiles of β-galactosidase from two different matrices (gels and tablets) of the in situ hydrogels have been obtained. The influence of the percentage of Tetronic in media of different pH was evaluated. No differences were observed regarding the release rate from the gel matrices at pH 6 (t50 = 105 min). However, in the case of the tablets, the kinetics were faster and they released a greater amount of 90R4 (25%, t50 = 40–50 min). Also, the amount of enzyme released was higher for mixtures with 25% Tetronic. Using suitable mathematical models, the corresponding kinetic parameters have been calculated. In all cases, the release data fit quite well to the Peppas–Sahlin model equation, indicating that the release of β-galactosidase is governed by a combination of diffusion and erosion processes. It has been observed that the diffusion mechanism prevails over erosion during the first 50 minutes, followed by continued release of the enzyme due to the disintegration of the matrix.


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The purpose of this study was to determine serum profiles of cytokines at a protein level and Creactive protein (CRP) during the development of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) in experimentally inoculated pigs. Levels of serum IFN-alpha, IL-6, IL-10, and CRP were examined for a 35-day period in 10 piglets experimentally infected with PCV2 at 3 weeks of age. Four of the infected piglets developed severe PMWS at 14 to 21 days post-infection (d.p.i.) and died prior to termination of the experiment. The remaining six PCV2-infected piglets experienced transient fever, but did not display overt clinical signs of PMWS and were considered as subclinically infected. A bioassay was used to detect IL-6 and ELISAs were used to detect IFN-alpha, IL-10, and CRP. There were no significant differences in cytokine or CRP expression from 0 to 7 d.p.i. between the PMWS-affected and the subclinically infected piglets. Levels of IL-10 and CRP were elevated from 10 and 14 d.p.i. respectively in the PMWS-affected piglets compared to the subclinically infected piglets. There were no significant differences in IFN-alpha and IL-6 expression between the PMWS-affected piglets and the subclinically infected piglets. The present study shows that elevated levels of serum CRP and IL-10 were associated with PCV2-infected piglets that subsequently developed severe PMWS. This may help to provide further insight into the immunoaetiogenesis of this syndrome.


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Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) nucleic acid and/or antigens are consistently observed in cells of monocytic morphology in lesions of pigs affected by post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS). In this study, PCV2 antigen was detected in the cytoplasm of monocytes, pulmonary macrophages (PMs) and monocyte-derived macrophages exposed to the virus in vitro, by immunofluorescence analysis (IFA) and the phenotype of these cells confirmed by detection of monocytic cell surface markers using flow cytometry. Viral antigen was not observed in lymphocytic cells. Replication of the virus in PMs was investigated further by comparison to that observed in the continuous pig kidney cell line (PK15A) using quantitative virus titration, quantitative PCR and by the detection of double stranded DNA intermediates of viral replication by Southern blotting analyses. Although increases in viral DNA and levels of infectious virus progeny and the presence of replicative intermediates, indicative of viral replication, were observed in PK15A cells, no such changes were observed in PMs in spite of the fact that infectious virus, viral antigen and viral DNA persisted in the cells for at least the duration of the experiment. These results suggest that in vivo, monocytic cells may not represent the primary target for PCV2 replication. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: The incidence of delirium in ventilated patients is estimated at up to 82%, and it is associated with longer intensive care and hospital stays, and long-term cognitive impairment and mortality. The pathophysiology of delirium has been linked with inflammation and neuronal apoptosis. Simvastatin has pleiotropic properties; it penetrates the brain and, as well as reducing cholesterol, reduces inflammation when used at clinically relevant doses over the short term. This is a single centre randomised, controlled trial which aims to test the hypothesis that treatment with simvastatin will modify delirium incidence and outcomes. 

Methods/Design: The ongoing study will include 142 adults admitted to the Watford General Hospital Intensive Care Unit who require mechanical ventilation in the first 72 hours of admission. The primary outcome is the number of delirium- and coma-free days in the first 14 days. Secondary outcomes include incidence of delirium, delirium- and coma-free days in the first 28 days, days in delirium and in coma at 14 and 28 days, number of ventilator-free days at 28 days, length of critical care and hospital stay, mortality, cognitive decline and healthcare resource use. Informed consent will be taken from patient's consultee before randomisation to receive either simvastatin (80 mg) or placebo once daily. Daily data will be recorded until day 28 after randomisation or until discharge from the ICU if sooner. Surviving patients will be followed up on at six months from discharge. Plasma and urine samples will be taken to investigate the biological effect of simvastatin on systemic markers of inflammation, as related to the number of delirium- and coma-free days, and the potential of cholinesterase activity and beta-amyloid as predictors of the risk of delirium and long-term cognitive impairment. 

Discussion: This trial will test the efficacy of simvastatin on reducing delirium in the critically ill. If patients receiving the statin show a reduced number of days in delirium compared with the placebo group, the inflammatory theory implicated in the pathogenesis of delirium will be strengthened. 


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Child undernutrition, a form of malnutrition, is a major public health burden in developing countries. Supplementation interventions targeting the major micronutrient deficiencies have only reduced the burden of child undernutrition to a certain extent, indicating that there are other underlying determinants that need addressed. Aflatoxin exposure, which is also highly prevalent in developing countries, may be considered to be an aggravating factor for child undernutrition. Increasing evidence suggests that aflatoxin exposure can occur in any stage of life including in utero through a trans-placental pathway and in early childhood (through contaminated weaning food and family food). Early life exposure to aflatoxin is associated with adverse effects on low birth weight, stunting, immune suppression and liver function damage. The mechanisms underlying impaired growth and aflatoxin exposure are still unclear but intestinal function damage, reduced immune function and alteration in the insulin-like growth factor axis caused by liver damage, are suggested hypotheses. Given the fact that both aflatoxin and child undernutrition are common in sub-Saharan Africa, effective interventions aimed at reducing undernutrition cannot be satisfactorily achieved until the interactive relationship between aflatoxin and child undernutrition is clearly understood, and an aflatoxin mitigation strategy has taken effect in those vulnerable mothers and children.


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Ten medieval permanent teeth were subjected to incremental dentine sectioning and stable isotope analysis to investigate dietary changes in high resolution. In addition to this, eight increments were also selected for 14C measurements to examine possible intra-individual age differences. Results reveal the cessation of weaning, various dietary profiles and in some cases significantly different 14C ages obtained from a single tooth. This case study illustrates how 14C measurements can function as a proxy alongside the commonly used carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values to interpret the diet of past individuals


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Rice is the staple food for half of the world's population. Consumption of rice is the major exposure route globally to the class one, non-threshold carcinogen inorganic arsenic. This book explains the sources of arsenic to paddy soils and the biogeochemical processes and plant physiological attributes of paddy soil-rice ecosystems that lead to high concentrations of arsenic in rice grain. It presents the global pattern of arsenic concentration and speciation in rice, discusses human exposures to inorganic arsenic from rice and the resulting health risks. It also highlights particular populations that have the highest rice consumptions, which include Southern and South East Asians, weaning babies, gluten intolerance sufferers and those consuming rice milk. The book also presents the information of arsenic concentration and speciation in other major crops and outlines approaches for lowering arsenic in rice grain and in the human diet through agronomic management.


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The prenatal period is of critical importance in defining how individuals respond to their environment throughout life. Stress experienced by pregnant females has been shown to have detrimental effects on offspring behaviour, health and productivity. The sheep has been used extensively as a model species to inform human studies. However, in the farmed environment, the consequences for the lamb of the imposition of prenatal stresses upon the ewe have received much less attention. The stressors that pregnant ewes are most frequently exposed to include sub-optimal nutrition and those related to housing, husbandry and environment which may be either acute or chronic. A systematic review of the literature was adopted to identify material which had production-relevant maternal stressors and lamb outcomes. The current review focussed upon the lamb up to weaning around the age of 100 days and the results clearly demonstrate that stressors imposed upon the ewe have implications for offspring welfare and performance. Maternal under-nutrition (UN) in the last third of pregnancy consistently impaired lamb birth-weight and subsequent vigour and performance, while earlier UN had a variable effect on performance. Feeding the ewe above requirements did not have positive effects on lamb performance and welfare. Social and husbandry stressors such as transport, shearing, mixing and physiological treatments designed to mimic acute stress which would be considered disadvantageous for the ewe had positive or neutral effects for the lamb, highlighting a potential conflict between the welfare of the ewe and her lamb. This review also identified considerable gaps in knowledge, particularly in respect of the impact of disease upon the ewe during pregnancy and interactions between different stressors and the responses of ewe and lamb.


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Increasing litter size has long been a goal of pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) breeders and producers in many countries. Whilst this has economic and environmental benefits for the pig industry, there are also implications for pig welfare. Certain management interventions are used when litter size routinely exceeds the ability of individual sows to successfully rear all the piglets (ie viable piglets outnumber functional teats). Such interventions include: tooth reduction; split suckling; cross-fostering; use of nurse sow systems and early weaning, including split weaning; and use of artificial rearing systems. These practices raise welfare questions for both the piglets and sow and are described and discussed in this review. In addition, possible management approaches which might mitigate health and welfare issues associated with large litters are identified. These include early intervention to provide increased care for vulnerable neonates and improvements to farrowing accommodation to mitigate negative effects, particularly for nurse sows. An important concept is that management at all stages of the reproductive cycle, not simply in the farrowing accommodation, can impact on piglet outcomes. For example, poor stockhandling at earlier stages of the reproductive cycle can create fearful animals with increased likelihood of showing poor maternal behaviour. Benefits of good sow and litter management, including positive human-animal relationships, are discussed. Such practices apply to all production situations, not just those involving large litters. However, given that interventions for large litters involve increased handling of piglets and increased interaction with sows, there are likely to be even greater benefits for management of hyper-prolific herds. © 2013 Universities Federation for Animal Welfare.


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PURPOSE: Few studies have examined the impact of long-term treatments or exposures on the development of cataract in maturity-onset animal models. We studied the effect of treatment with D-pantethine and exposure to ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation on the development of lenticular opacity in the Emory mouse. METHODS: A total of 164 Emory mice were randomized by litter at weaning to exposure to UVB light at 12 mJ/cm(2) for 6 hr/day (UV) or usual room light (A), and within litter, were further randomized to bi-weekly intra-peritoneal injections of 0.8 g/kg pantethine (T) or no treatment (C). Retro illumination lens photos were taken at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 months after weaning, and graded in masked fashion. The animals were sacrificed at 10 months and the lenses analyzed for total pantethine and total cysteamine. RESULTS: Lens pantethine and cysteamine levels were significantly (P < 0.001) higher for the T as compared to C litters. Mean cataract grade increased monotonically over time for all four groups. Unadjusted mean grade for the AT group at 8 (1.32) and 10 (1.86) months appeared lower than for the other groups (AC: 2.17, 2.39; UVC: 1.77, 2.40; UVT: 1.88, 2.37). However, the mean grade for the pantethine-treated litters did not differ significantly from the untreated litters except at 2 months (when untreated litters had significantly lower grades), when adjusting for UV treatment, gender and litter effect. No significant difference in cataract score existed between UV-exposed and ambient litters. Mortality was higher among pantethine-treated (hazard ratio = 1.8, p = 0.05) and UV-exposed animals (hazard ratio = 1.8, p = 0. 03) than among the untreated and unexposed litters. CONCLUSION: Significantly increased lens levels of pantethine are achieved with long-term intra-peritoneal dosing. The impact of pantethine on the progression of lenticular opacity in the Emory mouse is less than has been reported in other models. This level of chronic UVB exposure appeared to have no effect on the development of cataract in this model.


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A exploração caprina de leite tem evoluído no sentido de alguma intensificação, com recurso a raças de elevado potencial produtivo, de que é exemplo a raça Murciana- Granadina. O leite constitui a principal fonte de receita destas explorações. Complementarmente, vendem animais para carne e, as de melhor nível genético, animais para reprodutores. Analisaram-se os pesos de 241 cabritos da raça Murciana-Granadina, numa exploração comercial, com o objectivo de quantificar os pesos e crescimento de cabritos, e identificar os factores que os influenciam. Os cabritos foram aleitados artificialmente, em regime ad libitum, com leite de substituição comercial, dispondo ainda de concentrado comercial, feno de luzerna e palha. Os cabritos foram pesados ao nascimento e, posteriormente, semanalmente, até aos 60 dias de idade. Calcularam-se os respetivos pesos ajustados, bem como os ganhos médios diários, a diferentes idades padrão. Procedeu-se a uma análise de variância com um modelo linear que incluiu os efeitos da época de parto, tipo de parto, sexo e idade da cabra. Foram registados pesos superiores nos partos simples e duplos, relativamente aos triplos, e nos machos, relativamente às fêmeas. Os ganhos médios diários, a partir do mês de idade, registaram valores inferiores na época inverno-primavera, comparativamente com a época primavera-verão. Dairy goat farming has evolved towards intensification, with increased use of high milk-yielding breeds, including the Murciano-Granadina breed. Milk is the main source of farm income. Secondary income sources are the sale of animals for meat and, in genetically superior herds, the sale of breeding animals. The weights of 241 commercial farms artificially reared Murciano-Granadina kids were analyzed with the objective of quantifying weight and growth and identifying variation factors. Kids were artificially reared to weaning, on ad libitum commercial milk replacer, commercial concentrate, lucerne hay and straw. Kids were weighed at birth and at weekly intervals until 60 days of age. Age adjusted weights and growth-rates were calculated. A variance analysis was performed with a model including the effects of season of birth, number of kids per kidding, sex and age of dam. Single and twin-born kids had higher weights than triplets, and males had higher weights than females. Average daily gain after one month of age was lower for kids born in winter-spring than for those born in spring-summer


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It is widely recognized that protein restriction in utero may cause metabolic and endocrine adaptations, which may be of benefit to the neonate on a short-term basis but may cause adverse long-term conditions such as obesity, Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Adequate foetal and early post natal nutrient and energy supply is therefore essential for adult animal health, performance and life span. In this project it was investigated the progressive adaptations of the hepatic proteome in male mink offspring exposed to either a low protein (FL) or an adequate protein (FA) diet in utero fed either on a low protein (LP) or on an adequate (AP) diet from weaning until sexual maturity. Specifically, the aim was to determine the metabolic adaptations at selected phases of the animal’s first annual cycle and establish the metabolic priorities occurring during those phases. The three different morphological stages studied during the first year of development included, end of bone growth at 4 months of age, maximal fat accretion at 6 months of age and sexual maturity at 12 months of age. A reference proteome of mink liver coming from these different animal groups were generated using 2D electrophoresis coupled to MALDI-TOF analysis and the way in which dietary treatment affect their proteome was established. Approximately 330 proteins were detected in the mink liver proteome. A total of 27 comparisons were carried out between all different animal groups which resulted in 20 differentially expressed proteins. An extensive survey was conducted towards the characterization of these proteins including their subcellular localization, the biological processes in which they are involved and their molecular functions. This characterization allowed the identification of proteins in various processes including the glycolysis and fatty acid metabolism. The detailed analysis of the different dietary treatment animal groups was indicative of differences in metabolism and also to changes associated with development in mink.


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A crescente incorporação das evoluções tecnológicas nos equipamentos médicos modernos, além de os tornar mais compactos e precisos, proporciona igualmente ganhos de outros benefícios importantes, especialmente ao nível da eficiência das terapias prescritas aos pacientes. Os sofisticados ventiladores pulmonares de cuidados intensivos do presente espelham perfeitamente esta realidade e por isso necessitam de procedimentos técnicos de verificação metrológica – calibrações, também eles mais exatos e rastreáveis, de modo a fornecerem informações corretas sobre se o estado de funcionamento de um determinado ventilador cumpre ou não as tolerâncias declaradas pelo seu fabricante. Através da presente dissertação pretendeu-se desenvolver um procedimento técnico de calibração dos ventiladores de cuidados intensivos tendo-se estudado, para esta finalidade, os equipamentos de calibração específicos disponíveis no mercado, a normalização e o enquadramento regulamentar do controlo metrológico aplicáveis, bem como o princípio de funcionamento do ventilador pulmonar e a evolução da ventilação mecânica ocorrida. No domínio da abordagem efetuada sobre o âmbito da metrologia, implementou-se a determinação das incertezas dos resultados das calibrações efetuadas pelo procedimento técnico desenvolvido, de acordo com a metodologia constante do GUM1. Considerando ainda os défices significativos de conhecimento da metrologia e da prática do controlo metrológico no setor da saúde, a par dos riscos inerentes para os próprios pacientes, procura-se contribuir com este trabalho, de uma forma transversal e ampla, para uma maior consciencialização, quer dos profissionais de saúde, quer dos gestores envolvidos, para a relevância da realização das calibrações periódicas dos complexos equipamentos de suporte de vida que são os ventiladores pulmonares de cuidados intensivos.


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RESUMO - É recomendado o aleitamento materno exclusivo desde o nascimento até aos 6 meses. Angola apresenta uma situação bastante preocupante, pois é um dos países do mundo com maior taxa de mortalidade infantil: em 2010 era de 114,9 mortes por cada 1000 nascimentos. O desmame precoce, a contaminação dos alimentos e da água potável e a desnutrição criam condições para aparecimento de doenças que causam elevadas mortes em crianças com menos de um ano. Em muitas regiões de África, o parto ainda é um acontecimento marcado por práticas culturais ancestrais que podem prejudicar a saúde e sobrevivência dos recém-nascidos, além de pôr em perigo a vida das mães. Algumas dessas práticas incluem: (i) deitar fora o colostro; e (ii) alimentar os bebés com outros alimentos que não o leite materno. Este estudo é quantitativo com metodologia transversal e pretende identificar, descrever e analisar os fatores que contribuem para o abandono do aleitamento materno exclusivo antes dos 6 meses de idade, na província do Uíge, em Angola, bem como indicar formas de intervenção para que os índices de prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo possam aumentar. A população em estudo são mães com filhos até um ano de idade e utilizadoras do centro de saúde materno infantil do município sede da província de Uíge em Angola, da qual será considerada uma amostra de 418 mães. Os dados obtidos através de questionário serão registados em quadros e gráficos para posterior análise estatística através de tabelas de frequências, cálculo de percentagens e taxas de incidência.