671 resultados para UNIQUENESS


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Under the assumption that c is a regular cardinal, we prove the existence and uniqueness of a Boolean algebra B of size c defined by sharing the main structural properties that P(omega)/fin has under CH and in the N(2)-Cohen model. We prove a similar result in the category of Banach spaces. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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For an embedded singly periodic minimal surface (M) over tilde with genus rho >= 4 and annular ends, some weak symmetry hypotheses imply its congruence with one of the Hoffman-Wohlgemuth examples. We give a very geometrical proof of this fact, along which they come out many valuable clues for the understanding of these surfaces.


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In this thesis, a new algorithm has been proposed to segment the foreground of the fingerprint from the image under consideration. The algorithm uses three features, mean, variance and coherence. Based on these features, a rule system is built to help the algorithm to efficiently segment the image. In addition, the proposed algorithm combine split and merge with modified Otsu. Both enhancements techniques such as Gaussian filter and histogram equalization are applied to enhance and improve the quality of the image. Finally, a post processing technique is implemented to counter the undesirable effect in the segmented image. Fingerprint recognition system is one of the oldest recognition systems in biometrics techniques. Everyone have a unique and unchangeable fingerprint. Based on this uniqueness and distinctness, fingerprint identification has been used in many applications for a long period. A fingerprint image is a pattern which consists of two regions, foreground and background. The foreground contains all important information needed in the automatic fingerprint recognition systems. However, the background is a noisy region that contributes to the extraction of false minutiae in the system. To avoid the extraction of false minutiae, there are many steps which should be followed such as preprocessing and enhancement. One of these steps is the transformation of the fingerprint image from gray-scale image to black and white image. This transformation is called segmentation or binarization. The aim for fingerprint segmentation is to separate the foreground from the background. Due to the nature of fingerprint image, the segmentation becomes an important and challenging task. The proposed algorithm is applied on FVC2000 database. Manual examinations from human experts show that the proposed algorithm provides an efficient segmentation results. These improved results are demonstrating in diverse experiments.


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The aim in this chapter is to develop a deeper understanding about the informal Björling 'School' in Sweden. Contextually the example is related to the micro history of opera education contributing to the macro perspective illuminating a provincial example of the concept of domestic opera schooling. The specific focus was on Karl David Björling (1873-1926), the teaching parent of the Swedish tenor Jussi Björling (1911-1960) and his brothers Gösta and Olle.   The Björling family model of opera schooling belongs to the classical canon of domestic home education which was common during the epoch. The phenomenon is also within the field of opera singing an important reference to the historical context of the Nordic opera history of vocal education.   The uniqueness concerning the Björling School seems to be the rigorous and exceptionally early training. David Björling’s pedagogy was rooted in earlier German theories of musical upbringing. It's clear from his results that he was familiar with the neo-humanistic ideal on which reformed music education was based. Of a specific interest is the term Gesang als Unterricht as a concept for developing childrens musical and memorising capacities.   Conceptually the roots of the Björling model are in the eighteenth-century Romantic view of prodigies and their abilities. The extensive touring is connected to the promotion of wonder-children, and David Björling’s educational style to the conservative Master-pupil tradition.   David Björling's vocal ideal was a part of the contemporary debate about “The decadence of the singing art”, and seems to have its roots in an older Italian tradition. There are recurring similarities between his educational methods and the didactic principles of the Lamperti School: Enjoying a revival around the late 1800s and early 1900s, it has been called the natural or the national school. Nevertheless, through authentic experiences and gramophone recordings the Italian tenor Enrico Caruso became David Björling’s pedagogical role model.


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Com a crescente representatividade do setor de serviços na economia mundial, se torna cada vez mais necessária a pesquisa e a implementação de modelos que abordem as singularidades dos serviços em relação aos outros setores da economia. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo aplicar um plano de ações voltado à estratégia de retenção de clientes, identificando e abordando os componentes a serem implementados, pelo qual se obtenha uma vantagem competitiva sustentável no longo prazo, por meio de um atendimento diferenciado e pelo fortalecimento de uma cultura de serviços baseada no relacionamento com clientes e colaboradores. O plano de ações proposto está sendo implementado em uma empresa de medicina de grupo com atuação local, e por isso, além de se basear em vasta fundamentação teórica, foram consideradas as características da empresa e do mercado onde atua. Com os resultados advindos da validação parcial do plano de ações, uma vez que ainda faltam etapas a avançar, pode-se concluir que os primeiros passos em direção à retenção de clientes foram alcançados.


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In this paper we consider strictly convex monotone continuous complete preorderings on R+n that are locally representable by a concave utility function. By Alexandroff 's (1939) theorem, this function is twice dífferentiable almost everywhere. We show that if the bordered hessian determinant of a concave utility representation vanishes on a null set. Then demand is countably rectifiable, that is, except for a null set of bundles, it is a countable union of c1 manifolds. This property of consumer demand is enough to guarantee that the equilibrium prices of apure exchange economy will be locally unique, for almost every endowment. We give an example of an economy satisfying these conditions but not the Katzner (1968) - Debreu (1970, 1972) smoothness conditions.


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Several empirical studies in the literature have documented the existence of a positive correlation between income inequalitiy and unemployment. I provide a theoretical framework under which this correlation can be better understood. The analysis is based on a dynamic job search under uncertainty. I start by proving the uniqueness of a stationary distribution of wages in the economy. Drawing upon this distribution, I provide a general expression for the Gini coefficient of income inequality. The expression has the advantage of not requiring a particular specification of the distribution of wage offers. Next, I show how the Gini coefficient varies as a function of the parameters of the model, and how it can be expected to be positively correlated with the rate of unemployment. Two examples are offered. The first, of a technical nature, to show that the convergence of the measures implied by the underlying Markov process can fail in some cases. The second, to provide a quantitative assessment of the model and of the mechanism linking unemployment and inequality.


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By mixing together inequalities based on cyclical variables, such as unemployment, and on structural variables, such as education, usual measurements of income inequality add objects of a di§erent economic nature. Since jobs are not acquired or lost as fast as education or skills, this aggreagation leads to a loss of relavant economic information. Here I propose a di§erent procedure for the calculation of inequality. The procedure uses economic theory to construct an inequality measure of a long-run character, the calculation of which can be performed, though, with just one set of cross-sectional observations. Technically, the procedure is based on the uniqueness of the invariant distribution of wage o§ers in a job-search model. Workers should be pre-grouped by the distribution of wage o§ers they see, and only between-group inequalities should be considered. This construction incorporates the fact that the average wages of all workers in the same group tend to be equalized by the continuous turnover in the job market.


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As pressões de mercado, os programas de abertura financeira, a desregulamentação da atividade produtiva e a diminuição de barreiras protecionistas afetam significativamente a competitividade da indústria nacional. Outras mudanças, não apenas econômicas, mas sociais, políticas e tecnológicas, também pressionam as organizações a adotar novas estratégias empresariais e deixam claro que modelos de gestão tradicionais já não são mais suficientes para enfrentar estes novos desafios. Na busca de diferenciais competitivos, as empresas têm adotado sistemas de gestão da qualidade, de gestão ambiental e de gestão da saúde e segurança do trabalhador. Como forma de evidenciar a terceiros sua preocupação simultânea com estas três disciplinas, as empresas têm buscado a certificação integrada destes sistemas por meio das normas ISO 9001, ISO 14001 e OHSAS 18001. Surgem, assim, os Sistemas de Gestão Integrados (SGIs), objetos de pesquisa deste estudo. O recorte é setorial, sendo que o setor de construção foi escolhido devido a características como singularidade de seus produtos, alto impacto ambiental e alto índice de acidentes de trabalho. Com o objetivo de investigar como os SGIs foram implementados no setor de construção, foram escolhidos três casos de empresas sabidamente adotantes deste modelo de gestão. Foram analisadas as motivações, o processo de implementação e certificação do sistema, os fatores críticos de sucesso, as dificuldades encontradas e os benefícios colhidos com a adoção de SGIs. A pesquisa confirmou estudos anteriores que demonstram que a motivação, dependendo do contexto em que as empresas se inserem, pode ser por necessidade de maior competitividade, de legitimação, ou ainda, por responsabilidade ambiental de sua liderança. Os fatores críticos de sucesso são, dentre outros, comprometimento da alta administração, comunicação eficiente com as partes interessadas, disponibilidade de recursos e maturidade das equipes. As dificuldades encontradas foram a valorização excessiva de resultados econômico-financeiros, a complexidade do modelo adotado, a utilização burocrática do sistema, a falta de maturidade e preparo dos profissionais, o porte dos projetos, o perfil de competências dos profissionais e variados tipos de resistências. A adoção do SGI nas empresas estudadas esteve condicionada a situações do cenário econômico, do alto índice de terceirização verificado no setor e às dificuldades com a qualificação da mão-de-obra. Não obstante as dificuldades e os condicionantes, o SGI trouxe vários benefícios para as organizações e, um dado relevante, é que ele pode desencadear reações positivas ao longo da cadeia de valor, uma vez que as empresas adotantes de SGI passam a ser mais exigentes em relação a seus fornecedores.


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O presente trabalho analisa a formulação das políticas culturais no Brasil a partir da análise de dois casos bastante distintos: as leis de incentivo, formuladas no início da década de 1990, na esteira do neoliberalismo, e o Programa Cultura Viva, formulado no ano de 2004, no primeiro mandato do Presidente Lula. A partir da análise detalhada do contexto de formulação de cada uma das políticas culturais, bem como dos públicos efetivamente atendidos e dos valores disponibilizados, mostramos tratarse de duas formas de políticas culturais que apontam para diferentes horizontes em termos de cidadania cultural. Na questão das leis de incentivo, analisamos a passagem do modelo fordista de acumulação para a acumulação flexível, relacionando a importância das estratégias de branding para as novas formas da cultura do consumo. No caso do Programa Cultura Viva, analisamos quais os grupos privilegiados, delimitando os alcances e limites dessa política. Em nossa abordagem, apoiamo-nos no referencial gramsciano de hegemonia, relacionando-a fortemente com a cultura numa sociedade de classes. Dada à singularidade do conceito de sociedade civil na abordagem do pensador italiano, além da evidente relevância que essa esfera assume com o ideário neoliberal, faz-se necessário uma análise histórica de sua evolução, na busca de evidências que apontem para uma política emancipatória a partir das ações nessa esfera, e no seu relacionamento com o Estado e o mercado.


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A educação a distância vem ganhando destaque nos últimos anos em função da capacidade de expansão do ensino superior e também por incluir um grupo de pessoas que, de outra forma, não poderia realizar uma graduação. O objetivo dessa pesquisa é identificar as variáveis que influenciam o processo de permanência dos alunos de Administração, comparando resultados das modalidades presencial e a distância, tomando como caso a Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (Uema). Como principal referencial teórico do presente estudo, escolheu-se o Modelo de Integração do Estudante de Tinto (1975), considerado como a primeira proposta academicamente reconhecida de determinação das variáveis que intervém no processo de evasão e permanência de alunos em um curso de graduação. Um dos componentes do modelo despertou o interesse de comparação entre as duas modalidades (presencial e a distância) de forma especial, qual seja: a integração social, decorrente das interações discentes e docentes, que em geral são pouco exploradas nos estudos empíricos. O método definido para o estudo foi de caráter descritivo e base qualitativa. A submissão do conjunto de variáveis observadas na literatura a uma análise de juízes resultou na definição de três principais Dimensões e 60 Componentes, a saber: (1) Perfil do aluno; (2) Estar-em-rede; e (3) Condições para a permanência. Essas variáveis compuseram o quadro de análise de conteúdo categorial, resultante da aplicação de múltiplos instrumentos de coleta de dados (dois questionários e uma entrevista em profundidade), que foram utilizados na triangulação com dados secundários obtidos no próprio Enade (2009). Como contribuição teórica da presente tese, aponta-se a possibilidade de integração das três visões filosóficas: Cognitivismo, Construtivismo e Conectivismo que se interrelacionam na gestão acadêmica de cursos superiores pela unicidade da educação vislumbrada pelo blended learning como tendência futura para a educação superior. Outras contribuições são apresentadas em relação aos componentes: atributos individuais, trabalho e estágio, contexto familiar, escolaridade anterior, uso das TICs, interação docente e discente, compromisso pessoal e institucional e integração acadêmica.


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This paper investigates the interaction between endogenous fertility behavior and the distribution of income and wealth arnong farnilies in a competitive market economy. We construct a growth model in which altruistic dynasties are heterogeneous in their initial stocks of physical capital. Dynasties make choices of farnily size along with decisions about consumption and intergenerational transfers. We show that if the rate of time preference is increasing in the number of children and preferences over nurnber of children satisfy a norrnality assumption, all steady states are characterized by equality of capital stocks and consumption arnong families. We also provide sufficient conditions for uniqueness of the steady state. In order to illustrate these results, we present an example in which preferences over number of children are logarithrnic and the technology is Cobb-Douglas. For this combination of preferences and technology, there exists a unique egalitarian steady state. Moreover, the economy converges to this steady state in only one generation .


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There are plenty of economic studies pointing out some requirements, like the inexistence of fiscal dominance, for inflation targeting framework be implemented in successful (credible) way. Essays on how public targets could be used in the absence of such requirements are unusual. In this papel' we appraise how central banks could use inflation targeting before soundness economic fundamentaIs have been achieved. First, based on concise framework, where confidence crises and imperfect information are neglected, we conclude that less ambitious (greater) target for inflation increases the credibility in the precommitment. Optimal target is higher than the one obtained using the Cukierman-Liviatan [7] model, where increasing credibility effect is not considered. Second, extending the model to make confidence crises possible, multiple equilibria solutions becomes possible too. In this case, to set greater targets for inflation may stimulate confidence crises and reduce the policymaker credibility. On the other hand, multiple (bad) equilibria may be avoided. The optimal target depends on the likelihood of each equilibrium be selected. Finally, when perturbing common knowledge uniqueness is restored even considering confidence crises, as in Morris-Shin[ 14]. The first result, i.e. less ambitious target for inflation increases credibility in precommitment, is also recovered. Adding a precise public signal, cOOl'dinated self-fulfilling actions and equilibrium multiplicity may still exist for some lack of common knowledge (as in Angeleto and Weming[l]). In this case, to set greater targets for inflation may stimulate confidence crisis again, reducing the policymaker credibility. From another aspect, multiple (bad) equilibria may be avoided. Optimal policy prescriptions depend on the likelihood of each equilibrium be selected. Results also indicate that more precise public information may open the door for bad equilibrium, contrary to the conventional wisdom that more central oank transparency is always good when considering inflation targeting framework.


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In June 2014 Brazil hosted the FIFA World Cup and in August 2016 Rio de Janeiro hosts the Summer Olympics. These two seminal sporting events will draw tens of thousands of air travelers through Brazil’s airports, airports that are currently in the midst of a national modernization program to address years of infrastructure neglect and insufficient capacity. Raising Brazil’s major airports up to the standards air travelers experience at major airports elsewhere in the world is more than just a case of building or remodeling facilities, processes must also be examined and reworked to enhance traveler experience and satisfaction. This research paper examines the key interface between airports and airline passengers—airport check-in procedures—according to how much value and waste there is associated with them. In particular, the paper makes use of a value stream mapping construct for services proposed by Martins, Cantanhede, and Jardim (2010). The uniqueness of this construct is that it attributes each activity with a certain percentage and magnitude of value or waste which can then be ordered and prioritized for improvement. Working against a fairly commonly expressed notion in Brazil that Brazil’s airports are inferior to the airports of economically advanced countries, the paper examines Rio’s two major airports, Galeão International and Santos Dumont in comparison to Washington D.C.’s Washington National and Dulles International airports. The paper seeks to accomplish three goals: - Determine whether there are differences in airport passenger check-in procedures between U.S. and Brazilian airports in terms of passenger value - Present options for Brazilian government or private sector authorities to consider adopting or implementing at Brazilian airports to maximize passenger value - Validate the Martins et al. construct for use in evaluating the airport check-in procedures Observations and analysis proved surprising in that all airports and service providers follow essentially the same check-in processes but execute them differently yet still result in similar overall performance in terms of value and waste. Although only a few activities are categorized as completely wasteful (and therefore removed in the revised value stream map of check-in activities), the weighting and categorization of individual activities according to their value (or waste) presents decision-makers a means to prioritize possible corrective actions. Various overall recommendations are presented based on this analysis. Most importantly, this paper demonstrates the viability of using the construct developed by Martins et al to examine airport operations, as well as its applicability to the study of other service industry processes.


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The metropolitan regions of Northeast Brazil are being gradually included in a scenario of international investments, which are motivated by the restructuring of both touristic and real-estate sectors. The new capital, real-estate developers and space configurations that result from this process indicate the need for the creation and implementation of public tools which should, at least, allow the mitigation of the urban impacts and environmental losses resulting from this situation. The effects on landscape and on the socio-spatial configuration result from the intensification caused by the dynamism of the "real estate-tourism" sector. There is a regional integration as an expression of the urban expansion of the metropolitan area of Natal. This study investigates the uniqueness of the restructuring and territorial integration of coastal areas and the strategies of the circuit of capital accumulation formed by linking the real estate to tourism. It is intended to increase the understanding about the strategies of tourism, real estate and public policy agents involved in this territorial reconfiguration and in the fund-raising needed for the investments, to understand the existing social and environmental effects and their future trends and also to understand the forms of spatial production as results from the practices of approaching the land transformation and the tourism valorization of the landscape, in a synchronous manner, first in the Northeast region and, as a focal study, in the Metropolitan Area of Natal. Likewise, it is intended to apprehend the current processes of metropolization of the eastern coast of Rio Grande do Norte, in addition to indicate its physical-territorial transformation and the types of projects/developments promoted by the market in the recent period. Based upon analysis undertaken for the Metropolitan Region of Natal RN, this piece of work presents some considerations on possible legal instruments that can be adjusted to the municipalities which are experiencing the impact of this peculiar and recent phenomenon in the region, caused by the arrival of the real estate-touristic capital. It is also intended to point out basic proposals to the forms of public intervention, in a speculative way, starting from a Metropolitan Planning project within a medium and long term