731 resultados para Toulouse


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This paper is an extension of our previous study on pragmatic interoperability assessment for process alignment. In this study, we conduct four case studies in industrial companies and hospitals in order to gather their viewpoints regarding the concerns when condensing process alignment in a collaborative working environment. Used techniques include interview, observation, and documentation. The collected results firstly are summarised into three layers based on our previous developed pragmatic assessment model, and then are transformed into the elements which constitutes the purposed method, and finally based on the summarised results we purpose a method for assessing pragmatic interoperability for process alignment in collaborative working environment. The method contains two parts: one gives all the elements of pragmatic interoperability that should be concerned when considering process alignment in collaborative working environment, and the other one is a supplementary method for dealing with technical concerns.


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We prove that the symplectic group Sp(2n, Z) and the mapping class group Mod(S) of a compact surface S satisfy the R(infinity) property. We also show that B(n)(S), the full braid group on n-strings of a surface S, satisfies the R(infinity) property in the cases where S is either the compact disk D, or the sphere S(2). This means that for any automorphism phi of G, where G is one of the above groups, the number of twisted phi-conjugacy classes is infinite.


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McVay's (2000) Readiness for Online Learning questionnaire is tested for its potential value as an instrument to assess the readiness for online learning of technical level and of university level vocational learners. The research indicates that the instrument yields a reliable factor structure that is replicable across the two learner groups, and is interpretable in a context of broader research and theory on flexible learning. Although the reliability of the instrument and its items is acceptable for the university level sample, reliability was less than acceptable for the technical level learners. The utility of the instrument is discussed for each of these samples of learners.


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This paper presents the design and simulation of a novel passive micromixer. The micromixer consists of two inlet tanks, one mixing channel and two outlet channels. In order to maximise the mixing efficiency, the following considerations are made: (i) The inlet tanks are followed by a series of microchannels, in which the flow is split. The microchannels are arranged in an interdigital manner to maximise the contact area between the two flows. (ii) The microchannels attached to the lower inlet tank have an upward slope while those attached to the upper tank have a downward slope. The higher-density flow is fed to the lower inlet tank and gets an upward velocity before entering the mixing channel. (iii) Two triangular barriers are placed within the mixing channel to impose chaotic advection and perturb the less-mixed flow along the top and bottom surfaces of the channel. (iv) Finally, two outlet channels are incorporated to discard the less-mixed flow. Three-dimensional simulations are carried out to evaluate the performance of the micromixer. Simulations are performed in the absence and presence of the gravitational force to analyse the influence of gravity on the micromixer. Mixing efficiencies of greater than 92% are achieved using water and a 1011'density biological solvent as the mixing fluids.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma investigação experimental sobre as propriedades magnéticas e de transporte elétrico de sistemas caracterizados por desordem e frustração. Tais sistemas são amostras granulares do supercondutor de alta temperatura crítica YBa2Cu3O7-δ e amostras do tipo vidro-de-spin e reentrantes das ligas magnéticas diluídas AuMn 8at% e AuFe xat% (x = 8, 12, 15, 18 e 21). No supercondutor granular foram estudados os efeitos de flutuações termodinâmicas na magnetocondutividade nas proximidades da transição supercondutora e a linha de irreversibilidades magnéticas. A transição para o estado de resistência nula é um processo que ocorre em duas etapas. Inicialmente, a transição de pareamento estabiliza a supercondutividade no interior dos grãos. A transição de coerência ocorre em temperaturas inferiores e ativa ligações fracas entre os grãos através de um processo do tipo percolação. O regime que antecede a transição de coerência é caracterizado por flutuações na fase do parâmetro de ordem. A linha de irreversibilidades magnéticas, estudada a partir da magnetoresistência e magnetização DC, revela um comportamento do tipo Almeida-Thouless em baixos campos magnéticos aplicados, seguido de um crossover, em µ0H = 0.1 T, para um comportamento do tipo Gabay-Toulouse. A linha de irreversibilidades é interpretada como sendo uma manifestação experimental de uma transição de vidro chiral. As ligas magnéticas diluídas foram estudadas através do efeito Hall extraordinário. Os resultados mostram claramente que dois termos de sinais contrários contribuem para este efeito nestes sistemas. Em particular, é observada uma anomalia no coeficiente de Hall extraordinário em temperaturas próximas à temperatura de ordenamento dos vidros-de-spin e de “canting” dos reentrantes que não é prevista por nenhuma teoria convencional de efeito Hall. A interpretação dos resultados é feita em termos do modelo de vidro chiral, mostrando a importância de uma contribuição de origem puramente chiral. Esta é a primeira vez que a chiralidade, uma propriedade intrínseca de sistemas desordenados e frustrados, é observada experimentalmente de modo direto.


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O presente trabalho consiste da realização de um estudo experimental sobre os efeitos das substituições químicas na irreversibilidade magnética e na magnetocondutividade do supercondutor YBa2Cu3O7-δ. Para tanto, o comportamento da linha de irreversibilidade magnética (LIM) bem como dos regimes de flutuações na magnetocondutividade foram pesquisados em amostras policristalinas e moncristalinas de YBa2-xSrxCu3O7-δ (x = 0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.37 e 0.5) e YBa2Cu2.97D0.03O7-δ (D = Zn ou Mg). Além de reduzir drasticamente o valor da temperatura crítica de transição, Tc, os dopantes introduzem um caráter granular nos monocristais. No monocristal puro, o comportamento da LIM é descrito pela lei de potências prevista pelo modelo de "flux creep" gigante para dinâmica de fluxo de Abrikosov convencional. Por outro lado, o comportamento da LIM para as amostras supercondutoras granulares apresenta características própias bastante relevantes. Os dados do limite de irreversibilidade, Tirr(H) seguem a lei de potência ditada pelas teorias de "flux creep" somente em altos campos magnéticos.Na região de baixos campos magnéticos, dois diferentes regimes de dinâmica de fluxo surgem: Nos campos magnéticos mais baixos que 1 kOe, os dados de Tirr(H) seguem uma lei de potência do tipo de Almeida-Thouleess (AT). Perto de 1 kOe, ocorre um "crossover" e em campos magnéticos intermediários passa a ter seu comportamento descrito por uma lei de potências do tipo Gabay-Toulouse (GT). A ocorrência de um comportamento AT-GT na LIM é a assinatura de um sistema frustrado onde a dinâmica de fluxo intergranular ou de Josephson é dominante. Na ausência de teorias específicas para este comportamento em baixos campos, descrevemos o comportamento da LIM de nossos supercondutores granulares, na região de baixo campo, em analogia aos sistemas vidros de spin. No entanto, o comportamento de Tirr(H) na região de altos campos, ocorre de acordo com a teoria de "flux creep" gigante. Particularmente, para valores acima de 20 kOe, a LIM nos monocristais de YBa2-xSrxCu3O7-δ para H // ab, exibe fortes propriedades direcionais para a orientação de H próximo aos planos de maclas (PMCs). Este comportamento é do tipo "cusp", similar ao observado em supercondutores com defeitos colunares, o qual caracteriza uma fase vidro de Bose. Por outro lado, a magnetoresistividade elétrica revela que a transição resistiva dos supercondutores granulares ocorre em duas etapas. Quando a temperatura é decrescida, inicialmente ocorre a transição de pareamento no interior dos grãos. Em temperaturas inferiores, na proximidade do estado de resistência nula, ocorre a transição de coerência, observada pela primeira vez num monocristal. Na transição de coerência, o parâmetro de ordem adquire ordem de longo alcance. Na região de temperaturas imediatamente acima de Tc, nossos resultados de flutuações na magnetocondutividade revelam a ocorrência de regimes críticos e Gaussianos. Abaixo de Tc, na região paracoerente, que antecede à transição de coerência, observaram-se regimes críticos cujo expoente é consistente com o esperado para o modelo 3D-XY com desordem relevante e dinâmica do tipo vidro de spin.


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Revestimentos compósitos com incorporação de SiC (com tamanho médio 600nm e 30nm) à matriz metálica de Ni-P foram elaborados por eletrodeposição a partir de uma solução de sais de níquel, contendo um precursor fosforoso H3PO3, na qual as partículas foram colocadas em suspensão. A partir de medidas de viscosidade e velocidade de sedimentação foi evidenciado que o tamanho das partículas de SiC é uma característica importante que influencia na estabilidade das suspensões. Além disso, a presença de aditivos orgânicos, como SDS ou CTAHS, modifica as características das suspensões podendo ter, de acordo com o tamanho das partículas, um efeito sobre a taxa de incorporação da mesma no depósito durante o crescimento da matriz. Observou-se que acima de uma certa concentração de partículas em suspensão, a taxa de incorporação avaliada em função da fração em volume atinge um patamar, quando, no entanto, a mesma continua a aumentar se avaliada pelo número de partículas incorporadas. Para as suspensões com elevada concentração de partículas, o processo de incorporação torna-se seletivo, e as partículas de menor tamanho são preferencialmente incorporadas. Medidas de microdureza, análise térmica e ensaios eletroquímicos (voltametria cíclica e impedância eletroquímica) foram realizados com o objetivo de investigar o efeito da quantidade e do tamanho das partículas de SiC incorporadas, sobre o comportamento térmico, a microdureza, e a resistência à corrosão dos revestimentos compósitos Ni-P-SiC com teor em fósforo igual a 17 %at.


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This thesis consists of three chapters that have as unifying subject the frame-work of common agency with informed principals. The first two chapters analyze the economic effects of privately informed lobbying applied to tariff protection (Chapter 1) and to customs unions agreements (Chapter 2). The third chapter investigates the choice of retailing strutures when principals (the producers) are privately informed about their production costs. Chapter 1 analyzes how lobbying affects economic policy when the interest groups have private information. I assume that the competitiveness of producers are lobbies private information in a Grossman and Helpman (1994) lobby game. This allows us to analyze the e¤ects of information transmission within their model. I show that the information transmission generates two informational asymmetry problems in the political game. One refers to the cost of signaling the lobby's competitiveness to the policy maker and the other to the cost of screening the rival lobby's competitiveness from the policy maker. As an important consequence information transmission may improve welfare through the reduction of harmful lobbying activity. Chapter 2 uses the framework of chapter 1 to study a customs union agreement when governments are subject to the pressure of special interest groups that have better information about the competitiveness of the industries they represent. I focus on the agreement's effect on the structure of political influence. When join a customs union, the structure of political pressure changes and with privately informed lobbies, a new effect emerges: the governments can use the information they learn from the lobby of one country to extract rents from the lobbies of the other country. I call this the "information transmission effect". This effect enhances the governments'bargaining power in a customs union and makes lobbies demand less protection. Thus, I find that information transmission increases the welfare of the agreement and decreases tari¤s towards non-members. I also investigate the incentives for the creation of a customs union and find that information transmission makes such agreement more likely to be politically sustainable. Chapter 3 investigates the choice of retailing structure when the manufacturers are privately informed about their production costs. Two retailing structures are analyzed, one where each manufacturer chooses her own retailer (exclusive dealing) and another where the manufacturers choose the same retailer (common agency). It is shown that common agency mitigates downstream competition but gives the retailer bargaining power to extract informational rents from the manufacturers, while in exclusive dealing there is no downstream coordination but also there are no incentives problem in the contract between manufacture and retailer. A pre- liminary characterization of the choice of the retailing structure for the case of substitute goods shows that when the uncertainty about the cost increases relatively to the size of the market, exclusive dealing tends to be the chosen retailing structure. On the other hand, when the market is big relatively to the costs, common agency emerges as the retailing structure. This thesis has greatly benefited from the contribution of Professors Humberto Moreira and Thierry Verdier. It also benefited from the stimulating environment of the Toulouse School of Economics, where part of this work was developed during the year of 2007.


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Os dois tipos de stress fisiológico e psicológico constituem, a meu ver, um único fenômeno, embora, do ponto de vista didático, faça-se necessária esta divisão. Neste estudo ambos os tipos foram abordados teoricamente, mas o mesmo se propõe a analisar a influência dos fatores de personalidade - extroversão, introversão e dogmatismo- na vulnerabilidade ao stress. Os determinantes cognitivos foram considerados como mediadores desta relação. O instrumental utilizado para a verificação empírica foi composto dos seguintes testes: 16 PF de Cattell e Eber, Fator P de Toulouse-Pieron, Escala de Dogmatismo de Rokeach e o Sorting-Test, adaptado para esse estudo. Esses instrumentos foram utilizados para testar as hipóteses; o introvertido e o não-dogmático, tanto na condição isolada quanto em combinação, apresentam vulnerabilidade ao stress maior do que o extrovertido e o dogmático nas mesmas condições. A análise da regressão múltipla demonstrou que nenhuma diferença quanto à vulnerabilidade ao stress foi observada em relação aos tipos extrovertido, introvertido, dogmátlco e não-dogmático, quer isoladamente, quer nas combinações extrovertido-dogmático e introvertido-não-dogmático. É provável que algumas circunstâncias possam explicar esse fenômeno. Em primeiro lugar é possível que a vulnerabilidade ao stress esteja mais relacionada com traço de personalidade do que com tipo. Em segundo lugar, pode ser que o instrumento utilizado para medir extroversão-introversão não forneça uma medida válida: uma vez que o conceito se baseia nas primeiras formulações da teoria da ativação. Poderíamos, ainda, acrescentar uma outra relação na influência dos fatores de personalidade na vulnerabilidade ao stress . Esta relação pode ser estudada sob os dois aspectos do stress: a especificidade e a não-especificidade. Assim sendo, poder-se-ia conjecturar que tanto os fatores de personalidade quanto os determinantes cognitivos estariam mais relacionados com a especificidade do que com a não-especificidade. Esta última estaria mais vinculada aos aspectos fisiológicos. Esta última proposição poderia servir de um esquema para uma diferente análise teórica e empírica da influência dos fatores de personalidade na vulnerabilidade ao stress, enfatizando mais a especificidade do que a não-especificidade.


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In the present work, we have studied the nature of the physical processes of the coronal heating, considering as basis significant samples of single and binary evolved stars, that have been achieved with the ROSAT satellite. In a total of 191 simple stars were studied, classified in the literature as giants with spectral type F, G and K. The results were compared with those obtained from 106 evolved stars of spectral type F, G and K, which belong to the spectroscopic binary systems. Accurate measurements on rotation and information about binarity were obtained from De Medeiros s catalog. We have analysed the behavior of the coronal activity in function of diverse stellar parameters. With the purpose to better clarify the profile of the stars evolution, the HR diagram was built for the two samples of stars, the single and the binary ones. The evolved traces added in the diagram were obtained from the Toulouse-Geneve code, Nascimento et al. (2000). The stars were segregated in this diagram not only in range of rotational speed but also in range of X-ray flux. Our analysis shows clearly that the single stars and the binary ones have coronal activity controlled by physical process independent on the rotation. Non magnetic processes seem to be strongly influencing the coronal heating. For the binary stars, we have also studied the behavior of the coronal emission as a function of orbital parameters, such as period and eccentricity, in which it was revealed the existence of a discontinuity in the emission of X-rays around an orbital period of 100 days. The study helped to conclude that circular orbits of the binary stars are presented as a necessary property for the existence of a higher level ofX-rays emission, suggesting that the effect of the gravitational tide has an important role in the coronal activity level. When applied the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (KS test ) for the Vsini and FX parameters to the samples of single and binary stars, we could evidence very relevant aspects for the understanding of the mechanisms inherent to the coronal activity. For the Vsini parameter, the differences between the single stars and the binary ones for rotation over 6.3 km/s were really remarkable. We believe, therefore, that the existence of gravitational tide is, at least, one of the factors that most contribute for this behavior. About the X-rays flux, the KS test showed that the behavior of the single and the binary stars, regarding the coronal activity, comes from the same origin


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In the present work we study the processes of heating in the high stellar atmosphere, with base in an analysis of behavior of the cromospheric and coronal emission for a sample of single stars classified as giant in the literature. The evolutionary status of the stars of the sample was determined from HIPPARCOS satellite trigonometric parallax measurements and from the Toulouse Genéve code. In this study we show the form of behavior of the CaII emission flux in spectral lines H and K F(CaII) and the X-ray emission flux in function of the rotation, number of Rossby Ro and depth in mass of the convective envelope. In this analysis we show that while the cromospheric activity is dominated clearly by a physical process of heating associated with the rotation, like a magnetic field produced by dynamo effect, the coronal activity seems to be influenced for a mechanism independent of the rotation. We show also that the effective role of the depth in massa of the convective envelope on the stellar activity has an important effect in the responsible physical process for the behavior of the activity in the atmosphere of the stars.


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Ising and m-vector spin-glass models are studied, in the limit of infinite-range in-teractions, through the replica method. First, the m-vector spin glass, in the presence of an external uniform magnetic field, as well as of uniaxial anisotropy fields, is consi-dered. The effects of the anisotropics on the phase diagrams, and in particular, on the Gabay-Toulouse line, which signals the transverse spin-glass ordering, are investigated. The changes in the Gabay-Toulouse line, due to the presence of anisotropy fields which favor spin orientations along the Cartesian axes (m = 2: planar anisotropy; m = 3: cubic anisotropy), are also studied. The antiferromagnetic Ising spin glass, in the presence of uniform and Gaussian random magnetic fields, is investigated through a two-sublattice generalization of the Sherrington-Kirpaktrick model. The effects of the magnetic-field randomness on the phase diagrams of the model are analysed. Some confrontations of the present results with experimental observations available in the literature are discussed


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The connection between rotation, CaII emission flux and lithium abundance is analyzed for a sample of subgiant stars, with evolutionary status was determined from the Toulouse-Geneve code and HlPPARCOS trigonometric parallax measurements. We noted that the distribution of rotation and CaII emission flux, as a function of effective temperature, shows a discontinuity located around the same spectral type, F8IV. Stars located blueward of this spectral type, exhibit a large spread of values of rotation and CaII flux, whereas stars redward of F8lV show essentially low ratation anel low CaII flux. The strength of these declines nevertheless, depends on stellar mass. The distribution of lithium abundances also shows a discontinuity, however with behavior a little more complex for subgiants with mass lower than about 1.2 Solar Masses, this decrease is observed later than that in rotation and CaII flux, whereas for masses higher than 1.2 Solar Masses the decrease in lithium abundance is located around the spectral type F8IV. The discrepancy between the location of the discontinuities of rotation and CaII flux and log n(Li) for stars with masses lower than 102 Solar Masses, seems to reflect the sensitivity of these phenomena to the mass of the convective envelope. The drop in rotation, which results mostly from a magnetic braking, requires an increase in the mass of the convective envelope less than that required for the decrease in lithium abundance The location of the discontinuity in log n( Li) in the same region of the discontinuity ties in rotation and CaII flux, for stars with masses higher than 1.2 Solar Masses, may also be explained by the behavior of the deepening of the convective envelope. In contrast to the relationship between rotation and CaII flux the relationship between lithium abundance and rotation shows no dear tendency toward linear behavior. Similarly, the same tendency is observed in the relationship between lithium abundance and CaII flux in spite of these facts, subgiants with high lithium content also have high rotation and high CaII emission flux. We also observed that stars with high lithium content present, in its majority, an undeveloped convective envelope, whereas stars with low lithium content have a developed convective envelope. In the case of the rotation, stars with undeveloped convective envelope, show rotational velocities as much high as low, whereas stars with developed convective envelope only present low rotation