995 resultados para Theater. Corporeal mimesis. Rural maracatu. Actor. Composition


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Purpose : Myelomeningocele is a complex disease often complicated by obesity for reasons not well understood. The objectives of this study were to determine body composition and energy expenditure of children with MMC. Methods : Resting energy expenditure (REE), body composition and anthropometry were measured in 19 children with MMC (12 M, 7 F). Total energy expenditure (TEE) was estimated using a 3-day activity record. Energy intake (EI) was measured in seven children (5 M, 2 F) with MMC. Data were then compared with predicted values. Results : Mean REE ( n = 19) was 4680 ±1452 kJ/day (96.1 ±18.1% of predicted REE). The range was large (45.8-125.7% of predicted REE). TEE ( n = 7) was 4344 ±2376 kJ/day, hence only 73 34% of predicted TEE. EI ( n = 7) was 6560 ±1329 kJ/day, approximating a normal energy requirement. Overall, BCM was lower than expected values. Conclusions : REE in children with MMC is variable when compared to predicted values. TEE was found to be lower in children with MMC than predicted values and EI was similar to predicted values in this group of seven children. BCM is reduced in children with MMC when compared to expected values.


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Trans-membrane proteins of the p24 family are abundant, oligomeric proteins predominantly found in cis-Golgi membranes. They are not easily studied in vivo and their functions are controversial. We found that p25 can be targeted to the plasma membrane after inactivation of its canonical KKXX motif (KK to SS, p25SS), and that p25SS causes the co-transport of other p24 proteins beyond the Golgi complex, indicating that wild-type p25 plays a crucial role in retaining p24 proteins in cis-Golgi membranes. We then made use of these observations to study the intrinsic properties of these proteins, when present in a different membrane context. At the cell surface, the p25SS mutant segregates away from both the transferrin receptor and markers of lipid rafts, which are enriched in cholesterol and glycosphingolipids. This suggests that p25SS localizes to, or contributes to form, specialized membrane domains, presumably corresponding to oligomers of p25SS and other p24 proteins. Once at the cell surface, p25SS is endocytosed, together with other p24 proteins, and eventually accumulates in late endosomes, where it remains confined to well-defined membrane regions visible by electron microscopy. We find that this p25SS accumulation causes a concomitant accumulation of cholesterol in late endosomes, and an inhibition of their motility - two processes that are functionally linked. Yet, the p25SS-rich regions themselves seem to-exclude not only Lamp1 but also accumulated cholesterol. One may envision that p25SS accumulation, by excluding cholesterol from oligomers, eventually overloads neighboring late endosomal membranes with cholesterol beyond their capacity (see Discussion). In any case, our data show that p25 and presumably other p24 proteins are endowed with the intrinsic capacity to form highly specialized domains that control membrane composition and dynamics. We propose that p25 and other p24 proteins control the fidelity of membrane transport by maintaining cholesterol-poor membranes in the Golgi complex.


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The dissected carcass composition and fatty acid profiles of intermuscular fat from 110 male goat kids from six genotypes i.e. Boer x Angora (BA), Boer x Feral (BF), Boer x Saanen (BS), Feral x Feral (1717), Saanen x Angora (SA) and Saanen x Feral (SF) and two slaughter weight groups i.e. Capretto and Chevon (liveweight at slaughter 14-22 and 30-35 kg, respectively) were compared. Carcass tissue distribution for various genotypes was: muscle (63-66%), fat (10-13%) and bone (21-24%). Genotype significantly (P < 0.05) influenced the carcass composition; BA and FF carcasses had significantly higher muscle to bone ratio, while carcasses from BS kids were leaner compared to other genotypes. However, the two slaughter weight groups did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) in terms of carcass composition, when compared at the same carcass weight. In the present study, significant (P < 0.01) correlations were observed between percentage of muscle, fat and bone in most of the primal cuts and that in the carcass side. The main saturated fatty acids (SFAs) identified were palmitic (16:0) and stearic acid (18:0), while oleic acid (18: 1, omega9) was the main unsaturated fatty acid (UFA) in the intermuscular fat from goat kids. There were significant (P < 0.05) differences between genotypes in the proportions of individual fatty acids. Adipose tissue from BS kids had significantly higher UFAs (mainly oleic acid) and thus had a significantly lower melting point compared to other genotypes. There were significantly higher proportions of palmitic acid (35%) in the adipose tissue from Capretto kids compared to that from Chevon kids (22%). The concentration of UFAs increased in the adipose tissue from Capretto to Chevon carcasses. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Activated sludge floes are a flocculated mass of microorganisms, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and adsorbed organic and inorganic material. The structure of the floes is very heterogeneous and floes with very different properties and morphologies may occur, depending on the conditions in the activated sludge treatment plant and wastewater composition. Present thinking suggests that cations, such as calcium, create cationic bridges with EPS excreted by the bacteria and thereby hold the various floe constituents together. However, due to the complex and heterogeneous nature of activated sludge, the mechanisms have neither been thoroughly investigated nor successfully quantified. A better understanding and description of the biological flocculation process is necessary in order to establish more efficient operational strategies. The main aim of this study was to get a comprehensive and unique insight into the floe properties of activated sludge and to assess the relative impact of chemical and physical parameters. A variety of sludges from full scale treatment plants with different settling properties were characterised. The interrelationships between floe parameters such as composition of EPS, surface properties and floe structure, and their effect on the flocculation and separation properties were assessed. The results indicate that the EPS, both in terms of quantity and quality, are very important for the floe properties of the activated sludge. However, presence of filaments may alter the physical properties of the floes considerably. The EPS showed positive correlations to sludge volume index (SVI) if only sludges with low or moderate numbers of filaments were included. The surface properties were more affected by the composition of the EPS than by the number of filaments. The EPS showed positive correlation to negative surface charge and a negative correlation to relative hydrophobicity and flocculation ability. The negative correlation between flocculation ability and amount of EPS was surprising. The shear sensitivity, measured as degree of erosion of floes when subjected to shear, was more affected by floe size and number of filaments than amount of EPS.


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Controversies In its present condition, rural Australia is characterised by a discourse of decline that sees country towns and regions as places of demoralisation and despair. From a Foucauldian governmentality perspective, those who live in these spaces are not so much 'powerless' to the demands of urban-based governments and global capital, as rendered governable according to the socio-political ambitions of late capitalism. While important insights have been derived from such analyses, it is argued in this paper that excessive attention is often paid to the power of the state with little concern for the various ways in which local people engage with, and transform the strategies and effects of state power. Rather than utilising the concept of resistance to make sense of these interactions, a sociology of translation is adopted from the Actor Network Theory literature. Applied to two case examples, it shows how governmental policies and programmes are frequently the outcome of the interactions and negotiations that take place between all those enrolled in the actor-network.


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Rheological properties of four unprocessed unifloral Australian honeys (heath, tea tree, yapunya, and yellow box) and an artificial honey were analysed at 20degreesC. A model previously used to describe viscosity data of various sugar and sugar mixtures was used to describe the concentration dependence of the viscosity of honey samples with varying moisture contents. The model successfully described the sugar concentration dependence of the unadulterated and medium moisture (70-85% solids) range honey samples.


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No Brasil, h?? uma escassez de informa????es estat??sticas sobre a aus??ncia de documenta????o civil e trabalhista, al??m de outros problemas relacionados a esse tema, como dispers??o de ??rg??os emissores, aus??ncia de recursos da popula????o pobre para custear a emiss??o dos documentos,desinforma????o sobre os pr??-requisitos para a sua obten????o, falta de reconhecimento da cidadania plena das mulheres. Por reivindica????o dos movimentos sociais, o governo federal, por meio do Minist??rio do Desenvolvimento Agr??rio (MDA) e do Instituto Nacional de Coloniza????o e Reforma Agr??ria (Incra), implantou, em 2004, o Programa Nacional de Documenta????o da Trabalhadora Rural (PNDTR). O programa j?? atendeu mais de 275 mil mulheres com a emiss??o de 561 mil documentos e incrementou a participa????o delas nas pol??ticas de desenvolvimento rural. A iniciativa envolve diversos ??rg??os governamentais e a representa????o da sociedade civil, por meio de comit??s gestores


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Para tornar p??blicos seus conhecimentos, tecnologias, metodologias desenvolvidas e/ou adaptados para toda a sociedade, em especial aos jovens e pequenos produtores rurais, a Empresa est?? utilizando, al??m da m??dia convencional, mais uma m??dia ??? o r??dio. Isso porque, al??m da sua facilidade de uso e de entendimento, esse ve??culo ?? capaz de levar informa????es aos lugares de mais dif??cil acesso do Pa??s, onde, muitas vezes, outros meios de comunica????o n??o t??m acesso. Hoje, conta-se com cerca de 504 emissoras cadastradas, que transmitem o programa semanalmente com capacidade de atingir 14 milh??es de ouvintes e, certamente, est??o contribuindo para fortalecer os pequenos produtores e a juventude do campo, para que tenham reais possibilidades de constru????o de um futuro melhor, no contexto da agricultura familiar, e de um novo projeto de desenvolvimento regional


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O Minist??rio do Trabalho e Emprego, por interm??dio de sua Secretaria de Inspe????o do Trabalho, vem desenvolvendo arrojado programa de metas, visando diminuir os altos ??ndices de informalidade na contrata????o de m??o-de-obra. Al??m de ilegal, tal situa????o provoca graves preju??zos aos trabalhadores. Visando superar este contexto no meio rural, a Secretaria de Inspe????o do Trabalho lan??ou o projeto denominado "Condom??nio de Empregadores". O Condom??nio de Empregadores ?? a uni??o de produtores rurais pessoas f??sicas, com a ??nica finalidade de contratar diretamente empregados rurais, sendo outorgados a um dos produtores poderes para contratar e gerir a m??o-de-obra em suas propriedades. Iniciado em julho de 1999, o projeto consiste na capacita????o dos auditores fiscais, no estabelecimento de parcerias com institui????es governamentais e n??o governamentais e na implanta????o desse novo modelo de contrata????o em ??mbito nacional. Com o apoio do Minist??rio P??blico do Trabalho, do Instituto Nacional de Seguridade Social e de entidades representativas dos trabalhadores e segmento patronal, j?? foram implantados condom??nios no Paran??, Minas Gerais e S??o Paulo. Espera-se at?? o final do ano a cria????o de condom??nios em quase todo o territ??rio nacional, com a regulariza????o de dezenas de milhares de v??nculos laborais


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A Casa Familiar Rural ?? destinada ?? forma????o de agricultores e administrada por uma associa????o de produtores, ?? voltada especialmente ao jovem do meio rural que tenha se decidido permanecer na atividade rural e deseja produzir com profissionalismo. Trabalha com um m??todo de educa????o adaptado, tendo como pontos principais a fam??lia e a sua realidade


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Fundamentando-se na Teoria das Representações Sociais este trabalho analisa como adolescentes de diferentes inserções sociais representam a adolescência e dão sentido ao período em que vivem. Participaram desse estudo 360 adolescentes entre as idades de 14 e 23 anos: 180 (90 do sexo feminino e 90 do sexo masculino) residentes em região urbana, estudantes de escola particular, localizada em bairro considerado de classe média alta e alta, e 180 (90 do sexo feminino e 90 do sexo masculino) residentes em uma região rural e que estudam em escola agrotécnica pública. Os resultados indicaram que a adolescência para os dois grupos está ancorada na percepção tradicional da adolescência como fase universal e transitória. Ocorre, entretanto, uma diferenciação de acordo com os elementos culturais presentes nos grupos. Dessa forma, verificamos formas diferentes de vivenciar a adolescência, corroborando assim, a tendência mais recente que propõe a adolescência como uma condição construída historicamente.


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Esta pesquisa dedica-se a analisar o processo de concordância nominal no português falado na zona rural de Santa Leopoldina/ES. Para isso, utilizaremos, como base para nossas ponderações, os pressupostos da Sociolinguística Variacionista. Nossa análise foi constituída a partir de entrevistas, tipicamente labovianas, com duração de 50 a 60 minutos. Sabendo que a Teoria da Variação considera preponderante o estudo da língua associado ao meio em que essa se encontra inserida, nos termos de Labov (2008 [1972], p. 291), estratificamos nossos informantes da seguinte maneira: faixa etária – 7-14 anos; 15-25 anos; 26-49 anos; e maiores de 49 anos; sexo/gênero – feminino e masculino; escolaridade – um a cinco anos (antigo primário, atual fundamental 1); seis a nove anos (antigo ginasial, atual fundamental 2). Para um controle do ambiente linguístico em que nossas variantes operam, selecionamos cinco variáveis linguísticas: saliência fônica, posição linear e relativa aliada à classe gramatical, marcas precedentes, animacidade dos substantivos, grau e formalidade dos substantivos e dos adjetivos. Além disso, elaboramos um estudo comparativo entre rural vs urbano, haja vista que comparamos nossos resultados aos obtidos por: Scherre (1988) – com o português falado no Rio de Janeiro (RJ), na década de 1980; Scherre e Naro (2006) – com o português falado no Rio de Janeiro (RJ), na década de 2000; e, por fim, Silva (2011) – com o português falado em Vitória (ES), na década de 2000. Esperamos, dessa forma, colaborar para o mapeamento da fala capixaba.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, 2016.