1000 resultados para Sistemas de energia eletrica - Distribuidor de carga
The first approach in this work is the concept of the electric power transmission and distribution system, as well as the survey of the current condition of substations chosen to thus identify the importance of having a suitable design with respect to security due to the need to obtain the approval for the operation of the substation according to the standards valid in the country. Present the guidelines and present needs when designing improvements, thus ensuring the company for more safety and reliability. From the company's point of view is an opportunity to reduce the cost of maintenance, and the professional point of view is an opportunity that allows a comprehensive study of legal requirements for the operation of substations
El Sistema Energético Solar-Hidrógeno (SESH) constituye un sistema energético cuya fuente primaria es la energía solar, directa o indirecta, y la secundaria el hidrógeno. Actualmente, se considera como la mejor opción para complementar en el mediano y sustituir en el largo plazo, al actual sistema energético basado en fuentes fósiles. En este contexto se desenvuelve este trabajo, cuyo objetivo es identificar y analizar los factores intervinientes en el desarrollo del SESH en el ámbito latinoamericano, mediante una investigación documental basada en una amplia revisión bibliográfica. Se obtiene que la mayoría de países latinoamericanos disponen de ingentes potenciales aprovechables de energías renovables que harían posible y atractiva económicamente la implantación del SESH; que la hidrogenaría y biomasa son las fuentes más adecuadas como base para esta implantación, tanto por su potencial como por su presencia en la matriz energética y costos del SESH. Los estudios indican que la energización rural y el transporte urbano constituyen nichos de oportunidad para la penetración del SESH. También se reportan barreras: acciones de investigación escasas y concentradas en pocos países, un exiguo talento humano formado y capacitado para operar y desarrollar esta tecnología, como resultado de una débil oferta formativa; y la carencia de un marco legal e institucional que incentive el desarrollo de este sistema. Se concluye que sólo con la acción concertada de centros de investigación, universidades y la empresa privada, bajo la tutela del estado, se logrará que este elemento químico singular conduzca el desarrollo humano de la región por caminos sustentables.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Elétrica e Eletrónica, Especialização em Sistemas de Energia e Controlo, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Elétrica e Eletrónica, Especialização em Sistemas de Energia e Controlo, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Elétrica e Eletrónica, Especialização em Sistemas de Energia e Controlo, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise da qualidade de energia realizado em um sistema real de distribuição de energia elétrica, a partir das diferentes classes de consumo atendida pela concessionária. O estudo foi realizado em duas etapas, sendo a primeira através de medições realizadas no secundário de transformadores da rede de distribuição que atende ao sistema da CEA (Companhia de Eletricidade do Amapá), previamente classificados por classe de atendimento sendo, classe comercial, residencial e mista. Através do estudo torna-se possível a identificação e a caracterização de fontes geradoras de harmônicos no sistema, possibilitando assim a análise do nível de injeção de harmônicos em sua rede de distribuição, bem como a avaliação dos impactos que essas fontes distribuídas de geração harmônica podem provocar na qualidade de energia fornecida pela concessionária. A etapa final do estudo apresenta o uso de um fluxo de carga harmônico trifásico, onde a partir do perfil harmônico obtido no estudo, é feita uma avaliação de forma global do sistema.
O aumento da população Mundial, particularmente em Países emergentes como é o caso da China e da Índia, tem-se relevado um problema adicional no que confere às dificuldades associadas ao consumo mundial de energia, pois esta situação limita inequivocamente o acesso destes milhões de pessoas à energia eléctrica para os bens básicos de sobrevivência. Uma das muitas formas de se extinguir esta necessidade, começa a ser desenvolvida recorrendo ao uso de recursos renováveis como fontes de energia. Independentemente do local do mundo onde nos encontremos, essas fontes de energia são abundantes, inesgotáveis e gratuitas. O problema reside na forma como esses recursos renováveis são geridos em função das solicitações de carga que as instalações necessitam. Sistemas híbridos podem ser usados para produzir energia em qualquer parte do mundo. Historicamente este tipo de sistemas eram aplicados em locais isolados, mas nos dias que correm podem ser usados directamente conectados à rede, permitindo que se realize a venda de energia. Foi neste contexto que esta tese foi desenvolvida, com o objectivo de disponibilizar uma ferramenta informática capaz de calcular a rentabilidade de um sistema híbrido ligado à rede ou isolado. Contudo, a complexidade deste problema é muito elevada, pois existe uma extensa panóplia de características e distintos equipamentos que se pode adoptar. Assim, a aplicação informática desenvolvida teve de ser limitada e restringida aos dados disponíveis de forma a poder tornar-se genérica, mas ao mesmo tempo permitir ter uma aplicabilidade prática. O objectivo da ferramenta informática desenvolvida é apresentar de forma imediata os custos da implementação que um sistema híbrido pode acarretar, dependendo apenas de três variáveis distintas. A primeira variável terá de ter em consideração o local de instalação do sistema. Em segundo lugar é o tipo de ligação (isolado ou ligado à rede) e, por fim, o custo dos equipamentos (eólico, solar e restantes componentes) que serão introduzidos. Após a inserção destes dados a aplicação informática apresenta valores estimados de Payback e VAL.
O presente trabalho é dedicado à simulação numérica de sistemas térmicos de potência. O trabalho é iniciado com a modelagem de um ciclo Rankine, dedicado à produção de energia elétrica, para o qual foi elaborado um programa de simulação com a linguagem de programação MATLAB. A partir desse primeiro caso, são apresentados os modelos empregados para representar os diversos componentes que formam o circuito, como o gerador de vapor, a turbina, o condensador e a bomba. Além desses componentes, são introduzidas as equações que representam o escoamento do fluido de trabalho, no caso a água, permitindo assim o cálculo da perda de carga nas diferentes canalizações do circuito, sendo também acoplado o funcionamento da bomba. Essa alternativa pennite uma melhor avaliação do trabalho despendido para operar o sistema. A modelagem do ciclo deixa então de ser exclusivamente tennodinâmica, e passa a incluir aspectos de mecânica de fluidos. Outras variantes desse ciclo simples são também modelados e simulados, incluindo ciclos Rankine regenerativos e com irreversibilidades. As simulações são efetuadas admitindo-se parâmetros de operação, como, potência da turbina, temperatura do vapor d'água na entrada da turbina e pressão do vapor d'água na saída da turbina, com a variante de fixar-se o título do vapor d'água na saída da turbina.
O uso de energias renováveis está cada vez mais presente no nosso quotidiano. A forte aposta por parte de várias empresas, grupos privados e habitações domésticas na produção de energia renovável tem vindo a crescer bastante nos últimos anos, porque além de ser uma energia limpa, é economicamente vantajosa. No âmbito residencial na Ilha da Madeira, tem havido um grande crescimento na microprodução de energia fotovoltaica. Para que se consiga converter energia garantindo os critérios e qualidade da energia elétrica maximizando a eficiência são necessários conversores eletrónicos de potência, responsáveis pela conversão e gestão da energia produzida a partir de uma fonte de energia renovável e conversão para a REE (Rede Elétrica de Energia). A oferta de soluções na área tem vindo a aumentar com o aumento dos pedidos do mercado, existindo cada vez mais concorrência, devido ao surgimento de sistemas mais compactos e eficientes. Neste trabalho é desenvolvido um sistema para microprodução de energia renovável, através de uma ou mais fontes de energia, de maneira a que este seja compacto e eficiente, além de adicionar várias soluções a nível de software (automatismos) de maneira a aumentar as funções do sistema sem utilizar hardware adicional. Apresentam-se também resultados de simulação de maneira a demonstrar todas as funcionalidades do sistema. Conseguiu-se demonstrar que é possível melhorar o rendimento, qualidade de energia e diminuir os custos dos sistemas de conversão de energia utilizando software, mantendo o hardware do sistema. Além das melhorias no sistema que o software permite, conseguiu-se adicionar novos modos de funcionamento ao sistema utilizando automatismos.
The usual programs for load flow calculation were in general developped aiming the simulation of electric energy transmission, subtransmission and distribution systems. However, the mathematical methods and algorithms used by the formulations were based, in majority, just on the characteristics of the transmittion systems, which were the main concern focus of engineers and researchers. Though, the physical characteristics of these systems are quite different from the distribution ones. In the transmission systems, the voltage levels are high and the lines are generally very long. These aspects contribute the capacitive and inductive effects that appear in the system to have a considerable influence in the values of the interest quantities, reason why they should be taken into consideration. Still in the transmission systems, the loads have a macro nature, as for example, cities, neiborhoods, or big industries. These loads are, generally, practically balanced, what reduces the necessity of utilization of three-phase methodology for the load flow calculation. Distribution systems, on the other hand, present different characteristics: the voltage levels are small in comparison to the transmission ones. This almost annul the capacitive effects of the lines. The loads are, in this case, transformers, in whose secondaries are connected small consumers, in a sort of times, mono-phase ones, so that the probability of finding an unbalanced circuit is high. This way, the utilization of three-phase methodologies assumes an important dimension. Besides, equipments like voltage regulators, that use simultaneously the concepts of phase and line voltage in their functioning, need a three-phase methodology, in order to allow the simulation of their real behavior. For the exposed reasons, initially was developped, in the scope of this work, a method for three-phase load flow calculation in order to simulate the steady-state behaviour of distribution systems. Aiming to achieve this goal, the Power Summation Algorithm was used, as a base for developing the three phase method. This algorithm was already widely tested and approved by researchers and engineers in the simulation of radial electric energy distribution systems, mainly for single-phase representation. By our formulation, lines are modeled in three-phase circuits, considering the magnetic coupling between the phases; but the earth effect is considered through the Carson reduction. It s important to point out that, in spite of the loads being normally connected to the transformer s secondaries, was considered the hypothesis of existence of star or delta loads connected to the primary circuit. To perform the simulation of voltage regulators, a new model was utilized, allowing the simulation of various types of configurations, according to their real functioning. Finally, was considered the possibility of representation of switches with current measuring in various points of the feeder. The loads are adjusted during the iteractive process, in order to match the current in each switch, converging to the measured value specified by the input data. In a second stage of the work, sensibility parameters were derived taking as base the described load flow, with the objective of suporting further optimization processes. This parameters are found by calculating of the partial derivatives of a variable in respect to another, in general, voltages, losses and reactive powers. After describing the calculation of the sensibility parameters, the Gradient Method was presented, using these parameters to optimize an objective function, that will be defined for each type of study. The first one refers to the reduction of technical losses in a medium voltage feeder, through the installation of capacitor banks; the second one refers to the problem of correction of voltage profile, through the instalation of capacitor banks or voltage regulators. In case of the losses reduction will be considered, as objective function, the sum of the losses in all the parts of the system. To the correction of the voltage profile, the objective function will be the sum of the square voltage deviations in each node, in respect to the rated voltage. In the end of the work, results of application of the described methods in some feeders are presented, aiming to give insight about their performance and acuity
Most algorithms for state estimation based on the classical model are just adequate for use in transmission networks. Few algorithms were developed specifically for distribution systems, probably because of the little amount of data available in real time. Most overhead feeders possess just current and voltage measurements at the middle voltage bus-bar at the substation. In this way, classical algorithms are of difficult implementation, even considering off-line acquired data as pseudo-measurements. However, the necessity of automating the operation of distribution networks, mainly in regard to the selectivity of protection systems, as well to implement possibilities of load transfer maneuvers, is changing the network planning policy. In this way, some equipments incorporating telemetry and command modules have been installed in order to improve operational features, and so increasing the amount of measurement data available in real-time in the System Operation Center (SOC). This encourages the development of a state estimator model, involving real-time information and pseudo-measurements of loads, that are built from typical power factors and utilization factors (demand factors) of distribution transformers. This work reports about the development of a new state estimation method, specific for radial distribution systems. The main algorithm of the method is based on the power summation load flow. The estimation is carried out piecewise, section by section of the feeder, going from the substation to the terminal nodes. For each section, a measurement model is built, resulting in a nonlinear overdetermined equations set, whose solution is achieved by the Gaussian normal equation. The estimated variables of a section are used as pseudo-measurements for the next section. In general, a measurement set for a generic section consists of pseudo-measurements of power flows and nodal voltages obtained from the previous section or measurements in real-time, if they exist -, besides pseudomeasurements of injected powers for the power summations, whose functions are the load flow equations, assuming that the network can be represented by its single-phase equivalent. The great advantage of the algorithm is its simplicity and low computational effort. Moreover, the algorithm is very efficient, in regard to the accuracy of the estimated values. Besides the power summation state estimator, this work shows how other algorithms could be adapted to provide state estimation of middle voltage substations and networks, namely Schweppes method and an algorithm based on current proportionality, that is usually adopted for network planning tasks. Both estimators were implemented not only as alternatives for the proposed method, but also looking for getting results that give support for its validation. Once in most cases no power measurement is performed at beginning of the feeder and this is required for implementing the power summation estimations method, a new algorithm for estimating the network variables at the middle voltage bus-bar was also developed
The usual programs for load flow calculation were in general developped aiming the simulation of electric energy transmission, subtransmission and distribution systems. However, the mathematical methods and algorithms used by the formulations were based, in majority, just on the characteristics of the transmittion systems, which were the main concern focus of engineers and researchers. Though, the physical characteristics of these systems are quite different from the distribution ones. In the transmission systems, the voltage levels are high and the lines are generally very long. These aspects contribute the capacitive and inductive effects that appear in the system to have a considerable influence in the values of the interest quantities, reason why they should be taken into consideration. Still in the transmission systems, the loads have a macro nature, as for example, cities, neiborhoods, or big industries. These loads are, generally, practically balanced, what reduces the necessity of utilization of three-phase methodology for the load flow calculation. Distribution systems, on the other hand, present different characteristics: the voltage levels are small in comparison to the transmission ones. This almost annul the capacitive effects of the lines. The loads are, in this case, transformers, in whose secondaries are connected small consumers, in a sort of times, mono-phase ones, so that the probability of finding an unbalanced circuit is high. This way, the utilization of three-phase methodologies assumes an important dimension. Besides, equipments like voltage regulators, that use simultaneously the concepts of phase and line voltage in their functioning, need a three-phase methodology, in order to allow the simulation of their real behavior. For the exposed reasons, initially was developped, in the scope of this work, a method for three-phase load flow calculation in order to simulate the steady-state behaviour of distribution systems. Aiming to achieve this goal, the Power Summation Algorithm was used, as a base for developping the three phase method. This algorithm was already widely tested and approved by researchers and engineers in the simulation of radial electric energy distribution systems, mainly for single-phase representation. By our formulation, lines are modeled in three-phase circuits, considering the magnetic coupling between the phases; but the earth effect is considered through the Carson reduction. Its important to point out that, in spite of the loads being normally connected to the transformers secondaries, was considered the hypothesis of existence of star or delta loads connected to the primary circuit. To perform the simulation of voltage regulators, a new model was utilized, allowing the simulation of various types of configurations, according to their real functioning. Finally, was considered the possibility of representation of switches with current measuring in various points of the feeder. The loads are adjusted during the iteractive process, in order to match the current in each switch, converging to the measured value specified by the input data. In a second stage of the work, sensibility parameters were derived taking as base the described load flow, with the objective of suporting further optimization processes. This parameters are found by calculating of the partial derivatives of a variable in respect to another, in general, voltages, losses and reactive powers. After describing the calculation of the sensibility parameters, the Gradient Method was presented, using these parameters to optimize an objective function, that will be defined for each type of study. The first one refers to the reduction of technical losses in a medium voltage feeder, through the installation of capacitor banks; the second one refers to the problem of correction of voltage profile, through the instalation of capacitor banks or voltage regulators. In case of the losses reduction will be considered, as objective function, the sum of the losses in all the parts of the system. To the correction of the voltage profile, the objective function will be the sum of the square voltage deviations in each node, in respect to the rated voltage. In the end of the work, results of application of the described methods in some feeders are presented, aiming to give insight about their performance and acuity
The reconfiguration of a distribution network is a change in its topology, aiming to provide specific operation conditions of the network, by changing the status of its switches. It can be performed regardless of any system anomaly. The service restoration is a particular case of reconfiguration and should be performed whenever there is a network failure or whenever one or more sections of a feeder have been taken out of service for maintenance. In such cases, loads that are supplied through lines sections that are downstream of portions removed for maintenance may be supplied by the closing of switches to the others feeders. By classical methods of reconfiguration, several switches may be required beyond those used to perform the restoration service. This includes switching feeders in the same substation or for substations that do not have any direct connection to the faulted feeder. These operations can cause discomfort, losses and dissatisfaction among consumers, as well as a negative reputation for the energy company. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a heuristic for reconfiguration of a distribution network, upon the occurrence of a failure in this network, making the switching only for feeders directly involved in this specific failed segment, considering that the switching applied is related exclusively to the isolation of failed sections and bars, as well as to supply electricity to the islands generated by the condition, with significant reduction in the number of applications of load flows, due to the use of sensitivity parameters for determining voltages and currents estimated on bars and lines of the feeders directly involved with that failed segment. A comparison between this process and classical methods is performed for different test networks from the literature about networks reconfiguration
The objective of the present work is develop a model to simulate electrical energy networks in transient and stead states, using the software ATP (Alternative Transient Program), able to be a way to join two distinct themes, present in classical methodology planning networks: short circuit analysis and load flow theory. Beyond that, using a tool for relay simulation, this paper intend to use the new developed model to investigate the influence of transient phenomenon in operation of protection relays, and calibrate the enterprise's protections relays. For testing the model, some relays, actually, installed at COSERN were used