557 resultados para Sarcoma fibromixóide


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Con esta revisión se pretende remarcar al odontoestomatólogo los aspectos clínicos que con mayor frecuencia se asocian a la infección producida por el VIH. Entre ellos cabe resaltar las infecciones producidas por virus (herpes simple, herpes varicela-zoster, citomegalovirus. papilomavirus), hongos (sobre todo candidiasis) y bacterias (caries y patología periodontal); la patología tumoral asociada (sarcoma de Kaposi, linfoma no Hodgkin, carcinomas); así como otras manifestaciones patológicas que tienen su asiento en el territorio del aparato estomatognático (ulceraciones atípicas, alteraciones neurológicas, patología glandular. etc.). No puede concluirse el trabajo sin recordar la importancia que tiene seguir un protocolo en la atención odontológica de estos pacientes seropositivos, que debería hacerse extensivo al resto de nuestros pacientes.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência no controle local de pacientes adultos e portadores de sarcoma de partes moles em extremidades e submetidos a cirurgia conservadora do membro, com braquiterapia de alta taxa de dose (BATD) como reforço para a radioterapia externa (RT). MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 16 pacientes tratados, de 1993 até 1999. A RT foi utilizada com finalidade pré ou pós-operatória (30--55 Gy) e BATD com dose de 18--36 Gy (fx 3--6 Gy BID). Com base no modelo linear quadrático calculou-se a dose efetiva biológica ("biological effective dose" - BED) para o tumor e comparou-se seu valor a dados da literatura internacional, que utiliza tratamentos com RT e braquiterapia de baixa taxa de dose (BBTD). RESULTADOS: Os valores médios e medianos da BED para os sarcomas de partes moles foram de 78,5 Gy7 e 80 Gy7. A análise univariada mostrou que a BED para o tumor, quando utilizada BATD, era semelhante ao valor de 83 Gy7 quando utilizada BBTD (p = 0,008). As taxas de controle local, sobrevida livre de doença e sobrevida global atuarial em cinco anos foram de 83,2%, 75% e 93,7%, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: A BATD, quando utilizada como método complementar no reforço de dose da RT no tratamento conservador dos sarcomas de partes moles, apresenta taxas de controle local equiparáveis às da literatura internacional; no entanto, estudos com número maior de pacientes e período maior de seguimento são ainda necessários para determinar o verdadeiro potencial da BATD em substituir a BBTD.


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OBJECTIVE: The goal was to demonstrate that tailored therapy, according to tumor histology and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutation status, and the introduction of novel drug combinations in the treatment of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer are promising for further investigation. METHODS: We conducted a multicenter phase II trial with mandatory EGFR testing and 2 strata. Patients with EGFR wild type received 4 cycles of bevacizumab, pemetrexed, and cisplatin, followed by maintenance with bevacizumab and pemetrexed until progression. Patients with EGFR mutations received bevacizumab and erlotinib until progression. Patients had computed tomography scans every 6 weeks and repeat biopsy at progression. The primary end point was progression-free survival (PFS) ≥ 35% at 6 months in stratum EGFR wild type; 77 patients were required to reach a power of 90% with an alpha of 5%. Secondary end points were median PFS, overall survival, best overall response rate (ORR), and tolerability. Further biomarkers and biopsy at progression were also evaluated. RESULTS: A total of 77 evaluable patients with EGFR wild type received an average of 9 cycles (range, 1-25). PFS at 6 months was 45.5%, median PFS was 6.9 months, overall survival was 12.1 months, and ORR was 62%. Kirsten rat sarcoma oncogene mutations and circulating vascular endothelial growth factor negatively correlated with survival, but thymidylate synthase expression did not. A total of 20 patients with EGFR mutations received an average of 16 cycles. PFS at 6 months was 70%, median PFS was 14 months, and ORR was 70%. Biopsy at progression was safe and successful in 71% of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: Both combination therapies were promising for further studies. Biopsy at progression was feasible and will be part of future SAKK studies to investigate molecular mechanisms of resistance.


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Lesões malignas do esôfago, excluindo-se carcinomas escamocelulares e adenocarcinomas, são bastante incomuns. Os autores relatam um caso de carcinoma de células fusiformes de esôfago. É um tumor maligno raro caracterizado por volumosa massa lobulada no terço médio do esôfago, que causa relativamente pequena obstrução apesar do seu volume. Em seguida é apresentada revisão da literatura sobre o assunto.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a freqüência e a origem de calcificações hepáticas identificadas na tomografia computadorizada (TC). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 1.362 exames consecutivos de TC do abdome, para determinar a freqüência de calcificações hepáticas. Foram revistos os prontuários clínicos, no sentido de estabelecer a origem das calcificações. RESULTADOS: Observaram-se calcificações intra-hepáticas em 3,6% (49/1.362) dos exames. Houve predominância no sexo feminino (57,2%) sobre o masculino (42,8%), e a idade dos pacientes variou de 18 a 92 anos (média: 59,4; mediana: 63,5). A maioria das calcificações (39/49; 79,5%) foi de origem residual e sem repercussão clínica, 14,4% (7/49) estavam associadas a metástases hepáticas e 6,1% (3/49) estavam associadas a lesões císticas. Foram observadas sete lesões metastáticas calcificadas, sendo cinco por neoplasia de cólon, uma por sarcoma e uma por teratoma maligno de ovário. Dessas metástases, duas apresentaram calcificações após tratamento quimioterápico. CONCLUSÃO: As calcificações hepáticas são de baixa prevalência em exames tomográficos (< 5%) e são mais freqüentemente de origem residual por processos infecciosos e inflamatórios pregressos.


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BACKGROUND: Several subsets of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) are defined by molecular alterations acting as tumor drivers, some of them being currently therapeutically actionable. The rat sarcoma (RAS)-rapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma (RAF)-mitogen-activated protein/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase (MEK)-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway constitutes an attractive potential target, as v-Raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B (BRAF) mutations occur in 2-4% of NSCLC adenocarcinoma. METHODS: Here, we review the latest clinical data on BRAF serine/threonine kinase inhibitors in NSCLC. RESULTS: Treatment of V600E BRAF-mutated NSCLC with BRAF inhibitor monotherapy demonstrated encouraging antitumor activity. Combination of BRAF and MEK inhibitors using dabrafenib and trametinib is under evaluation. Preliminary data suggest superior efficacy compared with BRAF inhibitor monotherapy. CONCLUSION: Targeting BRAF alterations represents a promising new therapeutic approach for a restricted subset of oncogene-addicted NSCLC. Prospect ive trials refining this strategy are ongoing. A next step will probably aim at combining BRAF inhibitors and immunotherapy or alternatively improve a multilevel mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway blockade by combining with ERK inhibitors.


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INTRODUCTION: Approximately 2% of lung adenocarcinomas have BRAF (v-Raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B) mutations, including V600E and other types. Vemurafenib, dabrafenib, and sorafenib as BRAF inhibitors are currently tested in clinical trials, but access for patients is limited. The aim of this study was to document the clinical course of patients treated outside of clinical trials. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective multicenter cohort study in Europe of patients with advanced BRAF-mutant lung cancer treated with known BRAF inhibitors. Data were anonymized and centrally assessed for age, gender, smoking, histology, stage, local molecular diagnostic results, systemic therapies, and survival. Best response was assessed locally by RECIST1.1. RESULTS: We documented 35 patients treated in 17 centers with vemurafenib, dabrafenib, or sorafenib. Median age was 63 years (range 42-85); gender was balanced; 14 (40%) were never smokers; all (100%) had adenocarcinoma; 29 (83%) had V600E; 6 (17%) had other mutations; one of them had a concomitant KRAS mutation. Thirty (86%) patients had chemotherapy in the first line. Overall survival with first-line therapy was 25.3 months for V600E and 11.8 months for non-V600E. Thirty-one patients received one BRAF inhibitor, and four received a second inhibitor. Overall response rate with BRAF therapy was 53%, and disease control rate was 85%. Median progression-free survival with BRAF therapy was 5.0 months, and overall survival was 10.8 months. CONCLUSIONS: These results confirm the activity of targeted therapy in patients with BRAF-mutant lung adenocarcinoma. Further trials are warranted to study combination therapies and drug resistance mechanisms.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar os aspectos tomográficos dos tumores malignos da cavidade nasal. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 18 pacientes - dez homens e oito mulheres - com tumor da cavidade nasal, os quais realizaram tomografia computadorizada da face. RESULTADOS: Dos tumores, seis eram casos de carcinoma epidermóide, três melanomas, dois carcinomas adenóides císticos, um adenocarcinoma polimórfico de baixo grau, um carcinoma indiferenciado, um carcinoma neuroendócrino, um linfoma não-Hodgkin, um rabdomiossarcoma alveolar, um sarcoma fusocelular grau II e um estesioneuroblastoma. As lesões foram mais freqüentes (p > 0,05) no lado esquerdo e no andar médio. CONCLUSÃO: Os carcinomas epidermóides apresentam grau de destruição correspondente ao seu volume, semelhante aos tumores epidermóides de outros sítios. O septo nasal foi acometido de maneira diferente, de acordo com os tipos histológicos.


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Kaposi sarcoma is the most common human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8)-related disease described after solid organ transplantation. Multicentric Castleman disease and hemophagocytic syndrome are other potential HHV-8-induced entities but are less frequently reported. We describe the case of a liver transplant recipient who presented with an acute febrile illness 1 year after transplantation with a rapidly fatal outcome. Autopsy revealed 3 distinct HHV-8-related entities: Kaposi sarcoma, HHV-8-associated multicentric Castleman disease with microlymphomas and a severe hemophagocytic syndrome. Retrospective serologic tests suggested that HHV-8 was likely transmitted by the seropositive donor at the time of transplantation. To our knowledge, this is the first case of copresentation of 3 clinical presentations of HHV-8-mediated human disease in the post-transplant setting. Considering the absence of systematic screening of organ donors/recipients for HHV-8 infection, HHV-8-related illness should be suspected in transplant recipients who present with acute febrile illness, systemic symptoms, lymphadenopathies, and/or multiorgan failure to rapidly document the diagnosis and provide timely an adequate treatment.


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OBJETIVO: Investigar e descrever os achados clínicos, radiológicos e anatomopatológicos dos tumores do estroma gastrintestinal. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: De dezembro de 2000 a março de 2006, 16 pacientes foram operados por tumores do estroma gastrintestinal em nossa instituição. As variáveis analisadas foram sexo e idade dos pacientes, sinais e sintomas na consulta inicial, localização e tamanho do tumor, achados radiológicos, características anatomopatológicas e a ocorrência de metástases. RESULTADOS: A população em estudo constou de nove homens e sete mulheres. Os locais de origem dos tumores primários foram o estômago (n = 5), o reto (n = 4), o intestino delgado (n = 3), o mesentério (n = 3) e o cólon sigmóide (n = 1). Tomografia computadorizada foi o principal método radiológico empregado. Massa circunscrita, de contornos lobulados e que sofre realce heterogêneo pelo meio de contraste foi o principal achado por imagem. Em nosso estudo, nove pacientes (56% dos casos) apresentaram metástases ao diagnóstico ou recorrência do tumor num período médio de dois anos e oito meses. CONCLUSÃO: O tumor do estroma gastrintestinal acomete adultos de meia-idade e idosos e deve ser lembrado no diagnóstico diferencial das massas abdominais. Diagnóstico precoce, tratamento correto e acompanhamento rigoroso são fundamentais, pois, como demonstrado em nosso trabalho, essas neoplasias apresentam alta tendência à malignidade.


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A rare germ-line polymorphism in codon 47 of the p53 gene replaces the wild-type proline (CCG) with a serine (TCG). Restriction analysis of 101 human samples revealed the frequency of the rare allele to be 0% (n = 69) in Caucasians and 4.7% (3/64, n = 32) among African-Americans. To investigate the consequence of this amino acid substitution, a cDNA construct (p53 mut47ser) containing the mutation was introduced into a lung adenocarcinoma cell line (Calu-6) that does not express p53. A growth suppression similar to that obtained after introduction of a wild-type p53 cDNA construct was observed, in contrast to the result obtained by introduction of p53 mut143ala. Furthermore, expression of neither p53 mut47ser nor wild-type p53 was tolerated by growing cells. In transient expression assays, both mut47ser and wild-type p53 activated the expression of a reporter gene linked to a p53 binding sequence (PG13-CAT) and inhibited the expression of the luciferase gene under the control of the Rous sarcoma virus promoter (RSVluc). In the same assay, mut143ala did not activate the expression of PG13-CAT and produced only a slight inhibitory effect on RSVluc. These findings indicate that the p53 variant with a serine at codon 47 should be considered as a rare germ-line polymorphism that does not alter the growth-suppression activity of p53.


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Voltage-dependent K+ channels (Kv) are involved in the proliferation and differentiation of mammalian cells, since Kv antagonists impair cell cycle progression. Although myofibers are terminally differentiated, some myoblasts may re-enter the cell cycle and proliferate. Since Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 expression is remodeled during tumorigenesis and is involved in smooth muscle proliferation, the purpose of this study was to analyze the expression of Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 in smooth muscle neoplasms. In the present study, we examined human samples of smooth muscle tumors together with healthy speci­mens. Thus, leiomyoma (LM) and leiomyosarcoma (LMS) tumors were analyzed. Results showed that Kv1.3 was poorly expressed in the healthy muscle and indolent LM specimens, whereas aggressive LMS showed high levels of Kv1.3 expression. Kv1.5 staining was correlated with malignancy. The findings show a remodeling of Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 in human smooth muscle sarcoma. A correlation of Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 expression with tumor aggressiveness was observed. Thus, our results indicate Kv1.5 and Kv1.3 as potential tumorigenic targets for aggressive human LMS.


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BACKGROUND: Low-dose, Visudyne®-mediated photodynamic therapy (photo-induction) was shown to selectively enhance tumor vessel transport causing increased uptake of systemically administered chemotherapy in various tumor types grown on rodent lungs. The present experiments explore the efficacy of photo-induced vessel modulation combined to intravenous (IV) liposomal cisplatin (Lipoplatin®) on rodent lung tumors and the feasibility/toxicity of this approach in porcine chest cavities. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Three groups of Fischer rats underwent orthotopic sarcoma (n = 14), mesothelioma (n = 14), or adenocarcinoma (n = 12) implantation on the left lung. Half of the animals of each group had photo-induction (0.0625 mg/kg Visudyne®, 10 J/cm(2) ) followed by IV administration of Lipoplatin® (5 mg/kg) and the other half received Lipoplatin® without photo-induction. Then, two groups of minipigs underwent intrapleural thoracoscopic (VATS) photo-induction (0.0625 mg/kg Visudyne®; 30 J/cm(2) hilum; 10 J/cm(2) apex/diaphragm) with in situ light dosimetry in combination with IV Lipoplatin® administration (5 mg/kg). Protocol I (n = 6) received Lipoplatin® immediately after light delivery and Protocol II (n = 9) 90 minutes before light delivery. Three additional animals received Lipoplatin® and VATS pleural biopsies but no photo-induction (controls). Lipoplatin® concentrations were analyzed in blood and tissues before and at regular intervals after photo-induction using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. RESULTS: Photo-induction selectively increased Lipoplatin® uptake in all orthotopic tumors. It significantly increased the ratio of tumor to lung Lipoplatin® concentration in sarcoma (P = 0.0008) and adenocarcinoma (P = 0.01) but not in mesothelioma, compared to IV drug application alone. In minipigs, intrapleural photo-induction combined to systemic Lipoplatin® was well tolerated with no toxicity at 7 days for both treatment protocols. The pleural Lipoplatin® concentrations were not significantly different at 10 and 30 J/cm(2) locations but they were significantly higher in protocol I compared to II (2.37 ± 0.7 vs. 1.37 ± 0.7 ng/mg, P  < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Visudyne®-mediated photo-induction selectively enhances the uptake of IV administered Lipoplatin® in rodent lung tumors. Intrapleural VATS photo-induction with identical treatment conditions combined to IV Lipoplatin chemotherapy is feasible and well tolerated in a porcine model. Lasers Surg. Med. 47:807-816, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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A degeneração maligna das lesões da doença de Paget é rara (cerca de 1% dos casos), sendo de mau prognóstico apesar do tratamento. Relatamos o caso de um paciente de 82 anos de idade, portador de doença de Paget há vários anos, em que se identificaram, nos exames de imagem, características de degeneração maligna no calcâneo, com anatomopatológico evidenciando degeneração sarcomatosa do osso.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar as terapias utilizadas em nossa instituição no tratamento dos sarcomas de extremidades de alto grau, mediante análise da sobrevida global do tratamento multidisciplinar. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com 36 pacientes, no período de 1993 a 2007, em estádios IIb/III, submetidos a radioterapia externa após cirurgia com ou sem reforço de dose com braquiterapia. RESULTADOS: Trinta e seis pacientes foram submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico seguido de radioterapia externa, sendo que quatro pacientes (11%) receberam reforço de dose com braquiterapia e sete pacientes (19%) receberam quimioterapia. A dose mediana de radioterapia foi de 50 Gy (IC95%: 47-53 Gy), sendo realizado reforço de dose em quatro pacientes com braquiterapia, com dose variando de 16,2-35 Gy. A quimioterapia foi indicada em sete pacientes (19%) com margens positivas. Quinze pacientes apresentaram recidiva local e/ou a distância (42%) e todos faleceram. Vinte e um pacientes (58%) encontram-se sem evidência clínica e radiológica de recidiva local e/ou a distância. O seguimento mediano é de 88 meses (IC95%: 74-102). A taxa de sobrevida global para sete anos foi de 80%. CONCLUSÃO: Concluímos que a associação cirurgia + radioterapia apresenta-se como tratamento eficaz e com ótimas respostas e melhora da sobrevida global na possibilidade de associação da braquiterapia.