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We investigate synchronization in a Kuramoto-like model with nearest neighbor coupling. Upon analyzing the behavior of individual oscillators at the onset of complete synchronization, we show that the time interval between bursts in the time dependence of the frequencies of the oscillators exhibits universal scaling and blows up at the critical coupling strength. We also bring out a key mechanism that leads to phase locking. Finally, we deduce forms for the phases and frequencies at the onset of complete synchronization.


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The use of pesticides has been the main strategy to prevent ectoparasites that threaten aquaculture productivity. The non regulated use of such chemicals may lead to damage in aquatic ecosystems that receive the ponds effluents, compromising environmental and consumers' health. With the aim of evaluate the use of pesticides in aquacultural practices developed in Mogi-Guacu catchment, fish farm and fee fishing owners were interviewed. Eighty-nine enterprises were visited, and was verified that about 40% uses pesticide during management practices in recent years. The diflubenzuron, methyl parathion, trichlorfon and triflumuron were the pesticides most used. In addition to the interviews, samples were taken in 3 enterprises localized in Socorro, SP (Peixe River sub-catchment) which had a pesticide usage history. It was not detected residues of the pesticides diflubenzuron, methyl parathion and dichlorvos in any water, sediments nor fishes samples from tow distinct seasons (lower and high fishing seasons). On fact, non-detected pesticides residues corroborate with the fish farmers statement to deny recently pesticide usage during management practices. Nevertheless, the lack of chemotherapeutics usage criteria and the potential hazardous due to these practices were discussed.


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For increasing, the fish consumption in Brazil, is necessary offer products, with quality control to guarantee food safety to the consumers. The Medium Tiete river region is the largest producer of Nile tilapia (Oreochromus niloticus) from catching in the Sao Paulo state and, thus, the aim of this research was to evaluate the physical-chemical parameters (protein, moisture, lipid, ash and freshness (non-protein nitrogen, total volatile base nitrogen -TVB-N and pH) in fish fillets - Anhembi, Botucatu and Igaracu do Tiete. The data was examined further using random blocks design and submitted to test of variance analysis and Tukey Test for comparison of means. The data showed significant difference (5%) amont the places, for the centesimal composition and freshness, being found the following medium values: misture (77.9 to 81.69 g/100g), protein (13.72 to 18.25 g/100g), lipids (0.6 to 1.9 g/100g), ash (0.6 to 1.0g), NNP(61.6 to 78.0 mg/100g), pH (6.2 to 6.4) and TVB-N (5.0 to 10.5 mg/100g). The values found in the physical-chemical and freshness analysis are in according with brazilian's legislation, the processing of fish in the places studied are-irregular and cannot guarantee food safety to the consumers and the quality of the product.


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Ethno-sciences study the logical behind the traditional population knowledge about environmental process. This case study aims at describing the ethno-knowledge of artisanal fishermen on the hydrodynamics of the estuary around Coreia community (Saco do Arraial), located in Dos Patos Lagoon, in southern Brazil, from an ethnooceangraphic perspective. For this purpose, mental maps, open-ended and in-depth semi-structured interviewing and participative research have been used. As well as scientific knowledge, rains and winds were had main hydrodynamic effort of Saco do Arraial, although astronomic influence in located hydrodynamic has been just a perception of traditional knowledge. Soon, these data have shown another important way to perceive the Patos Lagoon.


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The use of microalgae as live food to a wide variety of organisms is one of the most important aspects in aquaculture. Several commercial formulations have been available in the marine aquarium market in order to prepare artificial sea water (ASW). The present study accounted microalgae Chaetoceros calcitrans performance cultured using different ASW in comparison to natural seawater(NSW). it was carried out using red Sea, Coralife and oceanic, three different ASW brands and NSW as control. nonaerated cultures were grew in 400 mL with Conwy culture medium with five replicates each under defined conditions. All cultures began with an algal inoculum of 208.000 cells/mL. a 5-mL aliquot was removed daily from each culture for cells counts. data obtained using polynomial regression test demonstrated that all ASW brands reached higher algal density rates than the one with NSW, though the three ASW brands were significantly heterogeneous. C. calcitrans raised with oceanic and red Sea brands showed similar growth rates and both were higher than Coralife brand. the results suggest that all three ASW brands studied can be used in the culture of this microalgae specie.


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The white-shrimp Litopenaeus schmitti distributes in West Atlantic Ocean, occurring along all Brazilian cost. Population structure in the Baixada Santista region was identified from samples obtained from artisanal and industrial fishery between June of 2005 and May of 2006. A total of 2.912 specimens were collected, being 2.138 females (1.008 in the estuary and 1.130 in the marine region) and 774 males ( 334 in the estuary and 440 in the marine region). Environmental parameters were annotated together the sampling, allowing to identify that water temperature influences directly the catches. Catches variations, length composition of samples by sex and gonadal maturation of females allowed to identify that: (i) estuary is used as a nursery area by individuals with small lengths, most young; (ii) marine region is used by larger individuals ( adults) and the spawning period extend from June to February, mainly between November and January. It was verified that estuarine fishery ( artisanal) focuses immature and in development individuals, with small lengths and, the marine fishery ( industrial) focuses adults during the whole year and, only in the summer, youngling from spawn. The length of first gonadal maturation of females was estimated in 15,8mm. These results and diagnoses must be considered in the management of L. schmitti fishery in Baixada Santista region.


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MHCPEP (http://wehih.wehi.edu.au/mhcpep/) is a curated database comprising over 13 000 peptide sequences known to bind MHC molecules, Entries are compiled from published reports as well as from direct submissions of experimental data, Each entry contains the peptide sequence, its MHC specificity and where available, experimental method, observed activity, binding affinity, source protein and anchor positions, as well as publication references, The present format of the database allows text string matching searches but can easily be converted for use in conjunction with sequence analysis packages. The database can be accessed via Internet using WWW or FTP.


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MHCPEP is a curated database comprising over 9000 peptide sequences known to bind MHC molecules. Entries are compiled from published reports as well as from direct submissions of experimental data. Each entry contains the peptide sequence, its MHC specificity and, when available, experimental method, observed activity, binding affinity, source protein, anchor positions and publication references. The present format of the database allows text string matching searches but can easily be converted for use in conjunction with sequence analysis packages. The database can be accessed via Internet using WWW, FTP or Gopher.


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O dia do servidor p??blico ?? comemorado em 28 de outubro desde 1937, quando da cria????o do Conselho Federal do Servi??o P??blico Civil. Desde ent??o, muito se conquistou em rela????o ao reconhecimento desse profissional. Hoje, os servidores t??m consci??ncia da import??ncia de sua atua????o para o desenvolvimento econ??mico e social do pa??s. O incentivo aos servidores p??blicos, por meio de a????es voltadas ?? forma????o e ?? capacita????o permanentes, ?? fundamental para motiv??-los a prestar servi??os de excel??ncia aos cidad??os. Com base na pol??tica vigente e em homenagem ao dia do servidor, a Biblioteca Graciliano Ramos traz como tema de seu 9?? Boletim Eletr??nico de Bibliografias Especializadas uma sele????o de publica????es, pertencentes ao seu acervo, que abordam a quest??o da qualifica????o e da valoriza????o dos servidores p??blicos


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O Inmetro desenvolveu e implementou modelo de avalia????o de desempenho individual, instrumento de gest??o capaz de promover nova cultura baseada no m??rito, exig??ncia, motiva????o e reconhecimento. Adota remunera????o vari??vel vinculada ao desempenho, com crit??rios objetivos e regras claras, elaborados a partir de amplo debate com os servidores; a avalia????o ?? realizada por comit??s com maioria dos membros externos ?? institui????o, rompendo com a pr??tica limitada da avalia????o exclusivamente pelas chefias. O ciclo ?? anual e o processo consta basicamente da pactua????o de um plano de trabalho do servidor com sua chefia ao in??cio do ciclo, vinculado ao conjunto de objetivos institucionais. A an??lise, ao final do ciclo, do relat??rio de atividades do servidor e do parecer de sua chefia ?? conduzida pelo Comit?? de Avalia????o. A participa????o dos servidores nos dois primeiros ciclos foi irrestrita, com excelente receptividade, independente dos resultados


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Na Ag??ncia Nacional de Melhorias, ??rg??o p??blico federal, os servidores t??cnico-administrativos recebem a Gratifica????o de Compensa????o do Vencimento (GCV), a qual ?? paga conforme o desempenho dos servidores, aferido anualmente. Entretanto, o processo de avalia????o de desempenho ocorre de forma injusta e com muitas disfun????es. O desempenho dos servidores n??o ?? efetivamente avaliado, como no caso da equipe do Cl??udio, que possui um servidor com desempenho aqu??m dos demais servidores, mas que recebe a mesma pontua????o


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Conforme a legisla????o, ao entrar em exerc??cio, o servidor nomeado para cargo de provimento efetivo ficar?? sujeito a est??gio probat??rio, per??odo durante o qual sua aptid??o e capacidade para o exerc??cio das atribui????es do cargo estar??o sujeitas ?? avalia????o peri??dica de desempenho. O caso relata duas situa????es de aplica????o da Lei n?? 8.112/90 no item referente ao est??gio probat??rio: uma experi??ncia positiva e outra negativa. Ilustra situa????o que poder?? contribuir em discuss??es sobre gest??o de pessoas e lideran??a


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O caso relata situa????o na qual o gerente de uma unidade colocou um de seus servidores ?? disposi????o da ??rea de RH alegando n??o ter necessidade dos seus servi??os. A ??rea de RH encaminhou o servidor para uma entrevista de avalia????o de potencial de desenvolvimento, de forma a recomendar alternativas de realoca????o. Apurou-se que o servidor havia se submetido a uma junta m??dico-pericial cujo laudo concluiu por ressalvas de sa??de no campo ps??quico, mas recomendou a sua perman??ncia no trabalho, desde que compat??vel com a sua capacidade. O servidor demonstrou disposi????o e interesse para o retorno e remanejamento interno ?? pr??pria unidade e de adapta????o a novas tarefas. Ilustra situa????o que poder?? contribuir em discuss??es sobre gest??o de pessoas e lideran??a


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Dando sequ??ncia aos debates iniciados em 2004 e 2005 e que tiveram como produto o livro ???Gest??o por compet??ncias em organiza????es de governo???, a Mesa-redonda de Pesquisa-A????o vers??o 2009 prop??e-se a suprir uma lacuna importante: discutir a atua????o do Sistema de Escolas de Governo da Uni??o em face das diretrizes da Pol??tica Nacional de Desenvolvimento de Pessoal (PNDP) ??? Decreto n?? 5.707 de 23 de fevereiro de 2006


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O direito adquirido tem sido argumento freq??entemente invocado pelos opositores da reforma constitucional do aparelho administrativo do Estado. Nesse debate, entretanto, este argumento ?? completamente destitu??do de validade t??cnica. Dizer que a reforma constitucional n??o pode alterar o regime jur??dico dos servidores p??blicos (o estatuto jur??dico da estabilidade, disponibilidade, remunera????o etc.) ?? incorrer em completo equ??voco. As raz??es dessa incompreens??o decorrem do desconhecimento de no m??nimo dois t??picos relevantes encartados no tema, a saber: a) a natureza do regime jur??dico que vincula o servidor p??blico civil ?? administra????o; e b) a distin????o entre efic??cia imediata e efic??cia retroativa das normas constitucionais