981 resultados para Railroads Crossings


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In this review recent methods developed and applied to solve criminal occurences related to documentoscopy, ballistic and drugs of abuse are discussed. In documentoscopy, aging of ink writings, the sequence of line crossings and counterfeiting of documents are aspects to be solved with reproducible, fast and non-destructive methods. In ballistic, the industries are currently producing ''lead-free'' or ''nontoxic'' handgun ammunitions, so new methods of gunshot residues characterization are being presented. For drugs analysis, easy ambient sonic-spray ionization mass spectrometry (EASI-MS) is shown to provide a relatively simple and selective screening tool to distinguish m-CPP and amphetamines (MDMA) tablets, cocaine and LSD.


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The aim of this thesis is to analyze how increasing the level of unitizing affects to the costs in the transport system of a Finnish paper and board company. The parts of the supply chain where costs are analyzed are limited to domestic inland transport and port operations. Supply Chain management is important aspect of modern day companies’ strategies. Intermodal transport and different transport systems are the key items which are studied in the theory part of this thesis. In the case study the payload simulations for SECU container (Stora Enso Cargo Unit) stuffed in mills sites are base of the cost analyze of this thesis. Thesis also makes a glance for the restrictions and development trends in Finnish railroads. In analyze SECU containers are moved up to the mill site for stuffing. This increases the level of unitizing in supply chain. Analyze is made for three variation of current traffic lines. Analyze shows that when idea of intermodalism is well used there is considerable cost savings to gather in pre-transportation and port operations. But also effects to mill sites and destination ports needs to be take under considering. In analyze the effects of increased axle weight for SECU container transportation in Finnish railroads is studied. When transport unit is stuffed in earliest possible point supply chain and unloaded the last possible point the savings made in chain can be considerable. In case study of this thesis almost 40% savings in total costs could be reached in pre transportation and port operations when unitizing level is increased in supply chain.


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The acceleration of solar energetic particles (SEPs) by flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) has been a major topic of research for the solar-terrestrial physics and geophysics communities for decades. This thesis discusses theories describing first-order Fermi acceleration of SEPs through repeated crossings at a CME-driven shock. We propose that particle trapping occurs through self-generated Alfvén waves, leading to a turbulent trapping region in front of the shock. Decelerating coronal shocks are shown to be capable of efficient SEP acceleration, provided seed particle injection is sufficient. Quasi-parallel shocks are found to inject thermal particles with good efficiency. The roles of minimum injection velocities, cross-field diffusion, downstream scattering efficiency and cross-shock potential are investigated in detail, with downstream isotropisation timescales having a major effect on injection efficiency. Accelerated spectra of heavier elements up to iron are found to exhibit significantly harder spectra than protons. Accelerated spectra cut-off energies are found to scale proportional to (Q/A)1.5, which is explained through analysis of the spectral shape of amplified Alfvénic turbulence. Acceleration times to different threshold energies are found to be non-linear, indicating that self-consistent time-dependent simulations are required in order to expose the full extent of acceleration dynamics. The well-established quasilinear theory (QLT) of particle scattering is investigated by comparing QLT scattering coefficients with those found via full-orbit simulations. QLT is found to overemphasise resonance conditions. This finding supports the simplifications implemented in the presented coronal shock acceleration (CSA) simulation software. The CSA software package is used to simulate a range of acceleration scenarios. The results are found to be in agreement with well-established particle acceleration theory. At the same time, new spatial and temporal dynamics of particle population trapping and wave evolution are revealed.


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Parissa kymmenessä vuodessa on tapahtunut paljon muutoksia. Neuvostoliitto hajosi, Suomen talousrakenne muuttui, globalisaatio kiihtyy kasvavalla vauhdilla, viennin kuljetusmuotoihin on tullut muutoksia, mutta yritystoiminta edellyttää pysymistä ajan tasalla. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan myynti- ja toimituskanavien valintoja EU:sta Venäjälle tapahtuvissa viennissä. Työssä käytetään Venäjältä saatavaa tietoa, sillä suurimmat lopputulokseen vaikuttavat kuljetuskustannukset kuten kuljetus, tavaran käsittely ja välivarastointi syntyvät Venäjän puolella. Vienti EU:sta Venäjälle on kasvanut koko ajan tasaisella vauhdilla ja muodostanut samalla tavanomaisesta poikkeavia kuljetusmenetelmiä. Suomessa pk-yrityksillä ei ole resursseja perehtyä aiheeseen, mutta koko ajan yhä useammat yritykset harjoittavat kauppaa ohjaamalla tavaran valmistajalta suoraan vastaanottajalle. Silloin tavara on lähetettävä esimerkiksi eurooppalaiselta keskusvarastolta Venäjälle, jolloin säästytään turhista kuljetuksista Suomen kautta. Työssä tutkitaan yleisimpiä käytössä olevia kuljetusmuotoja, rautatiekuljetuksen potentiaalia ja maantiekuljetuksen mahdollisuuksia. Siinä analysoidaan logistisen teorian pääpiirteitä, yritystoiminnan logistisia prosesseja samoin kuin EU:n vientisäädöksiä ja EU:sta lähtevien vientikuljetuksien organisointiongelmia. Käytössäni on logististen prosessien rakenteen metodologia. Työssä suoritetaan vientiprosessin tutkimus ja esitetään suoritetun tutkimuksen tulokset. Tuloksien pohjalta tehdään päätökset.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tutkia perusopetuksen rehtoreiden käsityksiä siitä, miten rehtori johtaa opettajakuntaansa ja koulua oppivan organisaation suuntaan. Tutkimus etsii vastauksia koulun kehittämisen ja pedagogisen hyvinvoinnin yhtymäkohtiin. Tutkimus on perusopetuksen rehtoreiden keskuudessa Salossa tehty tapaustutkimus, jonka tiedonkeruu ajoittui vuosille 2008–2011. Tutkimuksen ensimmäinen osa oli tulevaisuusverstas (n=14). Verstaan pohjalta tutkimukselle syntyi teoreettinen viitekehys ja aineiston keräämistä jatkettiin puolistrukturoidulla teemahaastattelulla (n=14). Tulokset toimitettiin nettiportaaliin, jossa haastatteluun osallistuneilla rehtoreilla oli mahdollisuus kommentoida analyysia. Kun teoriaohjaava analyysi oli saatettu käsitekarttojen muotoon, rehtorit osallistuivat palauteverstaaseen, missä ryhmäkeskustelujen avulla validoitiin tutkimustuloksia. Tutkimuksen taustafilosofia on fenomenologia: se tutkii rehtoreiden havaintoihin ja kokemuksiin perustuvia käsityksiä tutkimusalueesta. Rehtoreiden käsitykset oman koulunsa osaamisen tasosta perustuivat kokemusperäiseen tunteeseen, joka syntyy oman joukon tuntemisesta. Rehtorit eivät pystyneet järjestelmällisesti selvittämään, millaista osaamista ja osaamisen tarvetta koulussa on. Omaan toimintatapaansa rehtorit liittivät tunneälyn, jonka avulla he kokivat voimaannuttavansa opettajakuntaansa opettajien itsensä ja koko kouluorganisaation kehittämisen suuntaan. Tutkimukseen osallistuneilla kouluilla ei ollut kirjoitettuja kehittämis-suunnitelmia ja -tavoitteita, mutta rehtorit sanoivat sellaisten olevan selvillä heillä itsellään. Rehtorit totesivat, että opettajien täydennyskouluttautuminen on lähinnä opettajien omista motivaatioista lähtöisin eikä se yksittäisenä tapahtumana kehitä koulun kollektiivista osaamista ja oppivan organisaation syntymistä. Varsinaisia toimenpiteitä oppivan organisaation kehittämiseksi ei tehty. Rehtorit kuitenkin katsoivat pedagogisen hyvinvoinnin kokemuksen kehittyvän koulussa. Rehtoreiden käsitysten mukaan esimiehen tuki sekä osaamisen kokemus vahvistavat hallinnan tunnetta, joka toimii hyvinvoinnin kokemuksen lähtökohtana. Pedagogisen hyvinvoinnin kokemukseen liittyy turvallinen ja avoin toimintakulttuuri. Rehtorit kuvailivat toimivansa eri opettajien kanssa eri tavoin. Rehtoreiden mukaan osaaminen, hallinnan tunne ja pedagoginen hyvinvointi muodostavat kolmikannan, mikä noudattaa myös aiempia DCS-teoriaan pohjautuvia tutkimustuloksia hallinnan tunteen ja hyvinvoinnin yhteydestä.


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The meiotic behavior of fourteen Passiflora taxa was analyzed. The species were grouped according to the n value (6, 9 and 12) for statistical studies. Some species presented tetravalent associations or univalent chromosomes in diakinesis, bivalent formation prevailing. The qui-square test revealed significant differences in the chiasma frequency among species for n = 9 and n = 6 groups. There was predominance of interstitial chiasmata in almost all studied species. The n = 12 group was the only one whose meiotic behavior was considered similar due to the quantity of chiasmata per cell, tendency of interstitial chiasma localization. Some species presented meiotic irregularities, such as laggard and precocious chromosomes in meiosis I. In telophase II the percentages of meiotic irregularities was low. Irregularities in the spindle orientation were presented in higher percentages in the end of meiosis II, and were also responsible for post-meiotic abnormal products. The irregularities observed during meiosis can have influence on the percentage of sterile pollen grains and success of interspecific crossings in Passiflora species.


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(Hybridization among wild passionflower species). Passion fruits are appreciated for their ornamental value, since their flowers are showy and display a wide variety of colors. In addition, many hybrids have been produced and used in other countries. The genotypes used in selection of plants with ornamental characteristics are hybrid progenies which are used in various crossing strategies. Thus, the aim of this work was to obtain interspecific hybrids, perform backcrossing and obtain progenies from crossings between hybrids, and to determine the reproductive compatibility between the progenitors involved. The percentage of fertilized flowers, germination, and the number of fruits, seeds and plants obtained through crossing were recorded. A series of 374 crossings involved seven species and two hybrids. Crossings such as Passiflora gibertii N. E. Brown vs. P. kermesina Link & Otto and P. gibertii vs. P. alata Curtis did not produce seeds. The largest percentage of fertilized flowers (86%) was recorded for the crossing P. gardneri Mast.vs. P. cincinnata Mast.; yet, the seeds produced did not show endosperm. Interspecific hybrids were obtained from the crossings P. gardneri vs. P. alata, P. watsoniana Mast.vs. P. alata, P. watsoniana vs. P. gardneri and P. gardneri vs. P. gibertii. Seeds generated from backcrossings involving the hybrids P. sublanceolata (sin. P. palmeri var. sublanceolata (Killip) J. M. MacDougal) vs. P. foetida var. foetida L. (HD13-133 and HD13-141) and F2 reached high germination percentages.


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This study aimed to characterize the reproductive system of Passiflora capsularis L. and P. rubra L. In vivo controlled pollinations, in vitro pollen germination and pollen-ovule (P:O) ratio evaluation were conducted. In self-pollination, intraspecific and interspecific pollination, P. capsularis showed means of 62.5, 68.7 and 48.4% of fertilized flowers, while in P. rubra, the averages were 67.2, 62.5 and 46.9%, respectively. For in vitro germination, 52.2% of P. capsularis pollen grains germinated while in P. rubra, the percentage was 64.4. The P:O ratio was 22.4 for P. capsularis, and 27.4 for P. rubra, which included them in the category of obligatory autogamous. Passiflora capsularis and P. rubra can reproduce both by self-pollination and cross-pollination, and crossings between the two species succeeded though the success rate was lower than 50%. The characteristics of the reproductive system of both species allow the use of greater range of options on breeding methods for production of ornamental Passiflora plants.


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The purpose of this research was to evaluate the role of hippocampal N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in acquisition and consolidation of memory during shuttle avoidance conditioning in rats. Adult male Wistar rats were surgically implanted with cannulae aimed at the CA1 area of the dorsal hippocampus. After recovery from surgery, animals were trained and tested in a shuttle avoidance apparatus (30 trials, 0.5-mA footshock, 24-h training-test interval). Immediately before or immediately after training, animals received a bilateral intrahippocampal 0.5-µl infusion containing 5.0 µg of the NMDA competitive receptor antagonist aminophosphonopentanoic acid (AP5) or vehicle (phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.4). Infusion duration was 2 min per side. Pre-training infusion of AP5 impaired retention test performance (mean ± SEM number of conditioned responses (CRs) during retention test session was 16.47 ± 1.78 in the vehicle group and 9.93 ± 1.59 in the AP5 group; P<0.05). Post-training infusion of AP5 did not affect retention (mean ± SEM number of conditioned responses during retention test session was 18.46 ± 1.94 in the vehicle group and 20.42 ± 2.38 in the AP5 group; P>0.10). This impairment could not be attributed to an effect on acquisition, motor activity or footshock sensitivity since AP5 affected neither training session performance measured by the number of CRs nor the number of intertrial crossings during the training session. These data suggest that NMDA receptors in the hippocampus are critical for retention of shuttle avoidance conditioning, in agreement with previous evidence showing a role of NMDA receptors in fear memory.


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It has been reported that lead can cause behavioral impairment by inhibiting the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor complex. MK-801, a noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist, exhibits an antidepressant-like action in the forced swimming test. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether subacute lead exposure in adult male Swiss mice weighing 30-35 g causes an antidepressant-like action in a forced swimming test. Mice were injected intraperitoneally (ip) with 10 mg/kg lead acetate or saline daily for 7 consecutive days. Twenty-four hours after the last treatment, the saline and lead-treated mice received an injection of MK-801 (0.01 mg/kg, ip) or saline and were tested in forced swimming and in open-field tests. Immobility time was similarly reduced in the saline-MK-801, Pb-saline and Pb-MK-801 groups compared to the saline-saline group (mean ± SEM; 197.3 ± 18.5, 193.5 ± 15.8, 191.3 ± 12.3 and 264.0 ± 14.4 s, respectively; N = 9). These data indicate that lead may exert its effect on the forced swimming test by directly or indirectly inhibiting the NMDA receptor complex. Lead treatment caused no deficit in memory of habituation and did not affect locomotor activity in an open-field (N = 14). However, mice that received MK-801 after lead exhibited a deficit in habituation (22% reduction in rearing responses between session 3 and 1; N = 14) as compared to control (41% reduction in rearing responses; N = 15), further suggesting that lead may have affected the NMDA receptor activity. Forced-swim immobility in a basin in two daily consecutive sessions was also significantly decreased by lead exposure (mean ± SEM; day 1 = 10.6 ± 3.2, day 2 = 19.6 ± 3.6; N = 16) as compared to control (day 1 = 18.4 ± 3.8, day 2 = 34.0 ± 3.7; N = 17), whereas the number of crossings was not affected by lead treatment, further indicating a specific antidepressant-like action of lead.


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We investigated the effect of acute oral treatment with a water-alcohol extract of the inflorescence of Erythrina mulungu (EM, Leguminosae-Papilionaceae) (100, 200 and 400 mg/kg) on rats submitted to different anxiety models: the elevated T-maze (for inhibitory avoidance and escape measurements), the light/dark transition, and the cat odor test. These models were selected for their presumed capacity to demonstrate specific subtypes of anxiety disorders as recognized in clinical practice. Treatment with 200 mg/kg EM impaired avoidance latencies (avoidance 1 - 200 mg/kg EM: 18 ± 7 s, control group: 40 ± 9 s; avoidance 2 - 200 mg/kg EM: 15 ± 4 s, control group: 110.33 ± 38 s) in a way similar to the reference drug diazepam (avoidance 1: 3 ± 0.79 s; avoidance 2: 3 ± 0.76 s), without altering escape. Additionally, the same treatments increased the number of transitions (200 mg/kg EM: 6.33 ± 0.90, diazepam: 10 ± 1.54, control group: 2.78 ± 0.60) between the two compartments and the time spent in the lighted compartment in the light/dark transition model (200 mg/kg EM: 39 ± 7 s; diazepam: 61 ± 9 s; control group: 14 ± 4 s). The dose of 400 mg/kg EM also increased this last measurement (38 ± 8 s). These results were not due to motor alterations since no significant effects were detected in the number of crossings or rearings in the arena. Furthermore, neither EM nor diazepam altered the behavioral responses of rats to a cloth impregnated with cat odor. These observations suggest that EM exerts anxiolytic-like effects on a specific subset of defensive behaviors, particularly those that have been shown to be sensitive to low doses of benzodiazepines.


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The N-acylhydrazone (NAH) analogues N-methyl 2-thienylidene 3,4-benzoylhydrazine (LASSBio-785) and N-benzyl 2-thienylidene 3,4-benzoylhydrazine (LASSBio-786) were prepared from 2-thienylidene 3,4-methylenedioxybenzoylhydrazine (LASSBio-294). The ability of LASSBio-785 and LASSBio-786 to decrease central nervous system activity was investigated in male Swiss mice. LASSBio-785 or LASSBio-786 (30 mg/kg, ip) reduced locomotor activity from 209 ± 26 (control) to 140 ± 18 (P < 0.05) or 146 ± 15 crossings/min (P < 0.05), respectively. LASSBio-785 (15 or 30 mg/kg, iv) also reduced locomotor activity from 200 ± 15 to 116 ± 29 (P < 0.05) or 60 ± 16 crossings/min (P < 0.01), respectively. Likewise, LASSBio-786 (15 or 30 mg/kg, iv) reduced locomotor activity from 200 ± 15 to 127 ± 10 (P < 0.01) or 96 ± 14 crossings/min (P < 0.01), respectively. Pretreatment with flumazenil (20 mg/kg,ip) prevented the locomotor impairment induced by NAH analogues (15 mg/kg, iv), providing evidence that the benzodiazepine (BDZ) receptor is involved. This finding was supported by the structural similarity of NAH analogues to midazolam. However, LASSBio-785 showed weak binding to the BDZ receptor. LASSBio-785 or LASSBio-786 (30 mg/kg,ip, n = 10) increased pentobarbital-induced sleeping time from 42 ± 5 (DMSO) to 66 ± 6 (P < 0.05) or 75 ± 4 min (P < 0.05), respectively. The dose required to achieve 50% hypnosis (HD50) following iv injection of LASSBio-785 or LASSBio-786 was 15.8 or 9.5 mg/kg, respectively. These data suggest that both NAH analogues might be useful for the development of new neuroactive drugs for the treatment of insomnia or for use in conjunction with general anesthesia.


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The Buffalo and Brantford Railway Company was formed in 1850. The railway was renamed the Buffalo, Brantford & Goderich Railway in 1852 to reflect the plans to extend the line to Goderich. Financial problems led to a British group taking over the railway a few years later and the name was changed to the Buffalo & Lake Huron Railway. It was June 1858 before the line to Goderich was completed. Source: (http://brantford.library.on.ca/genealogy/railways.php#buffalo) March 8, 2010


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The Grand Trunk Railway initially ran from Montreal to Toronto, then with expansion of Canada operated to British Columbia, linking major cities together. In 1900, two way bill forms were completed; one for the Niagara Falls Wine Co. and the other for T.G. Bright & Co. Both companies were headquartered in Niagara Falls, Ont. The consignors were John Mayberry & Co. and John Eleareys?.