912 resultados para Proposição legislativa, produção, Brasil, 2003-2006
Programa de pesquisa com a cultura do guaraná da Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental. Importância econômica e social da cultura do guaraná. Pesquisas com a cultura do guaraná. Principais impactos. Acompanhamento conjuntural - agosto/2000. Situação atual da cultura do guaraná no Estado do Amazonas. Sistema produtivo. Potencial econômico: mercado, comercialização e qualidade do produto. Área, produção e rendimento. O projeto de melhoramento genético do guaranazeiro. Principais resultados de pesquisa com a avaliação de clones de guaranazeiro no período de 1985 a 1994. Situação da cultura do guaraná no Pará. Produção no Estado do Pará. Concentração da produção no Pará. Problemas e alternativas da cultura no Pará. Pesquisa e difusão de tecnologias. A cultura do guaraná em Rondônia. Introdução da cultura no estado. Aspectos climáticos. Características do solo. Municípios produtores em Rondônia. Aspectos fitotécnicos e econômicos da cultura do guaraná. Componentes de SAFs. A pesquisa com guaraná no Estado do Amapá. Importância econômica. Histórico da pesquisa com guaraná no Amapá. Perspectivas para a pesquisa com guaraná no Amapá. Potencial de desenvolvimento agrícola do Amapá. Situação atual da cultura do guaraná no Estado do Acre.
BACKGROUND: Over the past two decades, genomics has evolved as a scientific research discipline. Genomics research was fueled initially by government and nonprofit funding sources, later augmented by private research and development (R&D) funding. Citizens and taxpayers of many countries have funded much of the research, and have expectations about access to the resulting information and knowledge. While access to knowledge gained from all publicly funded research is desired, access is especially important for fields that have broad social impact and stimulate public dialogue. Genomics is one such field, where public concerns are raised for reasons such as health care and insurance implications, as well as personal and ancestral identification. Thus, genomics has grown rapidly as a field, and attracts considerable interest. RESULTS: One way to study the growth of a field of research is to examine its funding. This study focuses on public funding of genomics research, identifying and collecting data from major government and nonprofit organizations around the world, and updating previous estimates of world genomics research funding, including information about geographical origins. We initially identified 89 publicly funded organizations; we requested information about each organization's funding of genomics research. Of these organizations, 48 responded and 34 reported genomics research expenditures (of those that responded but did not supply information, some did not fund such research, others could not quantify it). The figures reported here include all the largest funders and we estimate that we have accounted for most of the genomics research funding from government and nonprofit sources. CONCLUSION: Aggregate spending on genomics research from 34 funding sources averaged around $2.9 billion in 2003-2006. The United States spent more than any other country on genomics research, corresponding to 35% of the overall worldwide public funding (compared to 49% US share of public health research funding for all purposes). When adjusted to genomics funding intensity, however, the United States dropped below Ireland, the United Kingdom, and Canada, as measured both by genomics research expenditure per capita and per Gross Domestic Product.
The Continuous Plankton Recorder has been deployed on a seasonal basis in the north Pacific since 2000, accumulating a database of abundance measurements for over 290 planktonic taxa in over 3,500 processed samples. There is an additional archive of over 10,000 samples available for further analyses. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council financial support has contributed to about half of this tally, through four projects funded since 2002. Time series of zooplankton variables for sub-regions of the survey area are presented together with abstracts of eight papers published using data from these projects. The time series covers a period when the dominant climate signal in the north Pacific, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), switched with unusual frequency between warm/positive states (pre-1999 and 2003-2006) and cool/negative states (1999-2002 and 2007). The CPR data suggest that cool negative years show higher biomass on the shelf and lower biomass in the open ocean, while the reverse is true in warm (PDO positive) years with lower shelf biomass (except 2005) and higher oceanic biomass. In addition, there was a delay in plankton increase on the Alaskan shelf in the colder spring of 2007, compared to the warmer springs of the preceding years. In warm years, smaller species of copepods which lack lipid reserves are also more common. Availability of the zooplankton prey to higher trophic levels (including those that society values highly) is therefore dependent on the timing of increase and peak abundance, ease of capture and nutritional value. Previously published studies using these data highlight the wide-ranging applicability of CPR data and include collaborative studies on; phenology in the key copepod species Neocalanus plumchrus, descriptions of distributions of decapod larvae and euphausiid species, the effects of hydrographic features such as mesoscale eddies and the North Pacific Current on plankton populations and a molecularbased investigation of macro-scale population structure in N. cristatus. The future funding situation is uncertain but the value of the data and studies so far accumulated is considerable and sets a strong foundation for further studies on plankton dynamics and interactions with higher trophic levels in the northern Gulf of Alaska.
Southern Tiwa (Tanoan) exhibits agreement with up to three arguments (ergative, absolutive, dative). This agreement is subject to certain restrictions resembling the Person-Case Constraint paradigm (Bonet 1991). Moreover, there is a correlation between agreement restrictions and conditions on (the obviation of) noun-incorporation in Southern Tiwa, as explicitly and elegantly captured by Rosen (1990) in terms of a heterogeneous feature hierarchy and rules of association. We attempt to recast Rosen’s central insights in terms of Anagnostopoulou’s probe-sharing model of Person-Case Constraint effects (Anagnostopoulou 2003, 2006), to show that the full range of Southern Tiwa agreement and (non-)incorporation restrictions can be given a single, unified analysis within the probe-goal-Agree framework of Chomsky (2001). In particular, we argue that Southern Tiwa’s triple-agreement system is characterized by (a) an independent class probe located on the heads T and v, and (b) a rule that allows this class probe to be deleted in the context of local-person T-agreement. The various restrictions on agreement and non-incorporation then reduce to a single source: failure of class-valuation with DP (as opposed to NP) arguments.
A finite element formulation for active vibration control of thin plate laminated structures with integrated piezoelectric layers, acting as sensors and actuators in presented. The finite element model is a nonconforming single layer triangular plate/shell element with 18 degrees of freedom for the generalized displacements and one electrical potential degree of freedom for each piezoelectric element layer, and is based on the kirchhoff classical laminated theory. To achieve a mechanism of active control of the structure dynamic response, a feedback control algorithm is used, coupling the sensor and active piezoelectric layers, and Newmark method is used to calculate yhe dynamic response of the laminated structures. The model is applied in the solution of several illustrative cases, and the results are presented and discussed.
Attrition in longitudinal studies can lead to biased results. The study is motivated by the unexpected observation that alcohol consumption decreased despite increased availability, which may be due to sample attrition of heavy drinkers. Several imputation methods have been proposed, but rarely compared in longitudinal studies of alcohol consumption. The imputation of consumption level measurements is computationally particularly challenging due to alcohol consumption being a semi-continuous variable (dichotomous drinking status and continuous volume among drinkers), and the non-normality of data in the continuous part. Data come from a longitudinal study in Denmark with four waves (2003-2006) and 1771 individuals at baseline. Five techniques for missing data are compared: Last value carried forward (LVCF) was used as a single, and Hotdeck, Heckman modelling, multivariate imputation by chained equations (MICE), and a Bayesian approach as multiple imputation methods. Predictive mean matching was used to account for non-normality, where instead of imputing regression estimates, "real" observed values from similar cases are imputed. Methods were also compared by means of a simulated dataset. The simulation showed that the Bayesian approach yielded the most unbiased estimates for imputation. The finding of no increase in consumption levels despite a higher availability remained unaltered. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Molecular evidence suggests that levels of vitamin D are associated with kidney function loss. Still, population-based studies are limited and few have considered the potential confounding effect of baseline kidney function. This study evaluated the association of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D with change in eGFR, rapid eGFR decline, and incidence of CKD and albuminuria. Baseline (2003-2006) and 5.5-year follow-up data from a Swiss adult general population were used to evaluate the association of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D with change in eGFR, rapid eGFR decline (annual loss >3 ml/min per 1.73 m(2)), and incidence of CKD and albuminuria. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D was measured at baseline using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. eGFR and albuminuria were collected at baseline and follow-up. Multivariate linear and logistic regression models were used considering potential confounding factors. Among the 4280 people included in the analysis, the mean±SD annual eGFR change was -0.57±1.78 ml/min per 1.73 m(2), and 287 (6.7%) participants presented rapid eGFR decline. Before adjustment for baseline eGFR, baseline 25-hydroxyvitamin D level was associated with both mean annual eGFR change and risk of rapid eGFR decline, independently of baseline albuminuria. Once adjusted for baseline eGFR, associations were no longer significant. For every 10 ng/ml higher baseline 25-hydroxyvitamin D, the adjusted mean annual eGFR change was -0.005 ml/min per 1.73 m(2) (95% confidence interval, -0.063 to 0.053; P=0.87) and the risk of rapid eGFR decline was null (odds ratio, 0.93; 95% confidence interval, 0.79 to 1.08; P=0.33). Baseline 25-hydroxyvitamin D level was not associated with incidence of CKD or albuminuria. The association of 25-hydroxyvitamin D with eGFR decline is confounded by baseline eGFR. Sufficient 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels do not seem to protect from eGFR decline independently from baseline eGFR.