933 resultados para Photographically illustrated books.


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This article presents data-rich findings of a comprehensive follow-up study on the patron-driven/demand-driven ebook acquisitions (DDA) plan chronicled in two prior articles from the DDA ebook plan's October 2011 inception. Into the third fiscal year, print vs. ebook usage preferences have begun to emerge, and the results broken out by discipline are presented.


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This article explores libraries’ technical workflow design and strategic considerations as various e-books business models and mobile devices and their management become a growing part of the information landscape.


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O problema de pesquisa da presente dissertação reside no questionamento sobre quais são os fatores de adoção e resistência ao consumo de e-books em plataformas digitais. Para analisá-lo foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória. Durante a coleta de dados, além da pesquisa bibliográfica realizou-se uma pesquisa de campo para obtenção de dados empíricos, com 12 entrevistas em profundidade, utilizando-se um roteiro semiestruturado. Os dados obtidos foram analisados por meio do método de análise de conteúdo. Ademais, este trabalho foi estruturado da seguinte forma: no capítulo 1 o problema de pesquisa é apresentando e contextualizado, bem como os objetivos e pressupostos desta dissertação; no capítulo 2 é abordado o referencial teórico pertinente, consistente no mercado de e-books, hábitos, atitudes e a relação entre hábitos e atitudes; no capítulo 3 é apresentada a metodologia de pesquisa utilizada; no capítulo 4 são apresentados e analisados os resultados da pesquisa de campo; no capítulo 5 apresentam-se as observações finais acerca deste trabalho. Assim, procurou-se por intermédio deste estudo articular a adoção do consumo de e-books com a teoria dos hábitos de consumo e das atitudes perante a tecnologia.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the color alterations performed by the CIE L*a*b* system in the digital imaging of shade guide tabs, which were obtained photographically according to the automatic and manual modes. This study also sought to examine the observers' agreement in quantifying the coordinates. Four Vita Lumin Vaccum shade guide tabs were used: A3.5, B1, B3 and C4. An EOS Canon digital camera was used to record the digital images of the shade tabs, and the images were processed using Adobe Photoshop software. A total of 80 observations (five replicates of each shade according to two observers in two modes, specifically, automatic and manual) were obtained, leading to color values of L*, a* and b*. The color difference (AE) between the modes was calculated and classified as either clinically acceptable or unacceptable. The results indicated that there was agreement between the two observers in obtaining the L*, a* and b* values related to all guides. However, the B1, B3, and C4 shade tabs had AE values classified as clinically acceptable (Delta E = 0.44, Delta E = 2.04 and Delta E = 2.69, respectively). The A3.5 shade tab had a AE value classified as clinically unacceptable (Delta E = 4.17), as it presented higher values for luminosity in the automatic mode (L* = 54.0) than in the manual mode (L* = 50.6). It was concluded that the B1, B3 and C4 shade tabs can be used at any of the modes in digital camera (manual or automatic), which was a different finding from that observed for the A3.5 shade tab.


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This study is based on sampled data obtained in 60 equally distant municipalities of São Paulo State. In this study, we proposed a tool to identify Acromyrmex species in a practical and agile manner through the use of an illustrated key that demonstrates the morphological attributes of workers, associated with the type of cut plant material, external and internal appearance of nests and nidification sites. Through sampling, eleven species and six subspecies of Acromyrmex occurring in the State were identified, including the first registers of A. diasi and A. subterraneus molestans.


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Horses were domesticated from the Eurasian steppes 5,000-6,000 years ago. Since then, the use of horses for transportation, warfare, and agriculture, as well as selection for desired traits and fitness, has resulted in diverse populations distributed across the world, many of which have become or are in the process of becoming formally organized into closed, breeding populations (breeds). This report describes the use of a genome-wide set of autosomal SNPs and 814 horses from 36 breeds to provide the first detailed description of equine breed diversity. FST calculations, parsimony, and distance analysis demonstrated relationships among the breeds that largely reflect geographic origins and known breed histories. Low levels of population divergence were observed between breeds that are relatively early on in the process of breed development, and between those with high levels of within-breed diversity, whether due to large population size, ongoing outcrossing, or large within-breed phenotypic diversity. Populations with low within-breed diversity included those which have experienced population bottlenecks, have been under intense selective pressure, or are closed populations with long breed histories. These results provide new insights into the relationships among and the diversity within breeds of horses. In addition these results will facilitate future genome-wide association studies and investigations into genomic targets of selection. © 2013 Petersen et al.


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O presente trabalho apresenta um glossário ilustrado da Meliponicultura, a criação de abelhas-sem-ferrão, em duas versões, eletrônica e impressa, desenvolvido à luz dos princípios fundamentais da Socioterminologia. Com um corpus constituído por 197 textos de diferentes gêneros — livros, artigos científicos, boletins informativos, apostilas, dissertações e teses, artigos de divulgação, cartilhas, artigos escritos por meliponicultores, trabalhos apresentados em congressos, textos publicados em sites na internet e apresentações de slides —, buscouse descrever termos que circulam no âmbito desse domínio especializado, bem como identificar suas variações terminológicas. O levantamento dos termos foi feito com o auxílio do programa WordSmith Tools e a organização do glossário, com o programa LexiquePro, ferramentas computacionais que propiciam agilidade e precisão ao processo de extração e organização das unidades terminológicas. O glossário está organizado em ordem alfabética nas duas versões e, na versão eletrônica, também apresenta um sistema de busca analógico, por campos semânticos. Ao todo, apresenta 523 verbetes, dentre os quais 177 são compostos por variantes e 147 são ilustrados, distribuídos em nove campos semânticos principais e 18 subcampos. A escolha da Meliponicultura como temática justifica-se pelo fato de esta atividade estar em plena expansão, não só no Brasil, mas em todo o mundo, e, sobretudo, pela projeção socioeconômica que ela representa para o Estado do Pará, especialmente por seu alinhamento com os conceitos de diversificação e uso sustentado da terra na Amazônia. Acredita-se que a organização de um produto socioterminológico sobre a Meliponicultura e sua disponibilização à sociedade representa, antes de tudo, a importante função da pesquisa terminológica de organizar e disseminar o conhecimento, visando favorecer a comunicação entre os interessados por essa atividade, entre eles meliponicultores, pesquisadores, docentes e estudantes. Embora este trabalho tenha tido como foco dados escritos, assumiu-se a premissa de que os dados linguísticos devem ser analisados em seu contexto real de uso, pois partiu-se do pressuposto de que não se pode entender a língua como um fenômeno isolado de variáveis extralinguísticas e sem relação com seus usuários.


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Sob a influência de seu predecessor mais forte, John Milton, o poeta, pintor e gravurista William Blake reage a essa influência incorporando-a dinamicamente à sua poesia. Porém, a reação à influência poética é mais abrangente que a incorporação do Paradise Lost, de John Milton, ao seu poema Milton: a Poem in Two Books e conduz o autor a criar uma linguagem poética na qual as referências extratextuais verbais e visuais são transferidas, por meio de metalinguagem, para o interior do próprio poema. Sem referências claras para ajudá-lo, o leitor é induzido a criar suas referências subjetivas e dar sentido ao texto, transformando-se, assim, de leitor passivo, em leitor/criador ativo. Palavras-chave: William Blake; iluminuras; John Milton; influência; reação; sistema verbal/visual.


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This work presents the reading process in yours several levels, emphasizes the aspect of the image reading in children's books aimed at the pre-reader and the initial reader. In the book-image, the narrative text is based on actions involving the characters, time, space and conflict; this text consists of the sequence of illustrations so as to guide the reader by reading the images. Theoretical work enables the production of a book-image authored by researcher and describes the entire creative process until finalization as a physical product


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Thundering herds of bison have become synonymous with the pre-European colonization of the Great Plains. As such, they have captured the imagination of countless people, including Wes Olson, a 20-year warden for Parks Canada. Throughout Portraits of the Bison, based on both existing literature and the author's extensive experience observing and managing these animals, Olson's bison fascination is not only obvious but infectious. A remarkably talented artist as well, Olson's line drawings appear throughout the book, accompanied by Johane Janelle's photographs.


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Approximately 370 brachyuran species have so far been recorded from the Brazilian coast, 123 of which have had their larval stages fully or partially described. The pictorial guide allows the identification of the first zoea of 110 species. The remaining 13 species with known larval stages are treated to the genus level because of difficulties in the morphological differentiation of closely related species.


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The 120 presently recognized genera and seven subgenera of the azooxanthellate Scleractinia are keyed using gross morphological characters of the corallum. All genera are illustrated with calicular and side views of coralla. All termes used in the key are defined in an illustrated glossary. A table of all species-level keys, both comprehensive and faunistic, is provided covering the last 40 years.


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Until now, the Neotropical termite genus Cyranotermes was known from three species: C. timuassu Araujo, C. glaber Constantino, and C. caete Cancello. In this paper a new species, Cyranotermes karipuna, n. sp., is described and illustrated from imago, worker, and soldier castes, along with its nest. It is also provided an illustrated identification key to species of Cyranotermes, a map with the occurrence of all species, and the first description of the imago caste of Cyranotermes, based on the first description of the imago of C. timuassu, and the imago of the new species.