362 resultados para Petroquímica Sudamericana
The relationship between population and government in the City of Buenos Aires is analyzed, focusing on the tensions generated by the arrival of new individuals, a local elite with great interests in commerce and in charge of community affairs, and Spanish functionaries that progressively adopted the ideals of the Bourbon Dynasty, despite also being implicated in local logics. It interests us to observe the governors’ perspectives with respect to everyday developments in the city, their preoccupations and interests, and how they would vary the mechanisms to which they resorted in order to organize daily life, in the period defined between 1740 and 1776.
En el siguiente trabajo presentamos un estudio multidimensional sobre la conceptualización de los pueblos originarios que han constituido los medios de prensa escrita en Mendoza durante la primera década del siglo XX. Para llevarlo a cabo acudimos al Archivo de Hemeroteca de la Biblioteca General San Martín de la Ciudad de Mendoza, teniendo como referencia al Diario Los Andes, principal periódico de la provincia, creado en 1882 y vigente en la actualidad. El objetivo del estudio es la identificación de las distintas formas de construcción conceptual sobre los pueblos etnográficos del actual territorio argentino que difundió dicho diario, y del modo en que dichos artículos periodísticos jugaron un rol activo en relación con el proceso de construcción de alteridad sociocultural y la legitimación de las políticas etnocidas implementadas por las clases dominantes.
Il seguente elaborato finale è una proposta di traduzione di un racconto dello scrittore boliviano Edmundo Paz Soldán, Dochera, presente all’interno della raccolta Amores Imperfectos (1998). Ciò che ha motivato la mia scelta è, prima di tutto, il mio interesse verso l’America Latina e in particolare la letteratura sudamericana come espressione della sua cultura; in secondo luogo, la curiosità verso un autore ancora poco conosciuto e tradotto in Italia, considerato uno dei più validi rappresentanti della letteratura boliviana e sudamericana contemporanea. La prima parte dell’elaborato è dedicata alla presentazione dell’autore, alle tematiche principali alla base delle sue opere e alle influenze letterarie. Nella seconda parte si analizzeranno le diverse scelte traduttive adottate.
Estudio de la enfermedad de chagas crónica centro de salud hospital cantonal de Zaruma año 1978-1982
Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía
The petrochemical industry has as objective obtain, from crude oil, some products with a higher commercial value and a bigger industrial utility for energy purposes. These industrial processes are complex, commonly operating with large production volume and in restricted operation conditions. The operation control in optimized and stable conditions is important to keep obtained products quality and the industrial plant safety. Currently, industrial network has been attained evidence when there is a need to make the process control in a distributed way. The Foundation Fieldbus protocol for industrial network, for its interoperability feature and its user interface organized in simple configuration blocks, has great notoriety among industrial automation network group. This present work puts together some benefits brought by industrial network technology to petrochemical industrial processes inherent complexity. For this, a dynamic reconfiguration system for intelligent strategies (artificial neural networks, for example) based on the protocol user application layer is proposed which might allow different applications use in a particular process, without operators intervention and with necessary guarantees for the proper plant functioning
The oscillations presents in control loops can cause damages in petrochemical industry. Canceling, or even preventing such oscillations, would save up to large amount of dollars. Studies have identified that one of the causes of these oscillations are the nonlinearities present on industrial process actuators. This study has the objective to develop a methodology for removal of the harmful effects of nonlinearities. Will be proposed an parameter estimation method to Hammerstein model, whose nonlinearity is represented by dead-zone or backlash. The estimated parameters will be used to construct inverse models of compensation. A simulated level system was used as a test platform. The valve that controls inflow has a nonlinearity. Results and describing function analysis show an improvement on system response
A pesquisa tem como objetivo desenvolver uma estrutura de controle preditivo neural, com o intuito de controlar um processo de pH, caracterizado por ser um sistema SISO (Single Input - Single Output). O controle de pH é um processo de grande importância na indústria petroquímica, onde se deseja manter constante o nível de acidez de um produto ou neutralizar o afluente de uma planta de tratamento de fluidos. O processo de controle de pH exige robustez do sistema de controle, pois este processo pode ter ganho estático e dinâmica nãolineares. O controlador preditivo neural envolve duas outras teorias para o seu desenvolvimento, a primeira referente ao controle preditivo e a outra a redes neurais artificiais (RNA s). Este controlador pode ser dividido em dois blocos, um responsável pela identificação e outro pelo o cálculo do sinal de controle. Para realizar a identificação neural é utilizada uma RNA com arquitetura feedforward multicamadas com aprendizagem baseada na metodologia da Propagação Retroativa do Erro (Error Back Propagation). A partir de dados de entrada e saída da planta é iniciado o treinamento offline da rede. Dessa forma, os pesos sinápticos são ajustados e a rede está apta para representar o sistema com a máxima precisão possível. O modelo neural gerado é usado para predizer as saídas futuras do sistema, com isso o otimizador calcula uma série de ações de controle, através da minimização de uma função objetivo quadrática, fazendo com que a saída do processo siga um sinal de referência desejado. Foram desenvolvidos dois aplicativos, ambos na plataforma Builder C++, o primeiro realiza a identificação, via redes neurais e o segundo é responsável pelo controle do processo. As ferramentas aqui implementadas e aplicadas são genéricas, ambas permitem a aplicação da estrutura de controle a qualquer novo processo
In the last decades, the oil, gas and petrochemical industries have registered a series of huge accidents. Influenced by this context, companies have felt the necessity of engaging themselves in processes to protect the external environment, which can be understood as an ecological concern. In the particular case of the nuclear industry, sustainable education and training, which depend too much on the quality and applicability of the knowledge base, have been considered key points on the safely application of this energy source. As a consequence, this research was motivated by the use of the ontology concept as a tool to improve the knowledge management in a refinery, through the representation of a fuel gas sweetening plant, mixing many pieces of information associated with its normal operation mode. In terms of methodology, this research can be classified as an applied and descriptive research, where many pieces of information were analysed, classified and interpreted to create the ontology of a real plant. The DEA plant modeling was performed according to its process flow diagram, piping and instrumentation diagrams, descriptive documents of its normal operation mode, and the list of all the alarms associated to the instruments, which were complemented by a non-structured interview with a specialist in that plant operation. The ontology was verified by comparing its descriptive diagrams with the original plant documents and discussing with other members of the researchers group. All the concepts applied in this research can be expanded to represent other plants in the same refinery or even in other kind of industry. An ontology can be considered a knowledge base that, because of its formal representation nature, can be applied as one of the elements to develop tools to navigate through the plant, simulate its behavior, diagnose faults, among other possibilities
In this study, was used a very promising technique called of pyrolysis, which can be used for obtaining products with higher added value. From oils and residues, since the contribution of heavier oils and residues has intensified to the world refining industry, due to the growing demand for fuel, for example, liquid hydrocarbons in the range of gasoline and diesel. The catalytic pyrolysis of vacuum residues was performed with the use of a mesoporous material belonging the M41S family, which was discovered in the early 90s by researchers Mobil Oil Corporation, allowing new perspectives in the field of catalysis. One of the most important members of this family is the MCM-41, which has a hexagonal arrangement of mesopores with pore diameters between 2 and 10 nm and a high specific surface area, making it very promising for use as a catalyst in petroleum refining for catalytic cracking, and their mesopores facilitate the access of large hydrocarbon molecules. The addition of aluminum in the structure of MCM-41 increases the acidity of the material, making it more positive for application in the petrochemical industry. The mesoporous material of the type Al-MCM41 (ratio Si / Al = 50) was synthesized by hydrothermal method starting from the silica gel, NaOH and distilled water added to the gel pseudobohemita synthesis. Driver was used as structural CTMABr. Removal of organic driver (CTMABr) was observed by TG / DTG and FTIR, but this material was characterized by XRD, which was observed the formation of the main peaks characteristic of mesoporous materials. The analysis of adsorption / desorption of nitrogen this material textural parameters were determined. The vacuum residues (VR's) that are products of the bottom of the vacuum distillation tower used in this study are different from oil fields (regions of Ceará and Rio de Janeiro). Previously characterized by various techniques such as FTIR, viscosity, density, SARA, elemental analysis and thermogravimetry, which was performed by thermal and catalytic degradation of vacuum residues. The effect of AlMCM-41 was satisfactory, since promoted a decrease in certain ranges of temperature required in the process of conversion of hydrocarbons, but also promoted a decrease in energy required in the process. Thus enabling lower costs related to energy expenditure from degradation during processing of the waste
The production of synthesis gas has received renewed attention due to demand for renewable energies to reduce the emissions of gases responsible for enhanced greenhouse effect. This work was carried out in order to synthesize, characterize and evaluate the implementation of nickel catalysts on MCM-41 in dry reforming reactions of methane. The mesoporous molecular sieves were synthesized using as silica sources the tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) and residual glass powder (PV). The sieves were impregnated with 10% nickel to obtain the metallic catalysts (Ni/MCM-41). These materials were calcined and characterized by Thermogravimetric Analysis (TG), Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Temperature-Programmed Reduction (TPR) and N2 Adsorption/Desorption isotherms (BET/BJH). The catalytic properties of the samples were evaluated in methane dry reforming with CO2 in order to produce synthesis gas to be used in the petrochemical industry. The materials characterized showed hexagonal structure characteristic of mesoporous material MCM-41 type, being maintained after impregnation with nickel. The samples presented variations in the specific surface area, average volume and diameter of pores based on the type of interaction between the nickel and the mesoporous support. The result of the the catalytic tests showed conversions about 91% CO2, 86% CH4, yelds about 85% CO and 81% H2 to Ni/MCM-41_TEOS_C, and conversions about 87% CO2, 82% CH4, yelds about 70% CO and 59% H2 to Ni/MCM-41_PV_C. The similar performance confirms that the TEOS can be replaced by a less noble materials
Horacio Quiroga (1878-1937) es uno de los escritores más logrados por sus cuentos y sigue siendo aclamado por la crítica en el mundo de habla hispana. Sus obras son consideradas parte del canon dentro de la tradición literaria sudamericana. Algunas de sus historias más renombradas circulan para la audiencia más global, publicadas en diversas colecciones y antologías que han sido posibles por haber sido traducidas al inglés. La versión más disponible en inglés es la traducción realizada por Margaret Sayers Peden ((1976) 2004), Quiroga habla por medio de las elecciones que realizó la traductora. Sin embargo, cabe preguntarse: ¿es este el Horacio Quiroga que las generaciones anteriores conocieron, apreciaron y alabaron? ¿Han logrado sobrevivir a la operación traductológica en inglés su prosa exquisita y su narrativa fotográfica para los lectores en inglés? Este artículo intenta abordar temas centrales de la traducción literaria en cuanto los textos de Quiroga y de Sayers Peden. También trata sobre las estrategias de domesticación, sobre cómo la manipulación del original puede traer consecuencias para la legibilidad, además la importancia de conocer bien los rasgos sociopolíticos y las características geográficas y, no menor, la responsabilidad profesional implícita en el rol del traductor como mediador cultural ya que selecciona, edita y publica literatura que no pertenece a lo convencional y establecido.
O objetivo desta pesquisa é descrever o conhecimento divulgado sobre sustentabilidade de um grupo de empresas do setor petroquímico. Para a estruturação dos modelos de gestão das empresas, foi utilizado o Modelo Orientado para a Representação do Pensamento Humano, MORPH. Foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva de modelos de empresas representados por frames, com regras de extração para definição dos critérios e dos objetos. Para efeito de comparação, foram escolhidas três empresas de um mesmo setor, o Petroquímico. As quais fazem parte de um programa que compartilha projetos de sustentabilidade, o Programa Em Boa Companhia da BM&F BOVESPA. Foram extraídos objetos qualitativos de sustentabilidade, comparando, quantitativamente, com os lucros das empresas. Dentre os principais resultados, observou-se de 2011 a 2012 que a Braskem teve prejuízo, enquanto que a Comgas teve lucro, sendo a partir de ambos foi extraída a mesma quantidade de objetos. Dentre as três empresas, é analisado que a Ultrapar tem o maior lucro e mais objetos que divulgam o interesse sobre sustentabilidade.
Este número de Reflexiones Pedagógicas URosario tiene como propósito introducir el tema de las interacciones como parte fundamental en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Varios autores han considerado el tema de la interacción como condición para aprender; en este texto nos adentraremos en el estudio de las propuestas de algunos de ellos y reconoceremos que es un reto generar ambientes de aprendizaje que las propicien. Sabemos que es un camino posible que ya están recorriendo algunos profesores de la Universidad. ¡Esperamos que cada vez sean más!
El desarrollo de este estudio de caso, tiene como objetivo analizar la consolidación de Argentina como un posible escenario de crimen organizado en América Latina. Para ello se analizarán los factores que han permitido la proliferación de dicho fenómeno, haciendo énfasis en que la capacidad de establecer redes, trascienden el ordenamiento estatal y permiten que se desarrolle de manera autónoma en diferentes regiones del planeta. Además se tratarán temas fundamentales que permiten dar cuenta de cómo ha sido la construcción de los pilares que conforman la sociedad argentina en el contexto de una sociedad criminal, convirtiéndose en una amenaza directa para el funcionamiento del sistema internacional.
El riesgo (según el enfoque constructivista) es una construcción social, dado que los individuos responden de acuerdo a su percepción cultural del riesgo, o sea según las creencias acerca de la factibilidad de que ocurra un efecto indeseable, y no a través de un nivel de riesgo objetivo o una valoración científica. Esta percepción cultural, es influenciada por las características del medio en que habitan. El área de estudio se enmarca en el ámbito de la Diagonal Árida Sudamericana, y el sistema de Sierras Pampeana, concentrando más del 50 % del total poblacional provincial. El objetivo de este trabajo fue indagar acerca de las percepciones de la población ante los riesgos, a fin de comparar la información resultante, con los conocimientos objetivos existentes. La recopilación de la información mediante encuestas, entrevistas, con la correspondiente generación de capas resultantes, georeferenciadas y la recopilación de otras existentes referentes a variables físicas, espaciales, sirven de soporte metodológico para la representación cartográfica específica mediante la utilización de software libre. Aporte geográfico: la aplicación de conocimientos desde la geografía de la percepción y el comportamiento ante el riesgo. La implementación de acciones concretas para revertir la desinformación científica ante situaciones concretas de riesgos, superadora de las creencias populares.