886 resultados para Persuasive Messages
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Este estudo visou avaliar percepções, barreiras e características de materiais educativos de promoção de alimentação saudável descritas por adolescentes. Realizaram-se quatro grupos focais com 25 adolescentes com perguntas sobre: percepção e motivação para modificar a dieta; conceito de alimentação saudável e barreiras para sua adoção; e características de impressos para a promoção de práticas alimentares saudáveis. Observou-se uma freqüente indecisão quanto a classificar a dieta como saudável. Os adolescentes referiram não se sentir confiantes para modificar a dieta, mas relataram conceitos adequados sobre alimentação saudável. As principais barreiras citadas foram focadas em aspectos pessoais e sociais, como: a tentação, o sabor dos alimentos, a influência dos pais e a falta de tempo e de opções de lanches saudáveis na escola. Para os jovens, materiais educativos de promoção de alimentação saudável devem reforçar seus benefícios imediatos e destacar mensagens alarmantes sobre os riscos à saúde advindos de uma alimentação inadequada.
Nowadays in Brazil, some social organizations, governments and mass media are discussing the need to establish an oversight committee to guarantee the quality of television programmes, as well as the need to set a system to determine what kind of pro, gram is appropriate for every television time slot. Across Brazil, a representative body of children and young people have come to the conclusion that the right to receive quality television programmes is not enough. The children of the new generations think they have the right to access new technologies and the production of their own messages, in accordance with their own creativity, interests and lifestyle projects within society.
Social organizations, local governments and the media in Brazil are confronting them, selves over the need for an oversight board to guarantee quality television programming, and establishing a system to determine which television programs are appropriate for which television time slots. Across Brazil, a representative body of children and young adults have determined that the right to receive quality programming is not currently being met. Children of the new generation see themselves as having a right to access new technologies which enable them to produce their own messages according to their own creativity, interests, and social participation. This new generation wants to go beyond education in order to watch and conquer their ""right to screens"".
Phase-locked loops (PLLs) are widely used in applications related to control systems and telecommunication networks. Here we show that a single-chain master-slave network of third-order PLLs can exhibit stationary, periodic and chaotic behaviors, when the value of a single parameter is varied. Hopf, period-doubling and saddle-saddle bifurcations are found. Chaos appears in dissipative and non-dissipative conditions. Thus, chaotic behaviors with distinct dynamical features can be generated. A way of encoding binary messages using such a chaos-based communication system is suggested. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This article analyses the teacher strikes that took place in the state of Sao Paulo ( Brazil). These strikes produced new representations of the profession and gave a particular visibility to its interest aggregation processes. These same strikes appeared as major incentives for the organisation of teachers in Brazil. The October 1963 strike - about six months before the military coup of 1964 - was the first to mobilise the whole of the teaching profession of the Sao Paulo state: primary and secondary education, public and private schools were all involved. The two other strikes, organised by teachers in the public schools in 1978 and 1979, took place under the dictatorship. As such, they had a particular significance in the process of recovering civil liberties in the final stages of the military regime in the 1980s. This article is based on an analysis of the front-page covering of these teacher strikes by the two major journals of the state, O Estado de S. Paulo and Folha de S. Paulo. With Chartier`s concept collective representations in mind, this approach allows us to grasp how large-circulation journals diffuse images of the profession and its organisational configurations. These press pictures are analysed by dint of the analytical frame Roland Barthes advanced in the 1960s, i.e. by reading their denoted, connoted and symbolic messages.
The effectiveness of overt tobacco advertising and sponsorship bans is well established. The industry has responded to these bans by implementing “buzz” or “viral” marketing techniques, such as nightclub and dance party promotions. This paper analyses possible tobacco industry content on the burgeoning consumer generated media website, YouTube. Tobacco control efforts need to embrace this new medium in order to counter pro-smoking messages and maximize media advocacy opportunities.
This study examined the effects of political identity and the changing intergroup context on communication perceptions during an election campaign. Perceptions of media bias and of campaign impact on self and others were assessed before and after the election. The responses of politically aligned voters reflected their membership in a dominant or subordinate group preelection and in a losing or winning group postelection. Dominant group members were initially less biased in their views of the campaign and its impact but sought to blame their party's loss on media bias and on the gullibility of political out-group members and voters in general. Subordinate group members initially showed strong in-group-serving biases but were less critical of the media and the electorate after their party had won. Results highlight the dynamic, intergroup, nature of media perceptions.
Two experiments examined the effects of interpersonal and group-based similarity on perceived self-other differences in persuasibility (i.e. on third-person effects, Davison, 1983). Results of Experiment 1 (N=121), based on experimentally-created groups, indicated that third-person perceptions with respect to the impact of televised product ads were accentuated when the comparison was made with interpersonally different others. Contrary to predictions, third-person perceptions were not affected by group-based similarity (i.e. ingroup or outgroup other). Results of Experiment 2 (N = 102), based an an enduring social identity, indicated that both interpersonal and group-based similarity moderated perceptions of the impact on self and other of least-liked product ads. Overall, third-person effects were more pronounced with respect to interpersonally dissimilar others. However, when social identity was salient, information about interpersonal similarity of the target did not affect perceived self-other differences with respect to ingroup targets. Results also highlighted significant differences in third-person perceptions according to the perceiver's affective evaluation of the persuasive message. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Segregation of mRNAs in the cytoplasm of polar cells has been demonstrated for proteins involved in Xenopus and Drosophila oogenesis, and for some proteins in somatic cells. It is assumed that vectorial transport of the messages is generally responsible for this localization. The mRNA encoding the basic protein of central nervous system myelin is selectively transported to the distal ends of the processes of oligodendrocytes, where it is anchored to the myelin membrane and translated. This transport is dependent on a 21-nucleotide cis-acting segment of the 3'-untranslated region (RTS). Proteins that bind to this cis-acting segment have now been isolated from extracts of rat brain. A group of six 35-42-kDa proteins bind to a 35-base oligoribonucleotide incorporating the RTS, but not to several oligoribonucleotides with the same composition but randomized sequences, thus establishing specificity for the base sequence in the RTS. The most abundant of these proteins has been identified, by Edman sequencing of tryptic peptides and mass spectroscopy, as heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2, a 36-kDa member of a family of proteins that are primarily, but not solely, intranuclear. This protein was most abundant in samples from rat brain and testis, with lower amounts in other tissues. It was separated from the other polypeptides by using reverse-phase HPLC and shown to retain preferential association with the RTS. In cultured oligodendrocytes, hnRNP A2 was demonstrated by confocal microscopy to be distributed throughout the nucleus, cell soma, and processes.
Objectives: A controlled trial to compare the effectiveness of verbal advice from a family physician (FP) combined with either standard or tailored written information on physical activity in increasing the levels of physical activity in sedentary patients. Design: Sedentary patients (n = 763) were recruited through ten family practices and allocated to a control group or one of two intervention groups, Brief advice on physical activity was given by the FP during the consultation and either a standard or tailored pamphlet was mailed to the home address of patients assigned to the intervention groups within two days of their visit to the FP. Results: The response to follow-up, via a postal survey at one, six, and twelve months after the index consultation was 70%, 60%, and 57%, respectively. Treating all nonresponders as sedentary, the results revealed that although more tailored subjects reported some physical activity at each follow-up compared with the standard group, these differences were not significant, Furthermore, there was no significant difference in movement across the stages of readiness to exercise at follow-up between subjects in the tailored group who received material targeting their current stage (precontemplation or contemplation) and the standard group who received generic material that addressed both stages. Conclusion: These findings do not concur with the results from previous research in the areas of nutrition and smoking cessation where additional benefits were seen with a tailored intervention. Future research on the application of the principles of tailoring to the promotion of physical activity should focus on identifying which, if any, physical, social, psychological or environmental variables should be addressed to produce improved outcomes over and above the effects of well designed generic materials. (C) 1999 American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
This paper presents the unique collection of additional features of Qu-Prolog, a variant of the Al programming language Prolog, and illustrates how they can be used for implementing DAI applications. By this we mean applications comprising communicating information servers, expert systems, or agents, with sophisticated reasoning capabilities and internal concurrency. Such an application exploits the key features of Qu-Prolog: support for the programming of sound non-clausal inference systems, multi-threading, and high level inter-thread message communication between Qu-Prolog query threads anywhere on the internet. The inter-thread communication uses email style symbolic names for threads, allowing easy construction of distributed applications using public names for threads. How threads react to received messages is specified by a disjunction of reaction rules which the thread periodically executes. A communications API allows smooth integration of components written in C, which to Qu-Prolog, look like remote query threads.
The present study investigated whether people used the gender of an expert witness as a heuristic cue to evaluate the evidence presented by the expert. Specifically, the gender of the expert and the complexity of the expert's testimony (low, high) were varied systematically within a simulated civil trial involving an antitrust price-fixing agreement. It was expected that the male expert would be more persuasive than the female expert, but only when the testimony presented was complex. As predicted, this interaction was revealed across a range of dependent measures. Somewhat unexpected was the finding of a female expert advantage in the low-complexity condition. The implications of these findings are discussed.
Among many managers Charles Handy might well be described as a ‘world class’ management thinker. He is certainly the first British management author to have achieved international guru status. The author of widely-commended management best-sellers and MBA set texts, known through broadcasting and management videos, he has presented himself more recently as a self-styled ‘social philosopher’. But just how philosophical is he? Does he offer genuinely new ideas? And what explains his vast appeal? Ashly Pinnington considers three works from Handy’s social philosopher period. He argues that they are conservative and focused on the interests of managers and business owners rather than employees or society as a whole. Like a mediaeval friar seeking converts, Handy uses mythic structures and exempla to invest his claims and propositions with plausibility and authority. Drawing on research into management gurus as a phenomenon, Ashly Pinnington concludes that when we read authors like Handy we should attend not merely to the ‘philosophy’ but also to the way narrative techniques are used in conveying ideological and moral messages.