891 resultados para Orthodontic archwire
INTRODUCTION : L’articulation temporo-mandibulaire (ATM) est un système articulaire excessivement complexe. L'étiologie des désordres temporo-mandibulaires (DTM) est encore incertaine et le lien de cause à effet des traitements orthodontiques en tant que facteur de risque est une question qui a longuement été discutée. Cette étude clinique prospective vise à évaluer les effets à long terme du port continu de coquilles correctrices Invisalign® sur l’ATM et les muscles du complexe facial. MATÉRIELS ET MÉTHODES : L'étude incluait 43 adolescents et adultes âgés entre 13 et 51 ans (25 femmes et 18 hommes). Deux d'entre eux ont été exclus en raison de mauvaise coopération causant l’arrêt du traitement orthodontique. Les effets dans le temps des coquilles sur l'ATM et les muscles du complexe facial ont été évalués en utilisant l’examen du Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD). Le nombre de contractions musculaires durant le sommeil a été mesuré objectivement par enregistrements électromyographiques (EMG) et la fréquence de grincement et de serrement des dents à l’éveil a été rapportée subjectivement par les patients à l’aide de questionnaires. Des mesures répétées ont été effectuées aux temps suivants: avant le début du traitement pour les données contrôles (T1), deux semaines (T2), et six mois (T3) après le début du traitement. Les données numériques ont été analysées par l’analyse de variance (ANOVA) en mesures répétées et la méthode de Brunner-Langer, alors que les données nominales ont été évaluées par le test de Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel. Les résultats ont été considérés significatifs si p < 0.05. RÉSULTATS ET DISCUSSION : Le nombre de contractions musculaires par heure (index) durant le sommeil et leur durée moyenne n’ont pas été statistiquement différents entre les trois nuits d’enregistrement EMG (Brunner Langer, p > 0.005). Cependant, 67 % des participants ont rapporté avoir eu du grincement ou du serrement des dents la nuit au T2 et 64 % au T3 comparativement à 39 % au T1, ce qui était une augmentation significative (Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel, p = 0.0112). Quarante-quatre pour cent des patients ont signalé du grincement ou du serrement des dents pendant le jour au T1, tandis qu'un pourcentage nettement plus élevé de 66 % en a rapporté au T2 et 61 % au T3 (Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel, p = 0.0294). Au T1, 12 % des sujets ont indiqué qu'ils se sont réveillés avec une douleur musculaire, comparativement à 29 % au T2, ce qui était une augmentation significative (Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel, p = 0.0347). Au T2, il y avait une réduction significative des mouvements maximaux de la mandibule dans toutes les directions (ANOVA en mesures répétées, p < 0,05). De plus, il y a eu une augmentation significative du nombre de sites douloureux et de l'intensité de la douleur à la palpation de l'ATM et des muscles faciaux avec l'évaluation du RDC/TMD au T2 en comparaison aux T1 et T3 (Brunner Langer, p < 0,05). CONCLUSION : La présente étude n’a révélé aucun effet des coquilles sur l’activité oro-faciale durant le sommeil au fil du temps mesurée objectivement à l’aide des enregistrements EMG, mais une augmentation significative de la fréquence du grincement et du serrement des dents rapportée subjectivement par les patients au moyen des questionnaires aux T2 et T3. Au T2, il y avait une augmentation significative des symptômes de l'ATM et des muscles du complexe oro-facial, mais ces symptômes sont retournés au niveau initial avec le temps.
Introduction : La croissance maxillo-mandibulaire des enfants avec une séquence de Pierre Robin (SPR) est controversée dans la littérature. Certains auteurs croient que la croissance mandibulaire est accélérée après la naissance, mais peu se sont penchés sur la croissance du maxillaire supérieur. Cette étude rétrospective sur dossier vise à analyser la croissance maxillo-mandibulaire des enfants atteints de la SPR. Dans un deuxième temps, nous aurions aimé évaluer la sévérité et l’évolution de l’apnée du sommeil en lien avec la croissance des maxillaires, mais un manque de données a empêché l’atteinte de cet objectif. Matériel et méthode : Les dossiers médicaux et orthodontiques de 93 patients (82 volet apnée et 40 volet croissance) du CHU Ste-Justine avec une SPR isolée ont été révisés puis comparés au groupe contrôle composé d’enfants normaux de l’Université du Michigan. L’analyse statistique de modèle mixte pour mesures répétées de même que celle de Brunner-Langer furent effectuées. Résultats : L’évaluation orthodontique a montré un changement statistiquement significatif pour la relation molaire droite, la présence de chevauchement et de diastème au maxillaire et le surplomb vertical. L’analyse des données céphalométriques nous montre que le maxillaire supérieur, la branche montante et le corps de la mandibule sont tous réduits par rapport à la normale. Ce dernier montre une diminution significative avec l’âge (p = 0,03). L’angle gonial, le SNA, SNB, ANB, l’angle de convexité faciale et l’inclinaison de l’incisive supérieure par rapport à FH sont tous normaux. Par contre, on remarque une augmentation statistiquement significative de cette dernière avec l’âge (p = 0,04). L’angle Y est augmenté tandis que les hauteurs faciales supérieure (HFS) et inférieure (HFI) sont diminuées bien que cette dernière montre une tendance à s’approcher de la normale avec l’âge (p ≤ 0,001). Discussion : Les dimensions des maxillaires sont similaires à plusieurs études. En ce qui concerne la mandibule, la croissance est soit plus lente, soit diminuée. Cette observation est plus marquée lorsque l’on s’approche du pic de croissance puisque l’écart par rapport à la normale s’agrandit. On voit une tendance à la croissance hyperdivergente qui pourrait expliquer l’augmentation de la HFI avec l’âge. Le fait que SNA et SNB soient dans la normale pourrait s’expliquer par une diminution de la longueur de la base crânienne. Conclusion : Il n’y a pas de rattrapage de croissance maxillaire et mandibulaire. Les maxillaires restent micrognathes quoique proportionnels l’un envers l’autre et le profil est convexe tout au long de la croissance. La comparaison des données céphalométriques et des traitements orthodontiques avec ceux des patients présentant une fente palatine isolée devrait se faire sous peu. Nous n’avons pas été en mesure d’atteindre nos objectifs concernant l’apnée du sommeil. Une étude prospective serait à prévoir pour y arriver.
Objective: Using checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridisation (CDDH) assay, this randomised clinical study evaluated the contamination of metallic brackets by four cariogenic bacterial strains (Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus, Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus acidophilus) and the efficacy of 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX) mouthwashes in reducing bacterial contamination. Methods: Thirty-nine 11-33-year-old patients under treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances were enrolled in the study and had 2 new metallic brackets bonded to premolars. Nineteen patients used a 0.12% CHX mouthwash (Periogard (R)) and 20 patients used a placebo mouthwash (control) twice a week. After 30 days, the brackets were removed and samples were obtained for analysis by CDDH. Data were analysed statistically by the Kruskal-Wallis test (alpha = 0.05) using the SAS software. Results: S. mutans, S. sobrinus, L. casei and L. acidophilus were detected in 100% of the samples from both groups. However, brackets of the control group were more heavily contaminated by S. mutans and S. sobrinus (P < 0.01). In the experimental group, although all counts decreased after rinsing with the chlorhexidine solution, there was significant difference only for S. mutans (P = 0.03). Conclusions: The use of 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwashes can be useful in clinical practice to reduce the levels of cariogenic microorganisms in patients under treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective. This study was designed to determine the precision and accuracy of angular measurements using three-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT) volume rendering by computer systems. Study design. The study population consisted of 28 dried skulls that were scanned with a 64-row multislice CT, and 3D-CT images were generated. Angular measurements, (n = 6) based upon conventional craniometric anatomical landmarks (n = 9), were identified independently in 3D-CT images by 2 radiologists, twice each, and were then performed by 3D-CT imaging. Subsequently, physical measurements were made by a third examiner using a Beyond Crysta-C9168 series 900 device. Results. The results demonstrated no statistically significant difference between interexaminer and intraexaminer analysis. The mean difference between the physical and 3-D-based angular measurements was -1.18% and -0.89%, respectively, for both examiners, demonstrating high accuracy. Conclusion. Maxillofacial analysis of angular measurements using 3D-CT volume rendering by 64-row multislice CT is established and can be used for orthodontic and dentofacial orthopedic applications.
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as características da dentina cariada remanescente de molares decíduos quanto à coloração, consistência e microdureza, após um período médio de 3 anos e 8 meses da realização do capeamento pulpar indireto. O estudo clínico constou de 27 dentes que apresentavam lesões cariosas ativas com expressão radiográfica em metade interna de dentina. Aleatoriamente, foi realizado o capeamento pulpar indireto e utilizado como material capeador o hidróxido de cálcio (HC) e o cimento de ionômero de vidro resinoso modificado (CIVRM). As crianças foram acompanhadas através de exames clínicos e radiográficos, e ao longo de um período médio de 3 anos e 8 meses, observou-se um índice de sucesso de 89% para o grupo do HC e de 93% para o CIVRM, não havendo diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois grupos (p=0,62). Os dentes considerados como sucesso no estudo clínico foram agrupados em um único grupo (grupo teste), que constou de 13 dentes que sofreram esfoliação natural ou exodontia por motivos ortodônticos. Além disso, foram selecionados 15 molares decíduos hígidos (grupo controle positivo) e 15, portadores de lesões cariosas ativas em metade interna de dentina (grupo controle negativo). As amostras do grupo teste tiveram suas respectivas restaurações removidas, a profundidade medida e a dentina remanescente avaliada por um operador calibrado, seguindo critérios descritivos, quanto à consistência e a coloração. Nos dentes do grupo controle positivo, foram realizados preparos cavitários oclusais em até 4 mm de profundidade, enquanto que, no grupo controle negativo, o mesmo operador do estudo clínico realizou a remoção parcial de tecido cariado in vitro. A partir daí, todos os dentes foram preparados para análise de microdureza, que foi realizada por um examinador calibrado, que empregou o princípio de cegamento. Na análise da consistência, todos os dentes do grupo teste (n=13) apresentaram-se endurecidos, enquanto que 9, apresentaram coloração amarela-clara (8 do CIVRM e 1 do HC) e 4, castanho-escura (1 do CIVRM e 3 do HC). Para o teste de microdureza no grupo teste, obteve-se uma média KHN de 40,81 (±16,28) MPa, enquanto que nos grupos controles positivo e negativo, foram alcançados valores médios de 62,73 (±11,24) MPa e 19,15 (±6,99) MPa, respectivamente. A análise estatística mediante o teste ANOVA indicou que houve diferença significativa entre os 3 grupos. Foi constatada a remineralização da dentina de dentes decíduos em que foi realizada a técnica do capeamento pulpar indireto após um período médio de 3 anos e 8 meses, através de critérios clínico (consistência) e laboratorial (análise da microdureza).
The people of Ceará state are descended from miscegenation between the Portuguese colonizers and the native population, resulting in a different facial pattern from other populations. It is important that this pattern be thoroughly understood, along with its minimum and maximum values so that they can be assessed and respected, allowing professionals who deal with the craniofacial complex to work more efficiently and scientifically. Aim: To characterize the morphological pattern of individuals from Ceará state, whose father and grandfather are also native from Ceará, in the 10-12 year age group, not submitted to previous orthodontic treatment, in order to determine: 1) the prevalence of occlusal pattern; 2) the prevalence of dental anomalies (DA) and, 3) the skeletal and dental cephalometric characteristics of individuals that present with normal occlusion and harmonious facial pattern. Methodology: A list of 10-12 year-olds was obtained from 515 schools containing 162,713 students (Education Secretariat of Ceará State), from which 234 individuals were examined (107 boys and 157 girls). The assessment criteria adopted were: 1) Angle s Classification System to determine occlusal pattern. The occlusal characteristics were measured through overbite, overjet, crowding and interincisal diastema. 2) DA are anomalies of number, shape, size, eruption and structure and, 3) in the group that presented with normal occlusion, we used cephalometric analysis measures proposed by Downs, Steiner, Tweed, Holdaway, Jacobson and McNamara. Results: 1) 25.8% of the schoolchildren had normal occlusion, 47.5% class I malocclusion, 22.3% class II malocclusion and 4.2% class III malocclusion. No statistically significant difference was found between the age group studied and sex. Thirty percent of the individuals had normal overbite, while 36.7% and 19.7% had increased and reduced overbite, respectively. Normal overjet was found in 33.7% of the individuals, increased overjet in 50% and reduced in 16.3%. Dental crowding was observed in 62.5% of the individuals and the presence of interincisal diastema in 14.8%. 2) The prevalence of DA was 56.1%, 6.8% in the number, 10.8% in shape, 4.1% in size, 34.5% in eruption, 26.4% in structure and 17.4% had more than one DA. No association was found between DA and sex, but DA was significantly associated to malocclusion (p<0.05); 3) there was no association between sex or facial type between the measures of nasal-labial angle, position and effective maxillary length, effective mandibular length and the sagittal relationship between the molars, overjet and overbite, position of upper incisors, lower incisors and between the incisors themselves. There was a difference between sex, on the VERT index and in lower anterior facial height, upper incisor inclination and line-H, between facial types for the occlusal plane angles, mandibular plane, facial axis, lower incisor inclination, mandibular position, upper incisor position, lower anterior facial height, ANB and line-H. It was concluded that: 1) the most prevalent occlusal type was class I malocclusion, with no distinction for sex or age group, and the assessment of occlusal characteristics showed that excessive overbite and overjet were the most predominant findings, along with a high occurrence of tooth crowding; 2) a high prevalence of DA was found, particularly eruption anomalies, not influenced by sex but significantly associated to malocclusion and 3) individuals from Ceará are predominantly brachyfacial, exhibiting a number of similarities inherent to their facial pattern, such as a convex profile, retracted jaw, reduced lower third and protruded lower incisors. This study was multidisciplinary, involving researchers from the areas of epidemiology, radiology and dentistry, thereby meeting the multidisciplinarity requirements of the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences
The aim of the present study was to assess the effectiveness and adverse effects on dental enamel caused by nightguard vital bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide. This was accomplished through the interaction of researchers from different areas such as dentistry, materials engineering and physics. Fifty volunteers took part in the doubleblind randomized controlled clinical trial. They were allocated to an experimental group that used Opalescence PF 10% (OPA) and a control group that used a placebo gel (PLA). Fragments of human dental enamel from the vestibular surface of healthy premolars, extracted for orthodontic reasons, were fixed to the vestibular surface of the first upper molars of the volunteers for in situ observation. Bleaching was performed at night for 21 days. The observation periods included Baseline (BL), T0 (21 days), T30 (30 days after treatment) and T180 (180 days after treatment, only for the OPA group). Tooth color was assessed by comparing it with the Vita® scale and by the degree of satisfaction expressed by the volunteer. We also assessed adverse clinical effects, dental sensitivity and gingival bleeding. The study of adverse effects on enamel was conducted in vivo and in situ, using the DIAGNOdent® laser fluorescence device to detect mineral loss. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to check for superficial morphological alterations, energy dispersive spectrophotometry (EDS) to semiquantitatively assess chemical composition using the Ca/P ratio, and the x-ray diffraction (XRD) technique to observe alterations in enamel microstructure. The results showed that nightguard vital bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide was effective in 96% of the cases, versus 8% for the PLA group. Dental sensitivity was present in 36% (9/25) of the cases. There was no significant association between gingival bleeding and the type of gel used (p = 1.00). In vivo laser fluorescence analysis showed no difference in values for the control group, whereas in the OPA group there was a statistically significant difference between baseline values in relation to the subsequent periods (p<0.01), with lower mean values for post-bleaching times. There was a significant difference between the groups for times T0 and T30. Micrographic analysis showed no enamel surface alterations related to the treatment performed. No significant alteration in Ca/P ratio was observed in the OPA group (p = 0.624) or in the PLA group (p = 0.462) for each of the observation periods, nor between the groups studied (p=0.102). The XRD pattern for both groups showed the presence of three-phase Hydroxyapatite according to JCPDS files (9-0432[Ca5(PO4)3(OH)], 18-0303[Ca3(PO4)2.xH2O] and 25-0166[Ca5(PO4)3(OH, Cl, F)]). No other peak associated to other phases was found, independent of the group analyzed, which reveals there was no disappearance, nucleation or phase transformation. Neither was there any alteration in peak pattern location. With the methodology and protocol used in this study, nightguard vital bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide proved to be an effective and safe procedure for dental enamel
The objectives of this clinical study was to evaluate the use of the toothpaste with fluoride and without fluoride and the daily tooth brushing are effective in the reversion of the dental enamel conditioned by acid. Another objective of this clinical study was to evaluate if the positioning of orthodontic accessories with glass ionomer cement helps in the reversion of the dental enamel conditioned by acid, when compared to composed resin. One hundred and twenty teeth were selected with indication of extraction by orthodontic reasons. The 30 volunteers were divided, randomly, in two groups. A group used toothpaste without fluoride and the other with it. The teeth of the sample were shuffled, in each volunteer. The teeth were conditioned by the 37% orthophosphoric acid. One of the conditioned teeth stayed in the mouth and suffered action of the abrasion for the tooth brushing, in another teeth a stainless steel mesh protection was positioned with glass ionomer cement, in another tooth the screen was glued with composed resin, in a fourth tooth (the control) was only conditioned after the extractions, 60 days later. All the teeth were appraised through DIAGNOdent, MEVA and EDS. In the obtained data it was possible to observe that there were not statistic significant differences in any comparison, even in the group that did not have access to the fluoride in the toothpaste as in the other that had. According with the used methodology, it was possible to observe too that there was not statistic significant differences in any comparison, even in the group that had the stainless steel mesh positioned with glass ionomer cement as in the group that the stainless steel mesh was positioned with composed resin. However, it was observed that there was an improvement in the topography of the enamel in all the teeth. The accomplishment of this study was facilitated due to the participation of the researchers' of the health area (dentistry), materials engineer, physics and chemistry. The researchers were originating from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and of the University of Queensland, in Australia. This interdisciplinary group was decisive in the accomplishment of the study. It can be concluded that the enamel tends to return to its initial aspect, even if the patient does not have access to fluoride. That is probably due the action of the abrasion for the tooth brushing and mastication. In spite of it not being significant, it is suggested that the conditioned enamel was more resistant to the abrasion in the group that had access to fluoride. It was also possible to conclude that the fluoride liberated by the glass ionomer was not enough to provide a significant difference in the enamel conditioned by the acid, when compared with the composed resin, even in the group that did not use fluoride in the toothpaste as in the group that used
The objective of this clinical study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the toothbrushing with and without fluoride and the daily fluoride rinse (NaF 0.05%) on produced white spot, in vivo. This was a clinical study, controlled, randomized and triple blind. Thirty patients were selected for orthodontics reasons from Orthodontics Specialization Course at the Brazilian Dental Association - Section of Rio Grande do Norte. In this study it was used 4 bicuspid upper and lower. They had orthodontic reason for extractions, in 35 days, at least. The sample had one hundred and twenty teeth that received orthodontic bands. The bands were fixed with polycarboxylate cement, and there was a space standardized between bands and one surface of teeth. The four bicuspid of each patients were randomized and nominated as A, B, C and D. These nominations determinated the sequence of the extractions and what was done in each tooth. All the patients had been submitted to the toothbrushing with or without fluoride for 35 days. After this period, the A tooth of each patient was extracted to serve as control. The others teeth (B, C and D) were extracted one by each week. The entire sample was analyzed through the clinical examination and by laser fluorescence (DIAGNOdent®) in three different times: before orthodontic bands, 28 days after fixed and then removed the bands and, the last one, 07 days after one of the three treatments (toothbrushing with or without fluoride, tooth paste with fluoride and mouth rinse with fluoride). At the beginning all groups (A, B, C and D) had the same conditions, no significant difference was found. The same situation was found in a clinical examination. The results of the DIAGNOdent® for the groups that used tooth paste without fluoride, with fluoride and mouth rinse with fluoride, after 28 days, there was no significant difference. Clinically, the white spot was formed in all teeth after 28 days. When it was compared the three treated groups, the group without fluoride in tooth paste had worst result than the others groups. But there was no significant association between the number of active and inactive white spots and the type of treatment that the teeth had received. The demineralization of the enamel surface, under the orthodontic bands, it happened in a few weeks. The exposition of the white spots in oral environmental resulted in an improvement, but it was not enough to return to the values from the base line, either for the toothbrushing and/or the use of fluorite mouth rinse. Mouth rinse and toothpaste with fluoride have showed to reduce the incidence of demineralization in the enamel, but none seems to be superior to another one in an in vivo study
This study aimed to evaluate factors associated to orthodontic treatment stability and patient satisfaction in the long-term. A total of 209 patients (88 class I and 121 class II) treated with straight wire fixed appliance were selected at least 5 years post treatment. Six hundred twenty seven dental casts were examined with the PAR Index at pretreatment (T1), end of treatment (T2), and at long-term follow up (T3, mean 8.5 years post treatment). At T3, a Dental Impact on Daily Living questionnaire was used to assess patient satisfaction with the dentition in the long-term. Friedman test and multiple regression analysis were used to evaluate changes among the time points and factors associated with stability and patient satisfaction. Predictive factors used to exam the occlusion were: PAR Index at T1 and T2, age at T1, the amount of time without retainer, length of Hawley retainer wear, length of follow-up, sex, extraction and third molar status. To assess patient satisfaction were considered: changes produced by the orthodontic treatment (PAR T2-T1), post treatment stability (PAR T3), age at the start of treatment (T1), length of treatment (T2-T1), gender, and extraction. Orthodontic treatment produced a significant improvement of 94.2% in the PAR Index (T2-T1), but this change was not associated with the level of satisfaction when the patient was questioned at T3. No significant change was observed between T2 and T3. However, when the sample was divided according to the level of finalization (PAR T2), it was observed that well-finished patients experienced some deterioration (P<.001), whereas the less well-finished ones showed some improvement (P<.05). Even with the deterioration, the well-finished patients still had a better PAR Index at T3 compared to the less well-finished ones (PAR T2- T3). Regression analysis showed that PAR Index at T1 and T2, age at T1, and length of retainer wear had a slight association with occlusal stability (R2 = 0.27). Patient satisfaction was significantly associated only with PAR Index at T3 (r2=0.125, P<.0001). We can conclude that, even thought orthodontic treatment is quite stable, not so well-finished treatments tend to show some improvement and well-finished ones deteriorate some in the long-term. Despite of that, well-finished patients still have better occlusal characteristics. Patient satisfaction is not related to the result of orthodontic treatment; nevertheless, there is a slight association with dentition in the long-term
The presence of fixed orthodontics appliances interfere on sanitation, allowing periodontal diseases to appear, despite the fact patients keep on visiting the dentist every month. This research aims to determine a protocol for the mechanical control of the dental biofilm performed by the professional. A protocol that was able to maintain the periodontal health of the patients under orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances, and in order to do so, it used a non-controlled, randomized and blind clinical essay. The sample involved 40 adolescents who were under the installation of fixed orthodontics appliances and it was divided in three groups, as follows: monthly controlled group (group 1) composed of 11 patients, the quarterly controlled group (group 2) with 16 patients and the semestrial controlled group (group 3) with 13 patients. For data collection, an interview and clinical exams with probing depth measurement, quantity of keratinized mucosa, Gingival Index and the Plaque Index were used. On the initial exam all patients received brushing guidelines as well as the professional control of dental biofilm, with periodontal scaler, Robinson s brush and prophylactic paste. However, Group 1 returned every month for control procedures; Group 2 every three months and Group 3 after six months. The intervention had a six-month duration (for all the three groups), when all the exams were repeated by another examiner who did not know which group each patient was inserted in. Finally, the research concluded that despite the fact there is no statistically significant difference among the three groups, clinically the patients from the monthly group presented a better response to professional control, with less accumulation of dental biofilm and less rate of gingival inflammation. Thus, the mechanical control of the dental biofilm performed by the professional could not avoid gingival increase, characterized by the raise of probing depth measurement, neither the quantity of keratinized mucosa
In the last decade, an increasing number of studies focusing on the impact of oral deformities on quality of life have been published. However, the evaluation of patients at different phases of the treatment has not been performed. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the impact that dentofacial deformities have on patients` quality of life, as well as the influence exerted by social, economic, demographic and orthodontic factors, type and severity of malocclusion. A bicentric study - of the cross-sectional type of repeated panels - involving two cities - Natal and Rio de Janeiro - was carried out. A total of 227 patients participated in the study: 71 patients in the initial phase of the treatment (before any orthosurgical procedure), 115 patients in the pre-surgical (with braces) phase and 41 patients in the postoperative phase. The quality of life was measured using the Orthognatic Quality of Life Questionnnaire - OQLQ, translated and validated into Portuguese. The normative and aesthetic need for treatment was assessed with the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) and the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI); the social, economic and demographic factors, the type of service and malocclusion were also assessed. The data were analyzed through χ2/ Fisher`s exact test to seek the association between the nominal categorical variables in the three phases of treatment, Mann Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis test for gauging the existence of significant differences between two and three groups regarding each domain of OQLQ, respectively. For all tests, it was adopted a significance level of 5%. There was a statistically significant difference (p <0.001) in the general scores of OQLQ and in the domains of social aspects, facial aesthetics and oral function, when the "postoperative group" was compared to the "initial" and "orthodontic preparation" groups. Women, single, aged between 31 and 59 and living in Natal had the greatest impact on quality of life among patients in the "orthodontic preparation" group. Only the variable "income" (2 to 3 minimum wages), for the "initial" group, and gender (female) for the "postoperative" group, showed significant association with quality of life. The normative variable IOTN (DHC and AC) showed significant association with the OQLQ for the "initial" group, and the IOTN-AC-auto in the group of orthodontic preparation, being less important to women. We conclude that the ortho-surgical therapy has positive effects on quality of life after orthognathic surgery
The calculation of tooth mass discrepancy, essential for good planning and a proper orthodontic finishing, when performed manually, besides being laborious, requires considerable time consumption. The aim of this study was to develop and test Bolton Freeware, a software for analysis of the tooth mass discrepancy of Bolton, aiming to minimize the consumption of time in a less onerous way. The digital analysis of the software was done by means of two-dimensional scanning of plaster study models and compared to manual evaluation (gold standard), using 75 pairs of stone plaster study models divided into two groups according to the magnitude of the Curve of Spee (group I from 0 to 2 mm, group II greater than 2 to 3mm). All the models had permanent dentition and were in perfect condition. The manual evaluation was performed with a digital caliper and a calculator, and the time required to perform the analysis for both methods was recorded and compared. In addition, the software was evaluated by orthodontists regarding its use, by means of questionnaires developed specifically for this purpose. Calibration was performed prior to manual analysis, and excellent levels of inter-rater agreement were achieved, with ICC > 0.75 and r > 0.9 for total and anterior proportion. It was observed in the evaluation of error of the digital method that some teeth showed a significant systematic error, being the highest measured at 0.08 mm. The analysis of total tooth mass discrepancy performed by Bolton Freeware, for those cases in which the curve of Spee is mild and moderate, differ from manual analysis, on average, 0.09 mm and 0.07 mm respectively, for each tooth evaluated, with r> 0, 8 for total and anterior proportion. According to the specificity and sensitivity test, Bolton Freeware has an improved ability to detect true negatives, i.e. the presence of discrepancy. The Bolton analysis digitally performed was faster, with an average difference of time consumed to perform the analysis of Bolton between the two methods of approximately 6 minutes. Most experts interviewed (93%) approved the usability of the software
Instruments are used in odontology to measure the Quality of Life Related to Oral Health (OHRQoL) to scale how the oral condition interferes with functional areas, of the people s psychological and social life. This cross-sectional study, held in Natal/RN, with 215 students from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) has investigated the association between the performance of daily activities and oral health status of school adolescents from 15 to 19 years of age, through the normative index DMFT (permanent teeth decayed, missing and filled), CPI (Community Periodontal Index) and DAI (dental Aesthetic Index) and subjective questionnaire assessment of quality of life related oral health OIDP index (oral impacts on daily performance). It was also carried out the socioeconomic characteristics of students through IFRN own data. Concerning the analysis of data was performed a descriptive analysis of the variables by their absolute and relative frequencies and measures of central tendency. The chi-square test was used to assess the association between the dependent variable and the independent categorical variables and the Student t test for quantitative. It was also conducted a further multiple analysis out using Poisson regression with robust variance between the outcome "presence of impact" and the independent variables that showed p <0.20. It was used for all the statistical tests a significance level of 5%. Among the adolescents surveyed, 51.16% reported that at least one activity assessed by OIDP had hampered its implementation due to some dental problem. The difficulties were more pronounced in the activities of eating (31.6%), oral hygiene (25.6%) and smile (25.1%).The tooth position, followed by toothache, were the causes of the impacts reported by most teenagers. There was a significant association between the presence and impact of the presence of one or more decayed teeth (p = 0.012), the presence of gum bleeding (p = 0.012) and for orthodontic treatment (p = 0.003), independently of other variables. There was no significant association between oral health status and socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the adolescents. The survey results showed that there is an association between oral health status of the population studied and reports of difficulties in carrying out daily activities evaluated. The worse the oral health status, the greater the impact of this condition on the adolescents quality of life
Low level laser irradiation (LLLI) has been used in Dentistry to promote wound healing and tissue regeneration. The literature shows a positive effect of LLLI on cell proliferation, but little is known about their effectiveness in promoting stem cells proliferation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of LLLI on the proliferative rate of human periodontal ligament stem cells. Extracts of periodontal ligament were isolated from two third molars removed by surgical and/or orthodontic indication. After enzymatic digestion, the cells were grown in α-MEM culture medium supplemented with antibiotics and 15% fetal bovine serum. On the third subculture, the cells were irradiated with a InGaAlP-diode laser, using two different energy densities (0,5J/cm 2 - 16 seconds and 1,0J/cm² - 33 seconds), with wavelength of 660nm and output power of 30mW. A new irradiation, using the same parameters, was performed 48h after the first. A control group (non irradiated) was kept under the same experimental culture conditions. The Trypan blue exclusion test and the mitochondrial activity of the cells measured by MTT [3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium Bromide] essay were performed to assess the cell proliferation in the intervals of 0, 24, 48 e 72 h after irradiation. The data of cell counts were submitted to nonparametrical statistical tests (Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney), considering a confidence interval of 95%. DAPI (4 -6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole) staining of the cells was performed at 72h interval to evaluate possible nuclear morphological changes induced by LLLI. The results of this study show that the energy density of 1,0 J/cm² promoted greater cell proliferation compared to the other groups (control and 0,5 J/cm²) at intervals of 48 and 72h. The mitochondrial activity measured by MTT essay showed similar results to the Trypan blue cell counting test. The group irradiated with 1,0J/cm² exhibited a significantly higher MTT activity in the intervals of 48 and 72h, when compared to the group irradiated with 0,5J/cm². No nuclear morphological change was observed in the cells from the three groups studied. It is concluded that LLLI has stimulatory effects on the proliferation of human periodontal ligament stem cells. Therefore, the use of laser irradiation in this cell type may be important to promote future advances in periodontal regeneration