365 resultados para Moulin, J.-F.-A.
In this paper cost sharing problems are considered. We focus on problems given by rooted trees, we call these problems cost-tree problems, and on the induced transferable utility cooperative games, called irrigation games. A formal notion of irrigation games is introduced, and the characterization of the class of these games is provided. The well-known class of airport games Littlechild and Thompson (1977) is a subclass of irrigation games. The Shapley value Shapley (1953) is probably the most popular solution concept for transferable utility cooperative games. Dubey (1982) and Moulin and Shenker (1992) show respectively, that Shapley's Shapley (1953) and Young (1985)'s axiomatizations of the Shapley value are valid on the class of airport games. In this paper we show that Dubey (1982)'s and Moulin and Shenker (1992)'s results can be proved by applying Shapley (1953)'s and Young (1985)'s proofs, that is those results are direct consequences of Shapley (1953)'s and Young (1985)'s results. Furthermore, we extend Dubey (1982)'s and Moulin and Shenker (1992)'s results to the class of irrigation games, that is we provide two characterizations of the Shapley value for cost sharing problems given by rooted trees. We also note that for irrigation games the Shapley value is always stable, that is it is always in the core Gillies (1959).
This dissertation examines the discursive practice of Argentine costumbrista texts from a novel perspective. In (re)reading the works of selected prominent writers from the late colonial period to the end of the Nineteenth Century, including those of Alonso Carrió de la Vandera, Emeric Essex Vidal, León Pallière, Lucio Vicente López, Lucio V. Mansilla, and Pastor Obligado we focus on the presence of ekphrastic enunciations with a view toward linking the plastic, painterly dimensions of the prose to parallel representations by artists of the same period. Thus the costumbristas are studied in tandem with the watercolors, oil paintings and lithographic compositions of artists such as Carlos Enrique Pellegrim, César Hipólito Bacle, Raymond Monvoisin and Hipólito Moulin. The resulting comparative study of the two arts---the verbal and the pictorial---illustrates the notion described by W. J. T. Mitchell that a literary text may well "represent a work of visual or graphic art." And thus, it provides us with visual, spatial motifs that enhance its powers of representation. ^ In developing our focus on ekphrastic representations we have followed the theoretic studies of Murray Krieger, Jean H. Hagstrum, James Hefferman, John Hollander, W. J. T. Mitchell, Johann Gottfried Herder, and Wendy Steiner among others, all of whom in various ways take their cue from Horace's Ut pictura poesis and the notion that poetry, that is literary discourse, can be likened to a panting and that in both arts there is a refractive quality that makes literature a spoken vehicle of expression and painting a silent, complementary voice. ^ In studying the literary and plastic discourses comparatively what becomes evident is that they share cultural and ideological concerns that center around the notion of self-definition, national identity, and the relation of the individual to the incipient national community (Benedict Anderson). These concerns are highlighted via the depiction of customs, mores, dress, work habits, professions, and social classes. In late colonial literature and painting and especially in the Nineteenth Century, which constitutes the defining period of Argentine political independence, the confluence of the two disciplinary discourses addresses, and underscores the issues of socio-political empowerment in the new Argentine nation. ^
The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.
The structure of the Moroccan and Nova Scotia conjugate rifted margins is of key importance for understanding the Mesozoic break-up and evolution of the northern central Atlantic Ocean basin. Seven combined multichannel reflection (MCS) and wide-angle seismic (OBS) data profiles were acquired along the Atlantic Moroccan margin between the latitudes of 31.5° and 33° N during the MIRROR seismic survey in 2011, in order to image the transition from continental to oceanic crust, to study the variation in crustal structure and to characterize the crust under the West African Coast Magnetic Anomaly (WACMA). The data were modeled using a forward modeling approach. The final models image crustal thinning from 36 km thickness below the continent to approximately 8 km in the oceanic domain. A 100 km wide zone characterized by rough basement topography and high seismic velocities up to 7.4 km/s in the lower crust is observed westward of the West African Coast Magnetic Anomaly. No basin underlain by continental crust has been imaged in this region, as has been identified north of our study area. Comparison to the conjugate Nova Scotian margin shows a similar continental crustal thickness and layer geometry, and the existence of exhumed and serpentinized upper mantle material on the Canadian side only. The oceanic crustal thickness is lower on the Canadian margin.
The sedimentary architecture of basins and passive margins is determined by a complex interaction of parameters, including subsidence, eustasy, and sediment supply. A quantification of the post-rift (20 Ma-0 Ma) vertical movements of the Gulf of Lion (West Mediterranean) is proposed here based on the stratigraphic study of sedimentary paleomarkers using a large 3D grid of reflection seismic data, correlations with existing drillings, and refraction data. Post-rift subsidence was measured by the direct use of sedimentary geometries analysed in 3D and validated by numerical stratigraphic modelling. Three domains of subsidence were found: on the continental shelf and slope, subsidence corresponds to a seaward tilting with different amplitudes, whereas the deep basin subsides purely vertically. We show that these domains fit with the deeper crustal domains highlighted by previous geophysical data, and that post-break-up subsidence follows the initial hinge lines of the rifting phase. Subsidence rates are quantified on each domain for each stratigraphic interval. At a constant distance from the rotational hinge line, the Plio-Quaternary subsidence rate is constant on the shelf overall. Conversely, Miocene subsidence rates are very different on the eastern and western shelves. Stratigraphic simulations focused on the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC) were also performed. Their results are discussed together with our post-rift subsidence estimates in order to provide ideas and hypotheses for future detailed quantifications of Miocene subsidence, including isostatic readjustments linked to the MSC.
Part 4: Transition Towards Product-Service Systems
Part 4: Transition Towards Product-Service Systems
Background and Purpose—High blood pressure (BP) is present in 80% of patients with acute ischemic stroke and is independently associated with poor outcome. There are few data examining the relationship between admission BP and acute CT findings. Methods—TAIST was a randomized controlled trial assessing 10 days of treatment with tinzaparin versus aspirin in 1489 patients with acute ischemic stroke (48 hr) with admission BP of 220/120 mm Hg. CT brain scans were performed before randomization and after 10 days. The relationships between baseline BP and adjudicated CT findings were assessed. Odds ratios per 10 mm Hg change in BP were calculated. Results—Higher systolic BP (SBP) was associated with abnormal CT scans because of independent associations with chronic changes of leukoariosis (OR, 1.12; 95% CI, 1.05–1.17) and old infarction (OR, 1.12; 95% CI, 1.06 –1.17) at baseline, and signs of visible infarction at day 10 (OR, 1.06; 95% CI, 1.00 –1.13). A lower SBP was associated with signs of acute infarction (OR, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.89–0.99). Hemorrhagic transformation, dense middle cerebral artery sign, mass effect, and cerebral edema at day 10 were not independently associated with baseline BP. Conclusion—Although high baseline BP is independently associated with a poor outcome after stroke, this was not shown to be through an association with increased hemorrhagic transformation, cerebral edema, or mass effect; trial design may be suboptimal to detect this. Higher SBP is associated with visible infarction on day 10 scans. The influence of changing BP in acute stroke on CT findings is still to be ascertained.
International audience
International audience
L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’étudier les formes de sélectivité scolaire et les facteurs de la réussite dans les programmes de premier cycle universitaire au Québec. En s’appuyant sur les différents écrits sur le sujet, cette recherche présente les différents déterminants de la réussite scolaire ainsi que la sélectivité dans les programmes universitaires québécois. D’un point de vue méthodologique, ce mémoire utilise une base administrative de données longitudinales de l’Université de Montréal constituée de deux générations de cohortes d’étudiants de premier cycle. Sur le plan empirique, nous analysons d’abord la différenciation des programmes de premier cycle en matière de sélectivité pour en dériver un indicateur agrégé de sélectivité. Ensuite, nous étudions les facteurs individuels de réussite en contrôlant l’effet de la cote R dans un modèle multiniveau. L’analyse explicative fait apparaitre deux principaux constats originaux sur les facteurs de réussite, l’un relatif à la cote R et l’autre à l’appartenance de sexe. La cote R influence les chances de réussite des étudiants, mais en raison inverse du niveau de sélectivité à l’entrée. Dans les programmes où la sélection à l’entrée est la plus forte, les taux de diplomation sont les plus élevés et le lien entre la cote R et la note finale est très faible. En outre, le fait d’être un garçon tend à réduire les chances de réussite, mais cet effet négatif disparait quand on tient compte de la cote R ainsi que du programme d’appartenance dans un modèle multiniveau. Si les étudiantes réussissent mieux au niveau du premier cycle universitaire c’est donc surtout parce qu’elles ont eu de meilleures performances scolaires antérieurement et qu’elles ne sont pas dans les mêmes programmes que leurs homologues masculins.
L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’étudier les formes de sélectivité scolaire et les facteurs de la réussite dans les programmes de premier cycle universitaire au Québec. En s’appuyant sur les différents écrits sur le sujet, cette recherche présente les différents déterminants de la réussite scolaire ainsi que la sélectivité dans les programmes universitaires québécois. D’un point de vue méthodologique, ce mémoire utilise une base administrative de données longitudinales de l’Université de Montréal constituée de deux générations de cohortes d’étudiants de premier cycle. Sur le plan empirique, nous analysons d’abord la différenciation des programmes de premier cycle en matière de sélectivité pour en dériver un indicateur agrégé de sélectivité. Ensuite, nous étudions les facteurs individuels de réussite en contrôlant l’effet de la cote R dans un modèle multiniveau. L’analyse explicative fait apparaitre deux principaux constats originaux sur les facteurs de réussite, l’un relatif à la cote R et l’autre à l’appartenance de sexe. La cote R influence les chances de réussite des étudiants, mais en raison inverse du niveau de sélectivité à l’entrée. Dans les programmes où la sélection à l’entrée est la plus forte, les taux de diplomation sont les plus élevés et le lien entre la cote R et la note finale est très faible. En outre, le fait d’être un garçon tend à réduire les chances de réussite, mais cet effet négatif disparait quand on tient compte de la cote R ainsi que du programme d’appartenance dans un modèle multiniveau. Si les étudiantes réussissent mieux au niveau du premier cycle universitaire c’est donc surtout parce qu’elles ont eu de meilleures performances scolaires antérieurement et qu’elles ne sont pas dans les mêmes programmes que leurs homologues masculins.
O objetivo deste trabalho é explorar a temática da valorização do patrimônio arquitetónico, herdado pela indústria da seda, baseando-se na história das técnicas, na gestão e na valorização do patrimônio industrial. É a partir do estudo de duas fábricas de seda na Europa: o Filatoio di Caraglio em Itália (data de construção: 1676-1678) e o Real Filatório de Chacim em Portugal (data de construção: 1788) que serão discutidas as estratégias encontradas para a conservação/restauração dos dois casos em questão, com base em suas histórias e contextos atuais. O Filatoio di Caraglio é uma das fábricas de seda mais antigas da Europa tendo como técnica o moinho alia piemontese publicado na Encyclopédie como uma das melhores invenções. No caso do Real Filatório de Chacim, constata-se que a introdução deste moinho por meio de técnicos italianos constituiu uma transferência tecnológica entre os dois países. RÉSUMÉ: L'objective de ce travail est d'explorer la thématique de la mise en valeur du patrimoine architectural hérité de industrie de la soie en se basent sur l'histoire des techniques, la gestion et la valorisation du patrimoine industriei. C'est à partir de l'étude de deux fabriques à soie en Europe: le Filatoio di Caraglio en Italie (date de construction: 1676-1678) et le Real Filatório de Chacim au Portugal (date de construction: 1788) que sont discutées les stratégies employées pour la conservation/restauration de ces deux cas basées sur leur histoire et sur les contextes actuels. Le Filatoio di Caraglio est une des soieries plus anciennes de l'Europe et était caractérisée par une technique du moulin alla piemontese publié dans l'Encyclopédie come une des meilleures inventions. Dans le cas du Real Filatório de Chacim, on constate que l'introduction de ce type de moulin par des techniciens italiens a constitué un transfert technique entre les deux pays. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to examine the enhancement of architectural heritage inherited from the silk industry, focusing on technical history, and the management and valorization of industrial heritage. Conservation/restoration strategies are discussed by analyzing solutions proposed in two European silk mills: The Filatoio di Caraglio, in Italy (date of construction: 1676-1678) and the Real Filatório de Chacim, in Portugal (date of construction: 1788), taking into consideration their histories and current context. While the former is one of the oldest European silk mills, employing the alla piemontese technique, which was praised by the Encyclopédie, the latter was set up by ltalian technicians, establishing a technology transfer between the two countries.
Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar os ganhos genéticos preditos por meio de diferentes índices de seleção pela metodologia REML/BLUP, em cinco caracteres de interesse ao programa de melhoramento do café conilon do Incaper. Foram avaliadas 8 progênies de meios-irmãos, de ciclo de maturação precoce, média de duas safras, com três repetições, o que totalizou 1368 observações, utilizados os índices de seleção clássico, multiplicativo e com base na soma de postos. Avaliaramse, na época de colheita, as características tamanho dos grãos (TG), produtividade (PRO), porte (PT), vigor vegetativo (VIG) e grau de inclinação (GI). A população foi avaliada na Fazenda Experimental de Marilândia, região Noroeste do estado do Espírito Santo. As análises genético-estatísticas foram realizadas pelo programa Selegen - REM/BLUP. Verificou-se, a partir da análise dos parâmetros genéticos, um excelente potencial seletivo entre famílias, para todas as características avaliadas. O índice Mulamba e Mock foi o que mostrou maior eficiência de seleção entre famílias de meios-irmãos de café conilon.