937 resultados para Integrated Marketing Communication
A Publicidade tem como função social informar, divulgar e estimular o mercado consumidor a satisfazer suas necessidades emocionais e físicas, e o turismo, enquanto fenômeno socioeconômico, encontrar nos persuasivos discursos publicitários um terreno fértil para divulgar seus produtos e serviços, que são envolvidos por uma atmosfera de magia e sedução. Esse discurso de sedução e magia, prometido pelo turismo e propagado pelos anúncios publicitários, foram objetos de análise deste estudo, utilizando-se a segmentação psicográfica desenvolvida por Stanley Plog, em 1971, quando identificou as características comportamentais do turista. Foram elaboradas seis categorias de análises, cada qual representando um segmento específico do mercado turístico, tendo como objetivo analisar os anúncios publicitários publicados na Revista Viagem e Turismo , no período de janeiro de 2004 a janeiro de 2005, utilizando a Análise de Conteúdo como procedimento metodológico, bem como identificar se os anúncios publicados no período citado atendem ou não as necessidades motivacionais dos perfis psicográficos de Plog, além de contextualizar a importância de um plano de Comunicação Integrada de Marketing para que o mercado produtor possa comunicar-se com esse consumidor, de forma mais eficiente e, desta forma, influenciar o cenário mercadológico.(AU)
Este trabalho visa conhecer e analisar as ferramentas de marketing e de comunicação utilizadas pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, pela Universidade Anhembi Morumbi e pela Universidade de São Paulo em seus cursos de Educação a Distância, bem como nas disciplinas semipresenciais oferecidas pelas referidas instituições, através de pesquisas nos sites e entrevistas com os responsáveis pela elaboração da EaD nas instituições. Tenciona ainda, comparar as estratégias criadas por essas instituições no desenvolvimento de seus cursos e disciplinas, além de conhecer e analisar a comunicação elaborada por elas, como forma de divulgar e persuadir seus públicos-alvo. Objetiva também buscar o conhecimento e a percepção que seus alunos possuem desses cursos e disciplinas e da Educação a Distância como um todo, através de entrevistas individuais e utilizando um questionário estruturado.(AU)
A proposta de pesquisa se baseia no tema comunicação integrada de marketing pela abordagem da atuação da competência comunicacional, promoção de vendas, na internet e do surgimento do e-promotion, como extensão da mensagem do ponto-de-venda. O objetivo é verificar como estas novas tecnologias de comunicação, especificamente a internet, estão modificando a forma de fazer promoção de vendas. A metodologia a ser aplicada no projeto consiste em uma pesquisa qualitativa com caráter exploratório através de uma pesquisa bibliográfica concisa que pretende investigar as muitas obras referentes aos temas de comunicação, promoção de vendas, marketing digital e e-commerce, no estudo de caso múltiplo de empresas que utilizam as promoções offline e o e-promotion como ferramenta comunicacional. A conclusão apontou para ações híbridas e aparente ausência de promoções que atuam em sua totalidade no ambiente offline.(AU)
A tese apresenta um estudo comparativo entre a atuação das organizações públicas e privadas do Brasil e, as caixas de poupança e as empresas privadas da Espanha, no que concerne à política de marketing cultural e suas estratégias de comunicação corporativa, tendo como pano de fundo os recursos incentivados pelos governos através das leis de isenção fiscal. Com dois objetivos principais, procurou-se identificar, primeiramente, a parceria entre o Estado e as companhias na promoção da cultura. O segundo e principal intuito foi descobrir as múltiplas estratégias de visibilidade cultural no mundo corporativo através da comunicação e do marketing. Além disso, se verificou os reflexos dessa relação na responsabilidade social corporativa e na reputação, como também, no mercado cultural. O trabalho foi pautado, principalmente, na análise de conteúdo qualitativa por emparelhamento e ainda na AIM- Auditoria de Imagem na Mídia. Ao final, conclui-se que embora as leis de isenção sejam divergentes nos dois países, o comportamento das companhias é similar tanto no que concerne aos investimentos em cultura, como no que se refere às estratégias de comunicação. Contudo, no Brasil o dinheiro é quase, majoritariamente, vindo da renúncia fiscal do Estado, enquanto que na Espanha vem das próprias organizações.
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo, através da análise de conteúdo de naturezas quantitativa e qualitativa, verificar como a revista Veja fez a cobertura da campanha eleitoral de Fernando Henrique Cardoso, em 1998, bem como verificar de que forma se deu a construção da imagem pública do candidato FHC pela publicação no período de junho a outubro do referido ano, no qual Fernando Henrique foi reeleito em primeiro turno, analisando se Veja deu mais espaço para FHC do que para seus oponentes. Para ampliar o conhecimento em relação ao objeto, estudou-se o universo da propaganda política, ideológica e do marketing político, bem como se discutiu os valores ideológicos históricos da revista Veja. Com isso, verificou-se que Veja, no período analisado, publicou mais matérias sobre Fernando Henrique Cardoso do que qualquer outro candidato à presidência, em 1998, além de colocá-lo, quase sempre, como o mais bem preparado para continuar à frente da presidência da República, naquela época. As matérias publicadas, portanto, fortaleceram significativamente a imagem de FHC perante os leitores de Veja, favorecendo-o em relação a seus oponentes.
O marketing de relacionamento como ferramenta para atrair e fidelizar os alunos do ensino superior privado é o tema desta pesquisa. Trata-se de um estudo de caso múltiplo incorporado enfocando a Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP) e a Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba (UNIMEP) e que tem como objetivos principais apontar fatores que motivam os estudantes a escolher determinadas instituições de ensino superior, identificar a maneira como elas atuam na tarefa de atraí-los com vistas a estabelecer um relacionamento e uma comunicação eficientes com esses públicos de interesse e fidelizálos, bem como analisar a real efetividade das ações desenvolvidas pelas IESs. Propõe-se uma incursão teórica para abordar motivações psicológicas, culturais, econômicas e sociais relacionadas ao ato de consumir e estabelecer uma correlação com o consumidor-aluno . Discutem-se também características do marketing de relacionamento associadas ao contexto educacional e apontam-se dificuldades/desafios vivenciados pelas instituições nos esforços de criar e estreitar os laços com os estudantes com vistas a tornar tais laços duradouros. Foram aplicados 1.400 questionários em ambas as universidades a fim de identificar, entre outros aspectos, atributos desejáveis de uma IES, fatores influenciadores para o abandono dela e características associadas a processos comunicacionais que representam diferenciais. O estudo apontou que, apesar de as dificuldades financeiras serem um componente que interfere na atração e na fidelização dos alunos, outros também são determinantes, como o nível de excelência de ensino, o corpo docente e a qualidade do relacionamento que as instituições de ensino estabelecem com tais públicos. Tal qualidade passa, obrigatoriamente, por atributos como liberdade para expressar ideias, espaço de diálogo e transparência na comunicação, elementos desafiadores ao modelo vigente e estimuladores a um novo fazer educacional.
The evaluation and selection of industrial projects before investment decision is customarily done using marketing, technical and financial information. Subsequently, environmental impact assessment and social impact assessment are carried out mainly to satisfy the statutory agencies. Because of stricter environment regulations in developed and developing countries, quite often impact assessment suggests alternate sites, technologies, designs, and implementation methods as mitigating measures. This causes considerable delay to complete project feasibility analysis and selection as complete analysis requires to be taken up again and again till the statutory regulatory authority approves the project. Moreover, project analysis through above process often results sub-optimal project as financial analysis may eliminate better options, as more environment friendly alternative will always be cost intensive. In this circumstance, this study proposes a decision support system, which analyses projects with respect to market, technicalities, and social and environmental impact in an integrated framework using analytic hierarchy process, a multiple-attribute decision-making technique. This not only reduces duration of project evaluation and selection, but also helps select optimal project for the organization for sustainable development. The entire methodology has been applied to a cross-country oil pipeline project in India and its effectiveness has been demonstrated. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Word of mouth (WOM) communication is a major part of online consumer interactions, particularly within the environment of online communities. Nevertheless, existing (offline) theory may be inappropriate to describe online WOM and its influence on evaluation and purchase.The authors report the results of a two-stage study aimed at investigating online WOM: a set of in-depth qualitative interviews followed by a social network analysis of a single online community. Combined, the results provide strong evidence that individuals behave as if Web sites themselves are primary "actors" in online social networks and that online communities can act as a social proxy for individual identification. The authors offer a conceptualization of online social networks which takes the Web site into account as an actor, an initial exploration of the concept of a consumer-Web site relationship, and a conceptual model of the online interaction and information evaluation process. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and Direct Marketing Educational Foundation, Inc.
Suitable for undergraduate Principles of Marketing courses, this classic textbook has provided many generations of marketing students with an exceptional introduction to marketing, written by one of the masters. With global examples and completely up-to-date with the latest marketing techniques, Principles of Marketing looks at the major decisions that marketing managers face in their efforts to balance an organisation’s objectives and resources against needs and opportunities in the global marketplace. Covering exciting new topics such as Sustainability, this text continues to be a leader in the field of marketing. New integrated video cases from companies such as HSBC, Land Rover and Amazon help to bring the subject alive.
Using panel data for 41 developed and developing countries over the period 1998-2004, this paper examines the links between ICT diffusion and human development. We conducted a panel regression analysis of the investments in healthcare, education and information and communication technology (ICT) against human development index (HDI). The results show that these variables can be used to predict HDI scores. In agreement with findings of previous research, it is clear from our analysis that the central focus on ICT as a solution for development will not bring the results that the promoters of ICT as an ‘engine of growth’ are expecting. It is unwise to disaggregate the issues of education and healthcare infrastructure from ICT infrastructure development. ICT policies should be integrated with other national policies in order to find a holistic and structural solution to development.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the need for an improved understanding of consumer value for online grocery purchases and to propose the notion of “integrated service solution” packages as a strategy for growing and successfully sustaining the channel to guide both marketing strategy and policy. Design/methodology/approach – This paper integrates and synthesises research from retailing, consumer behaviour and service quality literatures in order to develop a conceptual framework for understanding the value of e-grocery shopping to aid practitioners to address the critical needs, expectations and concerns of consumers for the development of grocery shopping within the online environment. Findings – This paper offers an alternative approach to allow e-grocery to become a mainstream retail channel in its own right and not to compete with the in-store offerings. The research demonstrates the need for a progressive approach that follows contemporary consumer needs and habits at the household level. The conjecture is that shopping for fast-moving consumer goods follows a learning path that needs to be replicated in the online context. Moreover, it is suggested that consumer resistance to the adoption of the new channel should be addressed not only from a technological perspective but also from the social aspects of online shopping. Originality/value – The research provides a practical framework for both retailers and policy makers on how the “next generation” of online services can be developed using a “bottom up” consumer perspective. This paper also advocates a non-technological bias to e-grocery retailing strategy.
This thesis presents a comparison of integrated biomass to electricity systems on the basis of their efficiency, capital cost and electricity production cost. Four systems are evaluated: combustion to raise steam for a steam cycle; atmospheric gasification to produce fuel gas for a dual fuel diesel engine; pressurised gasification to produce fuel gas for a gas turbine combined cycle; and fast pyrolysis to produce pyrolysis liquid for a dual fuel diesel engine. The feedstock in all cases is wood in chipped form. This is the first time that all three thermochemical conversion technologies have been compared in a single, consistent evaluation.The systems have been modelled from the transportation of the wood chips through pretreatment, thermochemical conversion and electricity generation. Equipment requirements during pretreatment are comprehensively modelled and include reception, storage, drying and communication. The de-coupling of the fast pyrolysis system is examined, where the fast pyrolysis and engine stages are carried out at separate locations. Relationships are also included to allow learning effects to be studied. The modelling is achieved through the use of multiple spreadsheets where each spreadsheet models part of the system in isolation and the spreadsheets are combined to give the cost and performance of a whole system.The use of the models has shown that on current costs the combustion system remains the most cost-effective generating route, despite its low efficiency. The novel systems only produce lower cost electricity if learning effects are included, implying that some sort of subsidy will be required during the early development of the gasification and fast pyrolysis systems to make them competitive with the established combustion approach. The use of decoupling in fast pyrolysis systems is a useful way of reducing system costs if electricity is required at several sites because• a single pyrolysis site can be used to supply all the generators, offering economies of scale at the conversion step. Overall, costs are much higher than conventional electricity generating costs for fossil fuels, due mainly to the small scales used. Biomass to electricity opportunities remain restricted to niche markets where electricity prices are high or feed costs are very low. It is highly recommended that further work examines possibilities for combined beat and power which is suitable for small scale systems and could increase revenues that could reduce electricity prices.
The adaptation of profit sharing creates a fundamental change in employee compensation by making a portion of total compensation directly dependent upon the total profits of the firm and the performance of the employee. The major goal of this study is to test for and measure the impact of the independent variable, a profit sharing plan implemented at Shahvand Industrial Company, upon communication behaviour, communication outcomes, and organisational outcomes as dependent variables. A quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group design with pre and posttest was the research design used to test the effects of profit sharing participation on permanent-part-time operative employees implemented by SIC. Several conclusions were reached as a result of the statistical analysis of the data collected in this study. Overall, few of the hypothesised effects of profit sharing participation appeared to have been realised according to the empirical results of this study. The finding that certain communication behaviours were more favourable for profit sharing participants than for non-participants support the general hypothesis of the integrated profit sharing model. The observed changes in communication behaviours indicate that information sharing and idea generation are important components of the profit sharing process. The results of this study did not reveal any changes in either communication or organisational outcomes. A significant finding of this study is that the implementation of profit sharing plans require a relatively long period of time. Patience is required to achieve high levels of success and management must make long-term commitment to profit sharing. Findings of this study should be interpreted with caution, taking into consideration that most of the previo.us researches on profit sharing have been conducted in Western European or American countries, while the current study was based on data collected from an organisation in a developing country. This implies that the findings reported in this thesis may not be comparable in certain respects to results derived from companies in major industrialised economies.
Computer integrated monitoring is a very large area in engineering where on-line, real time data acquisition with the aid of sensors is the solution to many problems in the manufacturing industry as opposed to the old data logging method by graphics analysis. The raw data which is collected this way however is useless in the absence of a proper computerized management system. The transfer of data between the management and the shop floor processes has been impossible in the past unless all the computers in the system were totally compatible with each other. This limits the efficiency of the systems because they get governed by the limitations of the computers. General Motors of U.S.A. have recently started research on a new standard called the Manufacturing Automation Protocol (MAP) which is expected to allow data transfer between different types of computers. This is still in early development stages and also is currently very expensive. This research programme shows how such a shop floor data acquisition system and a complete management system on entirely different computers can be integrated together to form a single system by achieving data transfer communications using a cheaper but a superior alternative to MAP. Standard communication character sets and hardware such as ASCII and UARTs have been used in this method but the technique is so powerful that totally incompatible computers are shown to run different programs (in different languages) simultaneously and yet receive data from each other and process in their own CPUs with no human intervention.