666 resultados para Identity orientations
In this computerized, globalised and internet world our computer collects various types of information’s about every human being and stores them in files secreted deep on its hard drive. Files like cache, browser history and other temporary Internet files can be used to store sensitive information like logins and passwords, names addresses, and even credit card numbers. Now, a hacker can get at this information by wrong means and share with someone else or can install some nasty software on your computer that will extract your sensitive and secret information. Identity Theft posses a very serious problem to everyone today. If you have a driver’s license, a bank account, a computer, ration card number, PAN card number, ATM card or simply a social security number you are more than at risk, you are a target. Whether you are new to the idea of ID Theft, or you have some unanswered questions, we’ve compiled a quick refresher list below that should bring you up to speed. Identity theft is a term used to refer to fraud that involves pretending to be someone else in order to steal money or get other benefits. Identity theft is a serious crime, which is increasing at tremendous rate all over the world after the Internet evolution. There is widespread agreement that identity theft causes financial damage to consumers, lending institutions, retail establishments, and the economy as a whole. Surprisingly, there is little good public information available about the scope of the crime and the actual damages it inflicts. Accounts of identity theft in recent mass media and in film or literature have centered on the exploits of 'hackers' - variously lauded or reviled - who are depicted as cleverly subverting corporate firewalls or other data protection defenses to gain unauthorized access to credit card details, personnel records and other information. Reality is more complicated, with electronic identity fraud taking a range of forms. The impact of those forms is not necessarily quantifiable as a financial loss; it can involve intangible damage to reputation, time spent dealing with disinformation and exclusion from particular services because a stolen name has been used improperly. Overall we can consider electronic networks as an enabler for identity theft, with the thief for example gaining information online for action offline and the basis for theft or other injury online. As Fisher pointed out "These new forms of hightech identity and securities fraud pose serious risks to investors and brokerage firms across the globe," I am a victim of identity theft. Being a victim of identity theft I felt the need for creating an awareness among the computer and internet users particularly youngsters in India. Nearly 70 per cent of Indian‘s population are living in villages. Government of India already started providing computer and internet facilities even to the remote villages through various rural development and rural upliftment programmes. Highly educated people, established companies, world famous financial institutions are becoming victim of identity theft. The question here is how vulnerable the illiterate and innocent rural people are if they suddenly exposed to a new device through which some one can extract and exploit their personal data without their knowledge? In this research work an attempt has been made to bring out the real problems associated with Identity theft in developed countries from an economist point of view.
Now a days, email has become the most widely communication way in daily life. The main reason for using email is probably because of the convenience and speed in which it can be transmitted irrespective of geographical distances. To improve security and efficiency of email system, most of the email system adopt PKI and IBE encryption schemes. However, both PKI and IBE encryption schemes have their own shortcomings and consequently bring security issues to email systems. This paper proposes a new secure email system based on IBE which combines finger print authentication and proxy service for encryption and decryption
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
WAIS Seminar, presented 29 Mar 2012
For Ethics in a Complex World module. General topics with links to resources about identity and privacy. Mainly looking at online identity and how you manage it effectively.
Three things to think about and Three possible futures to discuss
Week 4
This article presents a reflection about the Disability like a human phenomenon, which needs not only new definitions if not a criticism point of view as a Concept, with the end of indicate representations forms not only for people with disabilities if not for the citizens in general. Considers discourses that identify arguments from social sciences, appearing the Disability like a differentiate condition between human beings, mainly for an exclusion process that announce social behaviors in relations with the persons with disabilities.
El presente trabajo describe la identidad organizacional de una antigua Universidad Colombiana – Universidad del Rosario – desde 1890 hasta 1991. Esta descripción detallada se realizó con el propósito de hacer preguntas y señalar algunos de los desafíos que esta universidad se encontrará al educar las nuevas generaciones de la nación para la sociedad del conocimiento. Este documento también describe brevemente las características más importantes de la sociedad del conocimiento, así como las características de las universidades que desarrollan sus actividades en ella. También, se hace una síntesis sobre el estado de desarrollo de la sociedad del conocimiento en Colombia. Finalmente, se extraen algunas conclusiones a acerca de las oportunidades de cambio que tendrá la identidad Rosarista para continuar siendo relevante en el siglo XXI.
El interés de este estudio de caso es analizar la incidencia de la actualización del Tratado de Amistad entre India y Bután firmado en 2007 en las disposiciones de política exterior de Bután en el periodo 2007-2014. Este trabajo se enmarca en los conceptos de identidad nacional, tomadores de decisiones, proceso de toma de decisión y análisis de política exterior, a partir de los cuales se pretende comprobar que el tratado de 2007 tuvo principalmente un efecto cristalizador en la política exterior de Bután, manifestado de manera significativa en materia de cooperación internacional, moderada en materia de representación política internacional y muy modesta en materia de apertura económica y comercial.
Esta monografía busca explicar la incidencia de la cultura política nicaragüense en el mantenimiento del régimen de los Somoza (1936 – 1979). Se explorará la incidencia de la cultura política nicaragüense en el régimen autoritario tradicional de los Somoza a través de las orientaciones cognitivas, afectivas y evaluativas de la población, que permitieron el mantenimiento y una relativa estabilidad y duración de aquél en Nicaragua. Se comprenderá el régimen somocista como un régimen autoritario tradicional. Posteriormente, siguiendo los postulados de Gabriel Almond y Sidney Verba, se identificará los principales elementos de la cultura política nicaragüense durante el régimen de los Somoza y por último, se explicará cómo incidió la cultura política en la aceptación pasiva del régimen, el uso del terror como una herramienta de estabilización y la ausencia de una identidad ciudadana democrática.
Se realiza un análisis de 'Inmenso estrecho', obra que recopila relatos sobre inmigración escritos por 25 autores y que presenta una panorámica de las reacciones que provoca la inmigración en España. Se reflexiona sobre los distintos relatos y sobre el comportamiento de los personajes y se ponen en relación con los descritos por el psicólogo Salman Akhtar que ha estudiado los procesos de adaptación de los inmigrantes a los países de acogida.
Resumen en espa??ol