931 resultados para German ballads and songs


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Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) has the inherent property of separating the product CO2 from flue gases. Instead of air, it uses an oxygen carrier, usually in the form of a metal oxide, to provide oxygen for combustion. All techniques so far proposed for chemical looping with solid fuels involve initially the gasification of the solid fuel in order for the gaseous products to react with the oxygen carrier. Here, the rates of gasification of coal were compared when gasification was undertaken in a fluidised bed of either (i) an active Fe-based oxygen carrier used for chemical looping or (ii) inert sand. This enabled an examination of the ability of chemical looping materials to enhance the rate of gasification of solid fuels. Batch gasification and chemical-looping combustion experiments with a German lignite and its char are reported, using an electrically-heated fluidised bed reactor at temperatures from 1073 to 1223 K. The fluidising gas was CO2 in nitrogen. The kinetics of the gasification were found to be significantly faster in the presence of the oxygen carrier, especially at temperatures above 1123 K. A numerical model was developed to account for external and internal mass transfer and for the effect of the looping agent. The model also included the effects of the evolution of the pore structure at different conversions. The presence of Fe2O3 led to an increase in the rate of gasification because of the rapid oxidation of CO by the oxygen carrier to CO2. This resulted in the removal of CO and maintained a higher mole fraction of CO2 in the mixture of gas around the particle of char, i.e. within the mass transfer boundary layer surrounding the particle. This effect was most prominent at about 20% conversion when (i) the surface area for reaction was at its maximum and (ii) because of the accompanying increase in porosity and pore size, intraparticle resistance to gas mass transfer within the particle of char had fallen, compared with that in the initial particle. Excellent agreement was observed between the rates predicted by the numerical model and those observed experimentally. ©2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Maddrell, John, 'Einfallstor in die Sowjetunion: Die Besatzung Deutschlands und die Aussp?hung der UdSSR durch den britischen Nachrichtendienst', Vierteljahrshefte f?r Zeitgeschichte (2003) 51(2) pp.183-227 RAE2008


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Haycock, Marged, 'Sy abl fodd Sibli fain: Sibyl in Medieval Wales', In: Heroic Poets and Poetic Heroes in Celtic Tradition, Joseph Falaky Nagy and Leslie Ellen Jones (eds), (Dublin: Four Courts Press), pp.115-130, 2005 RAE2008


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Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Historii


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Wydział Historyczny


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The sonata began to lose its position of predominance among compositions in the middle of the 19th century. Having been the platform for harmonic and thematic development of music since the late baroque period the sonata entered a process of reevaluation and experimentation with form. As a result fewer sonatas were being composed with some composers dropping the genre completely. This dissertation looks at the different approaches taken by the German, French and Russian schools of composition and compares the solo and chamber music applications of the sonata form. In the German tradition Franz Liszt's Sonata in b minor sets the standard for the revolutionary approach to form while the Berg Sonata is a very conservative application of form to an innovative use of extended chromaticism. Both composers chose to write one movement through composed pieces with Liszt working with a very expansive use of form and Berg being extremely compact and efficient. Among the Russian composers, Prokofieff's third sonata is also a one movement sonata, but he falls between Liszt and Berg in terms of the length of the piece and the use of innovative musical language. Scriabin uses a two movement approach, but keeps the element of a through composed piece with the same important material spanning both movements. Stravinsky is the most conservative of these with a three movement sonata that uses a mix of chromaticism and baroque and classical style influences. The French almost stopped composing true sonatas except for chamber music where Franck and Fauré write late romantic sonatas, while Debussy is very innovative within a three movement sonata. Estampes, by Debussy, are taken in almost as an afterthought to illustrate the direction Debussy takes in his piano solo music. While Estampes is by definition a set of character pieces they function like a sonata with three movements.


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English language song (both British and American) is influenced by a variety of cultures, races, and musical forms and has produced a broad range of song repertoire. Like songs in all countries and throughout history, these songs can be classified into three categories: imitative songs, experimental songs, and songs of individuality. Music experimentation, necessary and welcome as it is, can hardly command broad international attention. Thus, the songs of this dissertation performance project are chosen from the first and third categories: imitative songs and individual songs in the composer's own unique style. This project concentrates its exploration on twentieth-century solo songs written in English. Although twentieth-century British & American composers also produced solos and chamber music in other languages, this dissertation focuses upon their English repertoire. This performance project consists of three programs: one British repertoire and two American. The first program titled An Evening of British Song examines twentieth-century British song written by Roger Quilter, Peter Warlock, William Walton, Benjamin Britten, Thomas F. Dunhill, Ivor Gurney, and Frank Bridge. It was presented on December 12, 2001, in Homer Ulrich Recital Hall with the collaborative pianist Meriel Owen. The second program titled An Evening of American Song I comprises music written by Dominick Argento, Samuel Barber, Ned Rorem, Leonard Bernstein, and Lee Hoiby. It was presented on October 23, 2002, in Joseph & Alma Gildenhorn Recital Hall with the collaborative pianist R. Timothy McReynolds. The third program titled An Evening of American Song II written by John Duke, John Corigliano, Charles Ives, Richard Hundley, Lori Laitman, Frederick Loewe, George Gershwin, and Jerome Kern was presented on December 18, 2003, again in Joseph & Alma Gildenhorn Recital Hall with the collaborative pianist R. Timothy McReynolds and the flutist Jessica Dunnavant. Each of these three dissertation recitals occurred at the University of Maryland in College Park and was recorded. These CD recordings are held by the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library at the University of Maryland.


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This article deals with the ethics of Paul Celan's poetics, presenting and analysing his notion of 'Stehen'.


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A large archive of sources for the RDS classical music recitals is extant in the Society’s Library, Ballsbridge, Dublin. The recitals were established in 1886 for the promotion of chamber music and in order to expose Dublin audiences to the works of the great composers. Extant in the collection are minute books; autographed programmes; newspaper cuttings which include previews, reviews and advertisements; correspondences with artists and agents; promotional material; selections of photographs; records of attendance, artists fees and takings; and volumes of printed music.
This paper will document the organisation, management and occurrence of the RDS classical music recitals for the period 1925 to 1950 and will encompass the opening of the current concert hall (The Members’ Hall, 1925), the Society’s bi-centenary celebrations (1931) and the continuance of the recitals within the context of the Second World War (1939- 45). The paper will examine and analyse the following: networks, repertoire and reception.
The RDS music committee established significant links with many performers and UK-based classical music agents. Recitalists include musicians of international renown; Myra Hess, Isolde Menges, Lili Kraus, Joseph Szigeti, Leon Goossens, Sir Hamilton Harty and The Hallé Orchestra, The Catterall Quartet and many local, Dublin-based musicians; Raidió Éireann Orchestra, Dublin String Orchestra, Dublin Philharmonic Orchestra and Culwick Choral Society. The compromises and collaborations in evidence between the music committee, agents and performers resulted in the presentation of varied and well-balanced programmes featuring sonatas, quartets, trios, concerti, overtures, symphonies and songs by composers including Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn and Brahms. Works by contemporary composers including Bax, Dohnanyi, Szymanowski and Suk were also regularly performed, as were works with an Irish influence or flavour. Audiences mainly consisted of members of the Society, music students were encouraged to attend at a reduced rate and reviews were regularly published in the Irish Times, Irish Independent and Irish Press.


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Enquadrado numa perspectiva sócio-construtivista em Didáctica de Línguas (DL), o presente trabalho propõe-se identificar e descrever as imagens face às línguas estrangeiras, em particular à língua Alemã, e sua aprendizagem, que se manifestam numa determinada comunidade escolar. Com base nas imagens identificadas, pretende-se compreender de que forma elas se relacionam com a dimensão afectiva presente no processo de ensinoaprendizagem, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à relação afectiva que o aprendente vai construindo com o alemão, objecto de estudo. Neste quadro, foram traçadas as seguintes questões de investigação para este trabalho: (1) Que imagens face às línguas escolares (inglês, francês, espanhol, português e, em particular, alemão), se manifestam numa determinada comunidade escolar (considerando os alunos, encarregados de educação, professores, administração da escola e funcionários)?; Como se (inter-) relacionam estas imagens nos diferentes públicos considerados?; (2) De que forma se manifestam as imagens face à língua alemã e sua aprendizagem na interacção em sala de aula de Alemão (LE)? Quais as marcas discursivas que as identificam e tecem?; De que forma estão estas imagens associadas às emoções e (3) Quais as emoções associadas às imagens do Alemão e sua aprendizagem em contexto de sala de aula? A investigação recente em DL sugere que as imagens que um determinado sujeito constrói face a uma dada língua permitem compreender as suas atitudes e comportamentos face à mesma, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à relação afectiva que vai construindo com a língua em causa e sua aprendizagem (cf. ARAÚJO E SÁ & SCHMIDT 2008, DE PIETRO & MÜLLER 1997, MÜLLER 1998, PERREFORT 2001). Estas imagens, enquanto constructos sociais, elaboram-se, revitalizam-se e cristalizam-se na e pela interacção verbal em sala de aula. Nesta perspectiva, o presente trabalho discute os conceitos de imagem/representação face às línguas, relacionandoos com a dimensão afectiva (inegavelmente) presente nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem das LE e à luz de uma abordagem interaccional em DL. A investigação desenrolou-se em duas fases. Numa primeira, aplicou-se um inquérito por questionário a toda uma comunidade escolar (incluindo todos os públicos anteriormente referidos), numa escola secundária com terceiro ciclo em Albergaria-a-Velha, no distrito de Aveiro. Os dados recolhidos foram analisados segundo uma abordagem mista (quantitativa e qualitativa). Os resultados apontam para imagens fortemente escolarizadas, na medida em que os inquiridos parecem considerar as línguas estrangeiras sobretudo enquanto objectos de apropriação em contextos escolares. Identificaram-se imagens homogéneas e consistentes das línguas estrangeiras, evidenciando-se, no que à língua alemã diz respeito, a sua dificuldade. Os resultados relacionam-se com os obtidos noutras investigações realizadas em terreno nacional em DL, corroborando alguns e complementando outros (ARAÚJO E SÁ 2008, SIMÕES 2006, PINTO 2005, MELO 2006 e Projecto Imagens das Línguas na comunicação intercultural: contributos para o desenvolvimento da competência plurilingue). Numa segunda fase, acompanhou-se uma turma de alemão (LE) ao longo de um ano lectivo completo, tendo-se procedido à vídeo-gravação das aulas e, posteriormente, à identificação do que designámos por ‘episódios significativos’, para constituição do corpus de análise. A análise interaccional destes episódios permitiu a identificação de diferentes marcas discursivas (verbais, para-verbais e não-verbais) que indiciam, por um lado, a circulação e (re)construção de imagens face ao alemão e sua aprendizagem e, por outro, a presença de um conjunto de emoções associadas a estas imagens, nos discursos dos aprendentes e da professora. No que diz respeito à imagem da dificuldade do alemão e da sua aprendizagem, cristalizaram-se seis indicadores: (1) a compreensão oral e a pronúncia, (2) o léxico e as palavras compostas (3) os números, (4) a leitura, (5) o sistema de regras gramaticais e, finalmente, (6) a auto-imagem dos alunos enquanto aprendentes de alemão. Os resultados sugerem ainda a associação destas imagens a emoções tendencialmente ‘negativas’ (por exemplo a arrelia e o embaraço), isto é, que se traduzem numa atitude de distanciamento e de evitamento linguístico. Face às conclusões obtidas, propõe-se um conjunto de princípios enquadradores para uma educação em línguas ‘afectivamente consciente’ e capaz de promover imagens mais positivas das línguas e das suas aprendizagens, designadamante do alemão. Considerando-se a diminuição acentuada dos aprendentes de alemão (LE) em contexto escolar nacional nos últimos dez anos, aponta-se para a necessidade de melhor compreender a relação entre a falta de popularidade escolar desta língua e a imagem da sua dificuldade (de aprendizagem).


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Der vorliegende Artikel analysiert sowohl das in der Entwicklung stehende Projekt, die Digitalisierung von Herbarbelegen, als auch den dafür vorhandenen Markt. Bei der Produktanalyse wird das Kernprodukt in die 3 Einzelprodukte gegliedert und diese in Funktion und Zusammensetzung näher erklärt. Besonderen Wert wird hier auf die bisher angefallenen Entwicklungskosten gelegt, da sie die Basis für die Kalkulation der Umsatzanalyse bilden. Die Marktanalyse besteht aus einer genauen Analyse des deutschen Marktes sowie einer gröberen des europäischen- und des Weltmarktes. Die anschließend durchge-führte Umsatzanalyse basiert auf den Daten aus der Produktanalyse und der recherchierten Märkten. Ziel hiervon ist es, erste Vorstellungen eines möglichen Umsatzes auf dem deutschen, europäischen und weltweiten Markt zu erstellen.


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It is main goal of this article to stimulate the debate and reflection on Translation Studies. Based on Cesário Verde‘s poem O Sentimento dum Ocidental (1880) we will discuss the effectiveness and applicability of poetry translation. Since the beginning of the XX century Cesário Verde and his work have been studied on an international range. We may therefore make reference to outnumbered translations of his poems in English, French, German, Italian, and Czech. Poetry translation raises however several difficulties which may affect the comprehension, interpretation and analysis not only of this author but also of his texts. In this manner we will naturally confront as well some of the most relevant items for Translation Studies, namely: Translation purposes and criteria; Translation necessity, possibility and usefulness. We invite you thus to observe the rich and complex Poetry-Translation relation within the analysis of one Cesário‘s poem in Italian, English, German and French.


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.