665 resultados para Ductile Steel Substrate
PURPOSE: The goal of this study was to explore the effect of lifelong aerobic exercise (i.e., chronic training) on skeletal muscle substrate stores (intramyocellular triglyceride [IMTG] and glycogen), skeletal muscle phenotypes, and oxidative capacity (ox), in older endurance-trained master athletes (OA) compared with noncompetitive recreational younger (YA) athletes matched by frequency and mode of training. METHODS: Thirteen OA (64.8 ± 4.9 yr) exercising 5 times per week or more were compared with 14 YA (27.8 ± 4.9 yr) males and females. IMTG, glycogen, fiber types, succinate dehydrogenase, and capillarization were measured by immunohistochemistry in vastus lateralis biopsies. Fat-ox and carbohydrate (CHO)-ox were measured by indirect calorimetry before and after an insulin clamp and during a cycle ergometer graded maximal test. RESULTS: V˙O2peak was lower in OA than YA. The OA had greater IMTG in all fiber types and lower glycogen stores than YA. This was reflected in greater proportion of type I and less type II fibers in OA. Type I fibers were similar in size, whereas type II fibers were smaller in OA compared with YA. Both groups had similar succinate dehydrogenase content. Numbers of capillaries per fiber were reduced in OA but with a higher number of capillaries per area. Metabolic flexibility and insulin sensitivity were similar in both groups. Exercise metabolic efficiency was higher in OA. At moderate exercise intensities, carbohydrate-ox was lower in OA but with similar Fat-ox. CONCLUSIONS: Lifelong exercise is associated with higher IMTG content in all muscle fibers and higher metabolic efficiency during exercise that are not explained by differences in muscle fibers types and other muscle characteristics when comparing older with younger athletes matched by exercise mode and frequency.
Agricultural wastes from cactus Cereus peruvianus and Opuntia ficus indica were investigated for protein production by solid substrate fermentation. Firstly, the polyelectrolytes were extracted and used in water cleaning as auxiliary of flocculation and coagulation. The remaining fibrous material and peels were used as substrate for fermentation with Aspergillus niger. Glucoamylase and cellulase were the main enzymes produced. Amino acids were determined by HPLC and protein by Lowry's method. After 120 hours of fermentation the protein increased by 12.8%. Aspartic acid (1.27%), threonine (0.97%), glutamic acid (0.88%), valine (0.70%), serine (0.68%), arginine (0.82%), and phenylalanine (0.51%) were the principal amino acids produced.
Fatal and permanently disabling accidents form only one per I cent of all occupational accidents but in many branches of industry they account for more than half the accident costs. Furthermore the human suffering of the victim and his family is greater in severe accidents than in slight ones. For both human and economic reasons the severe accident risks should be identified befor injuries occur. It is for this purpose that different safety analysis methods have been developed . This study shows two new possible approaches to the problem.. The first is the hypothesis that it is possible to estimate the potential severity of accidents independent of the actual severity. The second is the hypothesis that when workers are also asked to report near accidents, they are particularly prone to report potentially severe near accidents on the basis of their own subjective risk assessment. A field study was carried out in a steel factory. The results supported both the hypotheses. The reliability and the validity of post incident estimates of an accident's potential severity were reasonable. About 10 % of accidents were estimated to be potentially critical; they could have led to death or very severe permanent disability. Reported near accidents were significantly more severe, about 60 $ of them were estimated to be critical. Furthermore the validity of workers subjective risk assessment, manifested in the near accident reports, proved to be reasonable. The studied new methods require further development and testing. They could be used both in routine usage in work places and in research for identifying and setting the priorities of accident risks.
This thesis concentrates on developing a practical local approach methodology based on micro mechanical models for the analysis of ductile fracture of welded joints. Two major problems involved in the local approach, namely the dilational constitutive relation reflecting the softening behaviour of material, and the failure criterion associated with the constitutive equation, have been studied in detail. Firstly, considerable efforts were made on the numerical integration and computer implementation for the non trivial dilational Gurson Tvergaard model. Considering the weaknesses of the widely used Euler forward integration algorithms, a family of generalized mid point algorithms is proposed for the Gurson Tvergaard model. Correspondingly, based on the decomposition of stresses into hydrostatic and deviatoric parts, an explicit seven parameter expression for the consistent tangent moduli of the algorithms is presented. This explicit formula avoids any matrix inversion during numerical iteration and thus greatly facilitates the computer implementation of the algorithms and increase the efficiency of the code. The accuracy of the proposed algorithms and other conventional algorithms has been assessed in a systematic manner in order to highlight the best algorithm for this study. The accurate and efficient performance of present finite element implementation of the proposed algorithms has been demonstrated by various numerical examples. It has been found that the true mid point algorithm (a = 0.5) is the most accurate one when the deviatoric strain increment is radial to the yield surface and it is very important to use the consistent tangent moduli in the Newton iteration procedure. Secondly, an assessment of the consistency of current local failure criteria for ductile fracture, the critical void growth criterion, the constant critical void volume fraction criterion and Thomason's plastic limit load failure criterion, has been made. Significant differences in the predictions of ductility by the three criteria were found. By assuming the void grows spherically and using the void volume fraction from the Gurson Tvergaard model to calculate the current void matrix geometry, Thomason's failure criterion has been modified and a new failure criterion for the Gurson Tvergaard model is presented. Comparison with Koplik and Needleman's finite element results shows that the new failure criterion is fairly accurate indeed. A novel feature of the new failure criterion is that a mechanism for void coalescence is incorporated into the constitutive model. Hence the material failure is a natural result of the development of macroscopic plastic flow and the microscopic internal necking mechanism. By the new failure criterion, the critical void volume fraction is not a material constant and the initial void volume fraction and/or void nucleation parameters essentially control the material failure. This feature is very desirable and makes the numerical calibration of void nucleation parameters(s) possible and physically sound. Thirdly, a local approach methodology based on the above two major contributions has been built up in ABAQUS via the user material subroutine UMAT and applied to welded T joints. By using the void nucleation parameters calibrated from simple smooth and notched specimens, it was found that the fracture behaviour of the welded T joints can be well predicted using present methodology. This application has shown how the damage parameters of both base material and heat affected zone (HAZ) material can be obtained in a step by step manner and how useful and capable the local approach methodology is in the analysis of fracture behaviour and crack development as well as structural integrity assessment of practical problems where non homogeneous materials are involved. Finally, a procedure for the possible engineering application of the present methodology is suggested and discussed.
The study of price risk management concerning high grade steel alloys and their components was conducted. This study was focused in metal commodities, of which nickel, chrome and molybdenum were in a central role. Also possible hedging instruments and strategies for referred metals were studied. In the literature part main themes are price formation of Ni, Cr and Mo, the functioning of metal exchanges and main hedging instruments for metal commodities. This section also covers how micro and macro variables may affect metal prices from the viewpoint of short as well as longer time period. The experimental part consists of three sections. In the first part, multiple regression model with seven explanatory variables was constructed to describe price behavior of nickel. Results were compared after this with information created with comparable simple regression model. Additionally, long time mean price reversion of nickel was studied. In the second part, theoretical price of CF8M alloy was studied by using nickel, ferro-chrome and ferro-molybdenum as explanatory variables. In the last section, cross hedging possibilities for illiquid FeCr -metal was studied with five LME futures. Also this section covers new information concerning possible forthcoming molybdenum future contracts as well. The results of this study confirm, that linear regression models which are based on the assumption of market rationality, are not able to reliably describe price development of metals at issue. Models fulfilling assumptions for linear regression may though include useful information of statistical significant variables which have effect on metal prices. According to the experimental part, short futures were found to incorporate the most accurate information concerning the price movements in the future. However, not even 3M futures were able to predict turning point in the market before the faced slump. Cross hedging seemed to be very doubtful risk management strategy for illiquid metals, because correlations coefficients were found to be very sensitive for the chosen time span.
In recent times of global turmoil, the need for uncertainty management has become ever momentous. The need for enhanced foresight especially concerns capital-intensive industries, which need to commit their resources and assets with long-term planning horizons. Scenario planning has been acknowledged to have many virtues - and limitations - concerning the mapping of the future and illustrating the alternative development paths. The present study has been initiated to address both the need of improved foresight in two capital-intensive industries, i.e. the paper and steel industries and the imperfections in the current scenario practice. The research problem has been approached by engendering a problem-solving vehicle, which combines, e.g. elements of generic scenario process, face-to-face group support methods, deductive scenario reasoning and causal mapping into a fully integrated scenario process. The process, called the SAGES scenario framework, has been empirically tested by creating alternative futures for two capital-intensive industries, i.e. the paper and steel industries. Three scenarios for each industry have been engendered together with the identification of the key megatrends, the most important foreign investment determinants, key future drivers and leading indicators for the materialisation of the scenarios. The empirical results revealed a two-fold outlook for the paper industry, while the steel industry future was seen as much more positive. The research found support for utilising group support systems in scenario and strategic planning context with some limitations. Key perceived benefits include high time-efficiency, productivity and lower resource-intensiveness. Group support also seems to enhance participant satisfaction, encourage innovative thinking and provide the users with personalised qualitative scenarios.
A commercial corrosion inhibitor used in petroleum production was characterized by means of infrared spectroscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Predicting the adsorption behavior of corrosion inhibitor onto steel, sandstone and esmectite is the key to improve working conditions. In this study, the adsorption kinetics of inhibitor formulations in HCl 15% or in Mud Acid (HCl 13,5% and ammonium bifluoride) onto steel, sandstone and esmectite was determined by means of spectrophotometry. Kinetic parameters indicated that adsorption of inhibitor in the presence of bifluoride was favored. Moreover, the adsorption constant rate was the largest when the substrate was esmectite.
The influence of chloride deposition rate on concrete using an atmospheric corrosion approach is rarely studied in the literature. Seven exposure sites were selected in Havana City, Cuba, for exposure of reinforced concrete samples. Two significantly different atmospheric corrosivity levels with respect to corrosion of steel reinforced concrete were observed after two years of exposure depending on atmospheric chloride deposition and w/c ratio of the concrete. Changes in corrosion current are related to changes in chloride penetration and chloride atmospheric deposition. The influence of sulphur compound deposition could also be a parameter to consider in atmospheric corrosion of steel reinforced concrete.
Filamentous fungi were cultured under solid state fermentation of soybean residues to produce lipases. Enzymes produced by Aspergillus niger esterified oleic and butyric acids in the presence of ethanol, while enzymes produced by Aspergillus fumigatus demonstrated no esterification activity toward lauric acid. In case of A. niger, direct lyophilization of fermented bran led to higher esterification activity. The esterification of oleic acid by enzymes of A. fumigatus was neither influenced by pH adjustment nor by the extraction process. Conversions to ethyl esters were higher after pH adjustment with lyophilized liquid extract of A. niger.
The inhibition of the corrosion of mild steel in 2M hydrochloric acid solutions by Pyridoxol hydrochloride (PXO) has been studied using weight loss and hydrogen evolution techniques. The inhibitor (PXO) exhibited highest inhibition efficiency of 71.93% at the highest inhibitor concentration of 1.0 x 10-2M investigated and a temperature of 303K from weight loss result. Also, inhibition was found to increase with increasing concentration of the inhibitor and decreasing temperature. A first order type of mechanism has been deduced from the kinetic treatment of the weight loss results and the process of inhibition attributed to physical adsorption. The results obtained from the two techniques show that pyridoxol hydrochloride could serve as an effective inhibitor of the corrosion of mild steel in HCl acid solution. The compound obeys the Langmuir adsorption isotherm equation.
Cutting of thick section stainless steel and mild steel, and medium section aluminium using the high power ytterbium fibre laser has been experimentally investigated in this study. Theoretical models of the laser power requirement for cutting of a metal workpiece and the melt removal rate were also developed. The calculated laser power requirement was correlated to the laser power used for the cutting of 10 mm stainless steel workpiece and 15 mm mild steel workpiece using the ytterbium fibre laser and the CO2 laser. Nitrogen assist gas was used for cutting of stainless steel and oxygen was used for mild steel cutting. It was found that the incident laser power required for cutting at a given cutting speed was lower for fibre laser cutting than for CO2 laser cutting indicating a higher absorptivity of the fibre laser beam by the workpiece and higher melting efficiency for the fibre laser beam than for the CO2 laser beam. The difficulty in achieving an efficient melt removal during high speed cutting of the 15 mmmild steel workpiece with oxygen assist gas using the ytterbium fibre laser can be attributed to the high melting efficiency of the ytterbium fibre laser. The calculated melt flow velocity and melt film thickness correlated well with the location of the boundary layer separation point on the 10 mm stainless steel cut edges. An increase in the melt film thickness caused by deceleration of the melt particles in the boundary layer by the viscous shear forces results in the flow separation. The melt flow velocity increases with an increase in assist gas pressure and cut kerf width resulting in a reduction in the melt film thickness and the boundary layer separation point moves closer to the bottom cut edge. The cut edge quality was examined by visual inspection of the cut samples and measurement of the cut kerf width, boundary layer separation point, cut edge squareness (perpendicularity) deviation, and cut edge surface roughness as output quality factors. Different regions of cut edge quality in 10 mm stainless steel and 4 mm aluminium workpieces were defined for different combinations of cutting speed and laserpower.Optimization of processing parameters for a high cut edge quality in 10 mmstainless steel was demonstrated
The aim of the study was to create an easily upgradable product costing model for laser welded hollow core steel panels to help in pricing decisions. The theory section includes a literature review to identify traditional and modern cost accounting methodologies, which are used by manufacturing companies. The theory section also presents the basics of steel panel structures and their manufacturing methods and manufacturing costs based on previous research. Activity-Based costing turned out to be the most appropriate methodology for the costing model because of wide product variations. Activity analysis and the determination of cost drivers based on observations and interviews were the key steps in the creation of the model. The created model was used to test how panel parameters affect the costs caused by the main manufacturing stages and materials. By comparing cost structures, it was possible to find the panel types that are the most economic and uneconomic to manufacture. A sensitivity analysis proved that the model gives sufficiently reliable cost information to support pricing decisions. More reliable cost information could be achieved by determining the cost drivers more accurately. Alternative methods for manufacturing the cores were compared with the model. The comparison proved that roll forming can be more advantageous and flexible than press brake bending. However, more extensive research showed that roll forming is possible only when the cores are designed to be manufactured by roll forming. Due to that fact, when new panels are designed consideration should be given to the possibility of using roll forming.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the level of customer consciousness of the production process employees in a steel factory and to investigate the methods of internal marketing in order to propose development practices to enhance the customer consciousness of the case company employees. The significance of the level of customer consciousness is discussed and practices already implemented affecting the level of customer consciousness in the company are examined. The literature review gives an insight to the role of customer consciousness in the CRM philosophy of a manufacturing company and examines the means of internal marketing in enhancing customer consciousness. In the empirical part of the study, the level and significance of customer consciousness is determined by conducting individual and focus group interviews. The interviews are also used to examine the practices that could function in enhancing the customer consciousness of the employees. Development suggestions to improve the level of customer consciousness in the production process are given based on the results. The level of customer consciousness is at a poor level in the production process and influences above all on work motivation and job satisfaction, but possibly on customer satisfaction as well. The enhancement of customer consciousness in the production process should be done e.g. by ensuring the distribution of right knowledge coherently to all of the employees, gathering large customer reference database to exploit in work and in training, using visual illustration in presenting the customer information, training proactively and letting the employees to participate in the customer oriented development activities. Customer satisfaction focused reward system can be considered.