975 resultados para Doped Zno Films


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In the present study, thin functional conducting polyaniline (PANI) films, either doped or undoped, patterned or unpatterned, were prepared by different approaches. The properties of the obtained PANI films were investigated in detail by a combination of electrochemistry with several other techniques, such as SPR, QCM, SPFS, diffraction, etc. The sensing applications (especially biosensing applications) of the prepared PANI films were explored. Firstly, the pure PANI films were prepared by the electropolymerisation method and their doping/dedoping properties in acidic conditions were investigated in detail by a combination of electrochemistry with SPR and QCM. Dielectric constants of PANI at different oxidation states were obtained quantitatively. The results obtained here laid a good foundation for the following investigations of PANI films in neutral pH conditions. Next, PANI multilayer films doped by a variety of materials were prepared by the layer-by-layer method in order to explore their biosensing applications, because of the loss of redox activity of pure PANI in neutral pH conditions. The dopants used include not only the traditionally used linear polyelectrolytes, but also, for the first tim, some other novel materials, like modified gold nanoparticles or modified carbon nanotubes. Our results showed that all the used dopants could form stable multilayer films with PANI. All the obtained PANI multilayer films showed good redox activity in a neutral pH environment, which makes them feasible for bioassays. We found that all the prepared PANI multilayer films can electrocatalyze the oxidation of NADH in neutral conditions at a low potential, although their catalytic efficiencies are different. Among them, PANI/carbon nanotube system showed the highest catalytic efficiency toward the oxidation of NADH, which makes it a good candidate as a NADH sensor. Besides, because some of the prepared PANI multilayer systems were end-terminated with –COOH groups (like PANI/Au nanoparticles system), which can be utilized to easily link biomolecules for biosensing applications. Here, we demonstrated, for the first time, to use the prepared PANI multilayer films for the DNA hybridisation detection. The detection event was monitored either by direct electrochemical method, or by enzyme-amplified electrochemical method, or by surface plasmon enhanced fluorescence spectroscopic method. All the methods can effectively differentiate non-complementary DNA from the complementary ones, even at the single-base mismatch level. It should also be noted that, our success in fabricating PANI multilayer films with modified Au nanoparticles or carbon nanotubes also offered another novel method for incorporating such novel materials into (conducting) polymers. Because of the unique electrochemical and optical properties of each component of the obtained PANI multilayer films, they should also find potential applications in many other fields such as microelectronics, or for electrochromic and photovoltaic devices. Finally, patterned PANI films were fabricated by the combination of several patterning techniques, such as the combination of electrocopolymerization with micromolding in capillaries (EP-MIMIC), the combination of microcontact printing with the layer-by-layer technique (µCP-LBL), and the polystyrene (PS) template induced electropolymerisation method. Using the obtained stripe-shaped PANI/PSS film, a redox-switchable polymer grating based on the surface-plasmon-enhanced mode was constructed and its application in the field of biosensing was explored. It was found that the diffraction efficiency (DE) of the grating was very sensitive to the applied potential (i.e. redox state of the film) as well as the pH environment of the dielectric medium. Moreover, the DE could also be effectively tuned by an electrocatalytic event, such as the electrocatalytic oxidation of NADH by the grating film. By using PS colloidal crystal assemblies as templates, well-ordered 3D interconnected macroporous PANI arrays (PANI inverse opals) were fabricated via electropolymerisation method. The quality of the obtained inverse opals was much higher than those reported by chemical synthesis method. By electrochemical method, the structures of the prepared inverse opals can be easily controlled. To explore the possible biosensing applications of PANI inverse opals, efforts were also done toward the fabrication of PANI composite inverse opals. By selecting proper dopants, high quality inverse opals of PANI composites were fabricated for the first time. And the obtained opaline films remained redox-active in neutral pH conditions, pointing to their possible applications for electrobioassays.


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Verdünnte magnetische Halbleiter (DMS) sind technologisch vielversprechende Materialien mit sowohl ferromagnetischen als auch halbleitenden Eigenschaften. Sie gehören zu den entscheidenden Verbindungen bei der Entwicklung neuartiger Spintronikanwendungen. Bisher scheiterte der technologische Einsatz jedoch daran, dass die Curie Temperatur der meisten magnetischen Halbleiter viel zu niedrig ist. Neue Verbindungen auf Basis von ZnO wie Zn1-xCoxO sollen jedoch Ferromagnetismus oberhalb von Raumtemperatur zeigen. Die theoretischen Grundlagen der magnetischen Wechselwirkungen sind jedoch nicht verstanden und erfordern daher umfangreiche experimentelle Untersuchungen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden dünne Filme aus Zn0.95Co0.05O mittels Laserablation hergestellt und bezüglich ihrer magnetischen, elektrischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften untersucht, mit dem Ziel den Ferromagnetismus in diesem Material besser zu verstehen. Dabei kamen verschiedene experimentelle Methoden zum Einsatz: wie Magnetometrie, Röntgendiffraktometrie, Magnetischer Röntgenzirkulardichroismus (XMCD), Elektronenspinresonanz sowie magnetoelektrische Transportmessungen. Bei entsprechend defektfördernden Herstellungsbedingungen zeigen die Proben klare ferromagnetische Eigenschaften oberhalb von Raumtemperatur mit einer Sättigungsmagnetisierung von ca. 2 Bohr Magneton / Co sowie einer Remanenz von bis zu 90%. Elektrische Transportmessungen zeigen zudem einen deutlichen Magnetowiderstand sowie einen anomalen Hall Effekt. Letzterer steigt mit der Probenmagnetisierung und spricht für intrinsischen Ferromagnetismus sowie eine geringe Spinpolarisation. Da der Ferromagnetismus mit höherer Ladungsträgerdichte jedoch verschwindet, ist eine ferromagnetische Wechselwirkung über die Leitungselektronen auszuschließen. Eine genauere Auswertung der magnetoelektrischen Messdaten deutet zudem auf ein leitendes Störstellenband hin, das unter Umständen selbst spinpolarisiert ist. Vieles spricht somit dafür, dass die ferromagnetische Ordnung über magnetische Polaronen zustande kommt. Einige strukturelle und magnetometrische Ergebnisse sowie Elektronenspinresonanzmessungen deuten zudem auf metallische Ausscheidungen in Form von Cobalt Clustern hin, die einen zusätzlichen extrinsischen ferromagnetischen Beitrag liefern, der deutlich größer sein könnte als der intrinsische. Überraschenderweise zeigen XMCD Messungen jedoch, dass Cobalt überhaupt nicht am Ferromagnetismus beteiligt ist. Insgesamt gibt es Anzeichen, dass magnetische Defekte eine entscheidende Rolle hinsichtlich des Magnetismus in Zn0.95Co0.05O spielen.


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The thesis is mainly focused on the pre-edge analysis of XAS spectra of Ti HCF sample hexacyanocobaltate and hexacyanoferrate samples doped on a Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) thin film. The work is aimed at the determination of Ti oxidation state, as well as indication of various coordination number in the studied samples. The experiment have been conducted using XAFS (X-ray absorption fine structure)beamline at Elettra synchrotron, Trieste (Italy) under supervision of Professor Marco Giorgetti, Department of Industrial Chemistry, University of Bologna. The Master thesis accreditation to fullfill the ASC Master of Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry Degree requirement.


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Le celle solari a film sottile sono tra le alternative più promettenti nel campo fotovoltaico. La ricerca di materiali non tossici ed economici per la passivazione delle superfici è di fondamentale importanza. Il presente è uno studio sulla morfologia di film sottili di ZnS. I campioni analizzati sono stati cresciuti tramite DC sputtering a diversa potenza (range 50-150W) per studiare le connessioni tra condizioni di deposizione e proprietà strutturali. Lo studio è stato condotto mediante acquisizione di mappe AFM. E' stata effettuata un'analisi dei buchi (dips) in funzione della potenza di sputtering, per individuare il campione con la minore densità di dips in vista di applicazioni in celle solari a film sottile. I parametri strutturali, quali la rugosità superficiale e la lunghezza di correlazione laterale sono stati determinati con un'analisi statistica delle immagini. La densità e dimensione media dei grani sono state ricavate da una segmentazione delle immagini. Le analisi sono state svolte su due campioni di ZnO per fini comparativi. Tramite EFM sono state ottenute mappe di potenziale di contatto. Tramite KPFM si è valutata la differenza di potenziale tra ZnS e un layer di Al depositato sulla superficie. La sheet resistance è stata misurata con metodo a quattro punte. Dai risultati la potenza di sputtering influenza la struttura superficiale, ma in maniera non lineare. E' stato individuato il campione con la minore rugosità e densità di dips alla potenza di 75 W. Si è concluso che potenze troppo grandi o piccole in fase di deposizione promuovono il fenomeno di clustering dei grani e di aumentano la rugosità e densità di dips. E' emersa una corrispondenza diretta tra morfologia e potenziale di contatto alla superficie. La differenza di potenziale tra Al e ZnS è risultata inferiore al valore noto, ciò può essere dovuto a stati superficiali indotti da ossidi. Il campione risulta totalmente isolante.


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The research reported in this dissertation investigates the impact of grain boundaries, film interface, and crystallographic orientation on the ionic conductivity of thin film Gd-doped CeO2 (GDC). Chapter 2 of this work addresses claims in the literature that submicron grain boundaries have the potential to dramatically increase the ionic conductivity of GDC films. Unambiguous testing of this claim requires directly comparing the ionic conductivity of single-crystal GDC films to films that are identical except for the presence of submicron grain boundaries. In this work techniques have been developed to grow GDC films by RF magnetron sputtering from a GDC target on single crystal r plane sapphire substrates. These techniques allow the growth of films that are single crystals or polycrystalline with 80 nm diameter grains. The ionic conductivities of these films have been measured and the data shows that the ionic conductivity of single crystal GDC is greater than that of the polycrystalline films by more than a factor of 4 over the 400-700°C temperature range. Chapter 3 of this work investigates the ionic conductivity of surface and interface regions of thin film Gd-doped CeO2. In this study, single crystal GDC films have been grown to thicknesses varying from 20 to 500 nm and their conductivities have been measured in the 500-700°C temperature range. Decreasing conductivity with decreasing film thickness was observed. Analysis of the conductivity data is consistent with the presence of an approximately 50 nm layer of less conductive material in every film. This study concludes that the surface and interface regions of thin film GDC are less conductive than the bulk single crystal regions, rather than being highly conductive paths. Chapter 4 of this work investigates the ionic conductivity of thin film Gd-doped CeO2 (GDC) as a function of crystallographic orientation. A theoretical expression has been developed for the ionic conductivity of the [100] and [110] directions in single crystal GDC. This relationship is compared to experimental data collected from a single crystal GDC film. The film was grown to a thickness of _300 nm and its conductivity measured along the [100] and [110] orientations in the 500-700°C temperature range. The experimental data shows no statistically significant difference in the conductivities of the [100] and [110] directions in single crystal GDC. This result agrees with the theoretical model which predicts no difference between the conductivities of the two directions.


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Solution-processed polymer films are used in multiple technological applications. The presence of residual solvent in the film, as a consequence of the preparation method, affects the material properties, so films are typically subjected to post-deposition thermal annealing treatments aiming at its elimination. Monitoring the amount of solvent eliminated as a function of the annealing parameters is important to design a proper treatment to ensure complete solvent elimination, crucial to obtain reproducible and stable material properties and therefore, device performance. Here we demonstrate, for the first time to our knowledge, the use of an organic distributed feedback (DFB) laser to monitor with high precision the amount of solvent extracted from a spin-coated polymer film as a function of the thermal annealing time. The polymer film of interest, polystyrene in the present work, is doped with a small amount of a laser dye as to constitute the active layer of the laser device and deposited over a reusable DFB resonator. It is shown that solvent elimination translates into shifts in the DFB laser wavelength, as a consequence of changes in film thickness and refractive index. The proposed method is expected to be applicable to other types of annealing treatments, polymer-solvent combinations or film deposition methods, thus constituting a valuable tool to accurately control the quality and reproducibility of solution-processed polymer thin films.


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Zinc oxide and graphene nanostructures are important technological materials because of their unique properties and potential applications in future generation of electronic and sensing devices. This dissertation investigates a brief account of the strategies to grow zinc oxide nanostructures (thin film and nanowire) and graphene, and their applications as enhanced field effect transistors, chemical sensors and transparent flexible electrodes. Nanostructured zinc oxide (ZnO) and low-gallium doped zinc oxide (GZO) thin films were synthesized by a magnetron sputtering process. Zinc oxide nanowires (ZNWs) were grown by a chemical vapor deposition method. Field effect transistors (FETs) of ZnO and GZO thin films and ZNWs were fabricated by standard photo and electron beam lithography processes. Electrical characteristics of these devices were investigated by nondestructive surface cleaning, ultraviolet irradiation treatment at high temperature and under vacuum. GZO thin film transistors showed a mobility of ∼5.7 cm2/V·s at low operation voltage of <5 V and a low turn-on voltage of ∼0.5 V with a sub threshold swing of ∼85 mV/decade. Bottom gated FET fabricated from ZNWs exhibit a very high on-to-off ratio (∼106) and mobility (∼28 cm2/V·s). A bottom gated FET showed large hysteresis of ∼5.0 to 8.0 V which was significantly reduced to ∼1.0 V by the surface treatment process. The results demonstrate charge transport in ZnO nanostructures strongly depends on its surface environmental conditions and can be explained by formation of depletion layer at the surface by various surface states. A nitric oxide (NO) gas sensor using single ZNW, functionalized with Cr nanoparticles was developed. The sensor exhibited average sensitivity of ∼46% and a minimum detection limit of ∼1.5 ppm for NO gas. The sensor also is selective towards NO gas as demonstrated by a cross sensitivity test with N2, CO and CO2 gases. Graphene film on copper foil was synthesized by chemical vapor deposition method. A hot press lamination process was developed for transferring graphene film to flexible polymer substrate. The graphene/polymer film exhibited a high quality, flexible transparent conductive structure with unique electrical-mechanical properties; ∼88.80% light transmittance and ∼1.1742Ω/sq k sheet resistance. The application of a graphene/polymer film as a flexible and transparent electrode for field emission displays was demonstrated.


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Nano-scale touch screen thin film have not been thoroughly investigated in terms of dynamic impact analysis under various strain rates. This research is focused on two different thin films, Zinc Oxide (ZnO) film and Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) film, deposited on Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) substrate for the standard touch screen panels. Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) was performed on the ZnO film coated PET substrates. Nano-impact (fatigue) testing was performed on ITO film coated PET substrates. Other analysis includes hardness and the elastic modulus measurements, atomic force microscopy (AFM), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of the film surface.
Ten delta of DMA is described as the ratio of loss modulus (viscous properties) and storage modulus (elastic properties) of the material and its peak against time identifies the glass transition temperature (Tg). Thus, in essence the Tg recognizes changes from glassy to rubber state of the material and for our sample ZnO film, Tg was found as 388.3 K. The DMA results also showed that the Ten delta curve for Tg increases monotonically in the viscoelastic state (before Tg) and decreases sharply in the rubber state (after Tg) until recrystallization of ZnO takes place. This led to an interpretation that enhanced ductility can be achieved by negating the strength of the material.
For the nano-impact testing using the ITO coated PET, the damage started with the crack initiation and propagation. The interpretation of the nano-impact results depended on the characteristics of the loading history. Under the nano-impact loading, the surface structure of ITO film suffered from several forms of failure damages that range from deformation to catastrophic failures. It is concluded that in such type of application, the films should have low residual stress to prevent deformation, good adhesive strength, durable and good resistance to wear.


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Boron-doped diamond is a promising electrode material for a number of applications providing efficient carrier transport, a high stability of the electrolytic performance with time, a possibility for dye-sensitizing with photosensitive molecules, etc. It can be functionalized with electron donor molecules, like phthalocyanines or porphyrins, for the development of light energy conversion systems. For effective attachment of such molecules, the diamond surface has to be modified by plasma- or photo-chemical processes in order to achieve a desired surface termination. In the present work, the surface modifications of undoped and boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films and their functionalization with various phthalocyanines (Pcs) were investigated. The NCD films have been prepared by hot filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD) on silicon substrates and were thereafter subjected to modifications with O2 or NH3 plasmas or UV/O3 treatments for exchange of the H-termination of the as-grown surface. The effectiveness of the modifications and their stability with time during storage under different ambients were studied by contact angle measurements and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Furthermore, the surface roughness after the modifications was investigated with atomic force microscopy (AFM) and compared to that of as-grown samples in order to establish the appearance of etching of the surface during the treatment. The as-grown and the modified NCD surfaces were exposed to phthalocyanines with different metal centers (Ti, Cu, Mn) or with different side chains. The results of the Pc grafting were investigated by XPS and Raman spectroscopy. XPS revealed the presence of nitrogen stemming from the Pc molecules and traces of the respective metal atoms with ratios close to those in the applied Pc. In a next step Raman spectra of Ti-Pc, Cu-Pc and Mn-Pc were obtained with two different excitation wavelengths (488 and 785 nm) from droplet samples on Si after evaporation of the solvent in order to establish their Raman fingerprints. The major differences in the spectra were assigned to the effect of the size of the metal ion on the structure of the phthalocyanine ring. The spectra obtained were used as references for the Raman spectra of NCD surfaces grafted with Pc. Finally, selected boron doped NCD samples were used after their surface modification and functionalization with Pc for the preparation of electrodes which were tested in a photoelectrochemical cell with a Pt counter electrode and an Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The light sources and electrolytes were varied to establish their influence on the performance of the dye-sensitized diamond electrodes. Cyclic voltammetry measurements revealed broad electrochemical potential window and high stability of the electrodes after several cycles. The open circuit potential (OCP) measurements performed in dark and after illumination showed fast responses of the electrodes to the illumination resulting in photocurrent generation.


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Polymer Optical Fibers have occupied historically a place for large core flexible fibers operating in short distances. In addition to their practical passive application in short-haul communication they constitute a potential research field as active devices with organic dopants. Organic dyes are preferred as dopants over organic semiconductors due to their higher optical cross section. Thus organic dyes as gain media in a polymer fiber is used to develop efficient and narrow laser sources with a tunability throughout the visible region or optical amplifier with high gain. Dyes incorporated in fiber form has added advantage over other solid state forms such as films since the pump power required to excite the molecules in the core of the fiber is less thereby utilising the pump power effectively. In 1987, Muto et.al investigated a dye doped step index polymer fiber laser. Afterwards, numerous researches have been carried out in this area demonstrating laser emission from step index, graded index and hollow optical fibers incorporating various dyes. Among various dyes, Rhodamine6G is the most widely and commonly used laser dye for the last four decades. Rhodamine6G has many desirable optical properties which make it preferable over other organic dyes such as Coumarin, Nile Blue, Curcumin etc. The research focus on the implementation of efficient fiber lasers and amplifiers for short fiber distances. Developing efficient plastic lasers with electrical pumping can be a new proposal in this field which demands lowest possible threshold pump energy of the gain medium in the cavity as an important parameter. One way of improving the efficiency of the lasers, through low threshold pump energy, is by modifying the gain of the amplifiers in the resonator/cavity. Success in the field of Radiative Decay Engineering can pave way to this problem. Laser gain media consisting of dye-nanoparticle composites can improve the efficiency by lowering the lasing threshold and enhancing the photostability. The electric field confined near the surface of metal nanoparticles due to Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance can be very effective for the excitation of active centers to impart high optical gain for lasing. Since the Surface Plasmon Resonance of nanoparticles of gold and silver lies in the visible range, it can affect the spectral emission characteristics of organic dyes such as Rhodamine6G through plasmon field generated by the particles. The change in emission of the dye placed near metal nanoparticles depend on plasmon field strength which in turn depends on the type of metal, size of nanoparticle, surface modification of the particle and the wavelength of incident light. Progress in fabrication of different types of nanostructures lead to the advent of nanospheres, nanoalloys, core-shell and nanowires to name a few. The thesis deals with the fabrication and characterisation of polymer optical fibers with various metallic and bimetallic nanostructures incorporated in the gain media for efficient fiber lasers with low threshold and improved photostability.


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In recent years, nanoscience and nanotechnology has emerged as one of the most important and exciting frontier areas of research interest in almost all fields of science and technology. This technology provides the path of many breakthrough changes in the near future in many areas of advanced technological applications. Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary area of research and development. The advent of nanotechnology in the modern times and the beginning of its systematic study can be thought of to have begun with a lecture by the famous physicist Richard Feynman. In 1960 he presented a visionary and prophetic lecture at the meeting of the American Physical Society entitled “there is plenty of room at the bottom” where he speculated on the possibility and potential of nanosized materials. Synthesis of nanomaterials and nanostructures are the essential aspects of nanotechnology. Studies on new physical properties and applications of nanomaterials are possible only when materials are made available with desired size, morphology, crystal structure and chemical composition. Cerium oxide (ceria) is one of the important functional materials with high mechanical strength, thermal stability, excellent optical properties, appreciable oxygen ion conductivity and oxygen storage capacity. Ceria finds a variety of applications in mechanical polishing of microelectronic devices, as catalysts for three-way automatic exhaust systems and as additives in ceramics and phosphors. The doped ceria usually has enhanced catalytic and electrical properties, which depend on a series of factors such as the particle size, the structural characteristics, morphology etc. Ceria based solid solutions have been widely identified as promising electrolytes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). The success of many promising device technologies depends on the suitable powder synthesis techniques. The challenge for introducing new nanopowder synthesis techniques is to preserve high material quality while attaining the desired composition. The method adopted should give reproducible powder properties, high yield and must be time and energy effective. The use of a variety of new materials in many technological applications has been realized through the use of thin films of these materials. Thus the development of any new material will have good application potential if it can be deposited in thin film form with the same properties. The advantageous properties of thin films include the possibility of tailoring the properties according to film thickness, small mass of the materials involved and high surface to volume ratio. The synthesis of polymer nanocomposites is an integral aspect of polymer nanotechnology. By inserting the nanometric inorganic compounds, the properties of polymers can be improved and this has a lot of applications depending upon the inorganic filler material present in the polymer.


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Se presentan las propiedades eléctricas del compuesto Cu3BiS3 depositado por co-evaporación. Este es un nuevo compuesto que puede tener propiedades adecuadas para ser utilizado como capa absorbente en celdas solares. Las muestras fueron caracterizadas a través de medidas de efecto Hall y fotovoltaje superficial transiente (SPV). A través de medidas de efecto Hall se encontró que la concentración de portadores de carga n es del orden de 1016 cm-3 independiente de la relación de masas de Cu/Bi. También se encontró que la movilidad de este compuesto (μ del orden de 4 cm2V -1s-1) varía de acuerdo con los mecanismos de transporte que la gobiernan en dependencia con la temperatura. A partir de las medidas de SPV se encontró alta densidad de defectos superficiales, defectos que son pasivados al superponer una capa buffer sobre el compuesto Cu3BiS3.


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This thesis is part of the fields of Material Physics and Organic Electronics and aims to determine the charge carrier density and mobility in the hydrated conducting polymer–polyelectrolyte blend PEDOT:PSS. This kind of material combines electronic semiconductor functionality with selective ionic transport, biocompatibility and electrochemical stability in water. This advantageous material properties combination makes PEDOT:PSS a unique material to build organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs), which have relevant application as amplifying transducers for bioelectronic signals. In order to measure charge carrier density and mobility, an innovative 4-wire, contact independent characterization technique was introduced, the electrolyte-gated van der Pauw (EgVDP) method, which was combined with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The technique was applied to macroscopic thin film samples and micro-structured PEDOT:PSS thin film devices fabricated using photolithography. The EgVDP method revealed to be effective for the measurements of holes’ mobility in hydrated PEDOT:PSS thin films, which resulted to be <μ>=(0.67±0.02) cm^2/(V*s). By comparing this result with 2-point-probe measurements, we found that contact resistance effects led to a mobility overestimation in the latter. Ion accumulation at the drain contact creates a gate-dependent potential barrier and is discussed as a probable reason for the overestimation in 2-point-probe measurements. The measured charge transport properties of PEDOT:PSS were analyzed in the framework of an extended drift-diffusion model. The extended model fits well also to the non-linear response in the transport characterization and results suggest a Gaussian DOS for PEDOT:PSS. The PEDOT:PSS-electrolyte interface capacitance resulted to be voltage-independent, confirming the hypothesis of its morphological origin, related to the separation between the electronic (PEDOT) and ionic (PSS) phases in the blend.