556 resultados para CINC
El gironí Josep Claret Rubira (1908-1988), arquitecte de professió i artista-dibuixant de vocació, va obtenir el títol l'any 1933, a l'Escola d'Arquitectura de Barcelona. D'ençà d'aquella data i fins a mitjan dels anys 70, va projectar una quantitat enorme d'edificis de múltiples tipologies i nombrosos plans d'urbanització, arreu de les comarques gironines i menorquines. Amb ideologia primerenca propera a les esquerres catalanistes, es va haver d'adaptar al règim franquista, per poder continuar treballant i vivint a Catalunya. Malgrat que inicialment li deuria costar un gran esforç, el procés d'amotllament el va tenir planer (almenys aparentment), gràcies al seu parentiu -per via matrimonial- amb una família que hi estava estretament vinculada. És autor d'obres d'elevat nivell arquitectònic -amb poques que siguin conegudes i reconegudes- i un clar conformador del paisatge de les seves contrades, fet influent en la societat que hi ha estat habitant i que hi viu encara avui dia. La seva arquitectura és un magnífic exemple del que agradava a les generacions de durant cinc dècades. És també autor d'obres que, moltes vegades, no s'adiuen gens amb el que la Història de l'Arquitectura dóna per bones, però que reflecteixen el gust, les preferències i les prioritats d'una societat determinada.
Aportació al Turisme Cultural a partir de l'estudi i anàlisi d'una revista de difusió turística en el mercat internacional, la Barcelona Atracción. (1910-1936 i 1945-1954), amb un anàlisi més extens de l'etapa republicana. La revista s' edita a Barcelona i es difon als cinc continents des de 1910. S'analitza la construcció de la imatge i la propaganda turístiques a partir de la posada en valor del patrimoni cultural, sobretot del monumental i artístic. S'annexen resums de tots els articles de la revista mensual Barcelona Atracción que d'una manera directa o indirecta tenen per subjecte un element cultural tangible o intangible, i un recull de centenars d'imatges de personalitats, monuments, cartells, que il·lustren la revista en l'etapa republicana.
El treball de tesi ha tingut per objectiu estudiar les pintures rupestres del Zemmur, al Sahara Occidental. El Zemmur és una regió muntanyosa molt rica en abrics, que s'obren a les cingleres dels seus turons de gres baixos, aplanats i allargassats. Aquestes pintures foren descobertes al 1995, quan el personal del ministeri de Cultura de la República Àrab Sahrauí i Democràtica les va mostrar a un equip d'arqueòlegs i antropòlegs de la Universitat de Girona. Les campanyes d'estudi continuades que s'han realitzat en aquests jaciments de pintura rupestre prehistòrica des d'aleshores han proporcionat les dades per aquesta investigació. En total es tracta d'un conjunt de 2734 figures repartides en 130 abrics de 5 jaciments diferents: Uad Ymal, Uadi Kenta, Rekeiz Ajahfun, Rekeiz Lemgasem i Asako. Les hipòtesis a contrastar eren dues. La primera que al Zemmur hi havia diversos estils de pintura rupestre. La segona que la majoria d'aquests estils dataven de la prehistòria. Ambdues han pogut ser verificades i s'han aportat arguments que demostren que eren certes. El treball de tesi ha consistit en fotografiar les pintures, digitalitzar-les, reproduir-les i estudiar-les. Concretament l'estudi ha consistit en descriure-les, classificar-les estilísticament i datar-les. La classificació s'ha realitzat a partir d'una sèrie de criteris morfològics i tècnics. Posteriorment les imatges han estat atribuïdes a diversos estils, que també havien estat definits amb criteris morfotècnics a partir de l'observació de les imatges. La seva existència, i per tant la verificació de la primera hipòtesi, es dedueix de la presència de recurrències morfotècniques en les representacions. Més tard aquests estils han estat ordenats de manera relativa tot estudiant les seves superposicions. La seqüència dels cinc estils identificats, de més antic a més recent és: Balladors, Modelats, Tracejats, Figures Fosques i Linial. Posteriorment s'ha intentat datar cadascun dels estils a partir de les representacions ja que les anàlisis efectuades indicaren que no era possible datar les imatges per tècniques radiomètriques a causa de la manca de matèria orgànica en les pintures. En qualsevol cas, gràcies a les representacions d'armes, d'animals i els textos escrits hem pogut verificar que la majoria d'elles són prehistòriques, tal com apuntàvem en la nostra segona hipòtesi. Finalment s'ha arribat a la conclusió que l'estil dels Balladors data, de manera molt aproximada, d'ara fa entre 3800 i 3200 anys tal com indiquen les representacions d'alabardes. L'estil Linial, el més recent, data d'entre ara fa 2400 i 2000 anys perquè és acompanyat de textos líbico-berbers però no de representacions de camells. Els estils Modelat, Tracejat i Figures Fosques es daten entremig. A part de les conclusions obtingudes, un dels resultats més importants d'aquest treball ha estat la realització del corpus de pintura prehistòrica del Zemmur que consta, com ja hem dit, de milers d'imatges. Per tant aquesta recerca, a més de tractar sobre un material inèdit i d'un gran interès històric, hauria d'ésser útil per a la gestió de tot aquest patrimoni.
IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha, cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-2 alpha/beta, and IL-10 measurements were performed in elicited peritoneal cells from control, diabetic, and insulin-treated diabetic rats. Production/liberation of these cytokines was decreased in elicited peritoneal cells from diabetic rats. These changes were abolished by insulin treatment of diabetic rats. The alterations observed might be involved in the impaired inflammatory response and high occurrence of apoptosis observed in neutrophils under diabetic states.
Inflammation is a crucial step for the wound healing process. The effect of linoleic and oleic acids on the inflammatory response of the skin during the healing process and on the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines by rat neutrophils in vitro was investigated. A wound in the dorsal surface of adult rats was performed and fatty acids were then topically administered. Both oleic and linoleic acids increased the wound healing tissue mass. The total protein and DNA contents of the wounds were increased by the treatment with linoleic acid. The treatments with oleic and linoleic acids did not affect vascular permeability. However, the number of neutrophils in the wounded area and air pouches was increased and the thickness of the necrotic cell layer edge around the wound was decreased. A dose-dependent increase in vascular endothelial growth factor-alpha (VEGF-alpha) and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) by neutrophils incubated in the presence of oleic and linoleic acid was observed. Oleic acid was able to stimulate also the production of cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant in inflammation 2 alphalbeta (CINC-2 alpha/beta). This pro-inflammatory effect of oleic and linoleic acids may speed up the wound healing process. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
P>The genesis and progression of diabetes occur due in part to an uncontrolled inflammation profile with insulin resistance, increased serum levels of free fatty acids (FFA), proinflammatory cytokines and leucocyte dysfunction. In this study, an investigation was made of the effect of a 3-week moderate exercise regimen on a treadmill (60% of VO(2max), 30 min/day, 6 days a week) on inflammatory markers and leucocyte functions in diabetic rats. The exercise decreased serum levels of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha (6%), cytokine-induced neutrophil chemotactic factor 2 alpha/beta (CINC-2 alpha/beta) (9%), interleukin (IL)-1 beta (34%), IL-6 (86%), C-reactive protein (CRP) (41%) and FFA (40%) in diabetic rats when compared with sedentary diabetic animals. Exercise also attenuated the increased responsiveness of leucocytes from diabetics when compared to controls, diminishing the reactive oxygen species (ROS) release by neutrophils (21%) and macrophages (28%). Exercise did not change neutrophil migration and the proportion of neutrophils and macrophages in necrosis (loss of plasma membrane integrity) and apoptosis (DNA fragmentation). Serum activities of creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were not modified in the conditions studied. Therefore, physical training did not alter the integrity of muscle cells. We conclude that moderate physical exercise has marked anti-inflammatory effects on diabetic rats. This may be an efficient strategy to protect diabetics against microorganism infection, insulin resistance and vascular complications.
The high ingestion of oleic (OLA) and linoleic (LNA) acids by Western populations, the presence of inflammatory diseases in these populations, and the importance of neutrophils in the inflammatory process led us to investigate the effects of oral ingestion of unesterified OLA and LNA on rat neutrophil function. Pure OLA and LNA were administered by gavage over 10 days. The doses used (0.11, 0.22 and 0.44 g/kg of body weight) were based on the Western consumption of OLA and LNA. Neither fatty acid affected food, calorie or water intake. The fatty acids were not toxic to neutrophils as evaluated by cytometry using propidium iodide (membrane integrity and DNA fragmentation). Neutrophil migration in response to intraperitoneal injection of glycogen and in the air pouch assay, was elevated after administration of either OLA or LNA. This effect was associated with enhancement of rolling and increased release of the chemokine CINC-2 alpha beta. Both fatty acids elevated l-selectin expression, whereas no effect on beta(2)-integrin expression was observed, as evaluated by flow cytometry. LNA increased the production of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1 beta and CINC-2 alpha beta) by neutrophils after 4 h in culture and both fatty acids decreased the release of the same cytokines after 18 h. In conclusion, OLA and LNA modulate several functions of neutrophils and can influence the inflammatory process.
Short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are fermentation products of anaerobic bacteria. More than just being an important energy source for intestinal epithelial cells, these compounds are modulators of leukocyte function and potential targets for the development of new drugs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of SCFAs (acetate, propionate and butyrate) on production of nitric oxide (NO) and proinflammatory cytokines [tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-2 (CINC-2 alpha beta)] by rat neutrophils. The involvement of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) and histone deacetylase (HDAC) was examined. The effect of butyrate was also investigated in vivo after oral administration of tributyrin (a pro-drug of butyrate). Propionate and butyrate diminished TNF-alpha, CINC-2 alpha beta and NO production by LPS-stimulated neutrophils. We also observed that these fatty acids inhibit HDAC activity and NF-kappa B activation, which might be involved in the attenuation of the LPS response. Products of cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase are not involved in the effects of SCFAs as indicated by the results obtained with the inhibitors of these enzymes. The recruitment of neutrophils to the peritonium after intraperitoneal administration of a glycogen solution (1%) and the ex vivo production of cytokines and NO by neutrophils were attenuated in rats that previously received tributyrin. These results argue that this triglyceride may be effective in the treatment of inflammatory conditions. Crown Copyright (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SCFAs (short-chain fatty acids) are produced by anaerobic bacterial fermentation. Increased concentrations of these fatty acids are observed in inflammatory conditions, such as periodontal disease, and at sites of anaerobic infection. In the present study, the effect of the SCFAs acetate, propionate and butyrate on neutrophil chemotaxis and migration was investigated. Experiments were carried out in rats and in vitro. The following parameters were measured: rolling, adherence, expression of adhesion molecules in neutrophils (L-selectin and beta 2 integrin), transmigration, air pouch influx of neutrophils and production of cytokines [CINC-2 alpha beta (cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-2 alpha beta), IL-1 beta (interleukin-1 beta), MIP-1 alpha (macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha) and TNF-alpha (tumour necrosis factor-alpha)]. SCFAs induced in vivo neutrophil migration and increased the release of CINC-2 alpha beta into the air pouch. These fatty acids increased the number of rolling and adhered cells as evaluated by intravital microscopy. SCFA treatment increased L-selectin expression on the neutrophil surface and L-selectin mRNA levels, but had no effect on the expression of beta 2 integrin. Propionate and butyrate also increased in vitro transmigration of neutrophils. These results indicate that SCFAs produced by anaerobic bacteria raise neutrophil migration through increased L-selectin expression on neutrophils and CINC-2 alpha beta release.
Background: Allergic lung inflammation is impaired in diabetic rats and is restored by insulin treatment. In the present study we investigated the effect of insulin on the signaling pathways triggered by allergic inflammation in the lung and the release of selected mediators. Methods: Diabetic male Wistar rats (alloxan, 42 mg/kg, i.v., 10 days) and matching controls were sensitized by s.c. injections of ovalbumin (OA) in aluminium hydroxide, 14 days before OA (1 mg/0.4 ml) or saline intratracheal challenge. A group of diabetic rats were treated with neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin (NPH, 4 IU, s.c.), 2 h before the OA challenge. Six hours after the challenge, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was performed for mediator release and lung tissue was homogenized for Western blotting analysis of signaling pathways. Results: Relative to non-diabetic rats, the diabetic rats exhibited a significant reduction in OA-induced phosphorylation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK, 59%), p38 (53%), protein kinase B (Akt, 46%), protein kinase C (PKC)-alpha (63%) and PKC-delta (38%) in lung homogenates following the antigen challenge. Activation of the NF-kappa B p65 subunit and phosphorylation of I kappa B alpha were almost suppressed in diabetic rats. Reduced expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS, 32%) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2, 46%) in the lung homogenates was also observed. The BAL concentration of prostaglandin (PG)-E(2), nitric oxide (NO) and interleukin (IL)-6 was reduced in diabetic rats (74%, 44% and 65%, respectively), whereas the cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant (CINC)-2 concentration was not different from the control animals. Treatment of diabetic rats with insulin completely or partially restored all of these parameters. This protocol of insulin treatment only partially reduced the blood glucose levels. Conclusion: The data presented show that insulin regulates MAPK, PI3K, PKC and NF-kappa B pathways, the expression of the inducible enzymes iNOS and COX-2, and the levels of NO, PGE(2) and IL-6 in the early phase of allergic lung inflammation in diabetic rats. It is suggested that insulin is required for optimal transduction of the intracellular signals that follow allergic stimulation. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
Diabetic patients are more susceptible to infections, and their inflammatory response is impaired. This is restored by insulin treatment. In the present study, we investigated the effect of insulin on LPS-induced signaling pathways and mediators in the lung of diabetic rats. Diabetic male Wistar rats (alloxan, 42 mg/kg i.v., 10 days) and control rats received intratracheal instillation of LPS (750 mu g/0.4 mL) or saline. Some diabetic rats were given neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin (4 IU s.c.) 2 h before LPS. After 6 h, bronchoalveolar lavage was performed for the release of mediators, and lung tissue was homogenized for analysis of LPS-induced signaling pathways. Relative to control rats, diabetic rats exhibited a significant reduction in the LPS-induced phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (64%), p38 (70%), protein kinase B (67%), and protein kinase C alpha (57%) and delta (65%) and in the expression of iNOS (32%) and cyclooxygenase 2 (67%) in the lung homogenates. The bronchoalveolar lavage fluid concentrations of NO (47%) and IL-6 (49%) were also reduced in diabetic rats, whereas the cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant 2 (CINC-2) levels were increased 23%, and CINC-1 was not different from control animals. Treatment of diabetic rats with insulin completely or partially restored all these parameters. In conclusion, data presented show that insulin regulates mitogen-activated protein kinase, phosphatidylinositol 3`-kinase, protein kinase C pathways, expression of the inducible enzymes, cyclooxygenase 2 and iNOS, and levels of IL-6 and CINC-2 in LPS-induced lung inflammation in diabetic rats. These results suggest that the protective effect of insulin in sepsis could be due to modulation of cellular signal transduction factors.
RODRIGUES, M. P.; LIMA, K. C.; RONCALLI, A. G. A representação social do cuidado no programa saúde da família na cidade de Natal. Ciênc. Saúde Coletiva, v. 13, n. 1, p. 71-82. 2008. ISSN 1413-8123.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Fisiológicas - FOA