1000 resultados para Beatriz Milhazes


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This study aimed to compare Petrifilm Aerobic Count (AC) plates and the conventional pour plate methodology using the de Man-Rogosa-Sharpe (MRS) agar for the enumeration of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in fermented milks (FMs), with different starter cultures added. FM samples (n = 66) were collected and plated on both methodologies, with incubation under anaerobic conditions at 35C for 48 h. The count results were compared by analysis of variance (P <= 0.05) and regression analysis. No differences between the mean counts obtained by both methodologies were observed, even when distinct FMs were compared. Considering all samples, a high correlation level was obtained between Petrifilm AC and MRS agar (r = 0.92), but these indexes were lower in FMs with Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus (r = 0.90) and Lactobacillus fortis (r = 0.81). Despite some slight interferences, Petrifilm AC has proven to be a convenient methodology on enumerating LAB in FM.


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Purpose: The aim of this research was to assess the dimensional accuracy of orbital prostheses based on reversed images generated by computer-aided design/computer-assisted manufacturing (CAD/CAM) using computed tomography (CT) scans. Materials and Methods: CT scans of the faces of 15 adults, men and women older than 25 years of age not bearing any congenital or acquired craniofacial defects, were processed using CAD software to produce 30 reversed three-dimensional models of the orbital region. These models were then processed using the CAM system by means of selective laser sintering to generate surface prototypes of the volunteers` orbital regions. Two moulage impressions of the faces of each volunteer were taken to manufacture 15 pairs of casts. Orbital defects were created on the right or left side of each cast. The surface prototypes were adapted to the casts and then flasked to fabricate silicone prostheses. The establishment of anthropometric landmarks on the orbital region and facial midline allowed for the data collection of 31 linear measurements, used to assess the dimensional accuracy of the orbital prostheses and their location on the face. Results: The comparative analyses of the linear measurements taken from the orbital prostheses and the opposite sides that originated the surface prototypes demonstrated that the orbital prostheses presented similar vertical, transversal, and oblique dimensions, as well as similar depth. There was no transverse or oblique displacement of the prostheses. Conclusion: From a clinical perspective, the small differences observed after analyzing all 31 linear measurements did not indicate facial asymmetry. The dimensional accuracy of the orbital prostheses suggested that the CAD/CAM system assessed herein may be applicable for clinical purposes. Int J Prosthodont 2010;23:271-276.


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Retention systems for implant-retained auricular prostheses using either bar-clip attachments with 2 or 3 clips or retention with 2 or 3 magnets were wear tested (insertion and removal cycles) to simulate clinical periods of use. Measurements were taken at intervals of 540 cycles, which represents a period of use of approximately 6 months, for up to 3,240 cycles. Assessments of retentive force were carried out before, during, and after the wear test. Statistical analysis indicated that the bar-clip systems provided higher retention than the magnetic systems. The bar-clip attachment with 2 clips showed a significant loss of retentive force after wear testing (P < .05), suggesting lower durability and shorter clinical life. The retention provided by the bar-clip attachment with 3 clips remained stronger than that provided by all other systems tested. At the end of the wear test, the magnetic systems showed very little loss of retention but were still less retentive than the bar-clip systems, suggesting higher durability under clinical simulation despite the lower retention initially provided.


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Purpose: To evaluate the impact of adjuvant chemotherapy on the outcome of osteosarcoma of the extremities, and to identify prognostic factors using the expression of adenomatous polyposis coli (APC), cadherin and beta-catenin Wnt-signalling markers. Methods: The clinical, demographic, anatomic and pathological factors including a detailed analysis of the immunohistochemical expression of cadherin, B-catenin and APC were retrospectively examined in 97 patients with osteosarcoma of the extremities (metastatic and non-metastatic at diagnosis), treated with surgery and/or chemotherapy from 1985 to 2000. Results: APC immunoreactivity showed a statistically significant association with age and serum alkaline phosphatase levels (p = 0.025 and p = 0.038). When survival was the end-point of multivariate analysis, race segregated patients with poor survival as did lack of cadherin expression. For overall survival, cadherin immunoreactivity and the interaction between APC expression and response to adjuvant chemotherapy were significant (p = 0.012 and p < 0.001). No significant clinical association was evident with immunohistochemical expression of cadherin, beta-catenin. Conclusion: Lack of expression of cadherin was a significant variable to overall and disease-free survival. Significantly, positive APC immunoreactivity and adjuvant chemotherapy were associated with a favourable treatment response. Studies using newer immunohistochemical markers within the Wnt-signalling pathway may guide the development of more appropriate therapeutic targets for future individualised treatment. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (CEOT) is an extremely rare, benign neoplasm, accounting for approximately 1% of all odontogenic tumors. Peripheral CEOTs commonly resemble oral hyperplastic or reactive lesions and are histologically similar to their intraosseous counterparts. We report an unusual case of multifocal peripheral CEOT. A 40-year-old female presented with bilateral soft, painful, erythematous, gingival swellings localized in premolar areas of the mandibular gingiva. The presumptive diagnosis was bilateral pyogenic granuloma. The masses were surgically excised under local anesthesia without bone curettage and both recurred 12 months later. Morphologic features, and histochemical and immunohistochemical tests revealed bilateral peripheral calcifying odontogenic epithelial tumor. There is no clinical or radiographic evidence of recurrence 3.5 years after excision. This multifocal phenomenon has been reported previously only for intraosseous CEOT. Gingival masses must be carefully evaluated for clinical and histologic evidence of neoplasia. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 108: e66-e71)


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The possibility of obtaining transplantable oral epithelia opens new perspectives for oral treatments. Most of them are surgical, resulting in mucosal failures. As reconstructive material this in vitro epithelia would be also useful for other parts of the human body. Many researchers still use controversial methods; therefore it was evaluated and compared the efficiency of the enzymatic and direct explant methods to obtain oral keratinocytes. To this project oral epithelia fragments were used. This work compared: time needed for cell obtainment, best cell amount, life-span and epithelia forming cell capacity. The results showed the possibility to obtain keratinocytes from a small oral fragment and we could verify the advantages and peculiar restrictions. We concluded that under our conditions the enzymatic method showed the best results: in the cells obtaining time needed, cell amount and life-span. Both methods showed the same capacity to form in vitro epithelia.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis, the major systemic mycosis in Latin America, is caused by fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. To analyze the influence of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in this disease, iNOS-deficient (iNOS(-/-)) and wild-type (WT) mice were infected intravenously with P. brasiliensis 18 isolate. We found that, unlike WT mice, iNOS(-/-) mice did not control fungal proliferation, and began to succumb to infection by day 50 after inoculation of yeast cells. Typical inflammatory granulomas were found in WT mice, while, iNOS(-/-) mice presented incipient granulomas with intense inflammatory process and necrosis. Additionally, splenocytes from iNOS(-/-) mice did not produce nitric oxide, however, their proliferative response to Con-A was impaired, just like infected WT mice. Moreover, infected iNOS(-/-) mice presented a mixed pattern of immune response, releasing high levels of both Th1 (IL-12, IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha) and Th2 (IL-4 and IL-10) cytokines. These data suggest that the enzyme iNOS is a resistance factor during paracoccidioidomycosis by controlling fungal proliferation, by influencing cytokines production, and by appeasing the development of a high inflammatory response and consequently formation of necrosis. However, iNOS-derived nitric oxide seems not being the unique factor responsible for immunosuppression observed in infections caused by P. brasiliensis. (c) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The profession of audiology took root in Brazil nearly a half a century ago and has since blossomed into a flourishing, well-developed field. Currently, audiologists in Brazil work at private institutions, including private medical practices and dedicated speech and hearing clinics. They are also employed in a wide array of public institutions, including community clinics, elementary schools, colleges, and universities. In both the private sector and health clinics, audiologists perform diagnostic evaluations of auditory and vestibular disorders, select and fit hearing aids, and provide aural rehabilitation. At the public level, they assist with workers` health programs, dispense hearing aids, and aural rehabilitation. There is always room to grow, however, and the future of audiology in Brazil holds both challenges and opportunity. The following article will sketch the development of audiology training and practice in Brazil, provide a picture of how the field stands today, and summarize the unique challenges which the profession faces in this large and diverse nation.


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This case report outlines the sequel and possible management of a permanent tooth traumatized through the predecessor, a maxillary right primary central incisor that was avulsed and replanted by a dentist 1 h after the trauma in a 3-year-old girl. Three years later, discoloration and fistula were present, so the primary tooth was extracted. The patient did not come to the scheduled follow-ups to perform a clinical and radiographic control of the succeeding permanent incisor, and only returned when she was 10 years old. At that moment, the impaction and dilaceration of the maxillary right permanent central incisor were observed through radiographic examination. The dilacerated permanent tooth was then surgically removed, and an esthetic fixed appliance was constructed with the crown of the extracted tooth. Positive psychological influence of the treatment on this patient was also observed.


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The aim of this study was to analyze if the presence of impacted third molars, and their positions in the mandibular angle, can change the bone quality in this area, considering the measure of the cortical thickness in this region as representative or not for mandible fracture risk. Software was used to analyze 50 digital images from panoramic radiographs of patients who had one or two impacted third molars in the mandible, and 30 digital images of patients with agenesis of the mandibular third molar. The thickness of the cortical region of the mandible was measured; it was possible to draw a parallel line to the posterior portion of the mandible and a parallel line to the body of this bone on each side of the image. At the intersection of these lines near the distal portion of the second molar, another line was set up to serve as reference in the cortical thickness measurement. It could be concluded that the cortical thickness of the mandibular angle in male patients without impacted third molars was greater than the thickness in patients with these teeth, and no difference in thickness was found for the female group.


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A iniciativa, implementada em Minas Gerais, ?? considerada uma das maiores experi??ncias de teleassist??ncia sustent??vel no mundo, servindo de modelo para outras a????es similares no Brasil e na Am??rica Latina. Sua cria????o representa uma nova atividade econ??mica, gerando um novo campo de trabalho e uma nova ??rea de pesquisa, tanto na sa??de quanto na ??rea de TI. Os resultados alcan??ados impactaram positivamente a melhoria do acesso da popula????o a servi??os especializados e a fixa????o de profissionais em localidades remotas


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Esta ?? uma iniciativa de gest??o para implementa????o da Agenda Social Registro Civil de Nascimento e Documenta????o B??sica, envolvendo uma rede de ??rg??os e institui????es de diversos poderes da Rep??blica nos tr??s n??veis administrativos do estado brasileiro, bem como institui????es da sociedade civil e organismos internacionais, a partir da atua????o de comit??s gestores em n??vel central e descentralizados. A agenda possibilitou intervir na forma????o de uma cultura de inclus??o a partir da documenta????o civil, com base na realiza????o das campanhas em n??vel nacional. Um dos resultados da implementa????o da agenda ?? a queda do ??ndice de sub-registro de nascidos vivos, que era de 20,9% em 2002, e passou para 12,2% em 2007


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O controle de infec????es hospitalares (CIH) implica a????es complexas e multifacetadas, representando um observat??rio privilegiado das pr??ticas de gest??o. Relata-se aqui o desenvolvimento de ambiente de informa????es gerenciais no Hospital de Cl??nicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) e seu impacto na institui????o. A tecnologia da informa????o permitiu a cria????o de interface ??nica e a an??lise dos diferentes indicadores epidemiol??gicos de forma intuitiva. Foi desenvolvido um banco de dados orientados a assuntos que permitissem a vis??o multidimensional dos indicadores e a comparabilidade externa. Houve mudan??a no perfil de a????o dos profissionais de CIH n??o apenas pela redu????o do tempo e do trabalho gastos com a coleta exclusiva dos dados, mas principalmente pela interven????o direta nos processos assistenciais. Entre outros exemplos, houve redu????o nas taxas hiperend??micas de infec????o associadas ?? ventila????o mec??nica, com impacto sist??mico


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O objetivo ?? desenvolver uma avalia????o dos resultados da implementa????o municipal da pol??tica de Assist??ncia Social ap??s a cria????o do Sistema ??nico de Assist??ncia Social. Questiona-se se o processo de mudan??a apresenta impacto na melhoria da gest??o municipal, se a cria????o do Sistema surtiu resultados positivos do ponto de vista da equidade entre as prefeituras e quais poss??veis determinantes de eventuais incrementos na execu????o local da assist??ncia social ap??s essa mudan??a institucional. Foram elaborados dois indicadores que procuram refletir aspectos centrais da pol??tica em todos os munic??pios do pa??s: a capacidade administrativa e a provis??o de servi??os assistenciais. Al??m da an??lise explorat??ria desses indicadores, o artigo utiliza an??lise de regress??o m??ltipla para mensurar os determinantes da eventual evolu????o da execu????o municipal da pol??tica. O pressuposto a ser testado ?? de que fatores de natureza pol??tica tamb??m exercem influ??ncia nos desempenhos das prefeituras. Como resultado, a an??lise descritiva indicou que o Sistema foi bem sucedido no incremento das duas dimens??es de AS analisadas, melhorias das regi??es mais pobres do pa??s, como tamb??m na redu????o da disparidade m??dia entre os munic??pios na dimens??o de provis??o de servi??os assistenciais


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Hist??rico recente da pol??tica fiscal do Brasil. Receita: conceitua????o da receita p??blica (administrada, pr??pria, vinculada; da previd??ncia, etc); vis??o geral da gest??o das receitas p??blicas (SOF, STN, SRF e Unidades Or??ament??rias); metodologia de proje????o das receitas; manual dos modelos de proje????o. Necessidade de Financiamento do Governo Central. Breve hist??rico da pol??tica fiscal recente no Brasil. Regime de metas de super??vit prim??rio e estabiliza????o d??vida/PIB. Fundamentos legais (Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal). Processo Or??ament??rio ??? elabora????o: macro etapas na elabora????o do or??amento; conceitos de resultado fiscal (prim??rio, nominal e operacional); principais agregados de receita e despesa para fins de apura????o de resultado; aspectos legais e institucionais. Processo Or??ament??rio ??? execu????o: a limita????o de empenho conforme a Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal