977 resultados para Arabic philology.


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En su comentario a la Ética a Nicómaco, Averroes se ocupó del pasaje donde Aristóteles distingue entre las cosas que son justas por naturaleza y aquéllas que lo son en virtud de la ley (V, 7 1134b18-1135a5). Su comentario es particularmente breve, pero plantea algunas dificultades importantes, como su alusión a un derecho naturale legale, que, según Leo Strauss, vendría a ser simplemente un derecho positivo de aceptación general. En este artículo se busca caracterizar lo justo natural y lo justo positivo en el comentario de Averroes y mostrar el alcance de la variación de los criterios propios de la justicia positiva.


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This edition of Milton’s Epistolarum Familiarium Liber Unus and of his Uncollected Letters, will appear as 672 pp. of The Complete Works of John Milton Volume XI, eds. Gordon Campbell and Edward Jones (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2016). A diplomatic Latin text and a new facing English translation are complemented by a detailed Introduction and commentary that situate Milton’s Latin letters in relation to the classical, pedagogical and essentially humanist contexts at the heart of their composition. Now the art of epistolography advocated and exemplified by Cicero and Quintilian and embraced by Renaissance pedagogical manuals is read through a humanist filter whereby, via the precedent (and very title) of Epistolae Familiares, the Miltonic Liber is shown to engage with a neo-Latin re-invention of the classical epistola that had come to birth in quattrocento Italy in the letters of Petrarch and his contemporaries. At the same time the Epistolae are seen as offering fresh insight into Milton’s views on education, philology, his relations with Italian literati, his blindness, the poetic dimension of his Latin prose, and especially his verbal ingenuity as the ‘words’ of Latin ‘Letters’ become a self-conscious showcasing of etymological punning on the ‘letters’ of Latin ‘words’. The edition also announces several new discoveries, most notably its uncovering and collation of a manuscript of Henry Oldenburg’s transcription (in his Liber Epistolaris held in Royal Society, London) of Milton’s Ep. Fam. 25 (to Richard Jones). Oldenburg’s transcription (from the original sent to his pupil Jones) is an important find, given the loss of all but two of the manuscripts of Milton’s original Latin letters included in the 1674 volume. The edition also presents new evidence in regard to Milton’s relationships with the Italian philologist Benedetto Buonmattei, the Greek humanist Leonard Philaras, the radical pastor Jean Labadie (and the French church of London), and the elusive Peter Heimbach.


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This article focuses on a type of prognostication that bases its predictions on the behavior of the wind during the twelve nights of Christmas and in particular on the relationship between the Old English version in Oxford, Bodleian, Hatton 115, and a fourteenth/fifteenth-century English text in Latin of the same prognostication, which appears in Oxford, Bodleian, Ashmole 345, fol. 69r. The wind prognostication in Ashmole 345 is remarkably similar to the twelfth-century OE version in Hatton 115, fol. 149v, to the extent that one might be tempted to argue for direct transmission, if it were not for the large temporal gap between the two manuscripts and for the fact that the two texts are being transmitted in two different languages. Interestingly the Latin text in A contains an Old English word that may make us reconsider the relationship between the two manuscripts and may shed light on the reception and transmission of Old English and prognostication by the wind between the end of the fourteenth and the beginning of the fifteenth centuries in English monastic centers.


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As galactomananas das infusões de café apresentam atividade imunoestimuladora in vitro, sendo esta atividade semelhante à das mananas acetiladas extraídas de Aloe vera. As galactomananas presentes no resíduo de café também possuem atividade imunoestimuladora in vitro quando são parcialmente acetiladas. Como as galactomananas são o componente maioritário do resíduo de café e como o café é um produto de largo consumo a nível mundial, o reaproveitamento deste resíduo como fonte de galactomananas com atividade imunoestimuladora deve ser considerado. Esta dissertação procura dar resposta a duas questões: 1. Quais são as estruturas das galactomananas responsáveis pela atividade imunoestimuladora destes polissacarídeos; e 2. Como é que as galactomananas podem ser extraídas quantitativamente do resíduo de café de modo a serem solúveis em água à temperatura ambiente e, assim, poderem ser utilizadas como ingredientes alimentares com atividade imunoestimuladora. A questão 1 foi respondida pela caracterização estrutural de quatro galactomananas, de três origens: a) as galactomananas das infusões de café e do resíduo que apresentaram atividade imunoestimuladora; b) a galactomanana da goma de alfarroba (LBG), que não apresentou atividade imunoestimuladora; e c) a manana acetilada de Aloe vera, que apresentou atividade imunoestimuladora. Estes polissacarídeos foram submetidos à análise de açúcares e de ligações glicosídicas e a hidrólise por endo-β-D- (1→4)-mananase. Os fragmentos de oligossacarídeos mais pequenos foram ainda analisados por espetrometria de massa por ionização de electrospray e espetrometria de massa tandem. As galactomananas das infusões de café, do resíduo de café e do Aloe vera apresentaram grau de ramificação e peso molecular semelhantes, enquanto as galactomananas da LBG apresentaram grau de ramificação e de polimerização maiores. Todas as galactomananas apresentaram resíduos de arabinose como ramificação. O grau de acetilação das galactomananas da LBG foi vestigial enquanto as galactomananas do Aloe vera apresentaram um grau de acetilação de 2,08; para as galactomananas do resíduo de café o grau de acetilação foi de 0,98 e para as infusões foi de 0,08. A localização dos grupos acetilo foi irregular em todos os polímeros. Os resultados obtidos permitem inferir que baixos níveis de ramificação, cadeias pequenas e alguma acetilação parecem promover a atividade imunoestimuladora atribuída às galactomananas. Para responder à questão 2, foi testada uma metodologia que envolveu a torra do resíduo de café a 160 ºC e a 220 ºC e a sua extração com água quente e com soluções de 4 M NaOH à temperatura de 20, 60 e 120 ºC. A torra do resíduo a 160 ºC e a extração sequencial permitiu extrair 56% das galactomananas presentes no resíduo de café e, simultaneamente, 54% das arabinogalactanas. As galactomananas mantiveram a sua estrutura caraterística de polissacarídeo acetilado composto por uma cadeira principal de resíduos de manose em ligação β-(1→4) e resíduos de Gal e Ara nas cadeias laterais. A 220 ºC, as galactomananas foram parcialmente degradadas e o rendimento de extração foi muito menor do que a 160 ºC. No entanto, mesmo a esta temperatura as galactomananas apresentaram resíduos acetilados e a presença de pentoses nas cadeias laterais, o que permite inferir a elevada resistência destes polissacarídeos à temperatura e aos reagentes alcalinos. De forma a melhor compreender a estabilidade térmica das galactomananas do resíduo de café e a influência que a presença de arabinogalactanas pode ter na sua estabilidade, foi feita uma análise termogravimétrica aos polissacarídeos extraídos do resíduo de café assim como a polissacarídeos relacionados estruturalmente com estes, como a celulose, a galactomanana de LBG e a goma arábica, uma arabinogalactana. As galactomananas são termicamente estáveis durante 3 h a 200 ºC, enquanto as arabinogalactanas são estáveis a 180 ºC. De acordo com os perfis dos termogramas obtidos, e pelo cálculo das energias de ativação da degradação térmica, o resíduo de café apresenta uma estabilidade térmica menor do que a galactomanana, possivelmente devido à presença de arabinogalactanas. Apesar de não se ter verificado alterações no termograma da galactomanana do café submetida a um tratamento térmico de 200 ºC durante 3 h, verificam-se alterações estruturais que envolvem a formação de novas ligações glicosídicas, nomeadamente, a formação de resíduos de manose ligados em O-2 e em O-6, reações de transglicosilação, despolimerização, formação de resíduos de anidro-hexoses no terminal redutor e isomerização manose-glucose. Estas alterações promovem a solubilização das galactomananas. Os resultados obtidos permitem propor que o resíduo de café possa ser submetido a uma torra seguida de extração com reagentes alcalinos a quente para obtenção das galactomananas com rendimentos elevados. Estes polissacarídeos podem tornar-se solúveis em água após tratamento térmico a 200 ºC, permitindo assim a sua utilização em formulações alimentares, nomeadamente, por preparação de compostos acetilados com baixos níveis de ramificação e cadeias pequenas de modo a promover a sua atividade imunoestimuladora.


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All the evidence indicates that distillation and liqueurs preparation began in Monchique mountain because this place was pointed as a possible capital of the oldest population of Algarve and an important Arabic village (Barreto, 1972: 19). It was possible to find lots of vestiges like the alembic produced by Arabic population near the X century (Telo, 1988: 77). Traditionally the Algarvian people produce the Arbutus unedo L., fig, carob, grape distillates. At the same time they produce liqueur-using maceration of parts of plants or fruits in some kinds of distillates. Most of the work about Algarvian distillates started by studying the basic compounds of Arbutus unedo spirits by gas chromatography (GC) and mass spectrometry (MS) as well as other physical-chemical properties. In a second phase aged distillates were studied by their phenolic compounds evolution using high resolution liquid chromatography (HPLC). Volatile compounds of traditional liqueurs were identified by head space micro extraction solid phase (HE-SPME) and also analysed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and when possible confirmed with standards. Total phenols were determined by Folin-Ciocalteur method. Flavenoids were studied by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Sensorial analysis was also done in every drink studies. The results showed that the arbutus distillate doesn’t present a high level of methanol according to the current legislation. The excesses of acidity or ethyl acetate present normal values when the fermentation is well done (Galego, et al. 1995: 341; Galego, et al. 1995: 685). During the aging process, the colour of spirits tend to become darker, the colour changes occurred more rapidly in the arbutus spirits located in cellars with higher temperatures (Galego, et al. 2001: 432). In the sensory evaluation of samples aged during 12 months into 50 L medium toasting level oak wood barrels, panellists considered that samples of arbutus spirit had too much wood flavour and they were not able to detect the characteristic aroma of arbutus fruit (Galego, et al., 2001: 183). Differences in liqueurs were observed using HS-SPME-GC, HS-SPME-GC-MS or HPLC analysis and this observation was confirmed by a sensorial panel (Galego, et al. 2003: 60).


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Tese de doutoramento, Filosofia (Filosofia em Portugal), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2015


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This article reports on an ethnographic study carried out in three interrelated sites: two contrasting secondary schools and a Youth-Club (the principal focus of this article), in an area of southwest Wales. This article highlights the incongruence between the language at home and the language of the school and posits that the relationship between language use at school and in the wider community needs to be problematised and questioned far more than has been done thus far. This study questions whether school-based ideologies and school-based practices are re-negotiated or contested on the margins of education and whether this re-negotiation and contestation plays an important role in whether a young person chooses to use Welsh or English outside of school. It will be argued that recreational spaces, even though loosely connected to schools as institutions, function as more open spaces where institutional ideologies are actively reworked and renegotiated, either through choosing to use English or by mixing and blending different aspects of linguistic resources, or by re-negotiating and questioning which version of Welshness is more valuable, ‘the removed and authentic’ (as seen at the Welsh school) or the ‘new and hybrid’ as seen at the Youth-Club.


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abstract : Taking as a starting point the association between embroidery and language conveyed by the Greek myth of Filomela and Procne, this article examines the relationship between social status and ornaments like embroidery and lace. In order to illustrate this relationship an example is selected form the letters exchanged between the Marquise of Alorna and her Father where a connection is established between the production of these 'feminine' crafts, women's culture and womens writing, in the XVIIIth Century


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UNESCO Amman Office Foreword: UNESCO Amman office is pleased to publish a comparative analysis between good Public Service Media (PSM) practices in Europe and the contemporary practice in Jordan. The study is part of the Support to Media in Jordan project, funded by the European Union, aiming to increase media freedom, media independence and journalistic professionalism in Jordan. The state owned broadcaster, Jordan Radio and Television (JRTV), has informed, entertained and educated Jordanians for decades. JRTV reaches almost every corner of the Kingdom and has the potential to serve all Jordanians with balanced, impartial and accurate news and programmes relevant to their day-to-day lives.Based on this potential there has been a long standing ambition to transform the JRTV from a state broadcaster to a public service broadcaster; from a TV and radio that predominately serves the state, to a broadcaster that serves the public and is independent from the Government of the day. This ambition is expressed also in the Support to Media in Jordan project, agreed between the Government an the EU, under which UNESCO has been asked to produce two studies: The comparative PSM analysis and a broader media landscape assessment based on UNESCO’s Media Development Indicators (MDI’s). The Jordanian MDI assessment was carried out by a team of national and international researchers during the first six months of 2015, and builds on the rich flora of recent studies on the Jordanian media landscape, as well as on original research. The study is available in Arabic and English. Professor Naomi Sakr carried out the comparative PSM analysis parallel to the MDI study, and in close cooperation with the MDI research team and UNESCO Amman office.