894 resultados para world health
Mosquito nets treated with long-lasting insecticide (LLINs), when used in compliance with guidelines of the World Health Organization, may be effective for malaria vector control. In 2012, approximately 150,000 LLINs were installed in nine municipalities in the state of Rondônia. However, no studies have assessed their impact on the reduction of malaria incidence. This study analyzed secondary data of malaria incidence, in order to assess the impact of LLINs on the annual parasite incidence (API). The results showed no statistically significant differences in API one year after LLIN installation when compared to municipalities without LLINs. The adoption of measures for malaria vector control should be associated with epidemiological studies and evaluations of their use and efficiency, with the aim of offering convincing advantages that justify their implementation and limit malaria infection in the Amazon Region.
Despite public health campaigns and epidemiological surveillance activities, Chagas disease remains a major health problem in Latin America. According to data from the World Health Organization, there are approximately 7-8 million people infected with Trypanosoma cruzi worldwide, a large percentage of which in Latin America. This study aims to examine the serological profile of blood donors in blood banks of Hemominas hematology center, in the town of Ituiutaba, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The study sample consisted of 53,941 blood donors, which were grouped according to gender and age. Sample collections were performed from January 1991 to December 2011, and 277 donors (0.5%) were considered serologically ineligible due to Chagas disease. Analysis of data showed no significant difference between genders. As for age, the highest proportion of ineligible donors was from 40 to 49 years (30%), and there was a positive correlation between increasing age and the percentage of patients seropositive for Chagas disease. Therefore, adopting strategies that allow the safe identification of donors with positive serology for Chagas disease is essential to reduce or eliminate indeterminate serological results.
Fasciolosis is a widespread parasitosis of farm live-stock in many developing countries. For this reason, it is necessary to search for new substances against parasitic diseases caused by flukes. Indeed, a wide variety of terrestrial plants have been subjected to chemical and pharmacological screening in order to discover their potential for human medicinal use. The molluscicidal and larvicidal activities of Atriplex inflata were tested on Galba truncatula and Fasciola hepatica larval stages infecting this snail in Tunisia. Phytochemical tests were conducted on extracts in order to establish a meaningful relationship with molluscicidal and larvicidal activities. The molluscicidal activity was evaluated by subjecting snails to sample aqueous solutions. Accordingly, hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol and methanol-water (8:2, v-v) were used as extraction solvents. As a result, hexane and ethyl acetate extracts showed potent activity, according to the World Health Organization, giving LC50 = 7.59 mg/L and 6.69 mg/L for hexane extracts of leaves and fruits, respectively. Ethyl acetate extracts gave LC50 = 5.90 mg/L and 7.32 mg/L for leaves and fruits, successively. Molluscicidal activities of powders were less potent on snails, but active according to the World Health Organization. Hexane and ethyl acetate extracts from leaves and fruits gave potent larvicidal activities with a delay rate exceeding 45.50% (45.50- 98.92%). Phytochemical tests showed that these activities may be attributed to the presence of triterpenoids and/or sterols.
SUMMARYAIDS-related cryptococcal meningitis continues to cause a substantial burden of death in low and middle income countries. The diagnostic use for detection of cryptococcal capsular polysaccharide antigen (CrAg) in serum and cerebrospinal fluid by latex agglutination test (CrAg-latex) or enzyme-linked immunoassay (EIA) has been available for over decades. Better diagnostics in asymptomatic and symptomatic phases of cryptococcosis are key components to reduce mortality. Recently, the cryptococcal antigen lateral flow assay (CrAg LFA) was included in the armamentarium for diagnosis. Unlike the other tests, the CrAg LFA is a dipstick immunochromatographic assay, in a format similar to the home pregnancy test, and requires little or no lab infrastructure. This test meets all of the World Health Organization ASSURED criteria (Affordable, Sensitive, Specific, User friendly, Rapid/robust, Equipment-free, and Delivered). CrAg LFA in serum, plasma, whole blood, or cerebrospinal fluid is useful for the diagnosis of disease caused by Cryptococcusspecies. The CrAg LFA has better analytical sensitivity for C. gattii than CrAg-latex or EIA. Prevention of cryptococcal disease is new application of CrAg LFA via screening of blood for subclinical infection in asymptomatic HIV-infected persons with CD4 counts < 100 cells/mL who are not receiving effective antiretroviral therapy. CrAg screening of leftover plasma specimens after CD4 testing can identify persons with asymptomatic infection who urgently require pre-emptive fluconazole, who will otherwise progress to symptomatic infection and/or die.
Abdominal ultrasound can be a useful tool for diagnosing periportal fibrosis related to Schistosoma mansoni infection, and also for planning and monitoring the evolution of hepatic morbidity following control measures. We evaluated the standardized ultrasound methodology proposed by the World Health Organization for detecting periportal fibrosis and portal hypertension, among patients from an endemic area in Venezuela, and the impact of praziquantel treatment 3-5 years later. After chemotherapy, complete reversal of periportal lesions was observed in 28.2% of the cases and progression of the disease in 5.1%. Improvement in the hepatic disease started with a reduction in the periportal thickening followed by a decrease in the size of the left hepatic lobe, spleen and mesenteric and spleen veins. Ultrasound confirmed the clinical findings after chemotherapy among the patients with reversal of the disease. However, in patients with more advanced disease, these findings were contradictory. There was no correlation between evolution of the disease seen on ultrasound and age, intensity of infection or serological findings.
RESUMO Introdução e objetivos As organizações internacionais responsáveis pela Qualidade na Saúde e Segurança do doente (Organização Mundial da Saúde, União Europeia), recomendam aos Estados membros a avaliação da cultura de segurança, como condição essencial para se introduzir mudanças nos comportamentos dos profissionais e nas organizações prestadoras de cuidados de saúde, e alcançar melhores níveis de segurança e de qualidade nos cuidados de saúde prestados aos doentes. Constitui objetivo geral deste trabalho contribuir para a implementação da cultura de segurança do doente nos profissionais envolvidos na prestação de cuidados de saúde, concorrendo para a avaliação da cultura de segurança do doente e, consequentemente para a garantia da qualidade dos cuidados prestados. Metodologia 1ª fase – pré-estudo: através da revisão de literatura identificamos o instrumento mais adequado para avaliar a cultura de segurança do hospital, traduzimos e validámos o instrumento. 2ª fase – desenvolvemos um estudo exploratório-descritivo, transversal, retrospetivo, em 3 hospitais portugueses e um estudo exploratório-descritivo, longitudinal, prospetivo, de investigação-ação, numa unidade de radioterapia. Resultados O Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture é o instrumento que revela as adequadas características para a avaliação da cultura de segurança nos hospitais portugueses. No que diz respeito à avaliação da cultura de segurança em três hospitais portugueses, podemos destacar que o trabalho em equipa, a expectativas do supervisor e a aprendizagem organizacional são as dimensões com melhores resultados apesar da frequência das notificações e das respostas ao erro não punitivas apresentarem os piores resultados. Verificou-se que a URT se encontra em franca evolução, o que se torna visível sobretudo na adesão à notificação que aumentou à medida que o tempo foi passando. O envolvimento de todos no desenho da intervenção e nas atividades a decorrer na unidade, foi preponderante para a melhoria da segurança do doente. Conclusões Temos consciência que existem muitas questões por responder e que na realidade não há receitas nem diretrizes que possam afirmar que existem relações de causalidade, confrontando uma determinada ação com a consequente mudança cultural. No entanto, estamos convictos que o envolvimento de todos os membros da organização/unidade, o compromisso forte da liderança, uma comunicação efetiva e uma notificação não punitiva são ingredientes essenciais para a melhoria contínua da cultura de segurança do doente.
Malaria, a disease caused by Plasmodium, represents a major health problem with a still disconcertingly high mortality rate (655 000 malaria deaths were estimated by the World Health Organization in 2012), mainly in Africa [1]. After a bite by an infected Anopheles mosquito occurs, Plasmodium sporozoites reach their target organ, the liver, within minutes. After traversing several hepatocytes, the parasite invades a final one and establishes a parasitophorous vacuole, where it replicates exponentially generating thousands of infective merozoites, the red blood cell infectious forms that are released in the blood stream. The liver stage is the first obligatory phase of malaria infection and, although no symptoms are associated with it, it is absolutely crucial to the establishment of a successful infection.(...)
In this study, the larvicidal activity of dried leaf extracts from Pinus caribaea Morelet against Aedes aegypti was evaluated for the first time. Pinus caribaea extracts were obtained by macerating dried leaves in alkaline hydroethanol, ethanol and acetone solutions followed by evaporation under reduced pressure. The lignin content was quantified using the thioglycolic acid complexation method. Lethality bioassays (LC50 and LC90) were carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization. The results showed that the acetone extract from Pinus caribaea was more active, and that larvicidal activity was associated with lignin concentration.
RESUMO: O relatório anual de 2001 da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), anunciou o interesse social dos problemas crescentes em matéria de saúde mental e relativo à necessidade urgente de uma extensão, como também, para uma melhor organização da oferta de tratamento. Sob proposta da Bélgica, esta observação foi traduzida em uma resolução « Mental health :responding to the call for action » (déclaração de intenção do 18 de maio de 2002). Nós notamos que certos países, como os Estados Unidos ou a Grã Bretanha transformam sistematicamente o tratamento residencial em um tratamento mais dirigido para a comunidade. Eles também se concentram na descoberta prematura dos problemas psiquiátricos. Este fenômeno de désinstitutionalisação obteve resultados concretos e traz um ganho certo, tanto para os atores do campo da saúde mental, como também para os candidatos a um tratamento. O tratamento das pessoas dentro do seu meio de vida é muito claramente reconhecido. As evoluções que marcaram os tratamentos em saúde mental na Bélgica durante estes utimos 40 anos mostram que vários paços importantes já foram feitos. A reforma tem como objetivo converter a oferta hospitalar e montar tratamentos dirigidos para e dentro da comunidade pela criação de equipas móveis que se inscrevem no dispositivo comunitário, historicamente muito activo bem que sub-financiado. A reorganização dos sistemas de tratamento está baseada na criação de redes, para construir um dispositivo flexível e contínuo que considera as necessidades dos pacientes. Esta reforma é, ao mesmo tempo, ambiciosa e complexa,. É uma visão nova, uma mudança de cultura, não só, para todos os atores da saúde mental, mas também para os pacientes e suas famílias. A reforma está baseada numa visão global e integrada que associa no mesmo movimento todas as autoridades competentes relativamente a saúde que elas sejam federais, regionais ou comunitárias.-----------ABSTRACT: The World Health Organization’s (WHO) annual report of 2001 identified a social interest for the increasing problems related to mental health and the urgent need of an extension and a better organization of mental health care. On a proposal of Belgium this statement was transformed into a resolution « Mental health: responding to the call for action» (Declaration of Intent, May 18th, 2002). Some countries such as the USA or the UK systematically dismantled in-patient residential care in favor of more community-based care and a focus on early detection of psychiatric problems. This de -institutionalization has clearly and concretely paid off and the value of bringing mental health care to claimants and treating them in their own residence was acknowledged. In Belgium, the evolutions which have shaped mental health care in the last forty years indicate that a number of important steps are already taken. The Reform aims to convert the supply of hospital care into community-based mental health care services through the creation of mobile teams which offer services in everyday life of the user. These teams take place in the community, historically highly active howbeit underfunded. The reorganization of health care system relies upon the creation of networks in order to build a flexible and continuous device which take into account user’s needs. This Reform can be seen as both ambitious and complex. It is a completely new vision, a major cultural shift for all mental health care stakeholders, but also for users and their relatives. The Reform is based on a global and integrated approach which links I, a same movement all relevant health authorities whether they be federal, regional or community. de-institutionalization – community mental health – recovery - users and families involvement - networking.
ABSTRACT - Background: Integration of health care services is emerging as a central challenge of health care delivery, particularly for patients with elderly and complex chronic conditions. In 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO) already began to identify it as one of the key pathways to improve primary care. In 2005, the European Commission declared integrated care as vital for the sustainability of social protection systems in Europe. Nowadays, it is recognized as a core component of health and social care reforms across European countries. Implementing integrated care requires coordination between settings, organizations, providers and professionals. In order to address the challenge of integration in such complex scenario, an effective workforce is required capable of working across interdependent settings. The World Health Report 2006 noted that governments should prepare their workforce and explore what tasks the different levels of health workers are trained to do and are capable of performing (skills mix). Comparatively to other European countries, Portugal is at an early stage in what integrated care is concerned facing a growing elderly population and the subsequent increase in the pressure on institutions and professionals to provide social and medical care in the most cost-effective way. In 2006 the Portuguese government created the Portuguese Network for Integrated Care Development (PNICD) to solve the existing long-term gap in social support and healthcare. On what concerns health workforce, the Portuguese government already recognized the importance of redefine careers keeping professional motivation and satisfaction. Aim of the study: This study aims to contribute new evidence to the debate surrounding integrated care and skills mix policies in Europe. It also seeks to provide the first evidence that incorporates both the current dynamics of implementing integrated care in Portugal and the developments of international literature. The first ambition of our study is to contribute to the growing interest in integrated care and to the ongoing research in this area by identifying its different approaches and retrieve a number of experiences in some European countries. Our second goal of this research is to produce an update on the knowledge developed on skills mix to the international healthcare management community and to policy makers involved in reforming healthcare systems and organizations. To better inform Portuguese health policies makers in a third stage we explore the current dynamics of implementing integrated care in Portugal and contextualize them with the developments reported in the international literature. Methodology: This is essentially an exploratory and descriptive study using qualitative methodology. In order to identify integrated care approaches in Europe, a systematic literature review was undertaken which resulted in a paper published in the Journal of Management and Marketing in Health care titled: Approaches to developing integrated care in Europe: a systematic literature review. This article was recommended and included into a list of references identified by The King's Fund Library. A second systematic literature review was undertaken which resulted in a paper published in the International Journal of Healthcare Management titled: Skills mix in healthcare: An international update for the management debate. Semi-structured interviews were performed on experts representing the regional coordination teams of the Portuguese Network for Integrated Care Development. In a last stage a questionnaire survey was developed based on the findings of both systematic literature reviews and semi-structured interviews. Conclusions: Even though integrated care is a worldwide trend in health care reforms, there is no unique definition. Definitions can be grouped according to their sectorial focus: community-based care, combined health and social care, combined acute and primary care, the integration of providers, and in a more comprehensive approach the whole health system. Indeed, models that seek to apply the principles of integrated care have a similar background and are continually evolving and depend on the different initiatives taken at national level. . Despite the fact that we cannot argue that there is one single set typology of models for integrated care, it is possible to identify and categorize some of the basic approaches that have been taken in attempts to implement integrated care according to: changes in organizational structure, workforce reconfiguring, and changes in the financing system. The systematic literature review on skills mix showed that despite the widely acknowledged interest on skills mix initiatives there is a lack of evidence on skills mix implications, constraints, outcomes, and quality impact that would allow policy makers to take sustained and evidence-based decisions. Within the Portuguese health system, the integrated care approach is rather organizational and financial, whereas little attention is given to workforce integration. On what concerns workforce planning Portugal it is still in the stage of analyzing the acceptability of health workforce skills mix. In line with the international approaches, integration of health and social services and bridging primary and acute care are the main goals of the national government strategy. The findings from our interviews clarify perceptions which show no discrepancy with the related literature but are rather scarce comparing to international experience. Informants hold a realistic but narrow view of integrated care related issues. They seem to be limited to the regional context, requiring a more comprehensive perspective. The questionnaire developed in this thesis is an instrument which, when applied, will allow policy makers to understand the basic set of concepts and managerial motivations behind national and regional integrated care programs. The instrument developed can foster evidence on the three essential components of integrated care policies: organizational, financial, and human resources development, and can give additional input on the context in which integrated care is being developed, the type of providers and organizations involved, barriers and constraints, and the workforce skills mix planning related strategies. The thesis was successful in recognizing differences between countries and interventions and the instrument developed will allow a better comprehension of the international options available and how to address the vital components of integrated care programs.
INTRODUCTION: The dengue hemorrhagic dengue (DHF) remains an important public health problem in Brazil. The objective of this study was to analyze the epidemiological characteristics of DHF cases during the 2003 epidemic in Ceará. METHODS: Suspected DHF cases with onset of symptoms between January and December 2003 were investigated. RESULTS: 37,964 classic dengue cases and 291 DHF cases were reported. Among the cases discarded, 75.5% were serologically positive but did not meet the criteria recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). The DHF patients' median age was 30 years (2 - 88). Among the hemorrhagic manifestations, petechiae were the most (32.6%) frequent. Cases of gastrointestinal bleeding, ascites, pericardial pleural effusion, hepatomegaly, hypotension and shock showed higher risk of progression to death (p <0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The introduction of a new serotype (DENV-3) in Ceará, which encountered a susceptible population and high vector density, may have been the primary agent responsible for the magnitude of the epidemic. Timely and appropriate medical care, along with an organized care structure are essential for reducing its lethality.
RESUMO - Hoje, facilmente se poderá constatar que as doenças orais possuem uma expressiva influência perante a saúde geral, não apenas pela presença da condição por si só, mas também a nível pessoal, social e económico. O seu reflexo traduz-se em parte, no absentismo escolar e laboral, diminuição considerável de produtividade e eficiência, falta de atenção e objetividade. Pelo que é então considerado, um grave problema de saúde pública, afetando de forma mais expressiva, grupos socioeconomicamente desfavorecidos. O acompanhamento e análise do desenvolvimento de iniciativas internacionais, no que ao seguimento das recomendações da Organização Mundial de Saúde diz respeito, poderá ser um ótimo beneficio e impulso para a identificação e aplicação de novos planos de ação. O presente projeto, pretendeu contribuir para a identificação de duas propostas de intervenção em saúde oral ajustadas ao alcance das recomendações da OMS que simultaneamente possam sejam proveitosas para a resolução dos problemas de saúde oral nacionais. Foi realizado um estudo observacional, descritivo e retrospetivo onde foram recolhidos dados acerca de 8 Sistemas de Saúde Oral europeus, previamente selecionados segundo critérios específicos, e iniciativas de saúde oral por eles desenvolvidas. Por fim, foram eleitas duas iniciativas de interesse, possíveis de aplicação futura. Os resultados do estudo apontam para a existência de diferentes iniciativas, enquadradas com as recomendações da OMS. De entre as mesmas, destaca-se uma implementada em 2009, na Suécia, que estando essencialmente assente num acessível subsidio anual fixo pago por cada indivíduo adulto, procura fundamentalmente preservar os esforços de prevenção aplicados nas últimas décadas.
RESUMO - A Tuberculose surge, de acordo com o último relatório da Organização Mundial da Saúde, como a segunda principal causa de morte em todo o mundo, de entre as doenças infeciosas. Em 2012, 1.3 milhões de pessoas morreram devido a esta patologia e surgiram 8.6 milhões de novos casos. De entre os grupos de risco de infeção, surgem os profissionais de saúde. A dificuldade no diagnóstico da Tuberculose, o contacto próximo com os pacientes, as medidas de controlo de infeção por vezes inadequadas são algumas das razões que explicam o risco mais elevado de contrair Tuberculose no local de trabalho. Esta Dissertação de Mestrado pretende estabelecer uma nova classificação de risco de infeção por M. tuberculosis em estabelecimentos de saúde, com vista a promover a saúde destes profissionais, inovadora nos critérios de avaliação das medidas de controlo de infeção e de análise dos casos de exposição não protegida a Tuberculose ativa. Esta metodologia de avaliação foi o resultado de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a temática, tendo sido aplicada num hospital para verificar a sua adequabilidade e mais-valia.
RESUMO: Introdução: A osteoartrose do joelho em particular constitui uma das maiores causas de incapacidades no dia-a-dia, morbilidade e aumento dos custos de saúde na população, na medida em que é uma condição que quando sintomática progride para um padrão que incluí dor articular, perda de força, incapacidade para a marcha e redução da aptidão física. A sua prevalência aumenta com a idade, 7% entre pessoas dos 65-70 anos, e 11,2% para aqueles com 80 anos ou mais, pouco variando entre os estudos existentes. Um recente estudo da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) refere que a osteoartrose é a quarta causa mais importante de incapacidade entre as mulheres e a oitava entre os homens. Objetivo do estudo: Descrever a intervenção da fisioterapia em contexto de prática clínica convencionada e os resultados obtidos em indivíduos com OA, ao nível da intensidade da dor, capacidade funcional e perceção global de melhoria. Desenho Metodológico: Trata-se de um Estudo de coorte prospetivo onde foram incluídos indivíduos de ambos os géneros, entre os 60 e os 80 anos, com osteoartrose do joelho referenciada clinicamente. Após o consentimento informado, os pacientes foram, avaliados em quatro momentos: num primeiro momento (T0), antes de iniciarem o tratamento; (T1) após 4 semanas do início do tratamento; (T2) coincidente com o final do tratamento; e (T3) 3 meses após o início do tratamento. Foi utilizado um Questionário de Caracterização Sócio-Demográfica e Clínica, a Escala numérica da dor – END, o questionário KOOS (Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score) e a versão portuguesa da Patient Global Impression Change (PGIC-PT). A base de seleção dos indivíduos foi realizada numa clínica convencionada do Algarve. Resultados: Foi observado um aumento significativo em todos os outcomes avaliados pelo KOOS, END e PGIC num período até 3 meses após a intervenção. Na avaliação da END em T3 o valor da média foi de 1,63(±0,71). Para o KOOS nas subescalas Sintomas foi de 87,60(±5,86), Dor 85,71(±3,99), AVD 78,23(±3,48), ADL 67,71(±7,16), QV 80,71(±9,14), para a PGIC-AVD 5,29(±0,57), PGIC-DOR 5,97(±0,61). Os resultados obtidos pelo teste de Friedman, revelaram um valor de p<0,005. Assim, a melhoria da incapacidade funcional reportada pelos participantes neste grupo é estatisticamente diferente, e de forma significativa nos diferentes momentos de recolha de dados, durante e após o tratamento (X2 (3)=208,862, p<0,005)/ (X2(3)=205,041, p<0,005). Por fim os valores do somatório dos participantes, que estão inseridos em no grupo dos “Bons Resultados”( ≥5) foi de 27,14% em T0 passando para 100,00% em T3, enquanto que o grupo dos “Maus Resultados”(<5) foi de 72,86% em T0 e 100% em T3. Conclusão: Os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que a intervenção da Fisioterapia efetuadas em clínicas convencionadas nos casos da Osteoartrose do joelho são efetivas na redução significativa dos níveis de dor e incapacidade funcional e na Perceção global de melhoria em pacientes com Osteoartrose do joelho. ---------- ABSTRACT: Introduction: Osteoarthritis of the knee in particular is a major cause of disabilities in their day-to-day morbidity and increased healthcare costs in the population, in that it is a disease that when symptomatic progresses to a pattern that included joint pain, strength loss, inability to walk and reduction of physical fitness. It is referred as a risk factor for falls and fractures. Its prevalence increases with age, 7% of people between 65-70 years, and 11.2% for those aged 80 or more, ranging from some existing studies. A recent study by the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that osteoarthritis is the fourth leading cause of disability among women and eighth among men. Objective: To describe the characteristics and the outcomes of the physiotherapy practice in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Methodology: A prospective cohort study, with 70 individuals, aged between 60 and 80 years with the diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis and referred to physiotherapy treatment, was carried out. After informed consent, patients were evaluated in four different moments: at baseline (T0), before starting treatment; 4 weeks after starting their treatment (T1); 8 weeks after starting their treatment (T2); and in a 3 months follow-up (T3). Patients were assessed for their socio-demographic and clinical characteristics, pain intensity (using the numeric pain rating scale- NRS), disability (using the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score), and for their global impression of change (using the Portuguese version of the Patient Glogal Impression of Change scale). Results: The findings of this study indicate a significant increase in all outcomes assessed (pain, disability and global impression of change), during and after the physiotherapy treatment. At T3, the average value for the NRS was 1.63 (± 0.71). For KOOS in the symptoms subscales was 87.60 (± 5.86), pain 85.71 (± 3.99), ADL 78.23 (± 3.48), ADL 67.71 (± 7.16), QV 80.71 (± 9.14) for the PGIC-AVD 5.29 (± 0.57), PGIC-PAIN 5.97 (± 0.61). The results obtained though the Friedman test revealed a p-value <0.005. Thus, the improvement of functional capacity reported by participants in the group was statistically different at the different moments of data collection, during and after treatment (X 2 (3) = 208.862, p <0.005) / (X 2 (3) = 205.041, p <0.005). Conclusion: The results of this study show that the physiotherapy treatments made on agreed clinics in cases of osteoarthritis of the knee, are effective in significant reduction in the levels of pain and disability and in perception of overall improvement perception in patients with osteoarthritis of the Knee.
INTRODUCTION: Self-report on the quality of life (QOL) is increasingly studied in the evaluation of various diseases, especially in chronic ones. However, there are few data in the literature focusing the QOL of patients living with chronic hepatitis C. The objective of this study was to evaluate the QOL in patients with hepatitis C assessed by the World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQOL)-bref scale. METHODS: One hundred and eight hepatitis C patients attending the Outpatient Healthcare Medical Specialties in Tubarão, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, were contacted from May 2010 to February 2011. Patients answered the WHOQOL-bref scale and a questionnaire about their treatment and risk factors to hepatitis C virus (VHC) infection. RESULTS: Although most of patients with chronic hepatitis C considered their QoL good or very good (58.1%), 47 (44.8%) patients were poorly or very poorly satisfied with their health. About the WHOQOL answers, the environment domain had the highest score (25.15 + 5.77), while the lowest score was the social relationships domain (9.19 + 2.5). There was statistically significant association between household income and quality of life in all domains (p<0.001) and statistically significant association between education and the physical, psychological and social domains of quality of life (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Based on the answers given in WHOQOL-bref, patients with chronic hepatitis C have a generally poor QOL, especially in social relationship domain. Household income and educational level were factors that interfered significantly with patients' QOL assessment.