779 resultados para stitched fabric
In 1862, Glasgow Corporation initiated the first of a series of three legislative acts which would become known collectively as the City Improvements Acts. Despite having some influence on the nature of the built fabric on the expanding city as a whole, the most extensive consequences of these acts was reserved for one specific area of the city, the remnants of the medieval Old Town. As the city had expanded towards all points of the compass in a regular, grid-iron structure throughout the nineteenth century, the Old Town remained singularly as a densely wrought fabric of medieval wynds, vennels, oblique passageways and accelerated tenementalisation. Here, as the rest of the city began to assume the form of an ordered entity, visible and classifiable, one could still find and addresses such as ‘Bridgegate, No. 29, backland, stair first left, three up, right lobby, door facing’ (quoted in Pacione, 1995).
Unsurprisingly, this place, where proximity to the midden (dung-heap) was considered an enviable position, was seen by the authorities as a major health hazard and a source not only of cholera, but also of the more alarming typhoid epidemic of 1842. Accordingly, the demolitions which occurred in the backlands of the Old Town under the first of the acts, the Glasgow Police Act of 1862, were justified on health and medical grounds. But disease was not the only social problem thought to issue from this district. Reports from social reformers including Fredrick Engels suggested that the decay of the area’s physical fabric could be extended to the moral profile of its inhabitants. This was in such a state of degeneracy that there were calls for a nearby military barracks to be relocated to more salubrious climes because troops were routinely coming into contact ‘with the most dissolute and profligate portion of the population’ (Peter Clonston, Lord Provost, June 1861). Perhaps more worrying for the city fathers, however, was that the barracks’ arsenal was seen as a potential source of arms for the militant and often illegal cotton workers’ unions and organisations who inhabited the Old Town as well as the districts to the east. In fact, the Old Town and East End had been the site of numerous working class actions and riots since 1787, including a strike of 60,000 workers in 1820, 100,000 in 1838, and the so-called Bread Riots of 1848 where shouts of ‘Vive La Revolution’ were reported in the Gallowgate.
The events in Paris in 1848 precipitated Baron Hausmann’s interventions into that city. The boulevards were in turn visited by members of Glasgow Corporation and ultimately, it can be argued, provided an example for Old Town Glasgow. This paper suggests that the city improvement acts carried a similarly complex and pervasive agenda, one which embodied not only health, class conflict and sexual morality but also the more local condition of sectarianism. And, like in Paris, these were played out spatially in a extensive reconfiguration of the urban fabric of the Old Town which, through the creation of new streets and a railway yard, not only made it more amenable to large scale military manoeuvres but also, opened up the area to capitalist accumulation. By the end of the works, the medieval heritage of the Old Town had been almost completely razed, the working class and Catholic East End had, through the insertion of the railway yard, been isolated from the city centre and approximately 70,000 people had been made homeless.
The Belfast city center is fractured, divided by motorways, parking lots, empty buildings, and big box stores. Its 19th-century heyday put it on the international map of textile production, which transformed and enriched its built structure. This tight architectural fabric was slowly destroyed in the 1940s by the Blitz, in the 1970s by road plans and “the troubles” and in the 1990s by large retail buildings. Few pedestrian streets traverse Belfast, and among them, most are recently-developed conduits for the passage of shoppers from one chain store to the next.Within this seemingly bleak urban landscape, there remain a few areas that offer a richer, more architecturally and socially diverse, more memory-laden conception of public space. Current redevelopment plans, however, threaten the mere existence of these few remaining historic streets in Belfast.This reality inspired the current project of one of the Masters in Architecture design units at Queen’s University Belfast. Our team (led by urban designer Michael Corr and myself) has been exploring North Street, one of the main arteries in Belfast City Center. Although North Street has a reputation for being run-down, derelict, and in need of redevelopment, it is one of the few intact 19th-century streets left in the area, and as such is worthy of study as an example of public space that is not strictly synonymous with commercial space.
Streets are key elements of urban space; they are in essence public spaces and connect diverse areas of the city weaving the urban fabric. Once motorways replace existing streets, they tear the fabric and transform the qualities of the urban landscape. As in many cities throughout the world, in Belfast during the 1960s the growth of private car ownership took over the development of the city. The Roads Authority developed plans (1964/1969) to build a ring road surrounding most of the city. This deeply affected the use and shape of the city until today. This plan focused on encouraging the move of population to the outskirts of the city. However, the connections between the city centre and its surrounding neighbourhoods were broken. Only the southern stretch of the motorway was not built. This allowed the connection between South Belfast and the city centre to remain seamless. The current possibility of building the southern stretch of motorway threatens this continuity. This paper will highlight the very high value of streets by analysing their physical qualities.
The British standard constant-head triaxial test for measuring the permeability of fine-grained soils takes a relatively long time. A quicker test could provide savings to the construction industry, particularly for checking the quality of landfill clay liners. An accelerated permeability test has been developed, but the method often underestimates the permeability values compared owing to structural changes in the soil sample. This paper reports on an investigation
into the accelerated test to discover if the changes can be limited by using a revised procedure. The accelerated test is assessed and compared with the standard test and a ramp-accelerated permeability test. Four different finegrained materials are compacted at various water contents to produce analogous samples for testing using the three different methods. Fabric analysis is carried out on specimens derived from post-test samples using mercury intrusion porosimetry and scanning electron microscopy to assess the effects of testing on soil structure. The results show that accelerated testing in general underestimates permeability compared with values derived from the standard test, owing to changes in soil structure caused by testing. The ramp-accelerated test is shown to provide an improvement in terms of these structural changes.
En 1963 se publicó el Plan Regional de Belfast. Las autopistas propuestas en el plan transformaron radicalmente el tejido de la ciudad, dejándola prácticamente irreconocible. El conflicto político de las últimas décadas del siglo XX fue un catalizador de estas transformaciones, pero este proceso no es único ni particular de Belfast. Esta presentación explorará la transformación del tejido urbano y humano de Belfast para descubrir los procesos que permitieron la destrucción de la ciudad y sus calles.
The Regional plan for Belfast was first published in 1963. The motorways laid out by the plan radically transformed the fabric of the city, leaving it practically unrecognisable. The political conflict of the last decades of the twentieth century was a catalyst of these transformations, but this process was neither unique nor particular of Belfast. this presentation explores the transformation of the urban and human fabric of Belfast to discover the processes that allowed the destruction of the city and its streets.
This paper investigates processes and actions of diversifying memories of division in Northern Ireland’s political conflict known as the Troubles. Societal division is manifested in its built fabric and territories that have been adopted by predominant discourses of a fragmented society in Belfast; the unionist east and the nationalist west. The aim of the paper is to explore current approaches in planning contested spaces that have changed over time, leading to success in many cases. The argument is that divided cities, like Belfast, feature spatial images and memories of division that range from physical, clear-cut segregation to manifested actions of violence and have become influential representations in the community’s associative memory. While promoting notions of ‘re-imaging’ by current councils demonstrates a total erasure of the Troubles through cleansing its local collective memory, there yet remains an attempt to communicate a different tale of the city’s socio-economic past, to elaborate its supremacy for shaping future lived memories. Yet, planning Belfast’s contested areas is still suffering from a poor understanding of the context and its complexity against overambitious visions.
O conceito de descontinuidade é abordado em função de valores associáveis à cidade num contexto de mudanças de paradigmas relacionados com o planeamento do território. O impacto que as descontinuidades têm na forma, estrutura e fronteiras urbanas é analisado recorrendo à Área Metropolitana de Lisboa como estudo de caso. Para abordar as descontinuidades, recorre-se à análise de tendências territoriais recentes, malhas e tecidos construídos e planos mais directamente relacionados com o desenho urbano. O trabalho empírico culmina com o aprofundamento do estudo de um território do interior da Península de Setúbal. Com os resultados desta investigação pretende-se articular tendências territoriais, territórios construídos e instrumentos de planeamento na definição do conceito de descontinuidade. Apresenta-se ainda como conclusão um modelo de intervenção com vista à resolução de descontinuidades. Esta conclusão pretende ser também um contributo, sob a forma de resposta, para a questão levantada por Federico Oliva, quando se interroga, a propósito da cidade de Milão, sobre o que resta dos planos na Cidade.
O objetivo deste estudo, que resultou de um estágio realizado na Associação Industrial do Distrito de Aveiro (AIDA), foi perceber qual o papel das associações empresariais e industriais para o tecido empresarial desta mesma região. Neste sentido, procurou-se perceber: quais os serviços procurados pelas empresas nas suas associações, as razões que motivam essa procura e o grau de satisfação com os serviços prestados; quais as vantagens e desvantagens de pertencer a uma associação empresarial/industrial; e quais as mudanças percecionadas como necessárias nas associações para a melhoria da qualidade dos serviços prestados, tornando-as, deste modo, mais relevantes para o tecido empresarial. Com vista à concretização do objetivo proposto foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa, tendo a informação sido recolhida através de análise documental, de observação participante e de entrevistas realizadas à Diretora-Geral da AIDA e a oito empresas pertencentes a associações empresariais e industriais. O presente estudo começa por apresentar a evolução da indústria portuguesa e do associativismo industrial ao longo do tempo, focando as alterações mais significativas ocorridas e referindo as funções desempenhadas pelas mesmas associações. Posteriormente, é analisado a Entidade de Acolhimento – a AIDA –, e relatadas as atividades realizadas ao longo do estágio nessa instituição. Seguidamente, e após a explicação da metodologia utilizada, é apresentada a análise das entrevistas realizadas a empresários. Finalmente, são tiradas as conclusões finais e delineadas perspetivas para o futuro. Este estudo permitiu reconhecer o papel importante que as associações empresarias/indústrias desempenham para as empresas e para as regiões onde estas se inserem. Porém, existem ainda mudanças a realizar, de forma a potenciar o seu trabalho e ir de encontro aos anseios e às necessidades das empresas.
Tese de doutoramento (co-tutela), Ciências Geofísicas e da Geoinformação (Geofísica), Université de Toulouse, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013
Notions of the "postmodern" pervade various fields of study, but have rarely been applied to the practice and theory of nursing. This paper uses some conceptions of the "postmodern" to remedy this. Though there are many contested usages of the term, here "postmodern" will be used broadly in a periodical sense to trace changes in society and culture from the "modernism" of the 18th and 19th centuries to current concerns about "postmodernism". How these changes have been reflected in nursing practice and nursing theory will be explored. The changing use of the term "modern" to describe up-to-date practice will be addressed in the course of this. It is suggested that contextualizing nursing as a social/cultural activity in this way offers perspectives which will help us untangle the conflicting agendas and issues which form the fabric of the social world in which current nursing takes place, enabling us to act more effectively in promoting our own professional agendas.
Tese de doutoramento, História (Arte Património e Restauro), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2015
In this article, I contribute to recent debates about the concept of neoliberalism and its use as an explanatory concept, through the analysis of urban planning and regeneration policy in Lisbon amidst crisis and austerity. Suggesting a look at neoliberalization from a threefold perspective—the project, governmentalities, and policymaking—I analyze how current austerity-policy responses to the European economic crisis can be understood as a renewed and coherent deployment of neoliberal stances. The article presents implications for urban planning in Lisbon and thus suggests an exploration of the negotiations and clashes of hegemonic neoliberal governmentalities and policies with the local social and spatial fabric. For this exploration, I select a “deviant” case—the Mouraria neighborhood, a “dense” space in which the consequences of policies diverge sharply from expectations. In conclusion, I suggest that neoliberalization (in times of crisis) should be understood as a coherent project compromised by a set of highly ambiguous governmentalities, which bring about contradictory policymaking at the local level.
Online chatbots (also known as pedagogical agents or virtual assistants) are becoming embedded into the fabric of technology, both in educational and commercial settings. Yet understanding of these technologies is inchoate and often untheorised, influenced by individuals’ willingness to trust technologies, aesthetic appearance of the chatbot and technical literacy, among other factors. This paper draws upon data from two research studies that evaluated students’ experiences of using pedagogical agents in education using responsive evaluation. The findings suggest that emotional connections with pedagogical agents were intrinsic to the user’s sense of trust and therefore likely to affect levels of truthfulness and engagement. They also indicate that the topic of the pedagogical agent-student interaction is key to the student’s experience. The implications of these studies are that truthfulness, personalisation and emotional engagement are all vital components in using pedagogical agents to enhance online learning.
Chatbots, known as pedagogical agents in educational settings, have a long history of use, beginning with Alan Turing’s work. Since then online chatbots have become embedded into the fabric of technology. Yet understandings of these technologies are inchoate and often untheorised. Integration of chatbots into educational settings over the past five years suggests an increase in interest in the ways in which chatbots might be adopted and adapted for teaching and learning. This article draws on historical literature and theories that to date have largely been ignored in order to (re)contextualise two studies that used responsive evaluation to examine the use of pedagogical agents in education. Findings suggest that emotional interactions with pedagogical agents are intrinsic to a user’s sense of trust, and that truthfulness, personalisation and emotional engagement are vital when using pedagogical agents to enhance online learning. Such findings need to be considered in the light of ways in which notions of learning are being redefined in the academy and the extent to which new literacies and new technologies are being pedalled as pedagogies in ways that undermine what higher education is, is for, and what learning means.
There is a growing literature on the symbolic and cultural meanings of tourism and the ways in which cities are increasingly competing for tourists through the promotion of cultural assets and different forms of spectacle in the `tourist bubble'. To date, research on the role and impact of tourism in cities has largely been confined to those in Western, post-industrial economies. This paper examines the growth of cultural tourism in the central area of Havana, Cuba, and explores the range of unique, devolved, state-owned enterprises that are attempting to use tourism as a funding mechanism to achieve improvements in the social and cultural fabric of the city for the benefit of residents. The paper concludes with an assessment of the implications of this example for our understanding of how the pressures for restructuring and commodification can be moderated at the city level. Copyright 2008 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution.