921 resultados para self-assembled


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It has been proposed that the use of self-assembled quantum dot (QD) arrays can break the Shockley-Queisser efficiency limit by extending the absorption of solar cells into the low-energy photon range while preserving their output voltage. This would be possible if the infrared photons are absorbed in the two sub-bandgap QD transitions simultaneously and the energy of two photons is added up to produce one single electron-hole pair, as described by the intermediate band model. Here, we present an InAs/Al 0.25Ga 0.75As QD solar cell that exhibits such electrical up-conversion of low-energy photons. When the device is monochromatically illuminated with 1.32 eV photons, open-circuit voltages as high as 1.58 V are measured (for a total gap of 1.8 eV). Moreover, the photocurrent produced by illumination with photons exciting the valence band to intermediate band (VB-IB) and the intermediate band to conduction band (IB-CB) transitions can be both spectrally resolved. The first corresponds to the QD inter-band transition and is observable for photons of energy mayor que 1 eV, and the later corresponds to the QD intra-band transition and peaks around 0.5 eV. The voltage up-conversion process reported here for the first time is the key to the use of the low-energy end of the solar spectrum to increase the conversion efficiency, and not only the photocurrent, of single-junction photovoltaic devices. In spite of the low absorption threshold measured in our devices - 0.25 eV - we report open-circuit voltages at room temperature as high as 1.12 V under concentrated broadband illumination.


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We have studied the adsorption of two structurally similar forms of hemoglobin (met-Hb and HbCO) to a hydrophobic self-assembled methyl-terminated thiol monolayer on a gold surface, by using a Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) technique. This technique allows time-resolved simultaneous measurements of changes in frequency (f) (c.f. mass) and energy dissipation (D) (c.f. rigidity/viscoelastic properties) of the QCM during the adsorption process, which makes it possible to investigate the viscoelastic properties of the different protein layers during the adsorption process. Below the isoelectric points of both met-Hb and HbCO, the ΔD vs. Δf graphs displayed two phases with significantly different slopes, which indicates two states of the adsorbed proteins with different visco-elastic properties. The slope of the first phase was smaller than that of the second phase, which indicates that the first phase was associated with binding of a more rigidly attached, presumably denatured protein layer, whereas the second phase was associated with formation of a second layer of more loosely bound proteins. This second layer desorbed, e.g., upon reduction of Fe3+ of adsorbed met-Hb and subsequent binding of carbon monoxide (CO) forming HbCO. Thus, the results suggest that the adsorbed proteins in the second layer were in a native-like state. This information could only be obtained from simultaneous, time-resolved measurements of changes in both D and f, demonstrating that the QCM technique provides unique information about the mechanisms of protein adsorption to solid surfaces.


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Cartilage matrix protein (CMP) is the prototype of the newly discovered matrilin family, all of which contain von Willebrand factor A domains. Although the function of matrilins remain unclear, we have shown that, in primary chondrocyte cultures, CMP (matrilin-1) forms a filamentous network, which is made up of two types of filaments, a collagen-dependent one and a collagen-independent one. In this study, we demonstrate that the collagen-independent CMP filaments are enriched in pericellular compartments, extending directly from chondrocyte membranes. Their morphology can be distinguished from that of collagen filaments by immunogold electron microscopy, and mimicked by that of self-assembled purified CMP. The assembly of CMP filaments can occur from transfection of a wild-type CMP transgene alone in skin fibroblasts, which do not produce endogenous CMP. Conversely, assembly of endogenous CMP filaments by chondrocytes can be inhibited specifically by dominant negative CMP transgenes. The two A domains within CMP serve essential but different functions during network formation. Deletion of the A2 domain converts the trimeric CMP into a mixture of monomers, dimers, and trimers, whereas deletion of the A1 domain does not affect the trimeric configuration. This suggests that the A2 domain modulates multimerization of CMP. Absence of either A domain from CMP abolishes its ability to form collagen-independent filaments. In particular, Asp22 in A1 and Asp255 in A2 are essential; double point mutation of these residues disrupts CMP network formation. These residues are part of the metal ion–dependent adhesion sites, thus a metal ion–dependent adhesion site–mediated adhesion mechanism may be applicable to matrilin assembly. Taken together, our data suggest that CMP is a bridging molecule that connects matrix components in cartilage to form an integrated matrix network.


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Mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis have become an increasingly important subject as pathogens have become increasingly resistant to current antibiotics. The adhesion of microorganisms to the surface of host tissue is often a first step in pathogenesis and is a plausible target for new antiinfective agents. Examination of bacterial adhesion has been difficult both because it is polyvalent and because bacterial adhesins often recognize more than one type of cell-surface molecule. This paper describes an experimental procedure that measures the forces of adhesion resulting from the interaction of uropathogenic Escherichia coli to molecularly well defined models of cellular surfaces. This procedure uses self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) to model the surface of epithelial cells and optical tweezers to manipulate the bacteria. Optical tweezers orient the bacteria relative to the surface and, thus, limit the number of points of attachment (that is, the valency of attachment). Using this combination, it was possible to quantify the force required to break a single interaction between pilus and mannose groups linked to the SAM. These results demonstrate the deconvolution and characterization of complicated events in microbial adhesion in terms of specific molecular interactions. They also suggest that the combination of optical tweezers and appropriately functionalized SAMs is a uniquely synergistic system with which to study polyvalent adhesion of bacteria to biologically relevant surfaces and with which to screen for inhibitors of this adhesion.


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This report describes the development of an electroactive mask that permits the patterning of two different cell populations to a single substrate. This mask is based on a self-assembled monolayer of alkanethiolates on gold that could be switched from a state that prevents the attachment of cells to a state that promotes the integrin-mediated attachment of cells. Monolayers were patterned into regions having this electroactive monolayer and a second set of regions that were adhesive. After Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts had attached to the adhesive regions of this substrate, the second set of regions was activated electrically to permit the attachment of a second population of fibroblast cells. This method provides a general strategy for patterning the attachment of multiple cell types and will be important for studying heterotypic cell-cell interactions.


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We have demonstrated the assembly of two-dimensional patterns of functional antibodies on a surface. In particular, we have selectively adsorbed micrometer-scale regions of biotinylated immunoglobulin that exhibit specific antigen binding after adsorption. The advantage of this technique is its potential adaptability to adsorbing arbitrary proteins in tightly packed monolayers while retaining functionality. The procedure begins with the formation of a self-assembled monolayer of n-octadecyltrimethoxysilane (OTMS) on a silicon dioxide surface. This monolayer can then be selectively removed by UV photolithography. Under appropriate solution conditions, the OTMS regions will adsorb a monolayer of bovine serum albumin (BSA), while the silicon dioxide regions where the OTMS has been removed by UV light will adsorb less than 2% of a monolayer, thus creating high contrast patterned adsorption of BSA. The attachment of the molecule biotin to the BSA allows the pattern to be replicated in a layer of streptavidin, which bonds to the biotinylated BSA and in turn will bond an additional layer of an arbitrary biotinylated protein. In our test case, functionality of the biotinylated goat antibodies raised against mouse immunoglobulin was demonstrated by the specific binding of fluorescently labeled mouse IgG.


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Infection of mucosal epithelium by papillomaviruses is responsible for the induction of genital and oral warts and plays a critical role in the development of human cervical and oropharyngeal cancer. We have employed a canine model to develop a systemic vaccine that completely protects against experimentally induced oral mucosal papillomas. The major capsid protein, L1, of canine oral papillomavirus (COPV) was expressed in Sf9 insect cells in native conformation. L1 protein, which self-assembled into virus-like particles, was purified on CsCl gradients and injected intradermally into the foot pad of beagles. Vaccinated animals developed circulating antibodies against COPV and became completely resistant to experimental challenge with COPV. Successful immunization was strictly dependent upon native L1 protein conformation and L1 type. Partial protection was achieved with as little as 0.125 ng of L1 protein, and adjuvants appeared useful for prolonging the host immune response. Serum immunoglobulins passively transferred from COPV L1-immunized beagles to naive beagles conferred protection from experimental infection with COPV. Our results indicate the feasibility of developing a human vaccine to prevent mucosal papillomas, which can progress to malignancy.


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We have used self-assembled purines and pyrimidines on planar gold surfaces and on gold-coated atomic force microscope (AFM) tips to directly probe intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) and thermal programmed desorption (TPD) measurements of the molecular layers suggested monolayer coverage and a desorption energy of about 25 kcal/mol. Experiments were performed under water, with all four DNA bases immobilized on AFM tips and flat surfaces. Directional hydrogen-bonding interaction between the tip molecules and the surface molecules could be measured only when opposite base-pair coatings were used. The directional interactions were inhibited by excess nucleotide base in solution. Nondirectional van der Waals forces were present in all other cases. Forces as low as two interacting base pairs have been measured. With coated AFM tips, surface chemistry-sensitive recognition atomic force microscopy can be performed.


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Eletrodos de ouro foram utilizados para preparação de eletrodos modificados com monocamadas auto arranjadas de tióis. A limpeza do substrato metálico é fundamental para que a arquitetura molecular superficial possa ser efetuada com boa estabilidade e reprodutibilidade, além de fornecer dados utilizados no cálculo de área ativa, necessários na normalização dos valores de recobrimento superficial obtidos nas determinações de dessorção do agente modificador interno, o ácido 3-mercaptopropiônico. Os eletrodos modificados consistiram no recobrimento de transdutores de ouro com ácido 3-mercaptopropiônico através da imersão do eletrodo de Au em solução 25 mmolL-1 deste composto e, em seguida, com moléculas de cisteína, através da imersão do eletrodo de Au/3-MPA em solução 0,1 molL-1 deste composto, originando um sensor do tipo Au/3-MPA/CSH. As moléculas de cisteína foram utilizadas como agente redutor para obtenção de nanopartículas de Au na superfície do eletrodo modificado, através da aplicação de 20 µL de solução de HAuCl4. Após a confirmação da ausência do par tiólico superficial responsável pela redução das nanopartículas, o eletrodo Au/3-MPA/CSH/AuNp foi utilizado na determinação de peróxido de hidrogênio em soluções de concentrações crescentes em tampão fosfato 0,1 molL-1 pH 7,2.


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Diferentes complexos de cobre(II), contendo ligantes do tipo base de Schiff e um grupamento imidazólico, com interesse bioinorgânico, catalítico e como novos materiais, foram preparados na forma de sais perclorato, nitrato ou cloreto e caracterizados através de diferentes técnicas espectroscópicas (UV/Vis, IR, EPR, Raman) e espectrometria de massa Tandem (ESI-MS/MS), além de análise elementar, condutividade molar e medidas de propriedades magnéticas. Alguns destes compostos, obtidos como cristais adequados, tiveram suas estruturas determinadas por cristalografia de raios-X. As espécies di- e polinucleares contendo pontes cloreto, mostraram desdobramentos das hiperfinas nos espectros de EPR, relacionados à presença do equilíbrio com a respectiva espécie mononuclear, devido à labilidade dos íons cloretos, dependendo do contra-íon e do tipo de solvente utilizado. Adicionalmente, em solução alcalina, estes compostos estão em equilíbrio com as correspondentes espécies polinucleares, onde os centros de cobre estão ligados através de um ligante imidazolato. Em meio alcalino, estes compostos polinucleares contendo ponte imidazolato foram também isolados e caracterizados por diferentes técnicas espectroscópicas e magnéticas. Através da variação estrutural e também do ligante-ponte foi possível modular o fenômeno da interação magnética entre os íons de cobre em estruturas correlatas di- e polinucleares. Os respectivos parâmetros magnéticos foram obtidos com ajuste das curvas experimentais de XM vs T, correlacionando-se muito bem com a geometria, ângulos e distâncias de ligação entre os íons, quando comparado com outros complexos similares descritos na literatura. Posteriormente, estudaram-se os fatores relacionados com a reatividade de todas essas espécies como catalisadores na oxidação de substratos de interesse (fenóis e aminas), através da variação do tamanho da cavidade nas estruturas cíclicas ou de variações no ligante coordenado ao redor do íon metálico. Vários deles se mostraram bons miméticos de tirosinases e catecol oxidases. Um novo complexo-modelo da citocromo c oxidase (CcO), utilizando a protoporfirina IX condensada ao quelato N,N,-bis[2-(1,2-metilbenzimidazolil)etil]amino e ao resíduo de glicil-L-histidina, foi sintetizado e caracterizado através de diferentes técnicas espectroscópicas, especialmente EPR. A adição de H2O2 ao sistema completamente oxidado, FeIII/CuII, a -55°C, ou o borbulhamento de oxigênio molecular a uma solução do complexo na sua forma reduzida, FeII/CuI, saturada de CO, resultou na formação de adutos com O2, de baixo spin, estáveis a baixas temperaturas.


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We have developed a general method for the specific and reversible immobilization of proteins fused to the choline-binding module C-LytA on functionalized graphite electrodes. Graphite electrode surfaces were modified by diazonium chemistry to introduce carboxylic groups that were subsequently used to anchor mixed self-assembled monolayers consisting of N,N-diethylethylenediamine groups, acting as choline analogs, and ethanolamine groups as spacers. The ability of the prepared electrodes to specifically bind C-LytA-tagged recombinant proteins was tested with a C-LytA-β-galactosidase fusion protein. The binding, activity and stability of the immobilized protein was evaluated by electrochemically monitoring the formation of an electroactive product in the enzymatic hydrolysis of the synthetic substrate 4-aminophenyl β-D-galactopyranoside. The hybrid protein was immobilized in an specific and reversible way, while retaining the catalytic activity. Moreover, these functionalized electrodes were shown to be highly stable and reusable. The method developed here can be envisaged as a general, immobilization procedure on the protein biosensor field.


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The bioelectrocatalytic (oxygen reduction reaction, ORR) properties of the multicopper oxidase CueO immobilized on gold electrodes were investigated. Macroscopic electrochemical techniques were combined with in situ scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy at the ensemble and at the single-molecule level. Self-assembled monolayer of mercaptopropionic acid, cysteamine, and p-aminothiophenol were chosen as redox mediators. The highest ORR activity was observed for the protein attached to amino-terminated adlayers. In situ STM experiments revealed that the presence of oxygen causes distinct structure and electronic changes in the metallic centers of the enzyme, which determine the rate of intramolecular electron transfer and, consequently, affect the rate of electron tunneling through the protein. Complementary Raman spectroscopy experiments provided access for monitoring structural changes in the redox state of the type 1 copper center of the immobilized enzyme during the CueO-catalyzed oxygen reduction cycle. These results unequivocally demonstrate the existence of a direct electronic communication between the electrode substrate and the type 1 copper center.


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Surface-enhanced raman scattering (SERS) spectra of self-assembled monolayers of 4-aminobenzenethiol (4-ABT) on copper (Cu) and silver (Ag) surfaces decorated with Cu and Ag nanostructures, respectively, have been obtained with lasers at 532, 632.8, 785, and 1064 nm. Density functional theory (DFT) has been used to obtain calculated vibrational frequencies of the 4-ABT and 4,4′-dimercaptoazobenzene (4,4′-DMAB) molecules adsorbed on model Cu surfaces. The features of the SERS spectra depend on the electrode potential and the type and power density of the laser. SERS spectra showed the formation of the 4,4′-DMAB on the nanostructured Cu surface independently of the laser employed. For the sake of comparison SERS spectra of a self-assembled monolayer of the 4-ABT on Ag surfaces decorated with Ag nanostructures have been also obtained with the same four lasers. When using the 532 and 632.8 nm lasers, the 4,4′-DMAB is formed on Cu surface at electrode potentials as low as −1.0 V (AgCl/Ag) showing a different behavior with respect to Ag (and others metals such as Au and Pt). On the other hand, the surface-enhanced infrared reflection absorption (SEIRA) spectra showed that in the absence of the laser excitation the 4,4′-DMAB is not produced from the adsorbed 4-ABT on nanostructured Cu in the whole range of potentials studied. These results point out the prevalence of the role of electron–hole pairs through surface plasmon activity to explain the obtained SERS spectra.


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A broad review of technologically focused work concerning biomolecules at interfaces is presented. The emphasis is on developments in interfacial biomolecular engineering that may have a practical impact in bioanalysis, tissue engineering, emulsion processing or bioseparations. We also review methods for fabrication in an attempt to draw out those approaches that may be useful for product manufacture, and briefly review methods for analysing the resulting interfacial nanostructures. From this review we conclude that the generation of knowledge and-innovation at the nanoscale far exceeds our ability to translate this innovation into practical outcomes addressing a market need, and that significant technological challenges exist. A particular challenge in this translation is to understand how the structural properties of biomolecules control the assembled architecture, which in turn defines product performance, and how this relationship is affected by the chosen manufacturing route. This structure-architecture-process-performance (SAPP) interaction problem is the familiar laboratory scale-up challenge in disguise. A further challenge will be to interpret biomolecular self- and directed-assembly reactions using tools of chemical reaction engineering, enabling rigorous manufacturing optimization of self-assembly laboratory techniques. We conclude that many of the technological problems facing this field are addressable using tools of modem chemical and biomolecular engineering, in conjunction with knowledge and skills from the underpinning sciences. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Designer peptides have recently been developed as building blocks for novel self-assembled materials with stimuli-responsive properties. To date, such materials have been based on self-assembly in bulk aqueous solution or at solid-fluid interfaces. We have designed a 21-residue peptide, AM1, as a stimuli-responsive surfactant that switches molecular architectures at a fluid-fluid interface in response to changes in bulk aqueous solution composition. In the presence of divalent zinc at neutral pH, the peptide forms a mechanically strong 'film state'. In the absence of metal ions or at acid pH, the peptide adsorbs to form a mobile 'detergent state'. The two interfacial states can be actively and reversibly switched. Switching between the two states by a change in pH or the addition of a chelating agent leads to rapid emulsion coalescence or foam collapse. This work introduces a new class of surfactants that offer an environmentally friendly approach to control the stability of interfaces in foams, emulsions and fluid-fluid interfaces more generally.