625 resultados para globalization and jobmarket
This paper investigates the scale and drivers of cross-border real estate development in western and central and eastern Europe (CEE). Drawing upon existing literature on the integration of international real estate markets, we make some inferences on expected patterns of cross-border real estate development from this literature review. The paper draws upon a transactions database in order to assess the penetration of national markets by international real estate developers. The determinants of cross-border transaction flows are modeled as a function the range of economic and real estate variables. Whilst western European markets tend to be dominated by local developers, much higher levels of market penetration by international real estate developers are found in the less mature markets of central and eastern Europe. Empirical modelling based on gravity model specifications reveal the importance of size of the economies, distance between countries, extent of globalization and EU membership as significant determinants of cross-border real estate development flow.
We compare the strategies of manufacturing and service multinational enterprise (MNE) subsidiaries in South East Asia to investigate whether they follow global versus regional strategy. We examine foreign direct investment (FDI) motives, types of FDI, product and service offerings, and sales strategies of these two groups. Using a unique primary data set of 101 British MNE subsidiaries in six South East Asian countries over the five-year period (2003–2007), we find that manufacturing and service subsidiaries pursue regional strategies. Both groups have a strong regional focus in their sales. We explore the possible reasons for the relative lack of global strategy of these subsidiaries.
Construction professional services (CPSs), such as architecture, engineering, and consultancy, are not only high value-added profit centers in their own right but also have a knock-on effect on other businesses, such as construction and the export of materials and machinery. Arguably, competition in the international construction market has shifted to these knowledge-intensive CPS areas. Yet CPSs represent a research frontier that has received scant attention. This research aims to enrich the body of knowledge on CPSs by examining strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of Chinese CPSs (CCPSs) in the international context. It does so by triangulating theories with quantitative and qualitative data gleaned from yearbooks, annual reports, interviews, seminars, and interactions with managers in major CCPS companies. It is found that CCPSs present both strengths and weaknesses in talents, administration systems, and development strategies in dealing with the external opportunities and threats brought about by globalization and market evolution. Low price, which has helped the Chinese construction business to succeed in the international market, is also a major CCPS strength. An opportunity for CCPSs is the relatively strong delivery capability possessed by Chinese contractors; by partnering with them CCPSs can better establish themselves in the international arena. This is probably the first ever comprehensive study on the performance of CCPSs in the international marketplace. The research is conducted at an opportune time, particularly when the world is witnessing the burgeoning force of Chinese businesses in many areas including manufacturing, construction, and, potentially, professional services. It adds new insights to the knowledge body of CPSs and provides valuable references to other countries faced with the challenge of developing CPS business efficiently in the international market.
In contrast to their bustling construction counterparts, Chinese construction professional services (CPS) such as architecture, engineering, and consultancy, seem still to be stagnant in the international market. CPS are not only high value-added profit centers in their own right, but also have a knock-on effect on subsequent businesses such as construction, and the export of materials and machinery. Arguably, competition in the international construction market has shifted to knowledge-intensive CPS. Yet,CPS represent a research area that has been paid scant attention. This research aims to add to the body of knowledge of CPS by examining strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of Chinese CPS (CCPS) in the international context. It does so by triangulating theories with quantitative and qualitative data gleaned from yearbooks, annual reports, interviews, seminars, and interactions with managers in major CCPS companies. It is found that CCPS present both strengths and weaknesses in talents, administration systems, and development strategies in dealing with the external opportunities and threats brought about by globalization and market evolvement. Low price, which has helped the Chinese construction business to succeed in the international market, is also a CCPS major strength. An opportunity for CCPS is the relatively strong delivery capability possessed by Chinese contractors. By partnering with them CCPS can better edge into the international arena. This is probably the first ever comprehensive study in investigating the performance of CCPS in the international market. The research is also timely, particularly when the world is witnessing the burgeoning force of Chinese businesses in many areas including manufacturing, construction, and potentially, professional services.
This chapter presents findings on English Language instruction at the lower primary level in the context of policies for curricular innovation at national, school and classroom levels. The focus is on policies which connect national and school levels, and on how they might be interpreted when implemented in multiple schools within Singapore’s educational system. Referring to case studies in two schools and to individual lesson observations in 10 schools, we found much agreement with national policies in terms of curriculum (i.e. lesson content and activity selection),leading to great uniformity in the lessons taught by different teachers in different schools. In addition, we found that schools had an important mediating influence on implementation of national policies. However, adoptions and adaptations of policy innovations at the classroom level were somewhat superficial as they were more related to changes in educational facilities and procedures than in philosophies.
Obesity is an escalating threat of pandemic proportions, currently affecting billions of people worldwide and exerting a devastating socioeconomic influence in industrialized countries. Despite intensive efforts to curtail obesity, results have proved disappointing. Although it is well recognized that obesity is a result of gene-environment interactions and that predisposition to obesity lies predominantly in our evolutionary past, there is much debate as to the precise nature of how our evolutionary past contributed to obesity. The “thrifty genotype” hypothesis suggests that obesity in industrialized countries is a throwback to our ancestors having undergone positive selection for genes that favored energy storage as a consequence of the cyclical episodes of famine and surplus after the advent of farming 10 000 years ago. Conversely, the “drifty genotype” hypothesis contends that the prevalence of thrifty genes is not a result of positive selection for energy-storage genes but attributable to genetic drift resulting from the removal of predative selection pressures. Both theories, however, assume that selection pressures the ancestors of modern humans living in western societies faced were the same. Moreover, neither theory adequately explains the impact of globalization and changing population demographics on the genetic basis for obesity in developed countries, despite clear evidence for ethnic variation in obesity susceptibility and related metabolic disorders. In this article, we propose that the modern obesity pandemic in industrialized countries is a result of the differential exposure of the ancestors of modern humans to environmental factors that began when modern humans left Africa around 70 000 years ago and migrated through the globe, reaching the Americas around 20 000 years ago. This article serves to elucidate how an understanding of ethnic differences in genetic susceptibility to obesity and the metabolic syndrome, in the context of historic human population redistribution, could be used in the treatment of obesity in industrialized countries
Historiskt sett finns det etablerade normer i samhället som säger att en kommun endast ska bedriva traditionell kommunal verksamhet som innefattar att tillgodose välfärden (vård, skola & omsorg). Dock så har globaliseringen och urbaniseringen skapat en konkurrens om invånare vilket har lett till att kommuner idag bedriver en allt mer utvecklad marknadsföring för att attrahera fler invånare. Den här fallstudien innehåller två objekt (kommuner). Vi vill undersöka den kommunala marknadsföringen genom att fokusera på begreppen competitive identity (CI) och institutionell problematik (IP). Begreppet CI innehåller en teoretisk genomgång av komponenter i kommunal marknadsföring och IP beskriver kommunernas komplexa situation med olika institutionella krav. Genom att analysera dessa begrepp mot praktiska fall kan vi bidra till ökad förståelse om kommunal marknadsföring som är vårt syfte. Vi presenterar även en egen modell i samband med begreppet CI som ger en nyanserad bild av ämnet. Studiens resultat identifierar att kommunerna har speciella målgrupper som likt ett företag varierar beroende på deras ställning på marknaden. Genom skapandet av en CI deklarerar kommunen en önskvärd image där företeelser som inte bidrar till den blir exkluderade. Det gestaltar sig på olika sätt vilket analyseras grundligt i studien. Samtidigt illustreras motsägelsen när respondenterna i fallen säger att det är medborgarna som håller uppe imagen. Studien visar att det inte finns en enhetlig bild hur man som kommun ska hantera den institutionella komplexitet som uppstår. Fallen presenterar två olika synsätt som de finner mer lämpligt.
A globalização e o surgimento dos mercados internacionais têm trazido no bojo de sua evolução o interesse pela compreensão da relação entre a nacionalidade e o comportamento do consumidor ao redor do mundo. Embora a globalização seja um tema em evidência na literatura de marketing (Hadjimarcou, 1998), poucos são os estudos que analisam o comportamento trans -cultural do consumidor em ambientes de varejo na América do Sul. Verifica-se, nesta área, um franco predomínio da produção científica norte-americana, que se restringe a investigar a dinâmica do comportamento do consumidor entre as diversas “nações” existentes nos Estados Unidos (Czinkota e Ronkainen, 2001). Diante do desafio de se compreender a dinâmica existente entre a nacionalidade e o comportamento do consumidor em ambientes de varejo no contexto internacional, elegeu-se como cenário de pesquisa três países que guardam entre si similaridades e distinções marcantes: Brasil, Uruguai e Estados Unidos. Na busca de se colaborar com a consolidação do tema no escopo da área de marketing, este estudo investigou a relação entre a nacionalidade e o comportamento do consumidor nos shopping centers regionais em contextos internacionais. Brasileiros e uruguaios encontram-se imersos num caldo étnico e econômico que se confunde com a própria formação sócio-cultural dos dois países. Os resultados alcançados neste estudo revelam que a proximidade que eiva a relação histórica comum de Brasil e Uruguai manifestam-se valores pessoais e na forma como brasileiros e uruguaios se comportam nos shopping centers. Empregando-se a técnica de modelagem de equações estruturais, revelou-se que a nacionalidade guarda uma relação causal com os valores pessoais e o comportamento do consumidor nos shopping centers regionais dos três países. O modelo estrutural final obteve bons índices de ajustamento, indicando que a nacionalidade exerceu influência indireta sobre comportamento do consumidor nos shopping centers regionais através da mediação dos valores pessoais e atitudes em relação aos atributos daqueles centros de compras. No capítulo de conclusão apresenta-se as implicações dos resultados obtidos, as limitações do estudo e novas possibilidades de pesquisa que surgiram com a realização deste estudo.
As indústrias de calçados da região do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, sempre se destacaram no Brasil e no mundo por produtos reconhecidos internacionalmente, pela quantidade, qualidade e variedade de modelos. Com a globalização da economia e o desenvolvimento tecnológico imperante no mundo industrial, a região começou, rapidamente a ser deslocada de centro produtor de calçados para, quem sabe, centro consumidor de calçados. Quando as empresas começam a ter maus resultados, a culpa recai sempre nos “outros”: no governo, na concorrência desleal, e nunca na deficiência individual. A administração das empresas é obra de pessoas, dos administradores. Identificar as habilidades diferenciais dos administradores do Vale do Sinos, consideradas indispensáveis à sua função nas empresas da região, é o que procura o presente estudo.
Neste trabalho examinamos o impacto da globalização sobre os gastos sociais nos países da América Latina. Para medir o nível de internacionalização das economias latino-americanas, construímos um novo indicador de abertura financeira baseada na codificação proposta por Dennis Quinn (1997). Nossos resultados apontam para duas lógicas sobre a qual os efeitos da globalização se fazem sentir. A abertura comercial tem um impacto negativo sobre o gasto social, enquanto a abertura financeira se relaciona positivamente com o mesmo tipo de gasto. Além disso, governos democráticos tendem a gastar mais em programas sociais. De modo geral, nossa pesquisa conclui que a globalização é um fenômeno complexo, apresentando simultaneamente conseqüências positivas e negativas para o financiamento dos programas sociais na América Latina.
O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar os impactos do processo de internacionalização retomado no início da década de noventa e a construção do posicionamento estratégico brasileiro ao longo de todos os seus ciclos históricos. Este trabalho objetivou também identificar as dimensões da competitividade de uma nação e confrontá-las com o processo de evolução do comércio internacional através dos séculos, bem como, os efeitos do fenômeno da globalização e a aplicação das orientações do marketing internacional como referencial para a construção do posicionamento estratégico das nações. Concluímos que a competitividade das nações deve ser entendida e avaliada através dos resultados comparativos de sua produtividade e, conseqüentemente, do nível de qualidade de vida proporcionado aos seus cidadãos. A formulação de estratégias para a internacionalização da nação e suas indústrias pode viabilizar que estes objetivos, no campo da produtividade, sejam alcançados ou, caso sejam mal formulados, poderão distanciá-los da nação. Por este motivo, a competitividade nacional tomou-se uma das principais preocupações tanto para os governos que estão inseridos, como para os que se encontram em processo de inserção competitiva internacional.
This work intends to show some aspects of antitrust policy that are relevant to the Brazilian case. For this purpose, it has five parts. Chapter I - Introduction, as the title suggests, simultaneously introduces and emphasizes what will be shown in the next chapters. Chapter II - General view or understanding the antitrust gives a comprehensive view of the historical evolution on antitrust matters, explores the relationship between State action, globalization and competitiveness and presents some of the essential concepts on antitrust field. Chapter III - The antitrust policy in Brazil focuses on the legal evolution of antitrust institutes in Brazil - highlighting its strategic dimension and insertion on "Plano Plurianual - PPA", the Brazilian official long-run plan - and presents the "Sistema Brasileiro de Defesa da Concorrência - SBDC", the Brazilian system for defence of competition. Chapter IV - Antitrust policy, connections and consequences shows the relevant links and inferences to the Brazilian case such as the development of competitive advantages, the formulation of competitive strategies, the well-known objectives and instruments of antitrust policy, the acceptable principles to an antitrust institutional design and, finally, the critical aspects of the Brazilian current model together with the suggestions to improve it. To finish, Chapter V - Final considerations outlines some reflections regarding the previous exposed antitrust matters.
In recent years, clusters have become a central part in discussions about local and regional economic development, as well as in the elaboration of public policies for generating jobs and income. Concurrent with the discussions about clusters, the subject globalization has also received growing attention from the media in the academic and government fields. Different aspects are considered in the discussions regarding globalization and one of the subjects is the insertion of local economies into international commerce. One of these ways of insertion is by global value chains. This term began to be used at the end of 90s, and refers to the productive value chains dispersed throughout the world, but with integrated production and commercialization. The aim of this thesis is to understand how the exportation process influences the development of fashion clusters, this being done by the insertion of these clusters into the global value chains. Each year, the Brazilian fashion sector seeks to broaden their participation in the global economy by means of insertion into the global value chains. This insertion, however, has caused impacts in specialized clusters of garment manufacturers, such as beach fashion, jeans and women¿s clothing. As a way of identifying these impacts, three cluster manufacturers were studied in the state of Rio de Janeiro, namely Cabo Frio, São Gonçalo and Niterói. The impacts of internationalization on the companies integrated into these three clusters were explored by means of a six-month field study, including semistructured interviews. This internationalization occurs either by direct exportation or by means of inserting these companies into the global value chains. The results of the study points out the opportunities and threats to these companies, as well as shows the importance of more adequate public policies for the development of Brazilian fashion clusters. Among these threats, the possibility of inserting these cluster companies into the global value chains in a captive manner (Gereffi, Humphrey, Sturgeon, 2005) was singled out, placing them ¿under control¿ of the exporting companies. As for opportunities, the participation of government support agencies and improvements in fashion show good alternatives for inserting these companies into the global value chains, making possible autonomous and competitive performance.