969 resultados para Transplantation hépatique


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BACKGROUND: An elevated early (E) to late (A) diastolic filling velocities ratio, typically seen in advanced diastolic dysfunction, has also been observed after cardioversion of atrial fibrillation as a consequence of the depressed left atrial (LA) contractility. We hypothesized that the impaired LA contractile function demonstrated after orthotopic cardiac transplantation (OCT) could also lead to this "pseudorestrictive" pattern. METHOD: E/A ratio related to the tissue Doppler early mitral annular velocity (Ea) as preload-independent index of LV relaxation was evaluated in all consecutive OCT patients between 2005 and 2007. RESULTS: The study population comprised 48 patients 97 ± 77 months after OCT. Thirty-two patients (67%) had an E/A ratio > 2. LV systolic function and myocardial relaxation assessed by the Ea velocity were similar compared to patients with normal ratio (61 ± 6% vs. 60 ± 12%, P = 0.854 and 15 ± 4 cm/s vs. 14 ± 3 cm/s, r = 0.15, P = 0.323, respectively). On the other hand, the proportion of the recipient and donor LA cuffs as estimated by the recipient/global LA area ratio and the LA emptying fraction significantly correlated with the E/A ratio (r = 0.40, P = 0.005 and r =-0.33, P = 0.022, respectively). CONCLUSION: Our study shows that there is a high prevalence of elevated E/A ratio after standard OCT which seems mainly related to reduced LA contractility. Recognition of this "pseudorestrictive" pattern may avoid misdiagnosis of diastolic dysfunction.


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Background: Recent data have suggested that a population of CD4+ CD25high T cells, phenotypically characterized by the expression of CD45RO and CD127, is significantly expanded in stable liver and kidney transplant recipients and represents alloreactive T cells. Induction therapies may have an impact on this alloreactive T cell population. In this study, we prospectively analyzed CD4+ CD25high CD45RO+ CD127high T cells after induction with either thymoglobulin or basiliximab. Patients and methods: A total of twenty-seven kidney transplant recipients were prospectively enrolled; 14 received thymoglobulin induction followed by a 4-day course of steroids with tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil («thymo group»), and 13 received basiliximab induction followed by standard triple immunosuppression (tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and prednisone) («BSX group»). Phenotypical analysis by flow cytometry of the expression of CD25, CD45RO and CD127 on peripheral CD4+ T cells was performed at 0, 3 and 6 months after transplantation. Twenty-four healthy subjects (HS) were studied as controls. Results: There were no differences in baseline characteristics between the groups; at 6 months, patient survival (100%), graft survival (100%), serum creatinine (thymo group versus BSX group: 129 versus 125 micromol/l) and acute rejection (2/14 versus 2/13) were not significantly different. Thymo induction produced a prolonged CD4 T cell depletion. As compared to pre-transplantation values, an expansion of the alloreactive T cell population was observed at 3 months in both thymo (mean: from 6.38% to 14.72%) and BSX (mean: from 8.01% to 18.42%) groups. At 6 months, the alloreactive T cell population remained significantly expanded in the thymo group (16.92 ± 2.87%) whereas it tended to decrease in the BSX group (10.22 ± 1.38%). Conclusion: Overall, our results indicate that the expansion of alloreactive T cells occurs rapidly after transplantation in patients receiving either thymo or BSX induction. Whether differences at later timepoints or whether different IS regimens may modify this alloreactive population remains to be studied.


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Cytomegalovirus (CMV) remains one of the most common infections after solid organ transplantation, resulting in significant morbidity, graft loss, and occasional mortality. Management of CMV varies considerably among transplant centers. A panel of experts on CMV and solid organ transplant was convened by The Infectious Diseases Section of The Transplantation Society to develop evidence and expert opinion-based consensus guidelines on CMV management including diagnostics, immunology, prevention, treatment, drug resistance, and pediatric issues.


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Le taux de retour au travail après greffe est généralement bas. Or, on sait que le retour au travail après greffe améliore la qualité de vie des transplantés. Le but de notre étude était donc de comprendre les raisons possibles à ce faible taux en montrant les facteurs professionnels, individuels ou médicaux pouvant l'influencer. Parmi les 61 greffés rénaux ou hépatiques suivis au centre de transplantation d'organe (CTO) du CHUV, 39% ont repris le travail après greffe. Trois facteurs étaient significatifs de retour au travail après greffe, à savoir "travail avant greffe", « diplôme » et « âge<45 ans ». Ainsi, il est utile pour la pratique médicale de connaître les facteurs potentiels influençant le retour au travail car cela permet d'évaluer, au stade prégreffe, les chances de retour au travail et si besoin de proposer des mesures spécifiques le favorisant. -- The rate of return to work after transplantation is generally low, however this improves the quality of life of recipients. The aim of our study was to investigate the low rate after transplantation in 61 renal or liver patients followed at the Transplant Center (CTO) of the CHUV in Lausanne, and to analyse the occupational, individual and medical factors which may influence it. 39% of recipients returned to work after transplantation. The factors "being active pre-transplant", "with diploma" and "age< 45 years old" were significantly related to return to work. In conclusion, knowledge of the factors influencing return to work after transplantation are important for medical practice, in order to propose early medico-socio-professional measures in order to maintain workability.


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Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is a highly specialised procedure used to treat malignancies of the lymphohaematopoietic system as well as some acquired and inherited disorders of the blood. This analysis by the Swiss Blood Stem Cell Transplantation Group, based on data from 2008-2011, describes, treatment rates in Switzerland for specific indications and compares this with data from Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands, corrected for the size of the population. Differences in transplant rates, in rates for particular indications, and in the use of specific transplant technologies such as use of unrelated donors, use of cord blood or mismatched family donors are described. These data are put in correlation with donor availability from international registries and with number of transplant teams and number of procedures per team all corrected for population size.


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Objectives This paper reports on a longitudinal qualitative study exploring concerns of 60 patients before and after transplantation. Methods Semi-structured interviews were conducted without time constraints in a protected space out of the hospital. Qualitative analysis was performed. Results Prior to transplantation, all patients talked freely about negative feelings, stigmatisation, being misunderstood by others, loneliness and culpability caused by increasing physical dependency or abandoned roles. They mentioned alternative ways to cope (magic, spirituality), and even expressed their right to let go. In a subset of 13 patients, significant ones allowed themselves in the interview, or were integrated on the request of the patients. In this modified setting, two illness-worlds were confronted. If common themes were mentioned (e.g., modified life plans, restricted space, physical and psychological barriers), they were experienced differently. Fear of transplantation or guilt towards the donors was overtly expressed, often for the first time. Mutual hiding of anxiety in order to protect loved ones or to prevent loss of control was disclosed. The significant ones talked about accumulated stress and exhaustion related to the physical degradation of the patient, fear of the unpredictable evolution of illness and financial problems, and stressed their difficulty to adapt adequately to the fluctuating state of the patient. After transplantation, other themes emerged, where difficulty in disclosure was observed: intensive care and near death experiences, being a transplanted person, debt to the donor and his/her family, fear of rejection. Conclusions With the self-imposed strategy of hiding concerns to protect one another, a discrepancy between two illness-worlds was created. When concerns were confronted during the interviews, a new mutual understanding emerged. Patients and their families stated the need for sharing concerns in the course of illness.


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BACKGROUND: High-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem-cell transplantation is a standard treatment for young patients with multiple myeloma. Residual disease is almost always present after transplantation and is responsible for relapse. This phase 3, placebo-controlled trial investigated the efficacy of lenalidomide maintenance therapy after transplantation. METHODS: We randomly assigned 614 patients younger than 65 years of age who had nonprogressive disease after first-line transplantation to maintenance treatment with either lenalidomide (10 mg per day for the first 3 months, increased to 15 mg if tolerated) or placebo until relapse. The primary end point was progression-free survival. RESULTS: Lenalidomide maintenance therapy improved median progression-free survival (41 months, vs. 23 months with placebo; hazard ratio, 0.50; P<0.001). This benefit was observed across all patient subgroups, including those based on the β(2)-microglobulin level, cytogenetic profile, and response after transplantation. With a median follow-up period of 45 months, more than 70% of patients in both groups were alive at 4 years. The rates of grade 3 or 4 peripheral neuropathy were similar in the two groups. The incidence of second primary cancers was 3.1 per 100 patient-years in the lenalidomide group versus 1.2 per 100 patient-years in the placebo group (P=0.002). Median event-free survival (with events that included second primary cancers) was significantly improved with lenalidomide (40 months, vs. 23 months with placebo; P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Lenalidomide maintenance after transplantation significantly prolonged progression-free and event-free survival among patients with multiple myeloma. Four years after randomization, overall survival was similar in the two study groups. (Funded by the Programme Hospitalier de Recherche Clinique and others; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00430365.).


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Combined liver-kidney transplantation is considered a low risk for immunologic complication. We report an unusual case of identical ABO liver-kidney recipient without preformed anti-human leukocyte antigen (HLA) antibodies, transplanted across a T- and B-cell-negative cross-match and complicated by early acute humoral and cellular rejection, first in the liver then in the kidney. While analyzing the immunologic complications in our cohort of 12 low-risk combined liver-kidney recipients, only one recipient experienced a rejection episode without detection of anti-HLA antibody over time. Although humoral or cellular rejection is rare after combined kidney-liver transplantation, our data suggest that even in low-risk recipients, the liver does not always systematically protect the kidney from acute rejection. Indeed, the detection of C4d in the liver should be carefully followed after combined liver-kidney transplantation.


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Le diagnostic de lymphome représente 4% de tous les cancers et a une incidence particulièrement élevée dans les pays industrialisés. La proportion de lymphomes T, évaluée en Europe et aux Etats Unis, représente environ 5 à 10% des lymphomes. Alors que des progrès très sensibles ont été apportés dans la prise en charge et le pronostic des lymphomes B agressifs durant ces dernières décennies et en particulier depuis le début des années 2000 avec l'utilisation des anticorps anti-CD20 associés à la chimiothérapie, le pronostic des lymphomes T reste très décevant. La survie globale des lymphomes T à 5 ans est estimée entre 28% et 38%. Le bénéfice réel d'une chimiothérapie intensive suivie d'une autogreffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques périphériques au terme d'un traitement de chimiothérapie d'induction dans le lymphome T périphérique reste débattu. Les résultats des rares études prospectives et des études rétrospectives à disposition sont discordants. Nous avons donc analysé rétrospectivement 43 patients successifs de mars 2000 à mars 2011, atteints de lymphome T, issus de notre base de données du programme autogreffe lausannois. Nos analyses statistiques permettent, sur la base d'un suivi médian de 63 mois, une estimation à 12 ans, de la survie globale de nos patients à 40%, de la survie sans progression à 34% et de la survie sans événement à 30%. Ces chiffres s'inscrivent parfaitement dans les résultats des études prospectives qui montrent un bénéfice de l'autogreffe dans le lymphome T. Parmi les différents paramètres pronostiques habituellement évalués, l'âge et l'absence de symptômes B au diagnostic sont les seuls paramètres statistiquement significatifs en analyse univariée dans notre cohorte. En effet, Les patients de moins de 50 ans et ceux qui ne présentent pas de symptômes B au diagnostic ont un meilleur pronostic. Nous concluons de cette analyse que les patients traités par chimiothérapie intensive et autogreffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques périphériques ont une survie moyenne supérieure aux résultats rapportés dans la littérature avec des traitements de chimiothérapie conventionnelle de type CHOP. En effet, on estime à environ 50% les patients répondant à une chimiothérapie conventionnelle de type CHOP.


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Patients receiving immunosuppression are at higher risk for gastrointestinal complications: mortality is high if they are not diagnosed and treated rapidly. Systematic screening for cholelithiasis or diverticular disease, and prophylactic surgery, are not recommended systematically anymore. Patients awaiting a transplant with abdominal symptoms should be investigated without delay and surgery, if indicated and whenever possible based on the anaesthetic evaluation, should be performed. In the transplant population, a high degree of suspicion must be raised in case of any abdominal symptom. Radiological investigations and surgery without delay are often the only ways to preserve the function of the graft and optimize the patient's survival.