900 resultados para Security, Privacy, Trust, Reputation


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The Childhood protection is a subject with high value for the society, but, the Child Abuse cases are difficult to identify. The process from suspicious to accusation is very difficult to achieve. It must configure very strong evidences. Typically, Health Care services deal with these cases from the beginning where there are evidences based on the diagnosis, but they aren’t enough to promote the accusation. Besides that, this subject it’s highly sensitive because there are legal aspects to deal with such as: the patient privacy, paternity issues, medical confidentiality, among others. We propose a Child Abuses critical knowledge monitor system model that addresses this problem. This decision support system is implemented with a multiple scientific domains: to capture of tokens from clinical documents from multiple sources; a topic model approach to identify the topics of the documents; knowledge management through the use of ontologies to support the critical knowledge sensibility concepts and relations such as: symptoms, behaviors, among other evidences in order to match with the topics inferred from the clinical documents and then alert and log when clinical evidences are present. Based on these alerts clinical personnel could analyze the situation and take the appropriate procedures.


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Este artigo apresenta uma proposta de um modelo de gestão contendo requisitos relacionados com a confiabilidade dos sistemas no ambiente de Computação em Nuvem (CN). A proposta teve como base uma revisão da literatura sobre os problemas, desafios e estudos que estão em curso relacionados com a segurança e confiabilidade de aplicações e Sistemas de Informações (SI) neste ambiente tecnológico. Nesta revisão bibliográfica são abordados os entraves e desafios atualmente existentes na visão de conceituados autores sobre o tema. Estas questões foram abordadas e estruturadas na forma de um modelo, denominado de “Modelo de Confiança para o ambiente de Computação em Nuvem”. Trata-se de uma proposta proativa que tem por objetivo organizar e discutir soluções de gestão para o ambiente de CN com uma maior confiabilidade para a operacionalização das aplicações de SI, tanto por parte dos provedores como também dos seus clientes.


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Organisations continuously innovate, create, and are competitive if they improve their performance through continuous intellectual capital development, a key resource for value creation and organisational performance driver. Apart from sustaining competitive advantage, intellectual capital is increasingly important due to its ability to increase shareholder value, especially in public organisations. Employee learning, talent development, and knowledge creation allow the organisation to generate innovative ideas due to the quickness of knowledge obsolescence. The organisation's dynamic capabilities create and re-ignite organisational competencies for business sustainability being co-ordinated by well-structured organisational strategic routines ensuring continuous value creation streams into the business. This chapter focuses on the relationship between notions of knowledge sharing and trust in organisations. Lack of trust can impact negatively organisational knowledge sharing, dependent on trust, openness, and communication. The research sample included graduates and postgraduate students from two universities in Portugal. The findings revealed different perceptions according to the age group.


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Doctoral Thesis in Juridical Sciences (Specialty in Public Legal Sciences)


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Dissertação de mestrado em Direitos Humanos


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Estratégia


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El problema que abordaremos es la transformación y la toma de decisiones en los procesos de formación y capacitación de las instituciones de seguridad, específicamente, los motivos y fundamentos de los cambios en los planes de estudios, en relación a los contenidos curriculares de los institutos de formación de los profesionales en seguridad. Esto sobre la hipótesis de que las organizaciones educativas policiales y penitenciarias han llevado a cabo transformaciones en su organización y gestión curricular para adecuarse a las nuevas demandas sociales y políticas. El objetivo del presente proyecto es analizar críticamente los contenidos curriculares de los institutos de formación y capacitación de la Policía y Servicio Penitenciario de la Provincia de Córdoba. Abordaremos el análisis de los planes de dichas instituciones en los últimos 10 años, sus modificaciones y criterios utilizados para responder a los nuevos escenarios sociales. Se hará una exploración de la información y la documentación existente en los ámbitos oficiales. Asimismo, la investigación contará con la realización de entrevistas y encuestas a directivos, docentes, alumnos y demás actores claves, con la finalidad de recabar la opinión de los mismos respecto de las transformaciones en la educación policial y penitenciaria. A partir del proyecto de investigación se pretende construir conocimiento acerca de las políticas educativas en el área de seguridad especialmente sobre la formación y capacitación de recursos profesionales específicos, dentro del ámbito local. De tal modo, se pretende aportar elementos teóricos de análisis al modo en que se han instituido la oferta educativa y las transformaciones en los planes de estudios en las instituciones de formación profesional de la seguridad y cómo éstos han sido implementados a la luz de los nuevos escenarios políticos y sociales. Esto nos permitirá aportar al incipiente campo de los estudios sobre la seguridad, específicamente sobre la formación de los profesionales en seguridad, poniendo a diposición de los responsables gubernamentales e institucionales un estudio que explora y sistematiza las transformaciones y fundamentos de la politica de educación en el campo de la seguridad provincial. Este desarrollo investigativo nos permitirá inagurar la actividad de producción de conocimiento dentro del ámbito académico de la Licenciatura en Seguridad de la Universidad Nacional de Villa María a través del presente proyecto que describirá el proceso de formación y capacitación policial y penitenciaria y los cambios que con el transcurso del tiempo se han verificado.


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Although the ASP model has been around for over a decade, it has not achieved the expected high level of market uptake. This research project examines the past and present state of ASP adoption and identifies security as a primary factor influencing the uptake of the model. The early chapters of this document examine the ASP model and ASP security in particular. Specifically, the literature and technology review chapter analyses ASP literature, security technologies and best practices with respect to system security in general. Based on this investigation, a prototype to illustrate the range and types of technologies that encompass a security framework was developed and is described in detail. The latter chapters of this document evaluate the practical implementation of system security in an ASP environment. Finally, this document outlines the research outputs, including the conclusions drawn and recommendations with respect to system security in an ASP environment. The primary research output is the recommendation that by following best practices with respect to security, an ASP application can provide the same level of security one would expect from any other n-tier client-server application. In addition, a security evaluation matrix, which could be used to evaluate not only the security of ASP applications but the security of any n-tier application, was developed by the author. This thesis shows that perceptions with regard to fears of inadequate security of ASP solutions and solution data are misguided. Finally, based on the research conducted, the author recommends that ASP solutions should be developed and deployed on tried, tested and trusted infrastructure. Existing Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) should be used where possible and security best practices should be adhered to where feasible.


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საქართველოს ეროვნული უსაფრთხოების კონცეფციის განახლებული ვერსიის გამოჩენა შესაძლებლობას იძლევა საიმისოდ, რომ გადავხედოთ საქართველოს ოფიციალურ შეხედულებას უსაფრთხოების შესახებ და შევაფასოთ ქვეყნის დამოკიდებულება საშინაო თუ საგარეო უსაფრთხოების გარემოსადმი;სტატია, პირველ რიგში, განიხილავს საქართველოს ეროვნული უსაფრთხოების დაგეგმვის გარემოებებს. შემდეგ ჩამოთვლილია კონცეფიციის პოზიტიური ასპექტები. ანალიზის ძირითადი ნაწილი მოიცავს ხუთ პრობლემატურ საკითხს. პირველი არის შიდა არასტაბილურობის შესაძლებლობა, რომლის შესახებ კონცეფციაში არაფერია ნათქვამი. მეორე საკითხი ეხება გლობალიზაციისა და ურთიერთდამოკიდებულების უსაფრთხოების ასპექტებს. მესამე საკითხი მოიცავს სამხრეთ კავკასიის რეგიონში არსებულ საფრთხეებს, კერძოდ კი, მთიანი ყარაბახის კონფლიქტს და არასტაბილურ მდგომარეობას ჩრდილოეთ კავკასიაში. მეოთხე საკითხი არის რუსეთისგან მომავალი საფრთხე. ბოლოს, განხილულია საქართველოს დასავლური ორიენტაცია.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2011


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Peer-to-Peer, reputation, trust


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2015


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This paper analyzes the role of traders' priors (proper versus improper) on the implications of market transparency by comparing a pre-trade transparent market with an opaque market in a set-up based on Madhavan (1996). We show that prices may be more informative in the opaque market, regardless of how priors are modelled. In contrast, the comparison of market liquidity and volatility in the two market structures are affected by prior specification. Key words: Market microstructure, Transparency, Prior information


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As a consequence of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and the US-led war against Iraq, WMD and their proliferation have become a central element of the EU security agenda. In December 2003, the European Council adopted even a EU Strategy against Proliferation of WMD. The approach adopted in this Strategy can be largely described as a ‘cooperative security provider’ approach and is based on effective multilateralism, the promotion of a stable international and regional environment and the cooperation with key partners. The principal objective of this paper is to examine in how far the EU has actually implemented the ‘cooperative security provider’ approach in the area which the Non-proliferation Strategy identifies as one of its priorities – the Mediterranean. Focusing on the concept of security interdependence, the paper analyses first the various WMD dangers with which the EU is confronted in the Mediterranean area. Afterwards, it examines how the EU has responded to these hazards in the framework of the Barcelona process and, in particular, the new European Neighbourhood Policy. It is argued that despite its relatively powerful rhetoric, the EU has largely failed, for a wide range of reasons, to apply effectively its non-proliferation approach in the Mediterranean area and, thus, to become a successful security provider.


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The European Neighbourhood Policy’s birth has taken place in parallel with the renewed momentum of the European Security and Defence Policy, which has launched 14 operations since 2003. Both policies’ instruments have converged in the neighbouring area covered by ENP: Georgia, in the East and the Palestinian Territories in the South. In both cases, the Security Sector Reform strategies have been the main focus for ESDP and an important objective for ENP. In this paper, two objectives are pursued: first, to assess the EU’s involvement in both cases in SSR terms; and second, to analyse whether the convergence of ESDP operations with a broader EU neighbourhood policy implies that the former has become an instrument for the a EU external action.