992 resultados para Schottky contacts


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Integrins link the cell's cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix, as well as to receptors on other cells. These links occur not only at focal contacts but also at smaller integrin-containing protein complexes outside of focal contacts. We previously demonstrated the importance of focal contact-independent integrin–cytoskeleton interactions of β2 integrins: activation of adhesion resulted from a release of integrins from cytoskeletal constraints. To determine whether changes in integrin–cytoskeleton interactions were related to activation of the integrin, we used single particle tracking to examine focal contact-independent cytoskeletal associations of αIIbβ3-integrin, in which activation results in a large conformational change. Direct activation of αIIbβ3 by mutation did not mimic activation of lymphocytes with phorbol ester, because it enhanced integrin–cytoskeleton interactions, whereas activation of lymphocytes decreased them. Using additional integrin mutants, we found that both α- and β-cytoplasmic domains were required for these links. This suggests that 1) both β2- and β3-integrins interact with the cytoskeleton outside of focal contacts; 2) activation of a cell and activation of an integrin are distinct processes, and both can affect integrin–cytoskeleton interactions; and 3) the role of the α-subunit in integrin–cytoskeleton interactions in at least some circumstances is more direct than generally supposed.


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The junction-associated protein zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) is a member of a family of membrane-associated guanylate kinase homologues thought to be important in signal transduction at sites of cell-cell contact. We present evidence that under certain conditions of cell growth, ZO-1 can be detected in the nucleus. Two different antibodies against distinct portions of the ZO-1 polypeptide reveal nuclear staining in subconfluent, but not confluent, cell cultures. An exogenously expressed, epitope-tagged ZO-1 can also be detected in the nuclei of transfected cells. Nuclear accumulation can be stimulated at sites of wounding in cultured epithelial cells, and immunoperoxidase detection of ZO-1 in tissue sections of intestinal epithelial cells reveals nuclear labeling only along the outer tip of the villus. These results suggest that the nuclear localization of ZO-1 is inversely related to the extent and/or maturity of cell contact. Since cell-cell contacts are specialized sites for signaling pathways implicated in growth and differentiation, we suggest that the nuclear accumulation of ZO-1 may be relevant for its suggested role in membrane-associated guanylate kinase homologue signal transduction.


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The most frequent form of inherited amyloidoses is associated with mutations in the transthyretin (TTR) gene coding for 127-amino acid residues of four identical, noncovalently linked subunits that form a pair of dimers in the plasma protein complex. Amyloid fibrils containing the variant and to a lesser extent the wild-type form of the TTR molecule are deposited in various organs, including peripheral nerves and the myocardium, with polyneuropathy and cardiomyopathy as major clinical manifestations. So far, more than 40 distinct amino acid substitutions distributed throughout the TTR sequence over 30 positions have been found to be correlated with an increased amyloidogenicity of TTR. Most of these amyloidogenic amino acid substitutions are suspected to alter the conformation and stability of the monomer. Here we identify and characterize by protein and DNA analysis a novel amyloidogenic Val-20 to Ile mutation in a German three-generation family. The index patient suffered from severe amyloid cardiomyopathy at the age of 60. Conformational stability and unfolding behavior of the Ile-20 monomer in urea gradients was found to be almost indistinguishable from that of wild-type TTR. In contrast, tetramer stability was significantly reduced in agreement with the expected change in the interactions between the two opposing dimers via the side chain of Ile-20. Our observations provide strong evidence for the view that amyloidogenic amino acid substitutions in TTR facilitate the conversion of tetrameric TTR complexes into those conformational intermediates of the TTR folding pathway that have an intrinsic amyloidogenic potential.


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A general method has been developed to analyze all 2' hydroxyl groups involved in tertiary interactions in RNA in a single experiment. This method involves comparing the activity of populations of circularly permuted RNAs that contain or lack potential hydrogen-bond donors at each position. The 2' hydroxyls of the pre-tRNA substrate identified as potential hydrogen bond donors in intermolecular interactions with the ribozyme from eubacterial RNase P (P RNA) are located in the T stem and T loop, acceptor stem, and 3' CCA regions. To locate the hydrogen-bond acceptors for one of those 2' hydroxyls in the P RNA, a phylogenetically conserved adenosine was mutated to a guanosine. When this mutant P RNA was used, increased cleavage activity of a single circularly permuted substrate within the population was observed. The cleavage efficiency (kcat/Km) of a singly 2'-deoxy-substituted substrate at this position in the T stem was also determined. For the wild-type P RNA, the catalytic efficiency was significantly decreased compared with that of the all-ribo substrate, consistent with the notion that this 2' hydroxyl plays an important role. For the P RNA mutant, no additional effect was found upon 2'-deoxy substitution. We propose that this particular 2' hydroxyl in the pre-tRNA interacts specifically with this adenosine in the P RNA. This method should be useful in examining the role of 2' hydroxyl groups in other RNA-RNA and RNA-protein complexes.


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In natural streptavidin, tryptophan 120 of each subunit makes contacts with the biotin bound by an adjacent subunit through the dimer-dimer interface. To understand quantitatively the role of tryptophan 120 and its intersubunit communication in the properties of streptavidin, a streptavidin mutant in which tryptophan 120 is converted to phenylalanine was produced and characterized. The streptavidin mutant forms a tetrameric molecule and binds one biotin per subunit, as does natural streptavidin, indicating that the mutation of tryptophan 120 to phenylalanine has no significant effect on the basic properties of streptavidin. However, its biotin-binding affinity was reduced substantially, to approximately 10(8) M-1, indicating that the contact made by tryptophan 120 to biotin has a considerable contribution to the extremely tight biotin binding by streptavidin. The mutant retained bound biotin over a wide pH range or with the addition of urea up to 6 M at neutral pH. However, bound biotin was efficiently released by the addition of excess free biotin due, presumably, to exchange reactions. Electrophoretic analysis revealed that the intersubunit contact made by tryptophan 120 to biotin through the dimer-dimer interface is the major interaction responsible for the biotin-induced, tighter subunit association of streptavidin. In addition, the mutant has weaker subunit association than natural streptavidin even in the absence of biotin, indicating that tryptophan 120 also contributes to the subunit association of tetramers in the absence of biotin.


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In the last decades, an increasing interest in the research field of wide bandgap semiconductors was observed, mostly due to the progressive approaching of silicon-based devices to their theoretical limits. 4H-SiC is an example among these, and is a mature compound for applications. The main advantages offered 4H-SiC in comparison with silicon are an higher breakdown field, an higher thermal conductivity, a higher operating temperature, very high hardness and melting point, biocompatibility, but also low switching losses in high frequencies applications and lower on-resistances in unipolar devices. Then, 4H-SiC power devices offer great performance improvement; moreover, they can work in hostile environments where silicon power devices cannot function. Ion implantation technology is a key process in the fabrication of almost all kinds of SiC devices, owing to the advantage of a spatially selective doping. This work is dedicated to the electrical investigation of several differently-processed 4H-SiC ion- implanted samples, mainly through Hall effect and space charge spectroscopy experiments. It was also developed the automatic control (Labview) of several experiments. In the work, the effectiveness of high temperature post-implant thermal treatments (up to 2000°C) were studied and compared considering: (i) different methods, (ii) different temperatures and (iii) different duration of the annealing process. Preliminary p + /n and Schottky junctions were also investigated as simple test devices. 1) Heavy doping by ion implantation of single off-axis 4H-SiC layers The electrical investigation is one of the most important characterization of ion-implanted samples, which must be submitted to mandatory post-implant thermal treatment in order to both (i) recover the lattice after ion bombardment, and (ii) address the implanted impurities into lattice sites so that they can effectively act as dopants. Electrical investigation can give fundamental information on the efficiency of the electrical impurity activation. To understand the results of the research it should be noted that: (a) To realize good ohmic contacts it is necessary to obtain spatially defined highly doped regions, which must have conductivity as low as possible. (b) It has been shown that the electrical activation efficiency and the electrical conductivity increase with the annealing temperature increasing. (c) To maximize the layer conductivity, temperatures around 1700°C are generally used and implantation density high till to 10 21 cm -3 . In this work, an original approach, different from (c), is explored by the using very high annealing temperature, around 2000°C, on samples of Al + -implant concentration of the order of 10 20 cm -3 . Several Al + -implanted 4H-SiC samples, resulting of p-type conductivity, were investigated, with a nominal density varying in the range of about 1-5∙10 20 cm -3 and subjected to two different high temperature thermal treatments. One annealing method uses a radiofrequency heated furnace till to 1950°C (Conventional Annealing, CA), the other exploits a microwave field, providing a fast heating rate up to 2000°C (Micro-Wave Annealing, MWA). In this contest, mainly ion implanted p-type samples were investigated, both off-axis and on-axis <0001> semi-insulating 4H-SiC. Concerning p-type off-axis samples, a high electrical activation of implanted Al (50-70%) and a compensation ratio below 10% were estimated. In the work, the main sample processing parameters have been varied, as the implant temperature, CA annealing duration, and heating/cooling rates, and the best values assessed. MWA method leads to higher hole density and lower mobility than CA in equivalent ion implanted layers, resulting in lower resistivity, probably related to the 50°C higher annealing temperature. An optimal duration of the CA treatment was estimated in about 12-13 minutes. A RT resistivity on the lowest reported in literature for this kind of samples, has been obtained. 2) Low resistivity data: variable range hopping Notwithstanding the heavy p-type doping levels, the carrier density remained less than the critical one required for a semiconductor to metal transition. However, the high carrier densities obtained was enough to trigger a low temperature impurity band (IB) conduction. In the heaviest doped samples, such a conduction mechanism persists till to RT, without significantly prejudice the mobility values. This feature can have an interesting technological fall, because it guarantee a nearly temperature- independent carrier density, it being not affected by freeze-out effects. The usual transport mechanism occurring in the IB conduction is the nearest neighbor hopping: such a regime is effectively consistent with the resistivity temperature behavior of the lowest doped samples. In the heavier doped samples, however, a trend of the resistivity data compatible with a variable range hopping (VRH) conduction has been pointed out, here highlighted for the first time in p-type 4H-SiC. Even more: in the heaviest doped samples, and in particular, in those annealed by MWA, the temperature dependence of the resistivity data is consistent with a reduced dimensionality (2D) of the VRH conduction. In these samples, TEM investigation pointed out faulted dislocation loops in the basal plane, whose average spacing along the c-axis is comparable with the optimal length of the hops in the VRH transport. This result suggested the assignment of such a peculiar behavior to a kind of spatial confinement into a plane of the carrier hops. 3) Test device the p + -n junction In the last part of the work, the electrical properties of 4H-SiC diodes were also studied. In this case, a heavy Al + ion implantation was realized on n-type epilayers, according to the technological process applied for final devices. Good rectification properties was shown from these preliminary devices in their current-voltage characteristics. Admittance spectroscopy and deep level transient spectroscopy measurements showed the presence of electrically active defects other than the dopants ones, induced in the active region of the diodes by ion implantation. A critical comparison with the literature of these defects was performed. Preliminary to such an investigation, it was assessed the experimental set up for the admittance spectroscopy and current-voltage investigation and the automatic control of these measurements.


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The conductance of atomic-sized metallic point contacts is shown to be strongly voltage dependent due to quantum interference with impurities even in samples with low impurity concentrations. Transmission through these small contacts depends not only on the local atomic structure at the contact but also on the distribution of impurities or defects within a coherence length of the contact. In contrast with other mesoscopic systems we show that transport through atomic contacts is coherent even at room temperature. The use of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) makes it possible to fabricate one atom contacts of gold whose transmission can be controlled by manipulation of the contact allowing inelastic spectroscopy in such small contacts.


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Using the mechanically controlled break junction technique at low temperatures and under cryogenic vacuum conditions we have studied atomic contacts of several magnetic (Fe, Co, and Ni) and nonmagnetic (Pt) metals, which recently were claimed to show fractional conductance quantization. In the case of pure metals we see no quantization of the conductance nor half quantization, even when high magnetic fields are applied. On the other hand, features in the conductance similar to (fractional) quantization are observed when the contact is exposed to gas molecules. Furthermore, the absence of fractional quantization when the contact is bridged by H2 indicates the current is never fully polarized for the metals studied here. Our results are in agreement with recent model calculations.


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Atomic contacts made of ferromagnetic metals present zero-bias anomalies in the differential conductance due to the Kondo effect. These systems provide a unique opportunity to perform a statistical analysis of the Kondo parameters in nanostructures since a large number of contacts can be easily fabricated using break-junction techniques. The details of the atomic structure differ from one contact to another so a large number of different configurations can be statistically analyzed. Here we present such a statistical analysis of the Kondo effect in atomic contacts made from the ferromagnetic transition metals Ni, Co, and Fe. Our analysis shows clear differences between materials that can be understood by fundamental theoretical considerations. This combination of experiments and theory allows us to extract information about the origin and nature of the Kondo effect in these systems and to explore the influence of geometry and valence in the Kondo screening of atomic-sized nanostructures.


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We investigate both experimentally and theoretically the evolution of conductance in metallic one-atom contacts under elastic deformation. While simple metals like Au exhibit almost constant conductance plateaus, Al and Pb show inclined plateaus with positive and negative slopes. It is shown how these behaviors can be understood in terms of the orbital structure of the atoms forming the contact. This analysis provides further insight into the issue of conductance quantization in metallic contacts revealing important aspects of their atomic and electronic structures.


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Electrochemical methods have recently become an interesting tool for fabricating and characterizing nanostructures at room temperature. Simplicity, low cost and reversibility are some of the advantages of this technique that allows to work at the nanoscale without requiring sophisticated instrumentation. In our experimental setup, we measure the conductance across a nanocontact fabricated either by dissolving a macroscopic gold wire or by depositing gold in between two separated gold electrodes. We have achieved a high level of control on the electrochemical fabrication of atomic-sized contacts in gold. The use of electrochemistry as a reproducible technique to prepare nanocontacts will open several possibilities that are not feasible with other methodologies. It involves, also, the possibility of reproducing experiments that today are made by more expensive, complicated or irreversible methods. As example, we show here a comparison of the results when looking for shell effects in gold nanocontacts with those obtained by other techniques.