347 resultados para Reichert, Rudy


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Chimpanzees are native only to the jungles of equatorial Africa, but for the last hundred years, they have also lived in captivity in the United States, most commonly in biomedical research laboratories, but also at Air Force bases for experiments for the space program, at accredited and unaccredited zoos, at circuses, as performers in Hollywood and even in private homes and backyards as pets. But that has been gradually evolving over the last few decades, as more and more chimpanzees move to newly-established chimpanzee sanctuaries. That transition was already underway even before the announcement by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) last year that it will retire all of its remaining chimpanzees from labs to sanctuaries. By thoroughly examining the evolution of these sanctuaries leading up to that seminal decision, along with the many challenges they face, including money, medical care, conflicting philosophies on the treatment of animals and the pitfalls that have led other sanctuaries to the brink of ruin, we can take away a better understanding of why chimpanzee sanctuaries are needed and why caretakers of other animal species are now looking to the chimpanzee sanctuary movement as a model to show how animals can be cared for in retirement.


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To effectively assess and mitigate risk of permafrost disturbance, disturbance-p rone areas can be predicted through the application of susceptibility models. In this study we developed regional susceptibility models for permafrost disturbances using a field disturbance inventory to test the transferability of the model to a broader region in the Canadian High Arctic. Resulting maps of susceptibility were then used to explore the effect of terrain variables on the occurrence of disturbances within this region. To account for a large range of landscape charac- teristics, the model was calibrated using two locations: Sabine Peninsula, Melville Island, NU, and Fosheim Pen- insula, Ellesmere Island, NU. Spatial patterns of disturbance were predicted with a generalized linear model (GLM) and generalized additive model (GAM), each calibrated using disturbed and randomized undisturbed lo- cations from both locations and GIS-derived terrain predictor variables including slope, potential incoming solar radiation, wetness index, topographic position index, elevation, and distance to water. Each model was validated for the Sabine and Fosheim Peninsulas using independent data sets while the transferability of the model to an independent site was assessed at Cape Bounty, Melville Island, NU. The regional GLM and GAM validated well for both calibration sites (Sabine and Fosheim) with the area under the receiver operating curves (AUROC) N 0.79. Both models were applied directly to Cape Bounty without calibration and validated equally with AUROC's of 0.76; however, each model predicted disturbed and undisturbed samples differently. Addition- ally, the sensitivity of the transferred model was assessed using data sets with different sample sizes. Results in- dicated that models based on larger sample sizes transferred more consistently and captured the variability within the terrain attributes in the respective study areas. Terrain attributes associated with the initiation of dis- turbances were similar regardless of the location. Disturbances commonly occurred on slopes between 4 and 15°, below Holocene marine limit, and in areas with low potential incoming solar radiation


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Modelling the susceptibility of permafrost slopes to disturbance can identify areas at risk to future disturbance and result in safer infrastructure and resource development in the Arctic. In this study, we use terrain attributes derived from a digital elevation model, an inventory of permafrost slope disturbances known as active-layer detachments (ALDs) and generalised additive modelling to produce a map of permafrost slope disturbance susceptibility for an area on northern Melville Island, in the Canadian High Arctic. By examining terrain variables and their relative importance, we identified factors important for initiating slope disturbance. The model was calibrated and validated using 70 and 30 per cent of a data-set of 760 mapped ALDs, including disturbed and randomised undisturbed samples. The generalised additive model calibrated and validated very well, with areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.89 and 0.81, respectively, demonstrating its effectiveness at predicting disturbed and undisturbed samples. ALDs were most likely to occur below the marine limit on slope angles between 3 and 10° and in areas with low values of potential incoming solar radiation (north-facing slopes).


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The detailed, rich and diverse Argaric funerary record offers an opportunity to explore social dimensions that usually remain elusive for prehistoric research, such us social rules on kinship rights and obligations, sexual tolerance and the role of funerary practices in preserving the economic and political organization. This paper addresses these topics through an analysis of the social meaning of Argaric double tombs by looking at body treatment and composition of grave goods assemblages according to gender and class affiliation. The Argaric seems to have been a conservative society, scarcely tolerant regarding homosexuality, and willing to celebrate ancestry associated to certain places as a means of asserting residence and property rights.


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El artículo analiza cómo Paul Celan, utilizando recursos arreferenciales y antimiméticos propios de la poésie pure y la poesía absoluta, desarrolla un modelo poético en el que la temporalidad y la memoria son determinantes. En el nuevo modelo, el lenguaje no constituye una realidad autónoma e inmanente; antes bien, se concreta en una acción dialógica y remite a una realidad extralingüística. El mismo texto poético configura un espacio del recuerdo, se erige en un lugar de memoria que, a través de las sedimentaciones históricas que arrastra el lenguaje, da testimonio de lo ocurrido.


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The structure of the Moroccan and Nova Scotia conjugate rifted margins is of key importance for understanding the Mesozoic break-up and evolution of the northern central Atlantic Ocean basin. Seven combined multichannel reflection (MCS) and wide-angle seismic (OBS) data profiles were acquired along the Atlantic Moroccan margin between the latitudes of 31.5° and 33° N during the MIRROR seismic survey in 2011, in order to image the transition from continental to oceanic crust, to study the variation in crustal structure and to characterize the crust under the West African Coast Magnetic Anomaly (WACMA). The data were modeled using a forward modeling approach. The final models image crustal thinning from 36 km thickness below the continent to approximately 8 km in the oceanic domain. A 100 km wide zone characterized by rough basement topography and high seismic velocities up to 7.4 km/s in the lower crust is observed westward of the West African Coast Magnetic Anomaly. No basin underlain by continental crust has been imaged in this region, as has been identified north of our study area. Comparison to the conjugate Nova Scotian margin shows a similar continental crustal thickness and layer geometry, and the existence of exhumed and serpentinized upper mantle material on the Canadian side only. The oceanic crustal thickness is lower on the Canadian margin.


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En este trabajo lo que primordialmente se pretende es dar a conocer la teoría concerniente a los grupos topológicos, debido a que es una parte de la matemática que no se da a conocer. Se presentan las definiciones y propiedades más importantes sobre los grupos topológicos y las propiedades topológicas (compacidad, conexidad, métricas, etc.)


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Rhizobium freirei PRF 81 is employed in common bean commercial inoculants in Brazil, due to its outstanding efficiency in fixing nitrogen, competitiveness and tolerance to abiotic stresses. Among the environmental conditions faced by rhizobia in soils, acidity is perhaps the encountered most, especially in Brazil. So, we used proteomics based approaches to study the responses of PRF 81 to a low pH condition. R. freirei PRF 81 was grown in TY medium until exponential phase in two treatments: pH 6,8 and pH 4,8. Whole-cell proteins were extracted and separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, using IPG-strips with pH range 4-7 and 12% polyacrilamide gels. The experiment was performed in triplicate. Protein spots were detected in the high-resolution digitized gel images and analyzed by Image Master 2D Platinum v 5.0 software. Relative volumes (%vol) of compared between the two conditions tested and were statistically evaluated (p ≤ 0.05). Even knowing that R. freirei PRF 81 can still grow in more acid conditions, pH 4.8 was chosen because didn´t affect significantly the bacterial growth kinetics, a factor that could compromise the analysis. Using a narrow pH range, the gel profiles displayed a better resolution and reprodutibility than using broader pH range. Spots were mostly concentrated between pH 5-7 and molecular masses between 17-95 kDa. From the six hundred well-defined spots analyzed, one hundred and sixty-three spots presented a significant change in % vol, indicating that the pH led to expressive changes in the proteome of R. freirei PRF 81. Of these, sixty-one were up-regulated and one hundred two was downregulated in pH 4.8 condition. Also, fourteen spots were only identified in the acid condition, while seven spots was exclusively detected in pH 6.8. Ninety-five differentially expressed spots and two exclusively detected in pH 4,8 were selected for Maldi-Tof identification. Together with the genome sequencing and the proteome analysis of heat stress, we will search for molecular determinants of PRF 81 related to capacity to adapt to stressful tropical conditions.


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El cooperativismo es un fenómeno económico que ha servido como base de subsistencia a miles de familias en diversas partes del mundo y especialmente en Latinoamérica. En El Salvador este fenómeno ha sido parte importante en el desarrollo económico y social de una gran parte de la población. En El Salvador existen muchas cooperativas organizadas en tres niveles: Cooperativas de base, federaciones, y confederaciones. Las confederaciones más importantes del país son la Confederación de Asociaciones Cooperativas de El Salvador (COACES) y la confederación de Federaciones de la Reforma Agraria salvadoreña (CONFRAS). Estas organizaciones desarrollan proyectos con ayuda de organismos internacionales para apoyar a sus cooperativas asociadas. Actualmente están desarrollando un proyecto denominado Centro de Convenciones, cuyo fin es ofrecer servicios de capacitación, asistencia técnica y servicios varios a sus cooperativas. El Centro de Convenciones está dirigido por una Junta Directiva y una Junta de Fiscalización. Sin embargo estos no poseen herramientas administrativas que orienten las actividades hacia el logro de los objetivos. El Centro de Convenciones tiene poca planeación, no tiene definida su misión, visión, objetivos, políticas y estrategias. En cuanto a la organización no tiene estructurado el organigrama, manuales de organización y evaluación del desempeño; así como también en la dirección no se tiene establecido un estilo de liderazgo y existe una comunicación deficiente entre dirigentes y asociados de cooperativas. Por último, en la fase de control no posee ninguna herramienta de control. Por lo tanto, se ha considerado el diseño de un modelo administrativo, el cual facilitará la dirección del Centro de Convenciones. El modelo administrativo se ha diseñado en base a las necesidades propias del Centro. En la planeación se ha diseñado su misión, visión objetivos, políticas y estrategias generales del centro. En la parte organizativa se ha diseñado su organigrama de acuerdo a las necesidades proyectadas para el centro de convenciones, además se incluyen el manual de organización; para la elaboración de éste se tomó en cuenta las necesidades de proyección del Centro y las necesidades de la familia Cooperativa. En la dirección se presentan aspectos como la manera de ejercer el liderazgo dentro del Centro de Convenciones. Y finalmente, para el control se presentan modelos de presupuestos como pronósticos de ventas, estimación de ingresos, egresos y de efectivo; también se presenta el manual de evaluación del desempeño para que la dirección pueda corregir y mejorar la administración y el desempeño de su recurso humano.


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La novela Yo, el Supremo del escritor paraguayo Augusto Roa Bastos* se basa en una figura histórica controversial y en los acontecimientos que rodearon a ese personaje. Aunque conocer los hechos más trascendentes de esa época no es indispensable para comprender el texto de la obra, la referencialidad histórica juega un papel importante en la narrativa del Supremo, pues en el proceso de desarrollo argumental de la obra él se nutre de ella para expresar ciertas ideas relacionadas, entre otras, con el concepto comunitario paraguayo. El personaje se mueve dentro de una macro-temporalidad. No obstante, hay una sistemática referencia a una época determinada que sobresale en su discurso. La referencialidad histórica está así funcionando como un marcador temporal y, al mismo tiempo, señala que el discurso de el Supremo es portador de ciertos valores correspondientes a esa época. Los conceptos socio-políticos que maneja el personaje no son abstractos sino que se identifican con el ser paraguayo del siglo XIX.AbstractThe novel Yo, el Supremo, by Paraguayan writer Augusto Roa Bastos, is based on a historical and controversial character and on the facts that surrounded this character. Even though it is not important to know the most important events of that time to understand the text, the historical references play an important role in the narrative of the Supremo because in the process of the argumentative development he is nourished from those references in order to express some ideas related, among others, with the communal Paraguayan concept. The character moves inside a macro-temporal level. However, there is systematic reference to a specific epoch that is highlighted in his discourse. The historical references thus works as a temporal marker and, at the same time, reveals that the discourse of the Supremo contains some values that correspond to that time. The socio-political concepts that the character works with are not abstract but rather show the Paraguayan identity of the XX century.


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In questa tesi è stato affrontato lo studio della valutazione delle proprietà meccaniche del calcestruzzo negli edifici esistenti, ponendo attenzione alle normative che regolano questa procedura, alle prove distruttive e non, che vengono eseguite in sito e in laboratorio, fino all'elaborazione dei risultati al fine di ottenere il valore desiderato della resistenza a compressione del cls. In particolare sono state affrontate le prove a compressione, trazione indiretta e di determinazione del modulo elastico che si eseguono in laboratorio, i carotaggi, la carbonatazione, la prova sclerometrica, ultrasonica, di aderenza, di estrazione e penetrazione eseguite in sito. Per la valutazione del calcestruzzo è stato introdotto il funzionamento delle curve di correlazione, la loro costruzione e valutazione, e le varie definizioni del calcestruzzo definite dalla NTC del 2008, dalle Linee Guida C.S. LL.PP. e dal metodo Holos.


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Intensification of permafrost disturbances such as active layer detachments (ALDs) and retrogressive thaw slumps (RTS) have been observed across the circumpolar Arctic. These features are indicators of unstable conditions stemming from recent climate warming and permafrost degradation. In order to understand the processes interacting to give rise to these features, a multidisciplinary approach is required; i.e., interactions between geomorphology, hydrology, vegetation and ground thermal conditions. The goal of this research is to detect and map permafrost disturbance, predict landscape controls over disturbance and determine approaches for monitoring disturbance, all with the goal of contributing to the mitigation of permafrost hazards. Permafrost disturbance inventories were created by applying semi-automatic change detection techniques to IKONOS satellite imagery collected at the Cape Bounty Arctic Watershed Observatory (CBAWO). These methods provide a means to estimate the spatial distribution of permafrost disturbances for a given area for use as an input in susceptibility modelling. Permafrost disturbance susceptibility models were then developed using generalized additive and generalized linear models (GAM, GLM) fitted to disturbed and undisturbed locations and relevant GIS-derived predictor variables (slope, potential solar radiation, elevation). These models successfully delineated areas across the landscape that were susceptible to disturbances locally and regionally when transferred to an independent validation location. Permafrost disturbance susceptibility models are a first-order assessment of landscape susceptibility and are promising for designing land management strategies for remote permafrost regions. Additionally, geomorphic patterns associated with higher susceptibility provide important knowledge about processes associated with the initiation of disturbances. Permafrost degradation was analyzed at the CBAWO using differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR). Active-layer dynamics were interpreted using inter-seasonal and intra-seasonal displacement measurements and highlight the importance of hydroclimatic factors on active layer change. Collectively, these research approaches contribute to permafrost monitoring and the assessment of landscape-scale vulnerability in order to develop permafrost disturbance mitigation strategies.


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Objetivo: determinar los niveles de actividad física (AF) de niños y adolescentes entre 10 y 17 años durante los periodos de recreo escolar en un colegio distrital de Bogotá. Método: estudio de corte transversal en un colegio distrital de la localidad de Puente Aranda en Bogotá. Fueron observados a través del sistema de observación de juego y de actividad en el tiempo libre en jóvenes (SOPLAY) los niveles y tipos de AF de niños y adolescentes en los periodos de recreo durante tres semanas, utilizando una condición de observación diferente para cada semana. Adicionalmente, las condiciones del contexto de las áreas recreo deportivas fueron evaluadas. Resultados: las prevalencias de escolares sedentarios fueron de 52,4 %, 77,3 % y 64,9 % durante la 1ª, 2ª y 3ª semana respectivamente. El sexo femenino fue más sedentario con el masculino (57 %, 82 % y 73 % vs 45 %, 70 % y 54 %) para cada semana observada. Se obtuvieron diferencias significativas (p<0,05) en los niveles de AF de los escolares. Conclusión: niños y adolescentes presentan elevadas prevalencias de sedentarismo siendo las actividades más frecuentes estar sentado, de pie o acostado durante los periodos de recreo. El sexo masculino mostró porcentajes superiores de participación en AF moderadas vigorosas. Las áreas recreo deportivas no contaban con condiciones del contexto relacionadas con disponibilidad de equipamiento para realizar AF ni existencia de actividades organizadas. Son necesarios programas e intervenciones eficaces que promuevan la AF en niños y adolescentes durante el recreo de la jornada escolar.


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O artigo avalia o papel das instituições regionais e locais no âmbito do Proambiente, programa federal de apoio ao fortalecimento da agricultura familiar na Amazônia brasileira. A pesquisa foi realizada na região da transamazônica, estado do Pará. As entrevistas semi estruturadas e o Diagrama de Venn auxiliaram na avaliação de interação entre os atores institucionais e as comunidades rurais. Os resultados demonstram o papel estratégico das instituições envolvidas diretamente com o desenvolvimento rural local, como os sindicatos e ONGs, para execução das ações nas várias fases do programa. Evidenciou-se que o êxito das intervenções externas no contexto rural dependerá, principalmente, de um conjunto de ações estruturantes e de um forte contexto organizativo das comunidades rurais abrangidas