351 resultados para REVESTIMENTOS
FORMIGA, Felipe Lira et al. Avaliação da Potencialidade de Uso do Resíduo Proveniente da Indústria de Beneficiamento do Caulim na Produção de Piso Cerâmico. Cerâmica Industrial, v. 14, p. 41-45, 2009.
The increased longevity of humans and the demand for a better quality of life have led to a continuous search for new implant materials. Scientific development coupled with a growing multidisciplinarity between materials science and life sciences has given rise to new approaches such as regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. The search for a material with mechanical properties close to those of human bone produced a new family of hybrid materials that take advantage of the synergy between inorganic silica (SiO4) domains, based on sol-gel bioactive glass compositions, and organic polydimethylsiloxane, PDMS ((CH3)2.SiO2)n, domains. Several studies have shown that hybrid materials based on the system PDMS-SiO2 constitute a promising group of biomaterials with several potential applications from bone tissue regeneration to brain tissue recovery, passing by bioactive coatings and drug delivery systems. The objective of the present work was to prepare hybrid materials for biomedical applications based on the PDMS-SiO2 system and to achieve a better understanding of the relationship among the sol-gel processing conditions, the chemical structures, the microstructure and the macroscopic properties. For that, different characterization techniques were used: Fourier transform infrared spectrometry, liquid and solid state nuclear magnetic resonance techniques, X-ray diffraction, small-angle X-ray scattering, smallangle neutron scattering, surface area analysis by Brunauer–Emmett–Teller method, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Surface roughness and wettability were analyzed by 3D optical profilometry and by contact angle measurements respectively. Bioactivity was evaluated in vitro by immersion of the materials in Kokubos’s simulated body fluid and posterior surface analysis by different techniques as well as supernatant liquid analysis by inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy. Biocompatibility was assessed using MG63 osteoblastic cells. PDMS-SiO2-CaO materials were first prepared using nitrate as a calcium source. To avoid the presence of nitrate residues in the final product due to its potential toxicity, a heat-treatment step (above 400 °C) is required. In order to enhance the thermal stability of the materials subjected to high temperatures titanium was added to the hybrid system, and a material containing calcium, with no traces of nitrate and the preservation of a significant amount of methyl groups was successfully obtained. The difficulty in eliminating all nitrates from bulk PDMS-SiO2-CaO samples obtained by sol-gel synthesis and subsequent heat-treatment created a new goal which was the search for alternative sources of calcium. New calcium sources were evaluated in order to substitute the nitrate and calcium acetate was chosen due to its good solubility in water. Preparation solgel protocols were tested and homogeneous monolithic samples were obtained. Besides their ability to improve the bioactivity, titanium and zirconium influence the structural and microstructural features of the SiO2-TiO2 and SiO2-ZrO2 binary systems, and also of the PDMS-TiO2 and PDMS-ZrO2 systems. Detailed studies with different sol-gel conditions allowed the understanding of the roles of titanium and zirconium as additives in the PDMS-SiO2 system. It was concluded that titanium and zirconium influence the kinetics of the sol-gel process due to their different alkoxide reactivity leading to hybrid xerogels with dissimilar characteristics and morphologies. Titanium isopropoxide, less reactive than zirconium propoxide, was chosen as source of titanium, used as an additive to the system PDMS-SiO2-CaO. Two different sol-gel preparation routes were followed, using the same base composition and calcium acetate as calcium source. Different microstructures with high hydrophobicit were obtained and both proved to be biocompatible after tested with MG63 osteoblastic cells. Finally, the role of strontium (typically known in bioglasses to promote bone formation and reduce bone resorption) was studied in the PDMS-SiO2-CaOTiO2 hybrid system. A biocompatible material, tested with MG63 osteoblastic cells, was obtained with the ability to release strontium within the values reported as suitable for bone tissue regeneration.
Numa sociedade em que a globalização, as novas tecnologias, o social media, e as alterações sócio-culturais ditam as regras da nossa vida, o foco na diferenciação revela-se fundamental. O comportamento das empresas e dos consumidores tem sofrido alterações nos últimos anos, desde que a internet foi introduzida no seu quotidiano. As empresas passaram a abordar o mercado de forma diferente, o que por sua vez alterou de forma radical o modo como os consumidores interagem com estas, o que acrescentou uma nova dinâmica na relação de ambas as partes e consequentemente permitiu criar um processo interativo de aprendizagem mútua. Focada não somente nos conceitos teóricos da área de Marketing Digital, o presente relatório pretende caracterizar e analisar o processo de adoção desta vertente do marketing pela empresa Aleluia Cerâmicas, contribuindo no final com um conjunto de sugestões de melhoria futura que poderão proporcionar o aumento da satisfação dos clientes e o aumento da produtividade.
Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Perfil de Edificações
Atualmente, uma organização industrial com vista a singrar no mercado global é fortemente influenciada por pressões que visam o aumento da eficiência global e consequente redução de custos operacionais. O desafio para as mesmas passa, portanto, por expurgar do produto tudo aquilo que não lhe acrescenta valor percetível pelo cliente e por maximizar a utilização dos vários recursos industriais instalados. No seguimento deste desafio, surge o Problema de Planeamento e Programação da Produção, ao qual é necessário dar uma resposta eficiente. Este projeto tem como objetivo estudar o problema da Programação da Produção numa indústria de pavimentos e revestimentos cerâmicos, desenvolvendo uma heurística construtiva capaz de traduzir com fiabilidade a realidade do processo produtivo da mesma e, se possível, auxiliar na sua resolução. O problema da programação da produção em estudo visa responder às questões: o quê, em que quantidade, quando e em que linha produzir, por forma a satisfazer as necessidades dos clientes num prazo previamente estipulado como admissível, garantindo o enchimento dos fornos ligados. Sem grandes constrangimentos ao normal lavor da Produção, pretende obter-se com a heurística planos de produção viáveis, que minimizem o tempo necessário para a conclusão do conjunto de referências com necessidades produtivas. O problema é também abordado através de um modelo exato como um problema de máquinas paralelas idênticas capacitado, com matriz de compatibilidades, setups de família e de subfamília e com lotes mínimos de produção. Quer a heurística quer o modelo de programação inteira mista desenvolvidos permitem obter planos de produção válidos, equivalentes aos obtidos atualmente pela empresa através dos meios de programação atuais, embora com um dispêndio de tempo muito inferior.
A utilização de revestimentos poliméricos em rolhas de cortiça natural é uma prática recorrente na indústria de produção de rolhas. A sua aplicação tem como principal objetivo a melhoria da qualidade visual das rolhas. Contudo, este tratamento altera também as suas caraterísticas de molhabilidade, pelo que é importante otimizar os processos de revestimento de superfície. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal a averiguação da influência de um revestimento colorido e de diferentes tratamentos de superfície no comportamento da rolha em garrafa. Foram utilizadas amostras, cedidas pela Cork Supply Portugal, provenientes de quatro branqueamentos distintos (LVL, CSP, CPI e SIL). Foram estudadas amostras com e sem revestimento colorido e, todas elas, tratadas superficialmente com quatro tipos de tratamento (TS1, TS2, TS3 e TS4), sendo as quantidades de parafina e silicone administradas todas diferentes. Para observar o efeito do revestimento colorido e dos tratamentos de superfície nas rolhas de cortiça, procedeu-se a testes para determinação de capilaridade, inserções e forças de extração, simulando as condições de engarrafamento/extração do cliente, de forma a verificar a conformidade dos resultados. Todos estes testes procederam-se nas instalações da CSP. Foram também efetuados testes de molhabilidade pela determinação de ângulos de contacto para três diferentes solventes, nomeadamente água, formamida e diiodometano, e obtidos os Wetting Envelopes, pelo método de OWRK, de forma a prever a molhabilidade das várias amostras. Os procedimentos experimentais descritos efetuaram-se nos laboratórios da Universidade de Aveiro. Aliando as análises aos vários testes efetuados, concluiu-se que o revestimento colorido tem um possível efeito favorecedor nas propriedades mecânicas das rolhas de cortiça, possui maior recetividade aos agentes lubrificantes e maior molhabilidade. Relativamente aos tratamentos de superfície, o melhor, tendo em conta os fatores de molhabilidade, foi o TS4, proporcionando melhor vedação ao vinho. Já a respeito da lubrificação, verificou-se melhores resultados para os tratamentos TS1 e TS2. A lavação SIL apresenta menor afinidade aos agentes vedantes e a CSP possui maior recetibilidade aos agentes lubrificantes.
As argamassas mistas de cal e terra devem ter resultado da prática profissional quando as condições económicas foram possibilitando a adição de cais aérea às argamassas vernaculares só de terra. Baixas adições de cal aérea a argamassas de terra têm conduzido a drásticas alterações da cor e das resistências mecânicas das argamassas de terra. No entanto, a substituição parcial de massa de cal por terra em argamassas de cal ao traço volumétrico 1:2 (correspondendo a argamassas com traço em massa de 1:8, com substituições de 10% a 50%) resulta em argamassas mais ecológicas e que tecnicamente indiciam ser adequadas para aplicação em rebocos de edifícios antigos e mesmo em construção nova com características compatíveis. Os resultados obtidos foram particularmente interessantes para uma substituição de 10% mas muito há ainda a fazer para um conhecimento aprofundado deste tipo de argamassas mistas de cal e terra, muito utilizadas no passado, com vista à otimização de formulações que possam vir a ser aplicadas correntemente.
The most common method of achieve the required fire resistance is by the use of passive fire protection systems, being intumescent coatings the fire protection material frequently used. These are usually considered thin film coatings as they are applied with a dry film thickness (DFT) between 0.3-3 [mm]. The required DFT is obtained by experimental fire resistance tests performed to assess the contribution of this reactive fire protection material to the steel member fire resistance. This tests are done after dry coating and a short time period of atmospheric conditioning, at constant temperature and humidity. As the coatings formulation is mainly made from polymeric basis compounds, it is expected that the environmental factors, such temperature, humidity and UV radiation (UVA and UVB) significantly affect the intumescent coating fire protection performance and its durability. This work presents a research study about the effects of aging on the fire protection performance of intumescent coatings. A commercial water based coating is submitted to an accelerated aging cycle, using a QUV Accelerated Weathering Tester. This tests aim to simulate 10 years of the coating natural aging. The coating durability is tested comparing the fire protection of small steel samples submitted to a radiant heat flux exposure from a cone calorimeter. In total, 28 tests were performed on intumescent coating protected steel specimens, of which 14 specimens were tested before the hydrothermal aging test and other 14 after accelerated aging. The experimental tests results of the steel temperature evolution shows that increasing the intumescent dry coating film thickness, the fire resistance time increases. After the accelerated aging cycles, the coating lose their ability to expand, resulting in an increase of the steel temperature of approximately 200 [ºC], compared to the samples without aging.
-Resumo Neste trabalho apresentam-se os resultados da síntese e da caracterização de nano-materiais de hidróxido de cálcio e de hidróxido de magnésio visando a sua aplicação como consolidantes de suportes com pintura mural. Este estudo preliminar constitui a etapa inicial de um projeto em curso e que tem como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias de síntese de nano-materiais inovadores para conservação e restauro de revestimentos antigos. - Abstract In this publication, we report the synthesis and characterization of calcium and magnesium hydroxides nanoparticles for consolidation of mural paintings. Some preliminary results are discussed. This research is the initial part of our ongoing project which aims to develop new synthetic strategies towards novel and innovative materials for preservation and restoration of old rende
The failure of materials is always an unwelcome event for several reasons: human lives are put in danger, economic losses, and interference in the availability of products and services. Although the causes of failures and behaviour of materials can be known, the prevention of such a condition is difficult to be guaranteed. Among the failures, wear abrasion by the low voltage is the kind of failure that occurs in more equipment and parts industry. The Plants Sucroalcooleiras suffer significant losses because of such attrition, this fact that motivated their choice for the development of this work. For both, were considered failures in the swing hammers desfibradores stopped soon after the exchange provided in accordance with tonnage of cane processed, then were analyzed by the level of wear testing of rubber wheel defined by the standard ASTM G65-91.The failures were classified as to the origin of the cause and mechanism, moreover, were prepared with samples of welding procedures according to ASME code, sec. IX as well, using the technique of thermal spraying to analyze the performance of these materials produced in laboratories, and compares them with the solder used in the plant. It was observed that the bodies-of-proof prepared by the procedure described as welding, and the thermal spraying the results of losing weight have been minimized significantly compared to the preparations in the plant. This is because the use of techniques more appropriate and more controlled conditions of the parameters of welding. As for the thermal spraying, this technique has presented a satisfactory result, but requires the use of these coatings in the best condition for real affirmation of the results
The main objective is to analyze the abrasive wear resistance to the low stress of the elements that make up the organs of road machinery that are exposed directly to contact with abrasives. These samples were analyzed after these elements are coated superficially by the process of welding electrode coated with (SAER) and the manual process of coating type LVOF thermal spraying. As well, is to provide suggestions for a better recovery and return of these elements, which are reducing costs and avoiding downtime in the fronts of service. The samples were made from a substrate of carbon ABNT 1045 tempered steel, following the same specifications and composition of metals and alloys of constituents was followed the standard governing the dimensions of these samples and in accordance with the corresponding size. The results were evaluated by testing the hardness, abrasion resistance to wear by the low stress and the loss of volume involving the microstructure of coatings analyzed
Inorganic pigment comprises a host lattice, which is part of the chromophore component (usually a transition metal cation) and possible components modifiers, which stabilize, add or restate the properties pigments. Among the materials with spinel, ferrites, and the chromite stand out, because they have broad technological importance in the area of materials, applicability, pigments, catalytic hydrogenation, thin film, ceramic tiles, among others. The present work, pigments containing CuFe2O4, CuCr2O4,e CuFeCrO4, were synthesized by a method that makes use of gelatin as organic precursor using their application to ceramic pigments. The pigments were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) spectroscopy in the UV-visible and Colorimetry. The results confirmed the feasibility of the synthetic route used, with respect to powders synthesized, there is the formation of spinel phase from 500°C, with an increase in crystallinity and the formation of other phases. The pigments were shown to be crystalline and the desired phases were obtained. The copper chromite have hues ranging from green to black according to the calcination temperature, while the copper chromite doped with iron had brownish. The ferrites showed copper color and darker brown to black, which may indicate an interesting factor because of the importance of black pigment
Piauí state is a major producer of traditional red ceramic burning as bricks, tiles and ceramic tiles, with its main production center located in the city of Teresina. The state has large reserves of raw materials that can be used in the ceramic coating as clays, quartz, talc and carbonates. However, in the preparation of ceramic bodies using only a mixture of clays with different characteristics. The study aims to evaluate the effect of adding two types of carbonates in the ceramic semiporous mass coating produced in Piauí and then to verify the potential use of these carbonates as supplementary raw material product manufactured or the feasibility of obtaining a ceramic plate that meets the specifications for the porous coating. For this, were characterized the ceramic Piauí coating mass, a calcitic carbonate and a dolomitic, were made in the levels of 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32%. The masses were formed by pressing and burneds in two environments: a laboratory furnace (1080°C, 1120°C, 1140°C, and 1160°C) and an industrial furnace (1140°C). Then, following tests of linear shrinkage water absorption, apparent porosity, bulk density and flexural strength. Furthermore, the fired specimens were tested for their macrostructure and microstructure. The results showed the possibility of using the carbonate in ceramic mass flooring produced in Piauí, as added in small proportions improved dimensional stability and increased mechanical strength of ceramics pieces. It also proved itself possible to produce porous coating when added in higher levels
The red pottery industry in Piauí state is well developed and stands out at the national context for the technical quality of its products. The floor and wall tile industry, however, is little developed since the state has only one company that produces red clay-based ceramic tiles. This thesis aims at using the predominantly illitic basic mass of the above mentioned industry, with the addition of feldspar and/or kaolin residue in order to obtain products of higher technical quality. Kaolin residue consists basically of kaolinite, muscovite mica and quartz; the feldspar used was potassic. In this experiment, basic mass (MB) was used for experimental control and fifteen formulations codified as follows: F2, F4, F8, F16, F32, FR2, FR4, FR8, FR16, FR32, R2, R4, R8, R16 and R32. All raw materials were dry-milled, classified, formulated and then humidified to 10% water. Thereafter, test samples were produced by unixial pressing process in a rectangular steel matrix (60.0 x 20.0 x 5.0) mm3 at (25 MPa). They were fired at four temperatures: 1080°C, 1120°C, 1160°C, with a heating rate of 10°C/min during up to 10 min in an electric oven, and the last one in an industrial oven with a peak of 1140°C, aim ing to confirm the results found in laboratory and, finally, technological tests were performed: MEA, RL, AA, PA, TRF and PF. The results revealed that the residue under study can be considered a raw material with large potential in the industry of red clay-based ceramic tiles, since the results found both in laboratory and in the industry have shown that the test samples produced from the formulations with up to 4% feldspar and those produced with up to 8% feldspar and residue permitted a reduction in the water absorption rate and an increase in the mechanical resistance while those samples produced with up to 4% residue had an increase in the mechanical resistance when compared to those produced from the basic mass and that the formulation with 2% feldspar and residue presented the best technological properties, lowering the sintering temperature down to 1120°C
Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Biológica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014