627 resultados para REGULARITY LEMMA
In this paper we consider the strongly damped wave equation with time-dependent terms u(tt) - Delta u - gamma(t)Delta u(t) + beta(epsilon)(t)u(t) = f(u), in a bounded domain Omega subset of R(n), under some restrictions on beta(epsilon)(t), gamma(t) and growth restrictions on the nonlinear term f. The function beta(epsilon)(t) depends on a parameter epsilon, beta(epsilon)(t) -> 0. We will prove, under suitable assumptions, local and global well-posedness (using the uniform sectorial operators theory), the existence and regularity of pullback attractors {A(epsilon)(t) : t is an element of R}, uniform bounds for these pullback attractors, characterization of these pullback attractors and their upper and lower semicontinuity at epsilon = 0. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper we show the existence of multiple solutions to a class of quasilinear elliptic equations when the continuous non-linearity has a positive zero and it satisfies a p-linear condition only at zero. In particular, our approach allows us to consider superlinear, critical and supercritical nonlinearities. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Using a combination of several methods, such as variational methods. the sub and supersolutions method, comparison principles and a priori estimates. we study existence, multiplicity, and the behavior with respect to lambda of positive solutions of p-Laplace equations of the form -Delta(p)u = lambda h(x, u), where the nonlinear term has p-superlinear growth at infinity, is nonnegative, and satisfies h(x, a(x)) = 0 for a suitable positive function a. In order to manage the asymptotic behavior of the solutions we extend a result due to Redheffer and we establish a new Liouville-type theorem for the p-Laplacian operator, where the nonlinearity involved is superlinear, nonnegative, and has positive zeros. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We provide an affirmative answer to the C(r)-Closing Lemma, r >= 2, for a large class of flows defined on every closed surface.
Generating quadrilateral meshes is a highly non-trivial task, as design decisions are frequently driven by specific application demands. Automatic techniques can optimize objective quality metrics, such as mesh regularity, orthogonality, alignment and adaptivity; however, they cannot make subjective design decisions. There are a few quad meshing approaches that offer some mechanisms to include the user in the mesh generation process; however, these techniques either require a large amount of user interaction or do not provide necessary or easy to use inputs. Here, we propose a template-based approach for generating quad-only meshes from triangle surfaces. Our approach offers a flexible mechanism to allow external input, through the definition of alignment features that are respected during the mesh generation process. While allowing user inputs to support subjective design decisions, our approach also takes into account objective quality metrics to produce semi-regular, quad-only meshes that align well to desired surface features. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
There has been great interest in deciding whether a combinatorial structure satisfies some property, or in estimating the value of some numerical function associated with this combinatorial structure, by considering only a randomly chosen substructure of sufficiently large, but constant size. These problems are called property testing and parameter testing, where a property or parameter is said to be testable if it can be estimated accurately in this way. The algorithmic appeal is evident, as, conditional on sampling, this leads to reliable constant-time randomized estimators. Our paper addresses property testing and parameter testing for permutations in a subpermutation perspective; more precisely, we investigate permutation properties and parameters that can be well approximated based on a randomly chosen subpermutation of much smaller size. In this context, we use a theory of convergence of permutation sequences developed by the present authors [C. Hoppen, Y. Kohayakawa, C.G. Moreira, R.M. Sampaio, Limits of permutation sequences through permutation regularity, Manuscript, 2010, 34pp.] to characterize testable permutation parameters along the lines of the work of Borgs et al. [C. Borgs, J. Chayes, L Lovasz, V.T. Sos, B. Szegedy, K. Vesztergombi, Graph limits and parameter testing, in: STOC`06: Proceedings of the 38th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, ACM, New York, 2006, pp. 261-270.] in the case of graphs. Moreover, we obtain a permutation result in the direction of a famous result of Alon and Shapira [N. Alon, A. Shapira, A characterization of the (natural) graph properties testable with one-sided error, SIAM J. Comput. 37 (6) (2008) 1703-1727.] stating that every hereditary graph property is testable. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work we discuss the problem of smooth and analytic regularity for hyperfunction solutions to linear partial differential equations with analytic coefficients. In particular we show that some well known ""sum of squares"" operators, which satisfy Hormander`s condition and consequently are hypoelliptic, admit hyperfunction solutions that are not smooth (in particular they are not distributions).
In this work we show that the eigenvalues of the Dirichlet problem for the biharmonic operator are generically simple in the set Of Z(2)-symmetric regions of R-n, n >= 2, with a suitable topology. To accomplish this, we combine Baire`s lemma, a generalised version of the transversality theorem, due to Henry [Perturbation of the boundary in boundary value problems of PDEs, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 318 (Cambridge University Press, 2005)], and the method of rapidly oscillating functions developed in [A. L. Pereira and M. C. Pereira, Mat. Contemp. 27 (2004) 225-241].
The self, roles and the ongoing coordination of human action. Trying to see ‘society’ as neither prison nor puppet theatre In the article it is argued that structural North-American role-sociology may be integrated with theories emphasizing ‘society’ as ongoing processes (f. ex. Giddens’ theory of structuration). This is possible if the concept of role is defined as a recurrence oriented to the action of others standing out as a regularity in a societal process. But this definition makes it necessary to in a fundamental way understand what kind of social being the role-actor is. This is done with the help of Hans Joas’ theory of creativity and Merleau-Pontys concept of ‘flesh’ arguing that Meads concept of the ‘I’ maybe understood as an embodied self-asserting I, which at least in reflexive modernity has the creative power to split Meads ‘me’ into a self-voiced subject-me and an other voiced object-me. The embodied I communicating with the subject-me may be viewed as that role-actor which is something else than the role played. But this kind of role-actor is making for new troubles because it is hard to understand how this kind of self is creating self-coherence by using Meads concept of ‘the generalized other’. This trouble is handled by using Alain Touraines concept of the ‘subject’ and arguing that the generalized other is dissolving in de-modernized modernity. In split modernity self-coherence may instead be created by what in the article is called the generalized subject. This concept means a kind of communicative future based evaluation, which has its base in the ‘subject’ opposing the split powers of both the instrumentality of markets and of life-worlds trying to create ‘fundamentalistic’ self-identities. This kind of self is communicative because it also must respect the other as ‘subject’. It exists only in the battle against the forces of the market or a community. It never constructs an ideal city or a higher type of individual. It creates and protects a clearing that is constantly being invaded, to use the words of the old Frenchman himself. Asa kind of test-case it is by the way in the article shown how Becks concept of individualization may be understood in a deeply social and role-sociological way.
New opportunities for social stratification research in Sweden: International occupational classifications and stratification measures over time The Swedish occupational classifications have in recent years been changed to a version of the international standard ISCO-88(COM), i.e. SSYK 96. As a consequence, a wide variety of internationally well-known stratification measures can be applied to Swedish data sets. In this article some tests of the validity of translation keys between the older national classifications and SSYK 96 are presented. The keys seem to work satisfactorily. Thus, it is possible to create long time-series with ISCO/SSYK and use these well-known stratification measures over time. Hence, the international interest in Swedish data sets, and empirical results based on these data sets, could rise. Moreover, in the article an empirical regularity, which is quite astonishing, is paid attention to; stratification measures based on different theoretical rationales indicate very similar hierarchies of occupations.
Desenvolvimentos recentes na tecnologia de informação têm proporcionado grandes avanços no gerenciamento dos sistemas de transportes. No mundo já existem várias tecnologias testadas e em funcionamento que estão auxiliando na tarefa de controle da operação do transporte público por ônibus. Esses sistemas geram informações úteis para o planejamento e operação dos sistemas de transportes. No Brasil, os investimentos em tecnologias avançadas ainda são muito modestos e estão focados em equipamentos que auxiliam no controle da evasão da receita. No entanto, percebe-se um crescente interesse, por parte dos órgão gestores e operadores, em implementar sistemas automatizados para auxiliar na melhoria da qualidade dos sistemas de transportes e como forma de aumentar a produtividade do setor. Esse trabalho traz à discussão os sistemas avançados desenvolvidos para o transporte público coletivo, com o objetivo de definir o perfil da tecnologia avançada que está de acordo com as necessidades dos gestores e operadores brasileiros. Na realização do trabalho foi empregada uma ferramenta de planejamento denominada Desdobramento da Função Qualidade – QFD (Quality Function Deployment), bastante utilizada para direcionar os processos de manufatura e produto, e para hierarquizar os atributos considerados importantes para o gerenciamento do transporte público urbano no Brasil. O resultado do trabalho indica um grande interesse em implantar tecnologia avançada para auxiliar no monitoramento dos tempos de viagem e tempos perdidos durante a operação do transporte público. Essa tecnologia também é tida como capaz de melhorar o desempenho das linhas, através da manutenção da regularidade e pontualidade. Ainda, sistemas inteligentes que propiciam informações precisas aos usuários contribuem para melhorar a imagem do modal ônibus.
We examine bivariate extensions of Aït-Sahalia’s approach to the estimation of univariate diffusions. Our message is that extending his idea to a bivariate setting is not straightforward. In higher dimensions, as opposed to the univariate case, the elements of the Itô and Fokker-Planck representations do not coincide; and, even imposing sensible assumptions on the marginal drifts and volatilities is not sufficient to obtain direct generalisations. We develop exploratory estimation and testing procedures, by parametrizing the drifts of both component processes and setting restrictions on the terms of either the Itô or the Fokker-Planck covariance matrices. This may lead to highly nonlinear ordinary differential equations, where the definition of boundary conditions is crucial. For the methods developed, the Fokker-Planck representation seems more tractable than the Itô’s. Questions for further research include the design of regularity conditions on the time series dependence in the data, the kernels actually used and the bandwidths, to obtain asymptotic properties for the estimators proposed. A particular case seems promising: “causal bivariate models” in which only one of the diffusions contributes to the volatility of the other. Hedging strategies which estimate separately the univariate diffusions at stake may thus be improved.
O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar a relação entre as publicações dos Balanços Sociais (BS) e os valores dos investimentos sociais das empresas no Brasil. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, utilizamos o universo das “500 maiores empresas S.A. nãofinanceiras” (Revista Conjuntura Econômica, 2006) do ranking da Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), aproveitando como fonte de informação os BS publicados nos anos de 2001 e 2005. Partindo do estudo de Puppim de Oliveira (2005), pudemos observar a variação de alguns indicadores sociais e ambientais, com base no modelo IBASE de BS. Esta variação pôde ser analisada através das equivalências entre o Lucro Líquido (LL) e a Receita Operacional Líquida (ROL). A referida análise nos possibilitou verificar que há disparidades entre o discurso e a prática da Responsabilidade Social Empresarial (RSE); através da observação de resultados semelhantes ao estudo de Ventura (2005) sobre a institucionalização das práticas sociais. Os caminhos para a comparação da freqüência de publicação dos BS e dos investimentos sociais, a fim de alcançar o objeto deste estudo, foram: (1) a verificação da freqüência de publicação dos BS das empresas do Brasil no ano de 2005; (2) o cálculo e comparação dos valores publicados nos indicadores sociais internos, indicadores sociais externos e indicadores ambientais; (3) a observação da equivalência de tais indicadores quanto ao ROL e ao LL; (4) a constatação da freqüência de publicação dos BS selecionados pelos setores empresariais. A pesquisa de campo contemplou as 500 maiores empresas do ranking mencionado para o desenvolvimento da análise qualitativa. A pesquisa também observou uma amostra de 79 empresas que publicaram o modelo IBASE de BS, no intuito de desenvolver a análise quantitativa. Verificamos que a freqüência de publicação dos BS cresceu consideravelmente, entre os anos de 2001 e 2005, enquanto que os valores reais dos investimentos sociais nem sempre acrescem. Nesta linha, a pesquisa evidenciou que o discurso e a prática da Responsabilidade Social das empresas analisadas não caminharam no mesmo ritmo, entre os anos de 2001 e 2005.
O trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a importância da fiscalização do serviço público como instrumento de gestão e política pública. Para tanto, propõe-se estudar o Sistema de Transporte Coletivo Urbano da Cidade de São Paulo, a partir do modelo instituído através da Lei nº 13.241/01, assim como toda a estrutura jurídica e elementos característicos presentes nessa forma de delegação. Sem a preocupação de esgotar o tema, com base na doutrina, o trabalho pretende abordar os principais conceitos que envolvem a prestação de serviços públicos, o dever legal de fiscalização e a estrutura legal da prestação dos serviços de transporte coletivo. E, a partir disso, verificar se o sistema de transporte municipal possui instrumentos jurídicos adequados á fiscalização dos serviços delegados. Além disso, busca-se avaliar se isso é suficiente para a prestação de um “serviço adequado”, ou seja, se os instrumentos de fiscalização utilizados, por si só, são efetivamente capazes de garantir as condições de regularidade, continuidade, eficiência, segurança, atualidade, generalidade, cortesia na prestação e modicidade das tarifas, conforme preceitua a lei. Em síntese, entende-se que o ordenamento jurídico dispõe de diversos mecanismos que permitem a fiscalização dos serviços públicos. Ademais, que encontra-se juridicamente adequado o modelo de fiscalização adotado pelo Município de São Paulo, para o sistema de transporte público. Todavia, apesar de ser correto, o modelo ainda necessita de melhorias, tanto no que diz respeito às obrigações estabelecidas nos contratos de concessão e permissão em vigor (e respectivos regulamentos, como é o caso do RESAM – Regulamento de Sanções e Multas), quanto na sua operação e, principalmente, na sua fiscalização. Por fim, o trabalho aponta que, tanto a regulação, quanto a fiscalização ou até mesmo a gestão, quando realizadas de forma inadequada, fomentam a prestação de um serviço público com má qualidade, ou seja, inferior à esperada pela população.
There is substantial empirical evidence that parental bequests to their children are typically equal in the US – a regularity inconsistent with the predictions of standard optimizing bequest models. The prior explanation for this puzzle is parents’ desire to signal equal affection given children’s incomplete information of parental preferences. However, parents also have incomplete information regarding children and the implications of this side of the information set have not previously been considered. Using a strategic bequest framework we show that when parents have sufficient uncertainty regarding children’s returns to relocation a separating equilibrium in which parents reward attentive heirs with larger bequests is precluded. We argue that such uncertainty is consistent with conditions in the contemporary US.