996 resultados para Quijano, Alonso
2.º Congresso Internacional “Psicologia, Educação e Cultura”, Vila Nova de Gaia, 17 e 18 de Julho de 2015.
OBJETIVO: Analisar a organização do trabalho em centros de atenção psicossocial a partir da lógica da área de gestão de serviços. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma análise organizacional por meio de estudo de caso em um serviço de atenção psicossocial em São Paulo (SP), entre 2006 e 2007. Foram analisadas cinco fontes de informação: documentos do Ministério da Saúde, relatórios de pesquisa realizada no serviço estudado, registros do serviço, entrevistas com trabalhadores do CAPS e gestores de saúde e observação simples. As entrevistas versaram sobre objetivos, resultados e avaliação do processo de trabalho. Cada fonte recebeu tratamento diferenciado de acordo com sua finalidade. Posteriormente um diálogo dos resultados obtidos visou a construção de uma cadeia de observações sobre a qual se fundamentou o estudo do caso. RESULTADOS: O CAPS se propõe a entregar resultado altamente intangível, que contempla o usuário no seu contexto social. A mudança almejada nas condições do usuário foi descrita como "a pessoa vivendo melhor". Tal condição possui difícil definição e compreensão acerca dos detalhes e limites dessa mudança, sendo, portanto, difícil medir os resultados. Aliado a isso, o processo de trabalho envolve atividades não rotineiras, não previstas e algumas vezes simultâneas, de tal forma que a equipe encontra dificuldade de reconhecer e legitimar os esforços para fazer o trabalho acontecer, fato descrito pelos trabalhadores como invisibilidade do trabalho. CONCLUSÕES: O processo de avaliação mostrou-se um aspecto complexo dessa intangibilidade aliado à inadequação e a insuficiência da estrutura administrativa do sistema de saúde municipal para acolher um serviço dessa natureza. Os resultados permitiram compreender melhor um campo de trabalho em que a subjetividade de trabalhadores e de usuários é inerente ao processo de gestão de serviços.
Diante dos avanços biotecnológicos o cultivo de plantas geneticamente modificadas, como, por exemplo, o milho (Zea mays), aumentou consideravelmente nos últimos anos. Embora esta tecnologia apresente comprovados benefícios em relação ao aumento da produtividade e durabilidade do alimento, a população ainda receia em consumir produtos geneticamente modificados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar dois protocolos baseados na utilização de CTAB e avaliar qual o melhor para extração de DNA em alimentos processados derivados de milho, bem como identificar dois dos resíduos transgênicos mais comuns em gêneros alimentícios derivados de milho: Cry1ab e Cry1F. Para isto, 14 amostras derivadas de milho foram avaliadas utilizando dois diferentes protocolos de extração de DNA e a deteção dos eventos transgênicos conduzida pela técnica de PCR qualitativa. Entre as amostras analisadas, 57% resultaram positivas para deteção de ambos os eventos de milho transgênico avaliados.
Eugénio de Andrade (1923-2005) é um dos mais celebrados e traduzidos poetas portugueses contemporâneos, com mais de trinta volumes de poesia, e vários prémios nacionais e internacionais. Como poeta atento e turista curioso, Andrade viajou com frequência para Espanha, França, Itália e Grécia, ao encontro de outros escritores (Vicente Aleixandre, Dámaso Alonso, etc.), e visitou diversas cidades e locais históricos. Recorrentemente, menciona Madrid, Valverde del Fresno, Roma, Delfos, Tebas, Súnion, Veneza, Brindisi, Corfu, etc. Em resultado destas viagens, existem, na sua poesia, poemas em prosa e crónicas, abundantes referências aos países, cultura e paisagem natural do Mediterrâneo. Eugénio de Andrade captura poeticamente o ―genius loci‖, realçando os laços entre os povos, a fauna, a flora e o clima. Desde os primeiros escritos até ao seu último livro, o poeta coerentemente apresenta uma ―visão mediterrânica‖. Recorrendo às suas obras e a excertos de algumas das entrevistas que concedeu, este artigo exemplifica, analisa e avalia estes aspectos, explorando uma faceta menos conhecida da obra eugeniana.
In this paper, we characterize two power indices introduced in [1] using two different modifications of the monotonicity property first stated by [2]. The sets of properties are easily comparable among them and with previous characterizations of other power indices.
OBJECTIVE To assess the increased diagnostic yield for pulmonary tuberculosis using bronchial washing cultures compared with sputum cultures. METHODS Study conducted with 61 adults in Lima, Peru, from January 2006 to December 2007. The yield of sputum cultures was compared with the yield of acid-fast bacilli smears and cultures of bronchial washing for diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis in suspected cases of clinical tuberculosis with negative acid fast bacilli sputum smears. RESULTS Twenty seven (95%CI 32;58) of the cases were eventually diagnosed with smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis. Bronchial washing samples detected 23 (95%CI 72;99) of the smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis cases compared with 15 (95%CI 37;74) for sputum cultures (p = 0.02). The incremental diagnostic yield of acid fast bacilli smear and culture of bronchial washing specimens over sputum culture was 44% (95%CI 25;65). CONCLUSIONS In function of the epidemiological context and the resources available, bronchoscopy should be deployed as part of a comprehensive work up that optimizes smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis and minimizes risk and costs.
OBJETIVO : Analisar a trajetória e satisfação profissional de egressos de cursos de doutorado na área da saúde. MÉTODOS : Estudo exploratório com 827 egressos dos cursos de doutorado da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz nas áreas da saúde coletiva, biociências e atenção à saúde, entre 1984 e 2007. Os sujeitos foram agrupados em três coortes temporais. Foi analisado o perfil dos egressos; mapeadas suas trajetórias profissionais, suas percepções sobre a formação recebida; suas motivações para escolha da instituição para realizar o doutorado; e as avaliações efetuadas sobre os cursos. Utilizou-se questionário em formato eletrônico para preenchimento on-line para coleta de dados. RESULTADOS : Existiram diferenças entre as coortes de egressos, relacionadas ao período em que cursaram o doutorado, a distintas trajetórias de formação e processos de trabalho entre egressos das áreas de biociências e saúde e as peculiaridades das diferentes áreas em que a instituição oferece cursos de doutorado: saúde coletiva, biociências e atenção à saúde. CONCLUSÕES : Os resultados possibilitam ampliar o conhecimento das instâncias de gestão acadêmica sobre os processos de formação, estabelecendo uma “linha de base” para o acompanhamento da trajetória dos egressos e contribuir com subsídios para o aprimoramento dos processos de acompanhamento de egressos dos programas de pós-graduação.
OBJECTIVE To assess the validity of dengue fever reports and how they relate to the definition of case and severity. METHODS Diagnostic test assessment was conducted using cross-sectional sampling from a universe of 13,873 patients treated during the fifth epidemiological period in health institutions from 11 Colombian departments in 2013. The test under analyses was the reporting to the National Public Health Surveillance System, and the reference standard was the review of histories identified by active institutional search. We reviewed all histories of patients diagnosed with dengue fever, as well as a random sample of patients with febrile syndromes. The specificity and sensitivity of reports were estimated for this purpose, considering the inverse of the probability of being selected for weighting. The concordance between reporting and the findings of the active institutional search was calculated using Kappa statistics. RESULTS We included 4,359 febrile patients, and 31.7% were classified as compatible with dengue fever (17 with severe dengue fever; 461 with dengue fever and warning signs; 904 with dengue fever and no warning signs). The global sensitivity of reports was 13.2% (95%CI 10.9;15.4) and specificity was 98.4% (95%CI 97.9;98.9). Sensitivity varied according to severity: 12.1% (95%CI 9.3;14.8) for patients presenting dengue fever with no warning signs; 14.5% (95%CI 10.6;18.4) for those presenting dengue fever with warning signs, and 40.0% (95%CI 9.6;70.4) for those with severe dengue fever. Concordance between reporting and the findings of the active institutional search resulted in a Kappa of 10.1%. CONCLUSIONS Low concordance was observed between reporting and the review of clinical histories, which was associated with the low reporting of dengue fever compatible cases, especially milder cases.
In order to estimate ages at which etiological agents of systemic mycoses initiate infection, histoplasmin and paracoccidioidin skin tests were performed in 344 children of both sexes, between 2 and 15 years old. They were selected from a statistically significant population sample Gral. San Martín city (Northeast Argentina). Tests were read 48h after injection and considered positive if a 5 mm on larger induration was present. Circulating antibodies were also evaluated by agar gel immunodiffusion. The overall infection rate for H. capsulatum was 9.2%, belonging to children from 4 to 14 years old, without significant differences among sexes. Five children from 2 to 14 years old were positive to paracoccidioidin (1.6%). None of the children had specific antibodies neither signs of active mycosis. Results show H. capsulatum infection can be found from age 4, while for P. brasiliensis the lower limit was two years old. These findings may contribute to better knowledge on infantile fungal infection in a geographical region where no previous references can be found.
Most studies from Argentina have focused on toxocariasis as an environmental problem of big cities, and there are no available data about children infection from small or middle-sized cities. In order to assess the prevalence of anti-Toxocara antibodies in infantile population, 206 children from Resistencia, of both sexes, aged 1-14 years old were studied by Elisa testing with E/S T. canis L2 antigens. Hematological parameters and immunoglobulin levels were determined; five days' stool samples were studied and epidemiological data were obtained by means of a questionnaire to parents. Results showed that 73% of the children had one or more dogs living at home, 57% reported geophagia and 37.9% were positive for Toxocara serology, but there was no significant difference in prevalence neither for boys and girls, nor concerning age. An increased risk of infection was observed in age groups 5-6 and 7-8 for boys, and in age groups 3-4 and 5-6 for girls.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Materiais
Deegan and Packel (1979) and Holler (1982) proposed two power indices for simple games: the Deegan–Packel index and the Public Good Index. In the definition of these indices, only minimal winning coalitions are taken into account. Using similar arguments, we define two new power indices. These new indices are defined taking into account only those winning coalitions that do not contain null players. The results obtained with the different power indices are compared by means of two real-world examples taken from the political field.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina
Monitoring organic environmental contaminants is of crucial importance to ensure public health. This requires simple, portable and robust devices to carry out on-site analysis. For this purpose, a low-temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC) microfluidic potentiometric device (LTCC/μPOT) was developed for the first time for an organic compound: sulfamethoxazole (SMX). Sensory materials relied on newly designed plastic antibodies. Sol–gel, self-assembling monolayer and molecular-imprinting techniques were merged for this purpose. Silica beads were amine-modified and linked to SMX via glutaraldehyde modification. Condensation polymerization was conducted around SMX to fill the vacant spaces. SMX was removed after, leaving behind imprinted sites of complementary shape. The obtained particles were used as ionophores in plasticized PVC membranes. The most suitable membrane composition was selected in steady-state assays. Its suitability to flow analysis was verified in flow-injection studies with regular tubular electrodes. The LTCC/μPOT device integrated a bidimensional mixer, an embedded reference electrode based on Ag/AgCl and an Ag-based contact screen-printed under a micromachined cavity of 600 μm depth. The sensing membranes were deposited over this contact and acted as indicating electrodes. Under optimum conditions, the SMX sensor displayed slopes of about −58.7 mV/decade in a range from 12.7 to 250 μg/mL, providing a detection limit of 3.85 μg/mL and a sampling throughput of 36 samples/h with a reagent consumption of 3.3 mL per sample. The system was adjusted later to multiple analyte detection by including a second potentiometric cell on the LTCC/μPOT device. No additional reference electrode was required. This concept was applied to Trimethoprim (TMP), always administered concomitantly with sulphonamide drugs, and tested in fish-farming waters. The biparametric microanalyzer displayed Nernstian behaviour, with average slopes −54.7 (SMX) and +57.8 (TMP) mV/decade. To demonstrate the microanalyzer capabilities for real applications, it was successfully applied to single and simultaneous determination of SMX and TMP in aquaculture waters.
It has been well demonstrated the relationship between the infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPVs) genotypes and cervical cancer. In Northeastern Argentina a high incidence of this pathology has been described and therefore a high prevalence of HPV infection is expected. In order to identify HPV genotypes associated with malignant and pre-malignant cervical lesions present in the area, 53 ecto-endo cervical cell specimens obtained from women with cytohistological alterations were studied by a PCR-RFLP technique. Out of 53 patients, 34 (64.2%) were positive for HPV infection, being HPV-16 (32.3%) the most frequently found genotype, followed by HPV-58 (14.7%), -6, -18 and -45 (5.9%), -33, -52, -53, -54, -56, -66, -MM4 and -LVX100 (2.9%). Also 5 cases of infection caused by multiple genotypes were found, which corresponded to 14.7% of the positive cases. Results indicate that besides HPV-16 and -18, the most prevalent high-risk HPV genotypes worldwide, others like -45 and -58 as well as co-infection cases are frequent between women of Northeastern Argentina, and a particular attention should be paid to this circumstance because it could be an epidemiological feature of regional importance and a useful information for a future vaccination program.