1000 resultados para Poder judiciário -- Brasil
O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de identificar os elementos da cultura organizacional do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado da Bahia (TJBA) à luz das contribuições de autores do pensamento social brasileiro - representados neste estudo por Sergio Buarque de Holanda, Raymundo Faoro, Darcy Ribeiro e Celso Furtado. O tema cultura tem recebido, nas últimas décadas, relativa atenção na área de estudos organizacionais. Apesar da atenção recebida, é possível perceber lacunas na produção acadêmica sobre o tema quanto à atenção dispensada ao contexto nacional e às instituições do setor público, especialmente no que se refere ao Poder Judiciário. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho analisou a produção acadêmica nacional sobre cultura organizacional brasileira nos últimos vinte anos e buscou identificar possibilidades de utilização dos autores do pensamento social brasileiro numa abordagem de cultura organizacional que considerasse o contexto nacional. Na etapa de coleta de dados, foram realizadas trinta e sete entrevistas semiestruturadas com servidores do TJBA, no período de fevereiro a julho de 2013. A análise do corpus de dados foi feita pelo método de análise de conteúdo, com auxilio do software ATLAS.ti. A análise dos dados apontou para possibilidades de utilização das ideias dos autores do pensamento social brasileiro no estudo da cultura organizacional, principalmente na identificação da influência dos traços culturais nos valores e práticas sociais dos servidores. A análise apontou também para uma ausência de elementos baseados em valores gerencialistas na cultura organizacional desta instituição, buscando provocar uma reflexão sobre o alcance e a adequação do modelo de reforma adotado no Judiciário. Como contribuição, esta tese buscou realizar um mapeamento da cultura organizacional do TJBA, gerando uma contribuição empírica para um aprofundamento do conhecimento do Poder Judiciário sob o aspecto de universo organizacional e para os estudos que utilizam o pensamento social brasileiro, que em sua maioria têm se tratado de ensaios teóricos.
O presidencialismo de coalizão brasileiro foi objeto de inúmeras pesquisas, que buscavam compreender o grau de governabilidade deste sistema político e a relação entre os Poderes Executivo e Legislativo. Contudo, existem escassos estudos que abordam a temática da dinâmica interna de funcionamento do Poder Executivo e suas consequências para as políticas públicas. Assim, fundamentada no pressuposto de que o presidencialismo brasileiro viabiliza-se por meio de coalizões partidárias, nas quais o Presidente obtém o apoio dos partidos aliados no Congresso por meio de cessões de ministérios, esta pesquisa busca ampliar a compreensão sobre a coordenação governamental, ou seja, objetiva-se compreender como o Presidente age para garantir que os ministros implementem adequadamente a sua agenda de governo. A hipótese inicial da pesquisa era que havia duas variáveis independentes - a cessão de um ministério à base aliada e a definição de políticas públicas como prioritárias – decisivas para a escolha de um tipo de coordenação governamental centralizado na Presidência. Contudo, as evidências coletadas no estudo de caso, o Ministério das Cidades no governo Lula, confirmaram parcialmente tal hipótese, pois o recrudescimento da coordenação centralizada foi observado somente com o lançamento de políticas prioritárias na área urbana (PAC e PMCMV).
Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o efeito de se eleger um candidato da oposição em eleições municipais sobre a apresentação e aprovação de projetos do prefeito então eleito na câmara de vereadores, no ano subsequente. Tal questão diz respeito à vantagem, para os munícipes, de optar pela alternância de poder em detrimento da reeleição, bem como à relação entre o novo representante do executivo e os vereadores. Dialoga-se, assim, com uma literatura político-eleitoral pródiga na análise dos fatores que favorecem a reeleição, mas que pouco se debruçou sobre as consequências futuras da alternância de poder. Igualmente, contribui-se com um embasamento econométrico para as discussões fomentadas a nível teórico a respeito das relações entre os poderes no município. A metodologia empregada se baseia na técnica de regressões descontínuas ou RDD para tratamento quase-experimental dos dados coletados no TSE e no Censo Legislativo de 2005. A partir da análise dos dados, e com significância moderada, argumenta-se que quando o prefeito eleito é da oposição ele tende a apresentar menos projetos à câmara em seu primeiro ano de mandato, mas recebe acolhida proporcionalmente mais favorável por parte dos vereadores.
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo verificar se as Comissões de Legislação Participativa da Câmara dos Deputados e do Senado Federal facilitaram a participação social no processo legislativo frente ao tradicional instituto da Iniciativa Popular de lei. Essa investigação será pautada pelo estudo dogmático do processo legislativo federal; pela investigação de como a participação social está prescrita na Constituição Federal e nos Regimentos Internos das Casas do Legislativo, visando constatar como a participação política se implementa no processo de produção legislativa; ademais do estudo sobre a relação entre representação e participação. Para tanto, foi utilizada revisão bibliográfica, análise documental, levantamento de dados, estudo de caso e entrevistas. A pesquisa realizada permite afirmar que as Comissões facilitaram a participação social na produção legislativa no que se refere à eliminação de parte dos requisitos formais que a obstaculizavam via Iniciativa Popular; além de ampliar o rol dos tipos de proposições legislativas que a sociedade pode apresentar. Entretanto, esses novos mecanismos reproduziram limitações que a Iniciativa Popular apresenta, ademais de desconsiderar na sua estruturação elementos essenciais à consecução de um processo legislativo efetivamente participativo, os quais são contemplados pelo instituto tradicional, permitindo, então, afirmar que as Comissões são inovações institucionais limitadas frente ao instituto da Iniciativa Popular.
Relatório com os dados da pesquisa Índice de Confiança na Justiça (ICJBrasil) referente ao Ano 6 (1º trimestre de 2014 ao 4º trimestre de 2014).
A partir dos dados do Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU) que apontaram que, entre os anos de 2009 e 2013, a Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL) arrecadou apenas 32,7% do total de multas administrativas aplicadas, passamos a questionar quais seriam as possíveis hipóteses que poderiam, de certa forma, ter influenciado nesse percentual. O próprio TCU chegou a apontar algumas hipóteses, entre elas, destacamos: recursos administrativos pendentes de julgamento, recursos pendentes no Poder Judiciário, falha no sistema de inscrição de inadimplentes no Cadastro Informativo de Créditos Não Quitados do Setor Público Federal (CADIN) e a celebração de Termos de Ajustamento de Conduta (TAC). O presente trabalho concentrou a análise apenas nessa última hipótese levantada, em razão da importância que esse instituto vem ganhando ao longo dos últimos anos. Visando testar a hipótese acima mencionada, realizamos uma pesquisa na Biblioteca Virtual da ANEEL e analisamos as decisões da diretoria da agência que julgaram os pedidos de celebração dos TACs entre os anos de 2011 e abril de 2015, tendo como objetivo identificar em que medida esses acordos celebrados com a agência impactaram na redução do valor das multas aplicadas.
O presente trabalho pretende contribuir com a literatura sobre legitimidade do poder judiciário e argumentação jurídica. O estudo se vale de pesquisa empírica baseada em amostra de casos que tratam de questões relacionadas à discriminação de gênero.
The work presented here is about aspects of the constitutional extension in which is the public civil action with the objective of verifying its aptitute in tutelaging subjective situations derived from fundamental rights, especially right to health assistance. Thus, it offers a clear analysis of the practical functioning of most aspects of the public civil action (lawsuit), with philosophical foundation and necessary doctrinaire to your comphehension. How it once was (history), how it could be (reform suggestion), how it is (current interpretation of the law) and how it should be (critic analysis of the microsystem of collective tutelaging of rights, its perspectives, as well as the efficacy of the public cilvil action about accomplishment of the right to health as supraindividual right). The objective is to analyse the main version of the theme (for instance: the impacts caused to the dissociation of the Procurations theory), so that it can be extracted the philosophy and the general theory, of the public civil action and collective tutelaging in general, pragmatically applicable to study purposes. With this theorical fountain, the reader will be in a more solid position, not only being able to understand the subtilities of the public civil action, but mainly being able to recognize its faults and present solid reform proposals and improvement. It is know that the Juridical Power (Procuration) does not allow any more inactivity about negating accession to health in its collective dimension (lato sensu: spread, collective stricto sensu and homogeneous individuals), being imputed to it novel usage that consolidates in the assumption of the role instrument set aside to be used by all with organized instancy of solution to collective conflicts in large sense. This happens, overall, because of the current justice politization, understood as juridical activism, connected to the struggle between the groups defending their interests and the acceptance of the constitution about solidifying the public politics of quality health
The current study is about the legitimacy of lower court jurisdiction as a way of exercising basic legal rights, proposing, therefore, a new legal-administrative model for appellate court. In order to achieve that, a demonstration of the importance of basic legal rights in the Brazilian legal system and an open interpretation in light of the Constitution, as a way to affirm said rights, among which are accessibility to the justice system and proper legal protection, is required. As a result, the legitimacy to access the legal system resides in the Constitution, where the interpreter should seek its basic principles to achieve basic legal rights. It is observed that the lack of credibility regarding lower court decisions comes from the dogmatic view of truth born from power, and therefore, that the truth resides in decisions from appellate court and not from lower court judges. A lower court judge holds a privileged position in providing basic legal rights for citizens, considering his close contact to the parties, the facts, and the evidences brought forth. Class action suit is presented as an important instrument able to lead the lower court judge to provide basic legal rights. Small Claims Courts may be used as paradigm to the creation of Appellate State Courts formed by lower court judges, reserving to higher jurisdiction courts and Federal Circuit Courts, the decisions of original competency and the management and institutional representation of the judiciary system. Instilling an internal democratization of the judiciary is also required, which means the participation of lower court judges in electing their peers to chief positions in the court system, as well as establishing a limited mandate to higher court judges.
Analysis of the elements of the Constitutional Order of the letter 1988 politics, with emphasis in the principles of this, a study on the intervention of the State in the private initiative by means of the Law of Recovery of Companies and Bankruptcies (law 11.101/05). New enterprise vision is admitted, over all in the interdependence between economic and social factors. Study on the globalization and the interdependence of economic and legal sciences in the construction of a legal optics in the search for the economic and social development, with the recognition of the interference of the Economy in the Right and its uneven importance. Still, we delineate the state intervention in the economic scope, of company and in the judicial recovery, as well as the consequences of such intervention in the involved credits in the judicial recovery and patrimony of the debtor in recovery. For such task, the elements of the Judicial Recovery, its principles and adequacy of these to the related ones in the chapter had been analyzed that turns on the national economic Order, describing the formal procedure for concession of the benefit of the Judicial Recovery and the principles in existing them. The forms of intervention of the State in the private economy were not disrespected, relating its direct and indirect performance as half of preservation of interests writings in the constitutional scope as public interest and preservation of the National economic Order. The regulating agencies as of direct state intervention were half not disrespected of the study for the relevance of the subject. It is revised national bibliography with incursions in French, Portuguese and North American comparative jurisprudence. One contributes in the aspect of the paper of the Judiciary Power in the protection of the companies in crisis and the social and economic impacts, over all in relation to the rights of the worked ones, credit and enterprise
The Federal Constitution of 1988 is recognized for its enlargement in the face of large amount of provisions that make it up, among which many are fundamental rights. The fundamental rules set up the foundation of a democratic state, however, are the necessary legal mechanisms to be effective, its exercise is not enough merely to state them, but to offer ways for them to stop being just written standard on paper, and come to be viewed and exercised day-to-day. In this sense, access to justice presents itself in our times, as a cornerstone for a just society dictates. In this light, access to justice can be seen as the most fundamental of rights, which translates as instruments able to safeguard the fundamental rights not only against the action/omission violating the state but also the very particular. Furthermore, access to justice within the legal country, is not right for everyone, despite the willingness of the Citizen Charter in its article 5, paragraph LXXIV, ensuring that the State shall provide full and free legal assistance to those in need. More than half of the population lives in poverty and can´t afford to pay legal fees or court costs as well as a bump in their own ignorance of their rights. The judiciary, in their primary function, is in charge of trying to correct the violation of the rights, intending to effect a true distributive justice, serving as a paradigm for the promotion of substantive equality of human beings, however, is difficult and tortuous access Justice for those without financial resources. In this vein, we present the Public Defender, as keeper of the masses in its institutional role, defending a disadvantage, in the words, as a mechanism for effective access to justice, ensuring therefore fundamental rights. Public Defenders arise at the time or much discussion highlights the priority of actual access to justice, custody, therefore, intimate bond with the pursuit of fundamental rights, in which, that advance the broad range of rights, without whom could defend them or guardianship them
The 1988 Federal Constitution of Brazil by presenting the catalog of fundamental rights and guarantees (Title II) provides expressly that such rights reach the social, economic and cultural rights (art. 6 of CF/88) as a means not only to ratify the civil and political rights, but also to make them effective and practical in the life of the Brazilian people, particularly in the prediction of immediate application of those rights and guarantees. In this sense, health goes through condition of universal right and duty of the State, which should be guaranteed by social and economic policies aimed at reducing the risk of disease and other hazards, in addition to ensuring universal and equal access to actions and services for its promotion, protection and recovery (Article 196 by CF/88). Achieving the purposes aimed by the constituent to the area of health is the great challenge that requires the Health System and its managers. To this end, several policies have been structured in an attempt to establish actions and services for the promotion, protection and rehabilitation of diseases and disorders to health. In the mid-90s, in order to meet the guidelines and principles established by the SUS, it was established the Política Nacional de Atenção Oncológica PNAO, in an attempt to sketch out a public policy that sought to achieve maximum efficiency and to be able to give answers integral to effective care for patients with cancer, with emphasis on prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care. However, many lawsuits have been proposed with applications for anticancer drugs. These actions have become very complex, both in the procedural aspects and in all material ones, especially due to the highcost drugs more requested these demands, as well as need to be buoyed by the scientific evidence of these drugs in relation to proposed treatments. The jurisprudence in this area, although the orientations as outlined by the Parliament of Supreme Court is still in the process of construction, this study is thus placed in the perspective of contributing to the effective and efficient adjudication in these actions, with focus on achieving the fundamental social rights. Given this scenario and using research explanatory literature and documents were examined 108 lawsuits pending in the Federal Court in Rio Grande do Norte, trying to identify the organs of the Judiciary behave in the face of lawsuits that seeking oncology drugs (or antineoplastic), seeking to reconcile the principles and constitutional laws and infra constitutional involving the theme in an attempt to contribute to a rationalization of this judicial practice. Finally, considering the Rational Use of health demands and the idea of belonging to the Brazilian people SUS, it is concluded that the judicial power requires ballast parameters of their decisions on evidence-based medicine, aligning these decisions housing constitutional principles that the right to health and the scientific conclusions of efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency in oncology drugs, when compared to the treatments offered by SUS
In the Brazilian legal context, conflict resolution is studied and analyzed over a majority jurisdictional view, which is one of the reasons of litigation culture that creates a jurisdictional resolution hopeness. The practical impact of such reality is the loss of quality in the public service of the judicial function, moved, as a rule, by the overcrowdings, slowness of legal procedures and the relegation of peaceful resolution methods to peripheral plan. However, the Federal Constitution of 1988, following the Ordinary Law constitutionalization phenomenon provides specific guidance about the values towards the litigation resolution. The study, therefore, aims to approach the constitutionalization of conflict resolution in order to identify, through scientific and spiritual interpretation in conjunction with the systematic paradigm, what are these values, as well as operation and legal representation and practice of these measurements. In this sense, the thesis is to study the initial point of the analysis of conflict theories and explanations about the culture of litigation matched with concepts of creation and interpretation, constitutionalization, access to justice and social pacification public policies. It is used for this purpose, the logical-deductive method with the aid of the dialectic immanent in Law