529 resultados para Pertinence


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Objective: Retaining allied health professionals in rural areas is a recognised problem. Generally the literature has concentrated on three elements: practitioner needs, community needs and organisational needs. There has been little attempt to focus other types of social relations in which health practitioner retention and recruitment takes place. The aim of this paper is to question the present dominant hierarchical approach taken in relation to the retention of allied health professionals in rural localities.

Methods: The data derives from a survey in Southwest Victoria, Australia. The sample was purposive rather than representative as it was intended to be exploratory in nature rather than definitive.

: The data indicates that there is a greater tendency for allied health professionals in private practice to be retained in rural areas than those in the public sector.

: The paper concludes by raising some questions about the pertinence of present models for regional health initiatives since they are locked into a bureuacratic model where relationships are hierarchical and asymmetrically controlled.


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This thesis examines the evolution of national training policy in Fiji since 1973 with a particular emphasis on the national levy-grant scheme that was introduced in Fiji in that same year. Developments in the Fiji National Training Council (FNTC) levy-grants scheme since its inception, including substantive amendments to the legislation in late 2002, form part of the scholarship. The thesis will provide an analytical narration of the training policy objectives and their transformation over a time span of almost three decades in the context of a small island nation. To inform this study, it was considered essential to compare the Fiji experience of levy grants schemes with other levy grants scheme. The author decided to use as the focal comparative benchmark the case of the Skills Development Fund (SDF) in Singapore. The SDF has been increasingly portrayed, by the World Bank, the International Labour Organisation and other influential agencies, as the best practice case when it comes to managing a training levy grants scheme. The thesis adopted a qualitative approach that utilized elements of case study, historical research, and key person interviews. The challenges of doing 'insider* research were explored because of its pertinence to the study. Because the study also involved the comparison of the policy experiences of two distinct countries, it was imperative to consider the issues and challenges of undertaking comparative research with particular reference to training matters- Given that training is often enmeshed with other human resources management issues, cognisance was taken of some of the broader debates in this regard. Following consideration of the methodological issues, the research paper explores the objectives of national training strategies and, in particular, issues relating to national competitiveness and skills development. The purpose is to situate the issue of training and skills development within the broader discourse of national development. Alternative approaches to the strategic role of training are considered both at the national and organisational level and some of the classic and current debates surrounding human capital investment are visited. The thesis then proceeds to examine the forms of, and rationale for government interventions in the area of training. One of the challenges both in practice and theoretically is to arrive at a consensual definition of training because of the constantly evolving context and boundaries in which training policies are fashioned. This provides the setting to examine the role that governments can and do play in skills development and how levy-grant schemes, in particular, contribute to the process. Three forms of levy grants schemes are identified and examined: levy-generating; levy-exemption; and levy-grant and reimbursement schemes. The levy-grant and reimbursement variant is the basic thrust of this thesis. In this regard, the UK experience with the levy-grant system from 1964 to 1981 is also reviewed. Some of the issues in relation to training levies are scrutinized including the levy as a sheltered source of training finance, levy rates, duration of levy, impact of levy on the quality and quantity of training, benefits to small businesses, links between training and strategic business objectives, repackaging of training to qualify for grants, and the process by which training levy policies are devised. In looking at the policy formulation, it was necessary to unpack the processes involved and explore the role of the state further. In relation to policy development and implementation, the consultation processes, role of bureaucrats, the policy context, and approaches to policy transfer are examined. In looking at the role of the state in policy development, the alternative roles of government are explored and the concepts of the 'developmental state' and the 'corporatist state* evaluated. The notion of the developmental state has particular relevance to this study given the emphasis placed by the Singaporean government on human resource development policies. This sets the scene for a detailed examination of the role of levy-grant training schemes in Fiji and Singapore. The Skills Development Fund in Singapore was developed as an integral component of national economic policy when the Singaporean government decided to break out of the 'low-skills' trap and move the economy towards a higher value adding structure. The levy-grant system was designed to complement the strategy by focusing on upgrading the skills of employees on lower incomes, the assumption being that employees on lower remuneration were more likely to need skills upgrading. The study notes that the early objectives of the SDF were displaced when it was revealed that the bulk of SDF expenditure was directed at higher level supervisory and management training. As a result, the SDF had to refocus its activities on small and medium enterprises and the workers who were likely to miss out on formal training opportunities. The Singaporean context also shows trade unions playing a significant role in worker education and literacy programmes financed under the SDF. To understand this requires some understanding of the historical linkages between the present Singaporean government and trade union leadership. Another aspect of the development of the SDF has been the constant shifting of the institutional responsibility for the scheme. As late as September 2003, the SDF was again moved, this time to the newly created Singapore Workforce Development Agency, with the focus turning to lifelong learning and assisting Singaporeans who are unemployed or made redundant as a result of the economic restructuring. The Fiji experience with the FNTC scheme is different. It evolved in the context of perceived skills shortages but there was a degree of ambiguity over its objectives. There were no specific linkages with economic policy. Relationships with other public training institutions and more recently, private training providers, have been fraught with difficulties. The study examines the origins of the policy, the early difficulties including perceived employer grievances, and the numerous external assessments of the Fiji levy-grant scheme noting that some of them were highly critical. The thesis also examines an attempted reform of the scheme in 1992-93 that proved unsuccessful and the more recent legislative reforms to the scheme in 2002 that have expanded the role of the scheme to encompass, inter alia, national occupational standards and accreditation activities. The thesis concludes by comparing the two schemes noting that the SDF is well entrenched as a policy instrument in Singapore whilst the FNTC is facing a struggle to assert its legitimacy in Fiji.


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Anorexia nervosa is an intriguing psychiatric disorder that is becoming a significant public health issue for adolescent girls around the world. Despite the proliferation of research and literature in the field, particularly concerning the aetiology, incidence and treatment for the disorder, little is understood about the aetiology of the disorder in the adolescent population. Researchers have suggested that low self-concept is one of many risk factors for eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa. Despite this, significant questions still remain about the relationship between self-concept and the severity and incidence of anorexia nervosa in adolescent girls in Australia. The pertinence of self-concept is undeniable due to its relevance to the personal and societal issues that exist in our society. This paper presents analyses of the multidimensional self-concepts of sixty-five adolescent girls with anorexia nervosa, and explores the relationships that exist between the distinct dimensions of the self-concept and eating disorder symptomotology.


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o texto mostra um estudo de caso, de caráter qualitativo, sobre o desempenho do Conselho Municipal de Saúde do Recife/CMS-Recife, numa perspectiva democrática de gestão. Visa, prioritariamente, a identificar as condições sob as quais se torna possível obter consensos que sejam representativos das necessidades de saúde da população por ele abrangida. A partir de um tratamento conceitual sobre a tríade "democracia, descentralização e participação", descreve os processos que levam à definição - na carta constitucional de 1988 - do Sistema Único de SaúdeSUS, e à instituição formal do Conselho, no município estudado. Evidencia a possibilidade e pertinência da aplicação da teoria do agir comunicativo, do filósofo alemão Jürgen Habermas, no ponto em que estabelece a vinculação entre a identificação das necessidades de saúde e a definição de modelos de organização das práticas do setor, através dos conselhos municipais. Sob tal enfoque, com o recurso do método hermenêutico-dialético, investiga o material obtido nas pesquisas bibliográfica e documental, nas entrevistas e pela técnica da observação aplicada em reuniões realizadas pelo Conselho, em atividade a partir de agosto de 1993. Revela, para o momento atual, seu distanciamento em relação ao conceito de "situação de fala ideal", ao mesmo tempo em que, face os avanços obtidos, justifica sua valorização como instrumento de construção democrática e consolidação da cidadania.


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A presente tese trata do tema redes de cooperação interorganizacionais no contexto brasileiro. O estudo aborda uma política pública governamental desenvolvida no Sul do Brasil voltada a ampliar a competitividade das pequenas empresas e gerar desenvolvimento econômico e social através do incentivo a formação de redes de cooperação entre empresas. O objetivo principal da tese é identificar e compreender os principais fatores que afetam a gestão de redes de cooperação. A partir de uma pesquisa quantitativa realizada em uma amostra de 443 empresas participantes de 120 redes, os resultados evidenciaram os principais elementos de gestão. O Programa Redes de Cooperação, desenvolvido pelo Governo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, trata-se de uma política pública que, desde o ano 2000, objetiva o fortalecimento competitivo de pequenas empresas e o desenvolvimento socioeconômico regional. Esse programa sustenta-se em três pilares de atuação: a) uma metodologia de formação, consolidação e expansão de redes entre empresas; b) uma estrutura regionalizada de suporte à implementação formada por uma rede de universidades regionais e c) uma coordenação central por parte do Governo do Estado, responsável pelos instrumentos de promoção, orientação e apoio aos empresários e gestores das redes. Cabe destacar que o caso estudado envolve 120 redes de cooperação, nas quais participam três mil empresas que, juntas, empregam 35.000 pessoas e faturam mais de US$ 1 bilhão. Além disso, a relação próxima com as universidades vem possibilitando uma interação acadêmica em nível nacional que tem gerado avanços teórico-práticos para o fortalecimento da cooperação interorganizacional. Com base nas referências teóricas e em evidências observadas por estudos exploratórios, realizados ex ante no campo de pesquisa, identificaram-se cinco atributos de gestão de redes – mecanismos sociais, aspectos contratuais, motivação e comprometimento, integração com flexibilidade e organização estratégica – e cinco benefícios – ganhos de escala e de poder de mercado, provisão de soluções, aprendizagem e inovação, redução de custos e riscos, e relações sociais. Para confirmação ou não dos dez fatores identificados ex ante e o seu grau de importância, realizou-se uma análise conjunta em uma amostra de 443 proprietários de empresas de uma população de 3.087 associados às 120 redes do programa. Os dados empíricos foram coletados pelo pesquisador em 2005, sendo agregados e processados através do programa estatístico SPSS versão 12.0. Os resultados obtidos pela análise conjunta confirmaram a importância dos dez fatores identificados. Nenhum dos fatores destacou-se significativamente em relação aos demais, o que indica que todos eles têm impacto semelhante na gestão das redes. No campo de estudos sobre redes interorganizacionais, as conclusões da pesquisa contribuíram para uma melhor compreensão dos fatores que influenciam em maior ou menor grau a gestão de redes de cooperação. Demonstraram empiricamente, no caso brasileiro, a coerência de postulados teóricos, desenvolvidos por pesquisas realizadas em outros contextos. No que tange às políticas públicas, os resultados evidenciaram que a promoção da cooperação em redes possibilita ganhos competitivos para as pequenas empresas. No âmbito organizacional, os fatores realçados poderão orientar os gestores nas suas decisões estratégicas no sentido de ampliar os ganhos competitivos da ação em rede.


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Este estudo objetivou contribuir para um melhor entendimento do processo de informatização em nossas escolas, enfatizando uma vertente ainda pouco explorada pelos pesquisadores: as possíveis mudanças organizacionais decorrentes da utilização do microcomputador. Esta temática foi introduzida, nesta dissertação, a partir da contextualização de algumas das inúmeras dimensões pedagógicas, históricas, econômicas, políticas e sociais, que entremeadas, formam o intrincado tecido da informatização da educação. Para seu desenvolvimento, tornou-se necessário adaptar-se a proposta de Robert Shirley (1976) para o exame de mudanças organizacionais e utilizou-se de algumas categorias de análise sugeridas por Sheingold e outras (1983). Realizou-se uma pesquisa, em estabelecimento educacional localizado na zona oeste da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, que pode ser classificada como um estudo de caso de caráter exploratório. Nesta pesquisa foram empregadas a observação não participante, entrevistas padronizadas e não padronizadas, questionários e análise documental. Em relação às estratégias de mudança, não se constatou o aparecimento dos novos papéis, a preparação formal dos professores não atingiu a maior parte do corpo docente e o acesso aos microcomputadores, restrito aos alunos do primeiro segmento do 12 grau, viu-se bastante limitado. Os sistemas de coordenação revelaram-se bastante centralizados e a distribuição de pOder mostrou-se hierarquizada, com forte submissão à autoridade da família proprietária. Diante de tal quadro, a participação dos professores, apesar de solicitada pela coordenação de informática, era na verdade imposta pela direção. O software adotado pela instituição foi o LOGO, utilizado ao lado da análise do discurso da criança. A síntese dos resultados evidenciou o crescente processo de mercantilização do ensino em nosso país e do uso da informática como um novo atrativo para a matrícula de novos alunos. Como conseqOência disto, surge a necessidade de novos estudos para se confirmar a relevância pedagógica da informatização do ensino ou para constatar-se, em escolas preocupadas apenas com o faturamento, sua importância comercial.


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Corporate governance has been in the spotlight for the past two decades, being subject of numerous researches all over the world. Governance is pictured as a broad and diverse theme, evolving through different routes to form distinct systems. This scenario together with 2 types of agency problems (investor vs. management and minorities vs. controlling shareholders) produce different definitions for governance. Usually, studies investigate whether corporate governance structures influence firm performance, and company valuation. This approach implies investors can identify those impacts and later take them into consideration when making investment decisions. However, behavioral finance theory shows that not always investors take rational decisions, and therefore the modus operandi of those professionals needs to be understood. So, this research aimed to investigate to what extent Brazilian corporate governance standards and practices influence the investment decision-making process of equity markets' professionals from the sell-side and buy-side. This exploratory study was carried out through qualitative and quantitative approaches. In the qualitative phase, 8 practitioners were interviewed and 3 dimensions emerged: understanding, pertinence and practice. Based on the interviews’ findings, a questionnaire was formulated and distributed to buy-siders and sell-siders that cover Brazilian stocks. 117 respondents from all over the world contributed to the study. The data obtained were analyzed through structural equation modeling and descriptive statistics. The 3 dimensions became 5 constructs: definition (institutionalized governance, informal governance), pertinence (relevance), practice (valuation process, structured governance assessment) The results of this thesis suggest there is no definitive answer, as the extent to which governance will influence an investment decision process will depend on a number of circumstances which compose the context. The only certainty is the need to present a “corporate governance behavior”, rather than simply establishing rules and regulations at firm and country level.


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This work analises the social relationship between Television and the Family though the resignification of individuals about Television messages and the speeches that they make about Family. Firstly, the objective is to understand if the principles, values and beliefs constructed and communicated (repassed) inside the Family filter the messages from the Mass Media. Secondly, if there still exists a family culture able to forge identity against so many cultural exchanges. Thirdly, what the function of this identity in the production of senses is. In session 1 and 2, a general approach about the dissemination of Mass Media in Society and the pertinence of the work is presented. Session 3 is about the method used: a qualitative research, with thirteen families from Natal-RN, situated in the Middle Class. The theorical base is considered in the fourth session where the reference to the evolution of the Family is made, with enphasis on the Middle Class and some theories that analyze the pheomenom of the Mass Media , specially in the second half of twentieth century. In session 5 and 6, the research data is presented and analyzed. Finally, in the last session, as a conclusion it can be said that the value of the Family as emotional support is reforced by the speeches and practices that interfere in the signification procces, singular aspects, as well as the social repertoire constructed per si and by institutions (including the family) moreover, mediative message is assimilated by the receiver and becomes understood inside the learned speeches during the receiver‟s history of life, although these messsages are also components in the construction of these repertoire.


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This work analises the social relationship between Television and the Family though the resignification of individuals about Television messages and the speeches that they make about Family. Firstly, the objective is to understand if the principles, values and beliefs constructed and communicated (repassed) inside the Family filter the messages from the Mass Media. Secondly, if there still exists a family culture able to forge identity against so many cultural exchanges. Thirdly, what the function of this identity in the production of senses is. In session 1 and 2, a general approach about the dissemination of Mass Media in Society and the pertinence of the work is presented. Session 3 is about the method used: a qualitative research, with thirteen families from Natal-RN, situated in the Middle Class. The theorical base is considered in the fourth session where the reference to the evolution of the Family is made, with enphasis on the Middle Class and some theories that analyze the pheomenom of the Mass Media , specially in the second half of twentieth century. In session 5 and 6, the research data is presented and analyzed. Finally, in the last session, as a conclusion it can be said that the value of the Family as emotional support is reforced by the speeches and practices that interfere in the signification procces, singular aspects, as well as the social repertoire constructed per si and by institutions (including the family) moreover, mediative message is assimilated by the receiver and becomes understood inside the learned speeches during the receiver s history of life, although these messsages are also components in the construction of these repertoire


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The thesis, prepared with basis on deductive reasoning (through the utilization of general concepts of the fundamental rights theory) and on inductive logic (by means of the consideration of particular situations in which the theme has been approached) deals with the criminal investigation and the prohibition of anonymity in the Brazilian law system. The state criminal investigation activity presents not only a substantial constitutional basis, due to the objective dimension of fundamental rights (which imposes an obligation to protect these essential values), but also a formal constitutional basis, arising from the administrative principles of rule of law, morality and efficiency, referred to in article 37 of the Constitution. The criminal investigation, however, is not an unlimited pursuit, being restrained by the duty to consider fundamental rights that oppose to its realization. One of the limits of the state investigation activity, in the Brazilian law system, is the prohibition of anonymity, referred to in article 5°, IV, of the Constitution. This prohibition is a direct constitutional restriction to the freedom of expression that aims to ensure the credibility of the diffusion of ideas and prevent the abusive exercise of this fundamental right, which could harm both persons and the state, with no possibility of punishment to the offending party. Generally, based on this prohibition, it is affirmed that a criminal investigation cannot begin and progress founded on anonymous communication of crimes. Informations about crimes to the investigative authorities require the correct identification of the stakeholders. Therefore, it is sustained that the prohibition of anonymity also comprehends the prohibition of utilization of pseudonyms and heteronyms. The main purpose of this essay is to recognize the limits and possibilities in starting and conducting criminal investigations based on communication of crimes made by unidentified persons, behind the veil of anonymity or hidden by pseudonyms or heteronyms. Although the prohibition of article 5°, IV, of the Constitution is not submitted to direct or indirect constitutional restrictions, this impediment can be object of mitigation in certain cases, in attention to the constitutional values that support state investigation. The pertinence analysis of the restrictions to the constitutional anonymity prohibition must consider the proportionality, integrated by the partial elements of adequacy, necessity and strict sense proportionality. The criminal investigation is a means to achieve a purpose, the protection of fundamental rights, because the disclosure of facts, through the investigatory activity, gives rise to the accomplishment of measures in order to prevent or punish the violations eventually verified. So, the start and the development of the state criminal investigation activity, based on a crime communication carried out by an unidentified person, will depend on the demonstration that the setting up and continuity of an investigation procedure, in each case, are an adequate, necessary and (in a strict sense) proportional means to the protection of fundamental rights


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In the past twenty years, there has been a significant increase of researches about teacher s professionalization. In that context, the investigations concerning teacher s knowledge represent an important contribution, as they aim to identify and to rescue the base of knowledge that sustains the teacher s profession. In particular, the reflections and propositions of Lee Shulman have been constitute a fundamental subsidy to the teacher s professionalization in the sense of harnessing the pedagogic knowledge to the content s knowledge, establishing the pedagogic knowledge of the content that characterizes and differentiates the teacher and the bachelor in a certain field of knowledge. Among the indispensable knowledge for the Chemistry teacher's professional practice, in this research we have pointed out the pertinence of the knowledge on the use of models in Chemistry classes in the middle and high school. Those knowledges regard the comprehension of students concerning the understanding and models elaborated in science and the models implemented in the Chemistry teaching, as well as the abilities to plan didactic situations that use models. In this research, we aimed to identify the contributions and barriers during the Chemistry teacher education, in UFRN, in relation to the construction of knowledge that subsidize training teachers in the elaboration of teaching activities that involve the use of models. The investigation was accomplished in UFRN, in the Course of Degree in Chemistry, along with 13 student teachers that studied the subject Practice of Chemistry Teaching. For this research, the following instruments were used: questionnaires with open and closed questions, elaboration of a plan of activities for the Chemistry teaching and an interview to answer the established study s questions. The data was analyzed in an established criteria, classified and tabled. The results showed that the student teachers representations regarding scientific knowledge contemplated, among other topics, the idea of a method for his/her construction. In some cases, the models role was emphasized in that construction, as well as the social dimension in the validation of that knowledge. The scientific models were highlighted by most of the student teachers, as a representation method to explain, understand and interpret the chemical phenomena. On the other hand, the didactic models stood out, in most of cases, as a method of aiding the Chemistry students of the Basic Education to understand the scientific models. The representations regarding those categories contemplated important aspects, although in a superficial way, reflecting the limitations of reflections during the formative process. In the elaboration of teaching activities that use models, difficulties were evidenced, in the process of plan construction, relative to the didactic structure and to the proposition of activities that contemplated models, although the student teachers have mobilized different elements regarding the pedagogic knowledge of the content. Such verifications evidence the urge for the teacher development programs to promote changes in the teacher education in order to propitiate, during this process, reflections, discussions and propositions of activities regarding categories highlighted in this research, contributing to the construction of initial elements regarding the pedagogic knowledge of the content that will be developed throughout teaching, therefore corroborating to the teacher s professionalization


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Cet article propose, à partir d'une analyse de trois expériences différentes de la formation des enseignants, voir la pratique de l'enseignant comme une réalité et la comprendre, dans cette perspective, dynamique, génératrice de contenu et possible d être transformée. Une étude menée par un groupe de chercheurs de Sao Paulo do Potengi / RN avec des enseignants des écoles municipales dans les années 70, la mise en oeuvre du projet de réorientation curriculaire par le Bureau d Éducation de la ville de São Paulo - SP en 1989, et le cours Pédagogie de la Terre à l UFRN créée en 2002 sont pris en compte dans ce travail, comme des références dans la formation des enseignants qui démontrent à la fois les référentiel théorique et les actions développées sur la pertinence des réflexions par rapport à l'enseignement pratique comme point de départ quand on cherche à transformer l'école. Du matériel de lecture sur la manière dont ces processus de formation des événements a été possible de détecter la présence de deux éléments qui semblent être importants: la participation des personnes concernées et le reflet de leurs pratiques. Nous avons cherché à comprendre comment ces éléments apparaissent dans la pratique de deux étudiants du cours de Pédagogie de la Terre au cours de leurs classes de stage, en cherchant à identifier la façon dont ils font avancer ce point de vue de ce qui se passe dans le processus de formation. L'étude fait remarquer que la participation des sujets comme la réflexion collective des pratiques peuvent être cruciale pour la compréhension d'un enseignement qui peut être dynamique et de transformation des sujets, et qu elle peut se passer dans un processus de construction collective du savoir marquée par une refléxion et d une manière critique de faire et réflexive d'elle-même dans l'autonomie scolaire, améliorer la qualité de l'enseignement et le renforcement de l'enseignant et de l'élève comme des sujets actifs dans la reconstruction de leurs connaissances


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"Looking at earth from blind: travel in the visuality of the test on Blindness" is a literary Essay resulted from the experience of different points of view regarding the Essay on Blindness (1996), not only showing a Modern aesthetical tendency in dialog with the Baroque one, but also discussing subjects related to the History of Mentalities. The chapters are disposed as follows: The first one presents a short Excursus about the author and his work; the second one introduces the concept of Allegory exemplifying it with representative images of Romance; the third one presents tragic elements in dialog with the Bataille Eroticism in an Allegory of Feeling; the fourth one shows Stylistic Features used as a display mean of Comedy in Romance going towards the musicalness, being the features used to provoke laugh; the fifth and last one discusses about the study pertinence. To conclude, in favor of a Sight Education, the study considered authors such as: Ariès (1977), Bataille (2003), Bakhtin (2002, 2000, 1999), Benjamin (2000, 1996), Chauí (2005, 2000), Foucault (2006, 2005, 2004, 2002), Freud (1970), Hansen (2006), Lino (2004), Sartre (2005), Vovelle (1996)


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This thesis aims to discuss on articulations that have been produced on the socio-cultural field in the Psychiatric Reform process and its pertinence to the streghtening of Psychosocial Care Strategy (EAPS) in Fortaleza/CE. Such interest has been justified by the need to promote not only the production of these networks, but also interfaces to enable strategies of support and sociability from the perspective of deinstitutionalization of madness. We were inspired by the cartography perspective of Deleuze e Guattari, and determined as objectives: 1) to discuss the complexity of Psychiatric Reform process and analyze the EAPS as a model for the current Mental Health policy in the country; 2) to map socio-cultural strategies connected to the CAPS network in the city, investigating experiences that already exist or may be constituted as everyday social support networks; 3) from that mapping to start, define and discuss some aspects that converge to the accomplishment for this new mental health paradigm, drawing a cartography of the issues and movements in progress. The mapping was carried out in 2009 and consisted of semi-structured interviews with the coordinators of the 14 existent CAPS and with some people connected to the Coordination of Mental Health. Besides, during the whole development of the study, we have taken part in public events that brought us clues on the connection between mental health and culture. From the survey produced, we defined three vectors for discussion (Art, Labour and Partnership with Social Movements) which have been highlighted as effective possibilities of intervention in the socio-cultural field of Psychiatric Reform in Fortaleza and reveal important paths on the fulfillment process of a new pattern of care. For each of these axes, we chose a field of empirical research (Projeto Arte e Saúde, COOPCAPS e MSMCBJ) in which we could better understand their strengths and difficulties, starting from open interviews with some of their actors and the production of a diary of sensations in 2010. We have seen that they are articulated with the proposal of EAPS, being part of the concerns to the National Mental Health Policy and also the municipal administration. However, we have noticed to be necessary to promote those dimensions further, focusing on its complexity at the macro and micro policies, with the purpose of leading the Psychiatric Reform process


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Acompanha-se, aqui, a pertinência do lema de Engels, que concebe o marxismo como herdeiro do idealismo alemão nas teorias de Lukács, Horkheimer e Adorno. Enquanto Lukács assenta o método marxista na vertente da filosofia hegeliana e Horkheimer assume explicitamente o legado kantiano, Adorno não se propõe a ser herdeiro, mas sim crítico do idealismo alemão.