825 resultados para Network analysis (Planning)
Background: Late-onset Alzheimer's disease (AD) is heritable with 20 genes showing genome-wide association in the International Genomics of Alzheimer's Project (IGAP). To identify the biology underlying the disease, we extended these genetic data in a pathway analysis.
Methods: The ALIGATOR and GSEA algorithms were used in the IGAP data to identify associated functional pathways and correlated gene expression networks in human brain.
Results: ALIGATOR identified an excess of curated biological pathways showing enrichment of association. Enriched areas of biology included the immune response (P = 3.27 X 10(-12) after multiple testing correction for pathways), regulation of endocytosis (P = 1.31 X 10(-11)), cholesterol transport (P = 2.96 X 10(-9)), and proteasome-ubiquitin activity (P = 1.34 X 10(-6)). Correlated gene expression analysis identified four significant network modules, all related to the immune response (corrected P = .002-.05).
Conclusions: The immime response, regulation of endocytosis, cholesterol transport, and protein ubiquitination represent prime targets for AD therapeutics. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The Alzheimer's Association.
Active network scanning injects traffic into a network and observes responses to draw conclusions about the network. Passive network analysis works by looking at network meta data or by analyzing traffic as it traverses a fixed point on the network. It may be infeasible or inappropriate to scan critical infrastructure networks. Techniques exist to uniquely map assets without resorting to active scanning. In many cases, it is possible to characterize and identify network nodes by passively analyzing traffic flows. These techniques are considered in particular with respect to their application to power industry critical infrastructure.
Smart Grids are characterized by the application of information communication technology (ICT) to solve electrical energy challenges. Electric power networks span large geographical areas, thus a necessary component of many Smart Grid applications is a wide area network (WAN). For the Smart Grid to be successful, utilities must be confident that the communications infrastructure is secure. This paper describes how a WAN can be deployed using WiMAX radio technology to provide high bandwidth communications to areas not commonly served by utility communications, such as generators embedded in the distribution network. A planning exercise is described, using Northern Ireland as a case study. The suitability of the technology for real-time applications is assessed using experimentally obtained latency data.
Na última década, a referência ao conceito de redes cresceu rapidamente entre a literatura sobre turismo, geralmente aplicado a tópicos como as interorganizações, estrutura de multi-destinos, espaços de Turismo online, entre outros. O conceito de rede difundiu-se na natureza e na sociedade, em áreas que vão desde a Biologia à Medicina, ou da Economia à Gestão, e o conhecimento sobre redes tem vindo a impulsionar uma teoria comum para facilitar a compreensão de diferentes sistemas complexos e a representação das ligações entre organizações, acções, bens, proteínas ou pessoas. A tese teve como propósito o encontro de um eixo comum entre dois campos férteis de investigação através de uma revisão teórica sistemática. A investigação sobre redes complexas é um campo recente na Física que tem vindo a desenvolver-se bastante na última década com fortes aplicações interdisciplinares. Por outro lado, a análise de redes sociais é uma área de investigação activa em Sociologia e Economia há bastante tempo. O estudo das implicações das redes complexas para a ciência das redes de turismo é uma área promissora já com resultados fascinantes. A tese tem três resultados principais. Primeiro, traz conhecimento das ricas áreas de conhecimento sobre redes complexas e redes sociais. Em segundo lugar, apresenta modelos evolutivos que melhor se adaptam às chegadas turísticas internacionais. Como se organizam as redes sociais? Como é que os indivíduos escolhem os seus destinos de viagem? Estes são exemplos de questões que serão abordadas na tese. Em terceiro lugar, discute resultados que fazem notar comportamentos comuns entre redes em turismo e outras redes reais. O que é comum a todas as redes na natureza? Adicionalmente, os padrões encontrados entre os destinos turísticos mostram um comportamento não social, com destinos mais característicos de redes económicas e sistemas tecnológicos que questionam a faceta social do sector do turismo. Por acréscimo, a rede de transportes aéreos e a rede de turismo mostram diferenças consideráveis que se podem dever a razões políticas ou outras que provavelmente explicam o aumento da utilização de voos charters.
Os sistemas familiares multigeracionais (três ou mais gerações vivas) passaram de raros no passado a uma realidade social cada vez mais comum na actualidade, devido ao fenómeno demográfico de envelhecimento populacional. Este estudo pretende contribuir para o conhecimento deste sistema social, situado entre a família nuclear e a comunidade, procurando descrever a sua estrutura, funções e padrões relacionais dos seus membros com outros familiares e com os sistemas sociais envolventes. Para tal, foi organizada uma amostra de 25 famílias multigeracionais (contendo quatro gerações), à qual foi aplicada uma entrevista de genograma a um elemento das gerações intermédias e quatro entrevistas de análise da rede social pessoal (uma por geração), perfazendo um total de 25 entrevistas de genograma e 92 de avaliação da rede social (menos 8 do que o esperado devido a mortalidade experimental). A análise dos dados possibilitou: 1) a aplicação do princípio de totalidade sistémica à família multigeracional, a sua definição como um sistema social de complexidade idiossincrática, a identificação dos subsistemas que compõem o objecto de estudo (indivíduo, núcleo familiar, composição familiar, geração, linhagem), e a definição de uma tipologia familiar multigeracional (família unificada, dispersa e fragmentada); 2) a identificação e análise de papéis sociais desempenhados pelos indivíduos no contexto familiar multigeracional especificamente relevantes neste nível sistémico (guardião das memórias familiares, elo de ligação familiar, pronto-socorro familiar); 3) a descrição das redes sociais pessoais e a identificação das diferenças estruturais e funcionais entre indivíduos pertencentes a diferentes subsistemas geracionais, que permitem reflectir sobre a evolução da rede social ao longo das várias fases de desenvolvimento individual e familiar; 4) um conhecimento mais aprofundado das redes sociais dos indivíduos mais idosos que pertencem a famílias multigeracionais, da composição da matriz relacional percepcionada como significativa e apoios disponibilizados. Em suma, os dois primeiros capítulos reflectem o esforço de desenvolvimento de um modelo heurístico para o sistema familiar multigeracional, numa perspectiva estruturalista, enquanto os dois capítulos subsequentes, apoiandose conceptualmente nos anteriores, facultam um quadro das relações entre subsistemas geracionais na actualidade, através de uma metodologia de análise das redes sociais. ABSTRACT: Multigenerational family systems comprising four generations are increasingly common nowadays due to the demographic phenomenon of population aging. This study aims at a deeper understanding of this social system, placed between the nuclear family and the community, in particular by describing its structure, functions and relational patterns of its members with other members in the family and surrounding social systems. A sample of 25 multigenerational families (comprising four generations) was selected. A genogram interview was applied to a member of the middle generations, and four personal social network questionnaires were administered to one element of each generation. A total of 25 genograms and 92 social network inventories were collected (minus 8 than expected due to experimental mortality). Main findings were: 1) the application of systemic principles to the multigenerational family, which allowed us to define it as a social system of idiosyncratic complexity, involving specific subsystems (individual, family nucleus, family composition, generation, lineage), and also to define a multigenerational family typology (unified, dispersed and fragmented family); 2) the identification and analysis of social roles assumed by individuals in the multigenerational family context, that are specifically relevant in this systemic level (keeper of family memories, connecting link in the family, family first aider); 3) the description of the personal social networks and the identification of structural and functional differences among individuals belonging to different generational subsystems, which allowed for a reflection on the evolution of social networks through the various stages of individual and family development; 4) a deeper knowledge of the eldest family members social networks, i.e. the relational matrix of significant individuals and supports in oldold age. In summary, the first two chapters reflect the development of a heuristic model directed at the multigenerational family, whereas the two subsequent chapters provide a view of contemporaneous relationships between generational subsystems, through a social network analysis methodology.
Esta tese tem como principal objetivo analisar as características, a importância e o papel da inovação territorial em turismo e o seu impacto no desenvolvimento dos destinos. Consiste num estudo multidisciplinar suportado numa exaustiva revisão da literatura sobre temas como desenvolvimento, inovação e modelos de inovação territorial. Com base nas principais conclusões de natureza conceptual, considerou-se o modelo dos sistemas regionais de inovação como o mais adequado para aplicação ao sistema turístico, e a constituição de redes como estruturas fundamentais para a sua operacionalização. A partir desta abordagem teórica, foi desenvolvido um quadro conceptual para a análise da inovação sistémica no sector do turismo. Esta abordagem permitiu a definição de um conjunto de hipóteses, as quais foram testadas através dos resultados da parte empírica da tese. Foram desenvolvidos dois estudos empíricos distintos, mas complementares nas regiões do Douro e de Aveiro. O primeiro teve como objetivo inquirir empresas turísticas, enquanto o segundo foi dirigido a instituições regionais com intervenção no sector do turismo ou na inovação. Os resultados obtidos conduziram a importantes conclusões sobre o desempenho das empresas e regiões em termos de inovação, os padrões de networking desenvolvidos no âmbito de processos de inovação, a importância do conhecimento existente nas regiões e os fatores específicos das mesmas para a inovação em turismo, a perceção das empresas turísticas sobre o ambiente de inovação e o seu contributo para a evolução e para o sucesso dos destinos turísticos. A tese recorre a uma abordagem quantitativa que inclui estatística descritiva e indutiva e ao método da análise de redes (sociometria). A combinação de métodos levou a importantes conclusões sobre a inovação em turismo, com uma focalização especial no que a relaciona com os sistemas regionais de inovação. As conclusões permitem avançar com um conjunto de implicações e sugestões para futuros projetos de investigação sobre o tema, bem como para a gestão dos destinos turísticos, uma vez que contribui para um maior e mais aprofundado conhecimento do fenómeno da inovação em turismo desenvolvida a nível regional. Os resultados demonstram que diferentes regiões apresentam sistemas regionais de inovação distintos. Assim, não existe um modelo único que possa ser aplicado indistintamente em todas as regiões. Contudo, as conclusões apontam para a existência de padrões e práticas que aperfeiçoam o seu funcionamento, aumentando o desempenho ao nível da inovação, bem como a competitividade global do destino.
The ever-growing energy consumption in mobile networks stimulated by the expected growth in data tra ffic has provided the impetus for mobile operators to refocus network design, planning and deployment towards reducing the cost per bit, whilst at the same time providing a signifi cant step towards reducing their operational expenditure. As a step towards incorporating cost-eff ective mobile system, 3GPP LTE-Advanced has adopted the coordinated multi-point (CoMP) transmission technique due to its ability to mitigate and manage inter-cell interference (ICI). Using CoMP the cell average and cell edge throughput are boosted. However, there is room for reducing energy consumption further by exploiting the inherent exibility of dynamic resource allocation protocols. To this end packet scheduler plays the central role in determining the overall performance of the 3GPP longterm evolution (LTE) based on packet-switching operation and provide a potential research playground for optimizing energy consumption in future networks. In this thesis we investigate the baseline performance for down link CoMP using traditional scheduling approaches, and subsequently go beyond and propose novel energy e fficient scheduling (EES) strategies that can achieve power-e fficient transmission to the UEs whilst enabling both system energy effi ciency gain and fairness improvement. However, ICI can still be prominent when multiple nodes use common resources with di fferent power levels inside the cell, as in the so called heterogeneous networks (Het- Net) environment. HetNets are comprised of two or more tiers of cells. The rst, or higher tier, is a traditional deployment of cell sites, often referred to in this context as macrocells. The lower tiers are termed small cells, and can appear as microcell, picocells or femtocells. The HetNet has attracted signiffi cant interest by key manufacturers as one of the enablers for high speed data at low cost. Research until now has revealed several key hurdles that must be overcome before HetNets can achieve their full potential: bottlenecks in the backhaul must be alleviated, as well as their seamless interworking with CoMP. In this thesis we explore exactly the latter hurdle, and present innovative ideas on advancing CoMP to work in synergy with HetNet deployment, complemented by a novel resource allocation policy for HetNet tighter interference management. As system level simulator has been used to analyze the proposed algorithm/protocols, and results have concluded that up to 20% energy gain can be observed.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2012
My paper will focus on the generative potential of categorising asynchronous discussion threads as one strategy for improving the quality of students’ learning in a blended learning module. The approach to categorisation is based on social network analysis using intuitively simple descriptors of message posting patterns e.g. passive facilitator, dominant facilitator, unresponsive star and formulaic discussion. The intention is to produce descriptively vivid illustrative examples of the categories and to begin to suggest affordances of the different participation patterns. Looking forward to the beginning of the next module, it is anticipated that discussion during the module of approaches to participating in asynchronous discussion will contribute to effective engagement patterns and deeper learning.
Dissertação Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica no perfil de Manutenção e Produção
Spatial analysis and social network analysis typically take into consideration social processes in specific contexts of geographical or network space. The research in political science increasingly strives to model heterogeneity and spatial dependence. To better understand and geographically model the relationship between “non-political” events, streaming data from social networks, and political climate was the primary objective of the current study. Geographic information systems (GIS) are useful tools in the organization and analysis of streaming data from social networks. In this study, geographical and statistical analysis were combined in order to define the temporal and spatial nature of the data eminating from the popular social network Twitter during the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The study spans the entire globe because Twitter’s geotagging function, the fundamental data that makes this study possible, is not limited to a geographic area. By examining the public reactions to an inherenlty non-political event, this study serves to illuminate broader questions about social behavior and spatial dependence. From a practical perspective, the analyses demonstrate how the discussion of political topics fluсtuate according to football matches. Tableau and Rapidminer, in addition to a set basic statistical methods, were applied to find patterns in the social behavior in space and time in different geographic regions. It was found some insight into the relationship between an ostensibly non-political event – the World Cup - and public opinion transmitted by social media. The methodology could serve as a prototype for future studies and guide policy makers in governmental and non-governmental organizations in gauging the public opinion in certain geographic locations.
This work models the competitive behaviour of individuals who maximize their own utility managing their network of connections with other individuals. Utility is taken as a synonym of reputation in this model. Each agent has to decide between two variables: the quality of connections and the number of connections. Hence, the reputation of an individual is a function of the number and the quality of connections within the network. On the other hand, individuals incur in a cost when they improve their network of contacts. The initial value of the quality and number of connections of each individual is distributed according to an initial (given) distribution. The competition occurs over continuous time and among a continuum of agents. A mean field game approach is adopted to solve the model, leading to an optimal trajectory for the number and quality of connections for each individual.
Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia na área de especialização de Psicologia das Organizações apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário
Sertoli cells (SCs), the only somatic cells within seminiferous tubules, associate intimately with developing germ cells. They not only provide physical and nutritional support but also secrete factors essential to the complex developmental processes of germ cell proliferation and differentiation. The SC transcriptome must therefore adapt rapidly during the different stages of spermatogenesis. We report comprehensive genome-wide expression profiles of pure populations of SCs isolated at 5 distinct stages of the first wave of mouse spermatogenesis, using RNA sequencing technology. We were able to reconstruct about 13 901 high-confidence, nonredundant coding and noncoding transcripts, characterized by complex alternative splicing patterns with more than 45% comprising novel isoforms of known genes. Interestingly, roughly one-fifth (2939) of these genes exhibited a dynamic expression profile reflecting the evolving role of SCs during the progression of spermatogenesis, with stage-specific expression of genes involved in biological processes such as cell cycle regulation, metabolism and energy production, retinoic acid synthesis, and blood-testis barrier biogenesis. Finally, regulatory network analysis identified the transcription factors endothelial PAS domain-containing protein 1 (EPAS1/Hif2α), aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT/Hif1β), and signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) as potential master regulators driving the SC transcriptional program. Our results highlight the plastic transcriptional landscape of SCs during the progression of spermatogenesis and provide valuable resources to better understand SC function and spermatogenesis and its related disorders, such as male infertility.