991 resultados para Números pseudo-aleatórios


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In this work we have studied the effects of random biquadratic and random fields in spin-glass models using the replica method. The effect of a random biquadratic coupling was studied in two spin-1 spin-glass models: in one case the interactions occur between pairs of spins, whereas in the second one the interactions occur between p spins and the limit p > oo is considered. Both couplings (spin glass and biquadratic) have zero-mean Gaussian probability distributions. In the first model, the replica-symmetric assumption reveals that the system presents two pha¬ses, namely, paramagnetic and spin-glass, separated by a continuous transition line. The stability analysis of the replica-symmetric solution yields, besides the usual instability associated with the spin-glass ordering, a new phase due to the random biquadratic cou¬plings between the spins. For the case p oo, the replica-symmetric assumption yields again only two phases, namely, paramagnetic and quadrupolar. In both these phases the spin-glass parameter is zero. Besides, it is shown that they are stable under the Almeida-Thouless stability analysis. One of them presents negative entropy at low temperatures. We developed one step of replica simmetry breaking and noticed that a new phase, the biquadratic glass phase, emerge. In this way we have obtained the correct phase diagram, with.three first-order transition lines. These lines merges in a common triple point. The effects of random fields were studied in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model consi¬dered in the presence of an external random magnetic field following a trimodal distribu¬tion {P{hi) = p+S(hi - h0) +Po${hi) +pS(hi + h0))- It is shown that the border of the ferromagnetic phase may present, for conveniently chosen values of p0 and hQ, first-order phase transitions, as well as tricritical points at finite temperatures. It is verified that the first-order phase transitions are directly related to the dilution in the fields: the extensions of these transitions are reduced for increasing values of po- In fact, the threshold value pg, above which all phase transitions are continuous, is calculated analytically. The stability analysis of the replica-symmetric solution is performed and the regions of validity of such a solution are identified


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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This dissertation briefly presents the random graphs and the main quantities calculated from them. At the same time, basic thermodynamics quantities such as energy and temperature are associated with some of their characteristics. Approaches commonly used in Statistical Mechanics are employed and rules that describe a time evolution for the graphs are proposed in order to study their ergodicity and a possible thermal equilibrium between them


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One of the mechanisms responsible for the anomalous diffusion is the existence of long-range temporal correlations, for example, Fractional Brownian Motion and walk models according to Elephant memory and Alzheimer profiles, whereas in the latter two cases the walker can always "remember" of his first steps. The question to be elucidated, and the was the main motivation of our work, is if memory of the historic initial is condition for observation anomalous diffusion (in this case, superdiffusion). We give a conclusive answer, by studying a non-Markovian model in which the walkers memory of the past, at time t, is given by a Gaussian centered at time t=2 and standard deviation t which grows linearly as the walker ages. For large widths of we find that the model behaves similarly to the Elephant model; In the opposite limit (! 0), although the walker forget the early days, we observed similar results to the Alzheimer walk model, in particular the presence of amnestically induced persistence, characterized by certain log-periodic oscillations. We conclude that the memory of earlier times is not a necessary condition for the generating of superdiffusion nor the amnestically induced persistence and can appear even in profiles of memory that forgets the initial steps, like the Gausssian memory profile investigated here.


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Wu and Yu recently examined point interactions in one dimension in the form of the Fermi pseudo-potential. on the other hand there are point interactions in the form of self-adjoint extensions (SAEs) of the kinetic energy operator. We examine the relationship between the point interactions in these two forms in the one-channel and two-channel cases. In the one-channel case the pseudo-potential leads to the standard three-parameter family of SAEs. In the two-channel case the pseudo-potential furnishes a ten-parameter family of SAEs.


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The molar single ion activity coefficient (y(F)) of fluoride ions was determined at 25 degrees C and ionic strengths between 0.100 and 3.00 mol L(-1) NaClO(4) using an ion-selective electrode. The activity coefficient dependency on ionic strength was determined to be Phi(F) = log y(F) = 0.2315I-0.041I(2). The function Phi(F)(I), combined with functions obtained in previous work for copper (Phi(Cu)) and hydrogen (Phi(H)), allowed us to make the estimation of the stoichiometric and thermodynamic protonation constants of some halides and pseudo-halides as well as the formation constants of some pseudo-halides and fluoride 1:1 bivalent cation complexes. The calculation procedure proposed in this paper is consistent with critically-selected experimental data. It was demonstrated that it is possible to use Phi(F)(I) for predicting the thermodynamic equilibrium parameters independently of Pearson's hardness of acids and bases.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar diferentes doses de efluente de abatedouro avícola para proporcionar melhorias nas características produtivas, morfogênicas e estruturais do capim-piatã. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, adotando-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em que foram testadas cinco doses de efluentes: 324, 648, 972, 1.296 e 1620m³ ha-1 ou equivalente a 50, 100, 150, 200 e 250kg ha-1 de N. As variáveis mensuradas foram: produção de matéria seca (MS), taxa de aparecimento de folha (TApF), taxa de alongamento de folha (TAlF), filocrono, taxa de alongamento de pseudocolmo (TAlC), comprimento final de folha (CFF) e números de folhas verdes (NFV). A produção de MS seguiu um modelo linear de predição em função das doses efluente avícola, em que o tratamento com 250kg ha-1 de N foi 55% maior, quando comparado com o tratamento de 50kg ha-1 de N. Todas as características morfogênicas e estruturais avaliadas com exceção do filocrono apresentaram comportamento linear positivo. Dessa forma, o efluente de abatedouro avícola pode ser utilizado como uma alternativa para adubação do capim-piatã, pois este respondeu de maneira crescente até a dose máxima testada.


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The general structure of the Hamiltonian hierarchy of the pseudo-Coulomb and pseudo-Harmonic potentials is constructed by the factorization method within the supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SQMS) formalism. The excited states and spectra of eigenfunctions of the potentials are obtained through the generation of the members of the hierarchy. It is shown that the extra centrifugal term added to the Coulomb and Harmonic potentials maintain their exact solvability.


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We show that the wavefunctions 〈pq; λ|n〈, of the harmonic oscillator in the squeezed state representation, have the generalized Hermite polynomials as their natural orthogonal polynomials. These wavefunctions lead to generalized Poisson Distribution Pn(pq;λ), which satisfy an interesting pseudo-diffusion equation: ∂Pnp,q;λ) ∂λ= 1 4 [ ∂2 ∂p2-( 1 λ2) ∂2 ∂q2]P2(p,q;λ), in which the squeeze parameter λ plays the role of time. Th entropies Sn(λ) have minima at the unsqueezed states (λ=1), which means that squeezing or stretching decreases the correlation between momentum p and position q. © 1992.


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There are point interactions in one dimension that can be interpreted as self-adjoint extensions (SAEs) of the kinetic energy [KE] operator. Here, we report the results obtained in two recent papers cited in [1]. In the first, we consider point interactions in one dimension in the form of the Fermi pseudo-potential, in one and two-channel cases. In the second, we consider a new type of point interactions that are self-adjoint and effectively energy-dependent. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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Self-compatibility in apomictic pseudogamic species is considered fundamental to assure reproduction by seeds in extreme situations, making apomictic species more advantageous than sexual ones in these scenarios. Anemopaegma acutifolium is a polyploidy, apomictic sporophytic species with no endosperm development in ovules of unpollinated pistils, which indicates obligate pseudogamy. Thus, the aim of the present work is to study the breeding system and post-pollination events to test if there is similar pseudogamous development irrespective of pollination treatment. We analysed fruit and seed set obtained in controlled experimental pollinations, as well as embryo number per seed, and the progress of ovule penetration, fertilisation and early endosperm development between self- and cross-pollinated pistils. We found that the species is self-fertile and that spontaneous selfing fruit set is also possible, although emasculated flowers never form fruits. Selfed pistils were as efficient as crossed ones for all parameters analysed, except for a delay in endosperm development observed in the former that may be an effect of the late-acting self-incompatibility. Therefore, the avoidance of selfed pistil abortion seems to be promoted by the presence of adventitious embryos and a normal endosperm. We conclude that A. acutifolium shows apomixis-related pseudo-self-compatibility, as in other self-fertile apomictic species of Bignoniaceae, which confer reproductive assurance and increases fruit-set and persistence ability in fast-changing tropical habitats. © 2012 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands.