994 resultados para Langage de balisage XML


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Emissions trading schemes have been introduced throughout the world in order to achieve an environmental end. In the pursuit of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, these schemes will have a direct impact on the global economy. This book examines the details of emissions trading schemes through the lens of the World Trade Organization (WTO) law. Emissions trading schemes both implemented and proposed will be deconstructed to understand whether they will have a single uniform legal status within the WTO law, or indeed whether the legal status of the units of trade will differ on a case-by-case basis. This book examines non-discrimination provisions and exceptions within four significant WTO ‘covered agreements’. This analysis will be undertaken with a goal to understand how emissions trading scheme measures may be labelled and treated by WTO dispute settlement bodies. Moreover, the narrative of this publication demonstrates where decisions must be made by WTO Members in relation to the legal treatment of emissions trading units and liabilities. The aim of the book is to consider the issues associated with emissions trading that arise within the existing WTO law. This monograph will consider emissions trading schemes through the lens of WTO law to establish how these schemes will be defined, where they may potentially breach the non-discrimination provisions of the law and, whether the WTO law should be amended through Member agreement in order to accommodate these schemes. The book is an adaptation of a PhD thesis, which is an analysis of one emissions trading framework – the Australian Clean Energy Package – using WTO law as the theoretical framework. The aim of the proposed monograph is to increase the scope of analysis from the Clean Energy Package to emissions trading schemes more generally. It is envisaged that to do this effectively, examples of frameworks that have been proposed and implemented by various WTO members must be used as case studies for both WTO compliance and non-compliance.


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The provision of autonomy supportive environments that promote physical activity engagement have become popular in contemporary youth settings. However, questions remain about whether adolescent perceptions of their autonomy have implications for physical activity. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the association between adolescents’ self-reported physical activity and their perceived autonomy. Participants (n = 384 adolescents) aged between 12 and 15 years were recruited from six secondary schools in metropolitan Brisbane, Australia. Self-reported measures of physical activity and autonomy were obtained. Logistic regression with inverse probability weights were used to examine the association between autonomy and the odds of meeting youth physical activity guidelines. Autonomy (OR 0.61, 95% CI 0.49-0.76) and gender (OR 0.62, 95% CI 0.46-0.83) were negatively associated with meeting physical activity guidelines. However, the model explained only a small amount of the variation in whether youth in this sample met physical activity guidelines (R2 = 0.023). For every 1 unit decrease in autonomy (on an index from 1 to 5), participants were 1.64 times more likely to meet physical activity guidelines. The findings, which are at odds with several previous studies, suggest that interventions designed to facilitate youth physical activity should limit opportunities for youth to make independent decisions about their engagement. However, the small amount of variation explained by the predictors in the model is a caveat, and should be considered prior to applying such suggestions in practical settings. Future research should continue to examine a larger age range, longitudinal observational or intervention studies to examine assertions of causality, as well as objective measurement of physical activity.


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The use of forms of address in French films and their Finnish translations The use of forms of address constitutes an integral part of speakers’ communicative competence. In fact, they are not only used to assign to whom the speech is addressed, but also to construct the relationship between speakers. However, the choice of a suitable form is not necessarily evident in modern, pluralistic society. By the notion form of address, I refer to pronouns of address (tu vs. vous) and different nouns of address like names, titles (Monsieur, Madame, Mademoiselle), kinship terms, occupational terms, terms of endearment and insults. The purpose of the present thesis is, first, to study the semantic and pragmatic values of forms of address in dialogues of modern French films, and, second, their translation in Finnish subtitles. It is evident that film language is not spontaneous, but only a representation of authentic speech, and that subtitles are a written version of the original spoken language. Consequently, this thesis studies spoken fictive dialogues and their written translations. The methods applied in the study are the Interactional and Pragmatic Approach as well as Translatology. The role of forms of address in an interpersonal relationship is studied with dimensions of distance and power (Brown and Gilman 1960, Kerbrat-Orecchioni 1992), whereas the pragmatic dimension permits studying in particular the use of forms of address in speech acts (Kerbrat-Orecchioni 2001). The translation strategies are studied with the help of Venuti’s (1995) notions of foreignizing and domesticating strategies. The results of the thesis suggest that the pronoun use in the studied films is usually reciprocal. However, the relations of power have not disappeared, but are expressed in a more discrete manner with nouns of address (for instance vous + Docteur vs. vous + Anita). The use of the pronoun of address vous seems still to be common, but increased intimacy is expressed by accompanying familiar nouns of address like first names. The nominal forms of address accompany different speech acts, but not in a systematic manner. In a dialogue they appear usually in the first speech act, and more rarely in the response, but not in both. In addition, they have an important role in the mechanics of conversation. The translators here face multiple demands, and their translations seem mostly to be a compromise between foreignizing and domesticating strategies.


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Based on x-ray crystallographic studies, it is shown that crystal chemical factors govern the reversible photodimerization of phenylbutadienes in the solid state.


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The Ajax approach has outgrown its origin as shorthand for "Asynchronous JavaScript + XML". Three years after its naming, Ajax has become widely adopted by web applications. Therefore, there exists a growing interest in using those applications with mobile devices. This thesis evaluates the presentational capability and measures the performance of five mobile browsers on the Apple iPhone and Nokia models N95 and N800. Performance is benchmarked through user-experienced response times as measured with a stopwatch. 12 Ajax toolkit examples and 8 production-quality applications are targeted, all except one in their real environments. In total, over 1750 observations are analyzed and included in the appendix. Communication delays are not considered; the network connection type is WLAN. Results indicate that the initial loading time of an Ajax application can often exceed 20 seconds. Content reordering may be used to partially overcome this limitation. Proper testing is the key for success: the selected browsers are capable of presenting Ajax applications if their differing implementations are overcome, perhaps using a suitable toolkit.


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Perinteisillä tiedonhakumenetelmillä ei aina tavoiteta riittävän hyvin tekstien merkitystasoa. Tutkielman aiheena olevan semanttisen tiedonhaun tarkoituksena onkin päästä paremmin kä-siksi sanojen ilmaisemiin merkityksiin. Tämä tapahtuu käyttämällä hyväksi itse tekstiin tai sen esitys-/tallennusrakenteisiin tuotettua semanttista metatietoa. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan lähemmin kahteen ryhmään kuuluvia semanttisia hakumenetelmiä. Toisen ryhmän muodostavat XML-tekstidokumenttien ominaisuuksia hyödyntävät, toisen taas semanttisen webin mahdollisuuksiin perustuvat järjestelmät. Lisäksi tutkielmassa luonnostellaan ideaalinen semanttinen tiedonhakujärjestelmä, johon tarkasteltuja järjestelmiä verrataan. Vertailussa todetaan, että lähes kaikki ideaalisen hakujärjestelmän piirteet tulevat jossain muodossa toteutetuiksi, joskaan eivät yhdessäkään järjestelmässä samalla kertaa. Semanttisilta hakuominaisuuksiltaan monipuolisimmaksi osoittautuu XML-perustainen SphereSearch-hakukone, joka esimerkiksi sallii käsitehaut ja kykenee muodostamaan vastauselementeistä dokumenttirajat ylittäviä kokonaisuuksia. Toisaalta kaikki tarkastellut järjestelmät noudattavat semanttisen tiedonhaun perusperiaatetta, jonka mukaan etsityn merkityssisällön tavoittamiseksi ei riitä pelkkä hakutermien paikallisten esiintymien löytäminen kohdeaineistosta. Tyypillisimmin periaate on toteutettu ottamalla tiedollisen yksikön (XML-elementin tai semanttisen webin ontologian mukaisen ilmentymäsolmun) relevanssia arvioitaessa huomioon myös siihen rakenteellisesti kytkeytyneiden yksiköiden sisältö ja näiden kytkösten laatu.


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A large fraction of an XML document typically consists of text data. The XPath query language allows text search via the equal, contains, and starts-with predicates. Such predicates can be efficiently implemented using a compressed self-index of the document's text nodes. Most queries, however, contain some parts querying the text of the document, plus some parts querying the tree structure. It is therefore a challenge to choose an appropriate evaluation order for a given query, which optimally leverages the execution speeds of the text and tree indexes. Here the SXSI system is introduced. It stores the tree structure of an XML document using a bit array of opening and closing brackets plus a sequence of labels, and stores the text nodes of the document using a global compressed self-index. On top of these indexes sits an XPath query engine that is based on tree automata. The engine uses fast counting queries of the text index in order to dynamically determine whether to evaluate top-down or bottom-up with respect to the tree structure. The resulting system has several advantages over existing systems: (1) on pure tree queries (without text search) such as the XPathMark queries, the SXSI system performs on par or better than the fastest known systems MonetDB and Qizx, (2) on queries that use text search, SXSI outperforms the existing systems by 1-3 orders of magnitude (depending on the size of the result set), and (3) with respect to memory consumption, SXSI outperforms all other systems for counting-only queries.


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Biomedical engineering solutions like surgical simulators need High Performance Computing (HPC) to achieve real-time performance. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) offer HPC capabilities at low cost and low power consumption. In this work, it is demonstrated that a liver which is discretized by about 2500 finite element nodes, can be graphically simulated in realtime, by making use of a GPU. Present work takes into consideration the time needed for the data transfer from CPU to GPU and back from GPU to CPU. Although behaviour of liver is very complicated, present computer simulation assumes linear elastostatics. One needs to use the commercial software ANSYS to obtain the global stiffness matrix of the liver. Results show that GPUs are useful for the real-time graphical simulation of liver, which in turn is needed in simulators that are used for training surgeons in laparoscopic surgery. Although the computer simulation should involve rendering also, neither rendering, nor the time needed for rendering and displaying the liver on a screen, is considered in the present work. The present work is just a demonstration of a concept; the concept is not really implemented and validated. Future work is to develop software which can accomplish real-time and very realistic graphical simulation of liver, with rendered image of liver on the screen changing in real-time according to the position of the surgical tool tip approximated as the mouse cursor in 3D.


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Callus induction and morphogenesis from different blackgram explants were tested on MS basal medium supplemented with B5 vitamins, IAA, NAA, IBA, KIN and BAP individually and in combinations. The explants were hypocotyl, epicotyl, axillary bud, cotyledonary node and immature leaf. The optimal levels of the frequency of callus induction was 22.8 mu M of IAA or 16.1 mu M NAA and in combination with 2.2 mu M of BAP. Among the seedling explants, hypocotyl was found to be more efficient in producing callus. Shoots mere induced from callus cultures of hypocotyls, epicotyls, axillary bud, cotyledonary node and immature leaf with varying frequencies in the medium containing KIN (2.3-9.3 mu M) or BAP (2.2-8.8 mu M) and in combination with IAA (2.8 mu M) or NAA (2.6 mu M). Multiple shoots were obtained using cotyledonary node segments. The regenerated shoots rooted best on MS basal medium containing 9.8 mu M IBA. Seventy three per cent of the shoots produced roots, and 80-85% of the plantlets survived under greenhouse condition.


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Complete plants were regenerated from in vitro cultured immature cotyledon segments of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L. cv. TMV-7) by organogenesis. Callus cultures were best Initiated from immature cotyledon segments on MS (Murashige and Skoog) salts containing B5 vitamins supplemented with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and alpha -naphthalene acetic acid (NAA; 4.0 mg L-1) and kinetin (KIN; 0.5 L-1). Calluses were transferred to a medium containing KIN (2.0 mg L-1) and IAA and NAA (0.5 mg L-1) for shoot Initiation. The regenerated shoots were transferred to a medium containing Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA; 2.0 mg L-1) and KIN (0.2 mg L-1) for developing roots. In vitro produced plantlets developed sucessfully, matured, and set seed. The protein profiles [sodium dodecyl sulphate - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)] of callus, callus with shoot, and callus with shoot and root showed differences.


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To investigate the use of centre of gravity location on reducing cyclic pitch control for helicopter UAV's (unmanned air vehicles) and MAV's (micro air vehicles). Low cyclic pitch is a necessity to implement the swashplateless rotor concept using trailing edge flaps or active twist using current generation low authority piezoceramic actuators. Design/methodology/approach – An aeroelastic analysis of the helicopter rotor with elastic blades is used to perform parametric and sensitivity studies of the effects of longitudinal and lateral center of gravity (cg) movements on the main rotor cyclic pitch. An optimization approach is then used to find cg locations which reduce the cyclic pitch at a given forward speed. Findings – It is found that the longitudinal cyclic pitch and lateral cyclic pitch can be driven to zero at a given forward speed by shifting the cg forward and to the port side, respectively. There also exist pairs of numbers for the longitudinal and lateral cg locations which drive both the cyclic pitch components to zero at a given forward speed. Based on these results, a compromise optimal cg location is obtained such that the cyclic pitch is bounded within ±5° for a BO105 helicopter rotor. Originality/value – The reduction in the cyclic pitch due to helicopter cg location is found to significantly reduce the maximum magnitudes of the control angles in flight, facilitating the swashplateless rotor concept. In addition, the existence of cg locations which drive the cyclic pitches to zero allows for the use of active cg movement as a way to replace the cyclic pitch control for helicopter MAV's.