987 resultados para Formulae, receipts, prescriptions
Neste trabalho são examinados os efeitos da emissão de ADRs-American Depositary Receipts, das empresas da América do Sul, nas modalidades Nível-Ill e Regra 144/A. Utilizou-se de dados de todas as 24 empresas que captaram US$ 4,8 bilhões até o ano de 1993. Os estudos sugerem que houve um aumento de retorno anormal, com um CAR-Cumulative Average Return de 17,6%, ao redor da data-zero, mês de lançamento dos ADRs. Desse percentual, 14,9% verificou-se somente nos 6 primeiros meses antes do lançamento, incluindo a data-zero. Este trabalho foi suportado pelo teste-t ao nível de significância de 0,10, pelo teste de médias iguais e variância desconhecida, ao nível de 0,01 e pelo teste de médias desiguais e variância desconhecida, ao nível de 0,02. Os resultados sugerem que o mercado é eficiente, pois antecipa aos fatos e nos preços estão refletidas as informações publicamente avaliáveis. Também calculou-se a influência do lançamento dos ADRs sobre o risco sistemático, através do coeficiente, no modelo CAPM-Capital Asset Pricing Model, a partir do 6 mês antes do lançamento comparado com o anterior, tendo os resultados evidenciado um aumento no prêmio pelo risco no retorno esperado.
The dental documentation or handbook is a collection of documents produced by the professional with diagnostic and therapeutical purpose where the inherent information to the buccal and general health of patients are registered. The register and proper filling of these documents, taking care of the ethical and legal requirements, provide to the dentist the possibility to contribute with justice in cases of human identification and makes of these documents an essential element of evidence in the ethical processes, administrative, civil and criminal against the dentists. Ahead of this fact, understanding such requirements and the importance of the dentist to register himself adequately, this research verified the knowledge of Natal (RN) City s dentists with relation to the elaboration of the dental handbook, investigating the concepts and the importance attributed to the handbook, identifying the documents more used and filed by these professionals, besides inquiring the legal value of filed documents and the filling time of these ones. The sample was constituted by 124 dentists, who had answered a questionnaire, after having been randomly selected ITom a list of professionals subscribed in the Dentistry Local Council/RN Section. The analysis of the results showed that majority of the participant citÍzens (52,3%) confers to the dental documentation the clinical importance, followed by the legal and forensic-dentistry importance; 59,3% of the searched professionals do not distinguish satisfactorily or they do not observe differences between the dental handbook and the clinical filing card, the X-rays, the dental certificates, the prescriptions, the directions and the receipts; between the documents of common use to clínical and specialist ones, the contract of rendering of services and term of ITee and cleared up consent are the documents less used by the professionals. It was still verified, that only 13,1% of the sample register the signature of the patients in the clinical filing card, making it more credibility to be presented in judgement. In the same way, copies of dental certificates and prescriptions evaluated and signed by the patients are filed respectively by only 13,5% and 9,4% ofthe searched professionals and 50% ofthe sample, keep these documents filed for an indeterminate period of time, that is, these professionals have the guard of the handbook and they do not intend to disdain it, although 85,5% of the sample does not recognize the real proprietor of the handbook. It is concluded that a great part of the dentists is unaware about the importance of the dental documentation, and neglect its elaboration, leaving themselves exposed to several kinds of penalties foreseen in the legislation
Feynman integrals in the physical light-cone gauge are more difficult to solve than their covariant counterparts. The difficulty is associated with the presence of unphysical singularities due to the inherent residual gauge freedom in the intermediate boson propagators constrained within this gauge choice. In order to circumvent these non-physical singularities, the headlong approach has always been to call for mathematical devices - prescriptions - some successful and others not. A more elegant approach is to consider the propagator from its physical point of view, that is, an object obeying basic principles such as causality. Once this fact is realized and carefully taken into account, the crutch of prescriptions can be avoided altogether. An alternative, third approach, which for practical computations could dispense with prescriptions as well as avoiding the necessity of careful stepwise consideration of causality, would be of great advantage. and this third option is realizable within the context of negative dimensions, or as it has been coined, the negative dimensional integration method (NDIM).
The present study aimed to estimate the prevalence of elderly using potentially inappropriate medications (PIM) and with occurrence of potentially hazardous drug interactions (PHDI), to identify the risk factors for the prescription of PIM and to evaluate the impact of pharmaceutical intervention (PI) for the prescription of safer therapeutic alternatives. Therefore, a cross-sectional study was performed in a long-term care facility in São Paulo State, between December/2010 and January/2011. The medical records of the patients >= 60 years old who took any drugs were consulted to assess the pharmacotherapeutic safety of the medical prescriptions, in order to identify PIM and PHDI, according to the Beers (2003) and World Health Organization criteria, respectively. PI consisted of a guidance letter to the physician responsible for the institution, with the suggestions of safer equivalent therapeutics. Approximately 88% of the elderly took at least one drug, and for 30% of them the PIM had been prescribed. Most of the PIM identified (53.4%) act on the central nervous system. Among the 13 different DI detected, 6 are considered PHDI. Polypharmacy was detected as a risk factor for PIM prescription. After the PI there was no change in medical prescriptions of patients who had been prescribed PIM or PHDI. The data suggests that PI performed by letter, as the only interventional, method was ineffective. To contribute it a wide dissemination of PIM and PHDI among prescriber professionals is necessary for the selection of safer treatment for elderly. Additionally, a pharmacist should be part of the health care team in order to help promote rational use of medicines.
The purpose of this paper is to show certain links between univariate interpolation by algebraic polynomials and the representation of polyharmonic functions. This allows us to construct cubature formulae for multivariate functions having highest order of precision with respect to the class of polyharmonic functions. We obtain a Gauss type cubature formula that uses ℳ values of linear functional (integrals over hyperspheres) and is exact for all 2ℳ-harmonic functions, and consequently, for all algebraic polynomials of n variables of degree 4ℳ - 1.
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Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
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Pós-graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas - FCFAR
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
To assess the fluoride (F) content in commercially available milk formulae in Brazil and to estimate the F intake in children from this source in the first year of life. Samples of cow's milk (n = 51), infant formulae (n = 15), powdered milk (n = 13), and soy-based products (n = 4) purchased in Araçatuba (Brazil) had their F content measured using an ion-specific electrode, after hexamethyldisiloxane-facilitated diffusion. Powdered milk and infant formulae were reconstituted with deionized water, while ready-to-drink products were analyzed without any dilution. Using average infant body masses and suggested volumes of formula consumption for infants 1-12 months of age, possible F ingestion per body mass was estimated. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis. Mean F content ranged from 0.02 to 2.52 mg/L in all samples. None of the cow's milk provided F intake higher than 0.07 mg/kg. However, two infant formulae, one powdered milk, and one soy-milk led to a daily F intake above the suggested threshold for fluorosis when reconstituted with deionized water. Assuming reconstitution of products with tap water at 0.7 ppm F, two infant formulae, five powdered milk, and four soymilks led to daily F intake ranging from 0.108 to 0.851 mg/kg. The results suggest that the consumption of some brands of infant formulae, powdered milk, and soy-based milk in the first year of age could increase the risk of dental fluorosis, reinforcing the need for periodic surveillance of the F content of foods and beverages typically consumed by young children.
The pharmaceutical industry invests heavily in promoting their products, and studies suggest that these actions influence doctor’s prescribing. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the opinions and attitudes of doctors when facing promotional activities of the laboratories. To this end, questionnaires were sent to doctors in Araraquara (SP) containing statements on the subject. Data analysis included study of the association by the chi-square. The results indicated that physicians relate to the propagandists (98%) by considering them useful (55%), but not as a main source update (86%). For 62% of them their prescriptions are not influenced by such relationships, while 24% disagree that doctors in general are influenced as well as new graduates (37%). The majority also disagrees that are influenced by amenities (86%) or free samples (70%) but only 38% believe their colleagues are not influenced by the samples. As for the ethics of these receipts, 57% considered to be appropriate when benefit patients, but only 32% while for personal use. The results show that doctors are vulnerable to the influences of marketing. Therefore, mechanisms and interventions are needed for prescribing drugs solely by criteria of effectiveness, safety, convenience and accessibility to the patient.
Background: Few cross-sectional studies involving adults and elderly patients with major DDIs have been conducted in the primary care setting. The study aimed to investigate the prevalence of potential drug-drug interactions (DDIs) in patients treated in primary care. Methodology/Principal Findings: A cross-sectional study involving patients aged 45 years or older was conducted at 25 Basic Health Units in the city of Maringa (southern Brazil) from May to December 2010. The data were collected from prescriptions at the pharmacy of the health unit at the time of the delivery of medication to the patient. After delivery, the researcher checked the electronic medical records of the patient. A total of 827 patients were investigated (mean age: 64.1; mean number of medications: 4.4). DDIs were identified in the Micromedex (R) database. The prevalence of potential DDIs and major DDIs was 63.0% and 12.1%, respectively. In both the univariate and multivariate analyses, the number of drugs prescribed was significantly associated with potential DDIs, with an increasing risk from three to five drugs (OR = 4.74; 95% CI: 2.90-7.73) to six or more drugs (OR = 23.03; 95% CI: 10.42-50.91). Forty drugs accounted for 122 pairs of major DDIs, the most frequent of which involved simvastatin (23.8%), captopril/enalapril (16.4%) and fluoxetine (16.4%). Conclusions/Significance: This is the first large-scale study on primary care carried out in Latin America. Based on the findings, the estimated prevalence of potential DDIs was high, whereas clinically significant DDIs occurred in a smaller proportion. Exposing patients to a greater number of prescription drugs, especially three or more, proved to be a significant predictor of DDIs. Prescribers should be more aware of potential DDIs. Future studies should assess potential DDIs in primary care over a longer period of time.