890 resultados para Critical thinking skills
This paper deals with the place of narrative, that is, storytelling, in public deliberation. A distinction is made between weak and strong conceptions of narrative. According to the weak one, storytelling is but one rhetorical device among others with which social actors produce and convey meaning. In contrast, the strong conception holds that narrative is necessary to communicate, and argue, about topics such as the human experience of time, collective identities and the moral and ethical validity of values. The upshot of this idea is that storytelling should be a necessary component of any ideal of public deliberation. Contrary to recent work by deliberative theorists, who tend to adopt the weak conception of narrative, the author argues for embracing the strong one. The main contention of this article is that stories not only have a legitimate place in deliberation, but are even necessary to formulate certain arguments in the fi rst place; for instance, arguments drawing on historical experience. This claim, namely that narrative is constitutive of certain arguments, in the sense that, without it, said reasons cannot be articulated, is illustrated by deliberative theory’s own narrative underpinnings. Finally, certain possible objections against the strong conception of narrative are dispelled.
Concept maps are a technique used to obtain a visual representation of a person's ideas about a concept or a set of related concepts. Specifically, in this paper, through a qualitative methodology, we analyze the concept maps proposed by 52 groups of teacher training students in order to find out the characteristics of the maps and the degree of adequacy of the contents with regard to the teaching of human nutrition in the 3rd cycle of primary education. The participants were enrolled in the Teacher Training Degree majoring in Primary Education, and the data collection was carried out through a training activity under the theme of what to teach about Science in Primary School? The results show that the maps are a useful tool for working in teacher education as they allow organizing, synthesizing, and communicating what students know. Moreover, through this work, it has been possible to see that future teachers have acceptable skills for representing the concepts/ideas in a concept map, although the level of adequacy of concepts/ideas about human nutrition and its relations is usually medium or low. These results are a wake-up call for teacher training, both initial and ongoing, because they shows the inability to change priorities as far as the selection of content is concerned.
Science reported in the media is an authentic source material to explore science research and innovation, to learn how science works and to consolidate science literacy skills.
Media reports intended to communicate science research and innovation provide opportunities for teachers to develop among their pupils the critical reading skills that are essential for promoting literacy in science.
This study focuses on a curricular intervention with upper primary pupils (age 11 years) and uses science reported in the media to facilitate science directed learning in the primary curriculum.
The study suggests that the use of science based media reports can be a positive learning experience for pupils. Strategies and teaching approaches can be used to boost pupils’ confidence and competence to adopt critical reading strategies when they encounter science-based media.
Critical reading and reasoning strategies vary in their degree of difficulty. This study would suggest that, when using media-based resources, teachers need approaches that systematically address the different levels of cognative challenge presented by media resources and create opportunities within the curriculum to revisit, consolidate and develop pupils’ critical reasoning skills.
Sociodrama is a learning process focused on solutions for human relationship problems. It offers the opportunity for groups to clarify values and review behaviors, practicing new spontaneous and creative attitudes. The objective of this work is to analyze and discuss how sociodrama can be used as a methodological strategy for cooperative education in business administration. More specifically, to show how sociodramatic sessions can be used in different organizational contexts and to discuss how sociodramatic interventions foster creativity and change in the learning process between the main facilitator and other actors involved. To reach those objectives, three experiences are presented in the paper. The situations here presented show that the same technique, used with different groups, is a creative way to intervene and work with groups. It can serve critical thinking and group bonding, can foster motivation or help a group clarify values and define priorities.
Purpose The aim of the study is to explore the role of confluent learning in supporting the development of change management knowledge, skills and attitudes and to inform the creation of a conceptual model based upon a priori and a posteriori knowledge gained from literature and the research. Design/methodology/approach The research adopts qualitative approach based on reflective inquiry methodology. There are two primary data sources, interviews with learners and the researchers’ reflective journals on learners’ opinions. Findings The confluent learning approach helped to stimulate affective states (e.g. interest and appreciation) to further reinforce cognitive gains (e.g. retention of knowledge) as a number of higher order thinking skills were further developed. The instructional design premised upon confluent learning enabled learners to further appreciate the complexities of change management. Research implications/ limitations The confluent learning approach offers another explanation to how learning takes place, contingent upon the use of a problem solving framework, instructional design and active learning in developing inter- and trans-disciplinary competencies. Practical implications This study not only explains how effective learning takes place but is also instructive to learning and teaching, and human resource development (HRD) professionals in curriculum design and the potential benefits of confluent learning. Social implications The adoption of a confluent learning approach helps to re-naturalise learning that appeals to learners affect. Originality/value This research is one of the few studies that provide an in-depth exploration of the use of confluent learning and how this approach co-develops cognitive abilities and affective capacity in the creation of a conceptual model.
The common view that research informs teaching assumes a linear approach whereby teaching is considered an output of research. This paper reports the findings of an action research project that identified the issues and challenges faced by those working across health and social care when working with people with dementia from minority ethnic communities. It explored the research-teaching nexus by using an approach to teaching that was research-based as opposed to research-led. A storyboarding technique was used which involved identifying and dissecting real life experiences for discussion. The realisation that each story was unique to the individual demonstrated the benefits and importance of education and training for applying a person-centred approach to dementia care. This project also revealed the benefits of actively engaging course participants with research moving them from being recipients of research, to research- active. Such a process not only encouraged their intrinsic motivations but, also, critical thinking and reflective practice to support deep learning. Such findings demonstrate the benefits of linking teaching with research.
Background Dementia is a global issue, with increasing prevalence rates impacting on health services internationally. People with dementia are frequently admitted to hospital, an environment that may not be suited to their needs. While many initiatives have been developed to improve their care in the acute setting, there is a lack of cohesive understanding of how staff experience and perceive the care they give to people with dementia in the acute setting. Objectives The aim of this qualitative synthesis was to explore health care staffs’ experiences and perceptions of caring for people with dementia in the acute setting. Qualitative synthesis can bring together isolated findings in a meaningful way that can inform policy development. Settings A screening process, using inclusion/exclusion criteria, identified qualitative studies that focused on health care staff caring for people with dementia in acute settings. Participants Twelve reports of nine studies were included for synthesis. Data extraction was conducted on each report by two researchers. Methods Framework synthesis was employed using VIPS framework, using Values, Individualised, Perspective and Social and psychological as concepts to guide synthesis. The VIPS framework has previously been used for exploring approaches to caring for people with dementia. Quality appraisal was conducted using Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) and NVivo facilitated sensitivity analysis to ensure confidence in the findings. Results Key themes, derived from VIPS, included a number of specific subthemes that examined: infrastructure and care pathways, person-centred approaches to care, how the person interacts with their environment and other patients, and family involvement in care decisions. The synthesis identified barriers to appropriate care for the person with dementia. These include ineffective pathways of care, unsuitable environments, inadequate resources and staffing levels and lack of emphasis on education and training for staff caring for people with dementia. Conclusions This review has identified key issues in the care of people with dementia in the acute setting: improving pathways of care, creating suitable environments, addressing resources and staffing levels and placing emphasis on the education for staff caring for people with dementia. Recommendations are made for practice consideration, policy development and future research. Leadership is required to instil the values needed to care for this client group in an effective and personcentred way. Qualitative evidence synthesis can inform policy and in this case, recommends VIPS as a suitable framework for guiding decisions around care for people with dementia in acute settings.
Purpose: To describe orthoptic student satisfaction in a blended learning environment. Methods: Blended learning and teaching approaches that include a mix of sessions with elearning are being used since 2011/2012 involving final year (4th year) students from an orthoptic program. This approach is used in the module of research in orthoptics during the 1 semester. Students experienced different teaching approaches, which include seminars, tutorial group discussions and e-learning activities using the moodle platform. The Constructivist OnLine Learning Environment Survey (COLLES ) was applied at the end of the semester with 24 questions grouped in 6 dimensions with 4 items each: Relevance to professional practice, Reflection, Interactivity, Tutor support, Peer support and Interpretation. A 5-point Likert scale was used to score each individual item of the questionnaire (1 - almost never to 5 – almost always). The sum of items in each dimension ranged between 4 (negative perception) and 20 (positive perception). Results: Twenty-four students replied to the questionnaire. Positive points were related with Relevance (16.13±2.63), Reflection (16.46±2.45), Tutor support (16.29±2.10) and Interpretation (15.38±2.16). The majority of the students (n=18; 75%) think that the on-line learning is relevant to students’ professional practice. Critical reflections about learning contents were frequent (n=19; 79.17%). The tutor was able to stimulate critical thinking (n=21; 87.50%), encouraged students to participate (n=18; 75%) and understood well the student’s contributions (n=15; 62.50%). Less positive points were related with Interactivity (14.13±2.77) and Peer support (13.29±2.60). Response from the colleagues to ideas (n=11; 45.83%) and valorization of individual contributions (n=10; 41.67%) scored lower than other items. Conclusions: The flow back and forth between face-to-face and online learning situations helps the students to make critical reflections. The majority of the students are satisfied with a blended e-learning system environment. However, more work needs to be done to improve interactivity and peer support.
Numa sociedade ocidental que se apresenta em constante mutação é impossível dominar todo o conhecimento, daí que haja a necessidade de se dotar os jovens alunos de ferramentas que lhes permitam enfrentar a incerteza do futuro. Uma ferramenta imprescindível para os ajudar a ultrapassar dificuldades com que se confrontem são as suas capacidades de Pensamento Crítico (PC), porquanto podem concorrer para tomarem decisões mais racionais. Neste sentido, este estudo, desenvolvido numa turma de 2.º ano do 1.º CEB com 18 alunos, tem como finalidade desenvolver (adaptar, conceber, produzir, implementar e avaliar) atividades promotoras de PC num contexto de Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (EDS), tendo por base a temática das plantas. Decorrente da finalidade, formularam-se as questões de investigação: Qual o contributo das atividades promotoras de PC na promoção deste tipo de pensamento dos alunos? Qual o contributo das atividades promotoras de PC para a construção/mobilização de conhecimentos dos alunos? Qual a opinião dos alunos acerca das sessões que envolveram atividades promotoras de PC? Quais as representações dos alunos acerca das atividades promotoras de PC? Neste estudo, optou-se por uma metodologia orientada para a prática, assente num plano de investigação-ação. Os alunos realizaram atividades promotoras de PC, num contexto EDS, relacionadas com a temática das plantas abordada na área disciplinar de Estudo do Meio. Recolheram-se dados através de vários instrumentos no âmbito de diferentes técnicas de recolha de dados, incluindo um instrumento de análise das produções dos alunos. Na análise de dados, a técnica privilegiada foi a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que as atividades promotores de PC desenvolvidas no âmbito do estudo contribuíram para a mobilização/desenvolvimento de capacidades de PC dos alunos e para a mobilização/construção de conhecimentos científicos. Na opinião dos alunos, as aulas em que se implementaram atividades promotoras de PC foram mais motivadoras e mais produtivas que as outras aulas de Estudo do Meio. Pela perspetiva dos alunos, as sessões em que realizaram as atividades promotoras de PC contribuíram para a mobilização/desenvolvimento de capacidades de PC e para a mobilização/construção de conhecimentos científicos.
A sociedade em que vivemos hoje encontra-se submersa pela tecnologia em todas as áreas e saberes, exigindo-se aos cidadãos a capacidade de pensar e agir racionalmente perante os desafios e problemas que vão surgindo ao longo da vida. As tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TIC) são uma presença evidente no quotidiano e diversas investigações e estudos têm vindo a enfatizar o seu potencial no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Ademais, face aos desafios científicos e tecnológicos da nossa sociedade, é fundamental formar-se cidadãos capazes de pensar criticamente e racionalmente, de tomarem decisões focadas no que se deve fazer ou acreditar. Assim, reconhecendo a importância de se promover o pensamento crítico (PC) recorrendo-se às TIC, desenvolveu-se a presente investigação com o intuito de promover o PC dos alunos, através da exploração de diversos recursos digitais já disponíveis gratuitamente na internet. Decorrente da finalidade apresentada formularam-se as seguintes questões de estudo: (i) Quais os contributos dos recursos digitais explicitamente promotores de pensamento crítico dos alunos do 3.º ano de escolaridade?; e (ii) Quais os contributos dos recursos digitais explicitamente promotores de pensamento crítico para a construção de conhecimentos científicos, na área das Ciências, dos alunos do 3.º ano de escolaridade?. A presente investigação desenvolveu-se de acordo com um paradigma sócio-crítico, segundo uma perspetiva metodológica predominantemente qualitativa e com base num plano de Investigação-Ação. A implementação das três atividades construídas, incluindo a exploração dos recursos digitais, decorreu numa turma de 26 alunos inseridos num colégio do distrito de Aveiro, no qual se realizou a Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada da professora investigadora. Para a recolha dos dados utilizaram-se diversos instrumentos, nomeadamente testes de levantamento inicial e final das capacidades de PC, listas de verificação, diário do investigador, fichas de trabalho resolvidas pelos alunos (tendo por base a Taxonomia de Ennis) e questionários de autoavaliação do desempenho dos mesmos. Na análise de dados, privilegiou-se a análise de conteúdo recorrendo-se ao software WebQDA. Com base nos instrumentos de recolha de dados referidos verificou-se que os alunos manifestaram uma maior facilidade a responder a questões que promoviam o uso de capacidades de PC referentes à Clarificação Elementar e à Indução e uma dificuldade acentuada na dimensão das Estratégias e Táticas. No que diz respeito à construção de conhecimentos científicos, os alunos demonstraram, principalmente, dificuldades em reconhecer que o movimento é impulsionado pelas rodas dentadas e a constatar que o tamanho do fio influencia a velocidade do pêndulo. Pode-se concluir que os recursos digitais, de um modo geral, contribuíram para mobilizar o potencial de capacidades de PC e para a construção de conhecimentos científicos. O contributo deste estudo, embora modesto, prende-se com o potencial das TIC na Educação em Ciências dos 1º CEB, na promoção do pensamento crítico e de conhecimentos.
Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação Especialização em Supervisão Pedagógica
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de mestre em intervenção comunitária, especialização em contextos de risco
Neste artigo procuro apresentar o poeta, escritor e pensador brasileiro Oswald de Andrade e a influência deste no nascimento e desenvolvimento do pensamento antropofágico. Pensamento teórico que tendo raiz na cultura indígena e no ritual de deglutição dos inimigos pela tribo dos Tupinambás, extrapola as fronteiras da sua acção prática para desaguar, após sucessivos desenvolvimentos teóricos, no ano de 1922, na irreverência do movimento modernista da Semana de Arte Moderna de São Paulo. Nascida sob a tónica do pensamento crítico e da reflexão social e cultural, propõe a metamorfose da cultura estrangeira e a reestruturação dos processos artísticos. Ao estudo da antropofagia, enquanto pensamento/conceito teórico optei por acoplar o conceito de tradução cultural. Duas estruturas de análise socioculturais que em comunhão funcionam como contributo efectivo ao reconhecimento e compreensão das particularidades que definem o (re)posicionamento multi e intercultural das sociedades pós-colonialistas e pós-modernas. Apreender o sentido teórico combinado de antropofagia e tradução cultural é pois reverenciar a figura, pensamento e vivência de Oswald de Andrade. Mais do que aprofundar a biografia do autor, este artigo visa apresentar um encontro teórico: antropofagia, tradução cultural e (re)posicionamento multi e intercultural – conceitos indispensáveis ao reconhecimento das sociedades contemporâneas.
Der folgende Text ist die Antwort auf einen Aufruf zur Einreichung von Beiträgen, die sich dem derzeitigen Stand eines Studiums der Germanistik widmen sollten [...]. In diesem Aufruf wird die Frage nach dem „Sinn und Zweck der Germanistik“, wenn diese „weder relevantes Wissen noch relevante Kompetenzen“ vermitteln kann, gestellt. Die Autoren wenden diese Frage in einem Appell nach einem Ethos der Lehramtsstudierenden. Wer die vorgegebenen „relevanten Kompetenzen“ und das vermeintlich „relevante Wissen“ (ebd.) des Lehrplans unhinterfragt aus den bisher in der eigenen Schulzeit gemachten Erfahrungen und dem (Vor-)Gegebenen übernimmt, begeht ihrer Meinung nach einen Fehlschluss, indem er aus dem Sein das Sollen ableitet. (DIPF/Orig.)
Geographic Information System (GIS) is a technology that deals with location to support better representations and decision making. It has a long tradition in several planning areas, such as urbanism, environment, riskiness, transportation, archeology or tourism. In academics context higher education has followed that evolution. Despite of their potentialities in education, GIS technologies at the elementary and secondary have been underused. Empowering graduates to learn with GIS and to manipulate spatial data can effectively facilitate the teaching of critical thinking. Likewise it has been recognized that GIS tools can be incorporated as an interdisciplinary pedagogical tool. Nevertheless more practical examples on how GIS tools can enhance teaching and learning process, namely to promote interdisciplinary approaches. The proposed paper presents some results obtained from the project “Each thing in its place: the science in time and space”. This project results from the effort of three professors of Geography, History and Natural Sciences in the context of Didactics of World Knowledge curricular unit to enhance interdisciplinarity through Geographic Information Technologies (GIT). Implemented during the last three years this action-research project developed the research practice using GIS to create an interdisciplinary attitude in the future primary education teachers. More than teaching GIS the authors were focused on teaching with GIS to create an integrated vision where spatial data representation linked the space, the time and natural sciences. Accumulated experience reveals that those technologies can motivate students to learn and facilitating teacher’s interdisciplinary work.