337 resultados para Copp, Melinda


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In questo lavoro di tesi ci proponiamo di determinare lo spessore degli isotopi ^155Gd e ^157Gd in vista della misura della sezione d’urto di cattura neutronica presso la facility n_TOF del CERN. La principale motivazione dell’esperimento è legata alla necessità di ottenere misure più accurate per le applicazioni ai reattori nucleari. Inoltre, i nuovi risultati, potranno essere sfruttati anche per applicazioni ai recenti sviluppi nella Terapia di Cattura Neutronica e per costruire nuovi rivelatori nell’ambito della ricerca del neutrino. La misura sarà effettuata nella prima area sperimentale EAR-1 di n TOF, equipaggiata con rivelatori, come per esempio gli scintillatori liquidi al benzene deuterato (C6D6) particolarmente adatti per questi tipi di misura. La sezione d’urto di questi due isotopi cambia di molti ordini di grandezza al variare dell’energia dei neutroni incidenti. Per questo motivo, lo studio effettuato in questa tesi ha mostrato che sono necessari due campioni altamente arricchiti per ogni isotopo da misurare: un campione estremamente sottile per energie del neutrone fino a 100 meV, e uno più spesso per energie maggiori. Inoltre per questi campioni sono stati determinati le densità areali necessarie per lo svolgimento dell’esperimento affinchè avvenga il fenomeno di trasmissione dei neutroni.


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A szerző a teljes körű minőségmenedzsment közszervezetekben való adaptálhatóságát vizsgálja tanulmányában. Az új közmenedzsment-reformok hatására a minőségmenedzsment is egyre nagyobb teret kap a kormányzati szektorban. A közszektor hagyományos működési modellje, valamint a közszolgáltatások sajátosságai azonban továbbra is gátat szabnak a vállalati minőségmenedzsment megfelelő átvételének. A szerző a TQM magánvállalati kutatási tapasztalatait, valamint a közszektor jellemzőit felhasználva mutatja be a közszférában is alkalmazható TQM-technikákat.


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Esta tesis intenta generar conocimiento acerca de los argumentos de la política educativa elaborada y sostenida por tres instituciones principales: el Banco Mundial, la OCDE y el MET (Medidas de Enseñanza Efectiva) Proyecto de la Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates. El Banco Mundial y la O.C.D.E. son instituciones mundiales que son muy influyentes en el apoyo financiero y técnico de los esfuerzos de reforma educacional en los diferentes países de nuestro planeta. Sus puntos de vista en educación son, por consiguiente, de una importancia decisiva para la comprensión del cambio educativo que nuestros países están experimentando hoy a escala mundial. Sus puntos de vista se han reforzado en los últimos años por el apoyo dado por el Proyecto MET desarrollado por la Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates. Juntos constituyen un equipo de instituciones que está consolidando un nuevo conjunto particular de argumentos y criterios para el diseño y la implementación de la reforma educativa. Este conjunto de argumentos y criterios representan de alguna manera un cambio radical en comparación con los argumentos y criterios característicos de las reformas educativas del siglo XX. En este sentido, estas instituciones están liderando (a través de la prestación de financiamiento, soporte intelectual y técnico) un nuevo tipo de reforma educativa que se basa en un cambio de paradigma en cuanto a pensamiento educativo y en una nueva perspectiva de la relación entre educación y economía...


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In June 2009 large-scale public demonstrations on the streets of Tehran followed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s controversial claiming of victory in the Republic’s most recent election. As the scale of the unrest rapidly escalated, foreign journalists were expelled from the country and unprecedented numbers of Iranian journalists were imprisoned (Sreberny and Khiabany 176). Observers outside of Iran learned of the events as Iranians on the streets embraced image production and distribution as a central component of their protest. Evading the attempts of the regime to control media coverage of the post-election violence, Iranians uploaded rough footage, still images, and blog entries, seeking to make real their experiences for the international community. A stream of citizen-produced footage of mass demonstrations, beatings and deaths was relayed to the world at large via Internet-based social networking channels and mobile phones. This paper takes a series of images from the mediated turmoil in Iran as a prism through which to consider the problem of what it is that such images make real for distant observers.


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Although physical activity (PA) has significant benefits for people living with multiple myeloma (MM), participation rates are low. Examination of PA preferences will provide important information to clinicians and assist in the development of interventions to increase participation in PA for people living with MM. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to gain an in-depth understanding of the PA preferences for people living with MM, including the preferred role of clinicians. METHODS: Semistructured interviews were conducted with patients treated for MM within the preceding 2 to 12 months. Interviews were analyzed using content analysis, where coding categories were derived directly from the text data. RESULTS: Twenty-four interviews were conducted (women, 54%; age: mean [SD], 62 [8.8] years); 16 (67%) participants had an autologous stem cell transplant. Light- to moderate-intensity PA during and after treatment was feasible, with the strongest preference for a program 2 to 8 months after treatment. The timing of information delivery was important, as was input from clinicians and organizations with knowledge of MM. Preferences for location, structure, and timing of programs varied. CONCLUSIONS: Low- to moderate-intensity PA after treatment is likely to interest people with MM. Programs need to be flexible and consider individual differences in PA preferences, functional status, and treatment schedules. IMPLICATIONS: An individually tailored PA program should form part of clinical care, involving clinicians and organizations with expertise in MM. Options for home-based PA are also important. Further research, including a population-based study of people living with MM, is necessary to further quantify PA preferences.


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Imaging Identity presents potent reflections on the human condition through the prism of portraiture. Taking digital imaging technologies and the dynamic and precarious dimensions of contemporary identity as critical reference points, these essays consider why portraits continue to have such galvanising appeal and perform fundamental work across so many social settings. This multidisciplinary enquiry brings together artists, art historians, art theorists and anthropologists working with a variety of media. Authors look beyond conventional ideas of the portrait to the wider cultural contexts, governmental practices and intimate experiences that shape relationships between persons and pictures. Their shared purpose centres on a commitment to understanding the power of images to draw people into their worlds. Imaging Identity tracks a fundamental symbiosis — to grapple with the workings of images is to understand something vital of what it is to be human.


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El propósito central de este trabajo consiste en hacer un análisis crítico de la idea de educación democrática. Como hilo conductor se discute la tesis desarrollada por Amy Gutmann, según la cual, la educación democrática tiene como fin garantizar la reproducción consciente de la sociedad. En este contexto, la tesis que se defiende afirma que la educación democrática exige, además de los principios de no represión y la no discriminación desarrollados por Gutmann, un principio de reconocimiento, que articule la orientación de las acciones educativas a fuentes de normatividad asociadas con una interpretación intersubjetivista de la autonomía, de manera que se puedan generar más elementos de juicio, sobre todo, aquellos incorporados en las dimensiones moral, ética, política, legal y social de la persona, al momento de proponer prácticas educativas encaminadas a la formación de una ciudadanía participativa y crítica. Para esto se propone una interpretación que integra las perspectivas deliberativa y agonal de la democracia, se defiende que la expresión clave del ejercicio de la ciudadanía democrática es la participación, que el ejercicio de la participación tiene por condición la realización de la autonomía personal, por lo cual, en la parte final se elabora una lectura intersubjetivista de la autonomía, a partir de los trabajos de Axel Honneth y Rainer Forst.