948 resultados para Ambient atmosphere


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Carbonylsulfid (COS) ist eines der stabilsten reduzierten schwefelhaltigen Spurengase in der Atmosphäre. In der gut durchmischten Troposphäre bewegt sich seine Konzentration um 500 ppt. COS spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Produktion von stratosphärischem Aerosol und im Ozon Zyklus. Dieses Spurengas hat eine Vielfalt an natürlichen und anthropogenen Quellen, denen gleichstarke Senken, darunter die dominanten wie Vegetation und Boden, gegenüber stehen. Die Stärke der Senken ist trotz langjähriger Forschungen immer noch Gegenstand der Diskussionen. Daher ist es wichtig die kontrollierenden Parameter zu charakterisieren. Alle Austauschmessungen vor 1990 vermuteten Böden als Quelle von COS, was aber durch Castro and Galloway (1991) klar widerlegt wurde. Heute werden Böden in Ergänzung zur Vegetation grundsätzlich als Senke betrachtet. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden Bodenproben auf den Austausch von Carbonylsulfid mit der Atmosphäre unter verschiedenen Umgebungsbedingungen untersucht. Drei Ackerböden aus Deutschland, China und Finnland und zwei Waldböden aus Sibirien und Surinam konnten parametrisiert werden in Relation zur atmosphärischen Umgebungskonzentration, Temperatur und Bodenfeuchte (WC). Neben Umgebungskonzentration und Bodenfeuchte, scheinen Bodenstruktur und enzymatische Aktivität die Richtung und Größe des Austauschflusses zu kontrollieren. Die übereinstimmenden Optima für boreale Böden in Relation zum wassergefüllten Porenvolumen des Bodens (WFPS) und die Linearität zwischen Depositionsgeschwindigkeit (Vd) und Bulk density lassen auf eine Dominanz der Abhängigkeit der COS-Aufnahme von der durch WFPS bestimmten Diffusionsfähigkeit schließen. WFPS ist abhängig von WC, Bodenstruktur und Bodenporosität. In Ergänzung zu diesen eher physikalischen Parametern konnte die Carboanhydrase (CA) als kontrollierendes Enzym in Böden identifiziert werden. Erste Versuche zur direkten Bestimmung der CA in den untersuchten Böden erlaubten eine erste, aber noch sehr ungenaue Abschätzung der Enzymaktivität.


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Volatile organic compounds play a critical role in ozone formation and drive the chemistry of the atmosphere, together with OH radicals. The simplest volatile organic compound methane is a climatologically important greenhouse gas, and plays a key role in regulating water vapour in the stratosphere and hydroxyl radicals in the troposphere. The OH radical is the most important atmospheric oxidant and knowledge of the atmospheric OH sink, together with the OH source and ambient OH concentrations is essential for understanding the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere. Oceanic emission and / or uptake of methanol, acetone, acetaldehyde, isoprene and dimethyl sulphide (DMS) was characterized as a function of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and a suite of biological parameters, in a mesocosm experiment conducted in the Norwegian fjord. High frequency (ca. 1 minute-1) methane measurements were performed using a gas chromatograph - flame ionization detector (GC-FID) in the boreal forests of Finland and the tropical forests of Suriname. A new on-line method (Comparative Reactivity Method - CRM) was developed to directly measure the total OH reactivity (sink) of ambient air. It was observed that under conditions of high biological activity and a PAR of ~ 450 μmol photons m-2 s-1, the ocean acted as a net source of acetone. However, if either of these criteria was not fulfilled then the ocean acted as a net sink of acetone. This new insight into the biogeochemical cycling of acetone at the ocean-air interface has helped to resolve discrepancies from earlier works such as Jacob et al. (2002) who reported the ocean to be a net acetone source (27 Tg yr-1) and Marandino et al. (2005) who reported the ocean to be a net sink of acetone (- 48 Tg yr-1). The ocean acted as net source of isoprene, DMS and acetaldehyde but net sink of methanol. Based on these findings, it is recommended that compound specific PAR and biological dependency be used for estimating the influence of the global ocean on atmospheric VOC budgets. Methane was observed to accumulate within the nocturnal boundary layer, clearly indicating emissions from the forest ecosystems. There was a remarkable similarity in the time series of the boreal and tropical forest ecosystem. The average of the median mixing ratios during a typical diel cycle were 1.83 μmol mol-1 and 1.74 μmol mol-1 for the boreal forest ecosystem and tropical forest ecosystem respectively. A flux value of (3.62 ± 0.87) x 1011 molecules cm-2 s-1 (or 45.5 ± 11 Tg CH4 yr-1 for global boreal forest area) was derived, which highlights the importance of the boreal forest ecosystem for the global budget of methane (~ 600 Tg yr-1). The newly developed CRM technique has a dynamic range of ~ 4 s-1 to 300 s-1 and accuracy of ± 25 %. The system has been tested and calibrated with several single and mixed hydrocarbon standards showing excellent linearity and accountability with the reactivity of the standards. Field tests at an urban and forest site illustrate the promise of the new method. The results from this study have improved current understanding about VOC emissions and uptake from ocean and forest ecosystems. Moreover, a new technique for directly measuring the total OH reactivity of ambient air has been developed and validated, which will be a valuable addition to the existing suite of atmospheric measurement techniques.


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The biosphere emits copiously volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the atmosphere, which are removed again depending on the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere and physical processes such as mixing, transport and deposition. Biogenic VOCs react with the primary oxidant of the atmosphere, the hydroxyl radical (OH), and potentially lead to the formation tropospheric ozone and aerosol, which impact regional climate and air quality. The rate of OH decay in the atmosphere, the total OH reactivity is a function of the atmospheric, reactive compound's concentration and reaction velocity with OH. One way to measure the total OH reactivity, the total OH sink, is with the Comparative Reactivity Method - CRM. Basically, the reaction of OH with a reagent (here pyrrole) in clean air and in the presence of atmospheric, reactive molecules is compared. This thesis presents measurements of the total OH reactivity at the biosphere-atmosphere interface to analyze various influences and driving forces. For measurements in natural environment the instrument was automated and a direct, undisturbed sampling method developed. Additionally, an alternative detection system was tested and compared to the originally used detector (Proton Transfer Reaction-Mass Spectrometer, PTR-MS). The GC-PID (Gas Chromatographic Photo-Ionization Detector) was found as a smaller, less expensive, and robust alternative for total OH reactivity measurements. The HUMPPA-COPEC 2010 measurement campaign in the Finish forest was impacted by normal boreal forest emissions as well as prolonged heat and biomass burning emissions. The measurement of total OH reactivity was compared with a comprehensive set of monitored individual species ambient concentration levels. A significant discrepancy between those individually measured OH sinks and the total OH reactivity was observed, which was characterized in detail by the comparison of within and above the forest canopy detected OH reactivity. Direct impact of biogenic emissions on total OH reactivity was examined on Kleiner Feldberg, Germany, 2011. Trans-seasonal measurements of an enclosed Norway spruce branch were conducted via PTR-MS, for individual compound's emission rates, and CRM, for total OH reactivity emission fluxes. Especially during summertime, the individually monitored OH sink terms could not account for the measured total OH reactivity. A controlled oxidation experiment in a low NOx environment was conducted in the EUPHORE reaction chamber (CHEERS, Spain 2011). The concentration levels of the reactant isoprene and its major products were monitored and compared to total OH reactivity measurements as well as to the results of two models. The individually measured compounds could account for the total OH reactivity during this experiment as well as the traditional model-degradation scheme for isoprene (MCM 3.2). Due to previous observations of high OH levels in the isoprene-rich environment of the tropics, a novel isoprene mechanism was recently suggested. In this mechanism (MIME v4) additional OH is generated during isoprene oxidation, which could not be verified in the conditions of the CHEERS experiment.


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Das Hydroxyl Radikal ist, auf globalem Maßstab, das bedeutendste Oxidant in der Atmosphäre. Es initiiert den Abbauprozess vieler, teilweise schädlicher, Spurengase und insbesondere den von flüchtigen Kohlenwasserstoffen (VOC). Die OH Konzentration ist somit ein gutes Maß für die augenblickliche Selbstreinigungskapazität der Atmosphäre. Messungen zu nächtlicher Zeit mit LIF-FAGE-Instrumenten (engl.: laser-induced fluorescence - fluorescence assay by gas expansion) haben Konzentrationen des Hydroxylradikals (OH) ergeben, die signifikant höher waren, als sich mit der bekannten Chemie erklären ließ. Um herauszufinden, ob ein solches Signal wirklich atmosphärisches OH ist oder von einer störenden Spezies stammt, die im Messinstrument OH produziert, wurde das LIF-FAGE-Instrument des Max-Planck-Instituts für Chemie (MPIC) im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit modifiziert und getestet. Dazu wurde ein so genannter Inlet Pre-Injector (IPI) entwickelt, mit dem in regelmäßigen Abständen ein OH-Fänger in die Umgebungsluft abgegeben werden kann, bevor das OH vom Instrument erfasst wird. Mit dieser Technik ist es möglich, ein Hintergrund-OH (OHbg), d. h. ein im Instrument erzeugtes OH-Signal, vom gemessenen OH-Gesamtsignal (OHtot) zu trennen. Die Differenz zwischen OHtot und OHbg ist die atmosphärische OH-Konzentration (OHatm). Vergleichsmessungen mit der hier entwickelten Technik, dem IPI, in zwei verschiedenen Umgebungen mit Instrumenten basierend auf Massenspektrometrie mit chemischer Ionisation (CIMS, engl.: chemical ionization mass spectrometry) als alternativer Methode des OH-Nachweises, zeigten eine weitgehende Übereinstimmung. Eine umfassende Beschreibung des Systems zur Ermittlung der Ursache des OHbg hat ergeben, dass es weder von einem Artefakt des Instruments noch von hinlänglich bekannten und beschriebenen LIF-FAGE-Interferenzen stammt. Zur Bestimmung der Spezies, die das OHbg-Signal verursacht, wurden verschiedene Laborstudien durchgeführt. Die Arbeit im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit hat ergeben, dass das LIF-FAGE-Instrument leicht auf OH reagiert, das beim monomolekularen Zerfall stabilisierter Criegee-Intermediate (SCI) im Niederdruckbereich des Instruments gebildet wird. Criegee-Intermediate oder Carbonyloxide entstehen bei der Ozonolyse ungesättigter flüchtiger Kohlenwasserstoffverbindungen (VOC, engl.: volatile organic compounds) und können daher in der Umgebungsluft vorkommen. Anhand von Tests mit verschiedenen Verweilzeiten der SCI im Niederdruckbereich des Instruments in Verbindung mit einem detaillierten Modell mit der neuesten SCI-Chemie wurde die monomolekulare Zerfallsgeschwindigkeit von 20  10 s-1 für den syn-Acetaldehyd-Oxykonformer bestimmt. Der in Feldkampagnen gemessene OHbg-Wert wurde dahingehend untersucht, ob SCI die Quelle des beobachteten Hintergrund-OH im Feld sein könnten. Das Budget für die SCI-Konzentration, das für die Kampagnen HUMPPA-COPEC 2010 und HOPE 2012 berechnet wurde, ergab eine SCI-Konzentration zwischen ca. 103 und 106 Molekülen pro cm3. In der Kampagne HUMPPA-COPEC 2010 ergab die Schwefelsäurekonzentration, dass die OH-Oxidation von SO2 allein die gemessene H2SO4-Konzentration nicht erklären konnte. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Hintergrund-OH mit dieser ungeklärten Produktionsrate von H2SO4 korreliert und somit die Oxidation von SO2 durch SCI als mögliche Erklärung in Frage kommt. Ferner korreliert das Hintergrund-OH in der Kampagne HOPE 2012 mit dem Produkt aus Ozon und VOC und konnte mit SO2 als SCI Fänger entfernt werden. Qualitativ zeigen wir somit, dass das in der Umgebungsluft gemessene Hintergrund-OH wahrscheinlich durch den monomolekularen Zerfall von SCI verursacht wird, doch sind weitere Studien notwendig, um die quantitativen Beziehung für diese Spezies und dem Hintergrund-OH in unserem Instrument zu bestimmen.


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Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) in air particulate matter contribute considerably to the health risk of air pollution. The objectives of this study were to assess the occurrence and variation in concentrations and sources of PM2.5-bound PACs [Oxygenated PAHs (OPAHs), nitro-PAHs and parent-PAHs] sampled from the atmosphere of a typical Chinese megacity (Xi'an), to study the influence of meteorological conditions on PACs and to estimate the lifetime excess cancer risk to the residents of Xi'an (from inhalation of PM2.5-bound PACs). To achieve these objectives, we sampled 24-h PM2.5 aerosols (once in every 6 days, from 5 July 2008 to 8 August 2009) from the atmosphere of Xi'an and measured the concentrations of PACs in them. The PM2.5-bound concentrations of Σcarbonyl-OPAHs, ∑ hydroxyl + carboxyl-OPAHs, Σnitro-PAHs and Σalkyl + parent-PAHs ranged between 5–22, 0.2–13, 0.3–7, and 7–387 ng m− 3, respectively, being markedly higher than in most western cities. This represented a range of 0.01–0.4% and 0.002–0.06% of the mass of organic C in PM2.5 and the total mass of PM2.5, respectively. The sums of the concentrations of each compound group had winter-to-summer ratios ranging from 3 to 8 and most individual OPAHs and nitro-PAHs had higher concentrations in winter than in summer, suggesting a dominant influence of emissions from household heating and winter meteorological conditions. Ambient temperature, air pressure, and wind speed explained a large part of the temporal variation in PACs concentrations. The lifetime excess cancer risk from inhalation (attributable to selected PAHs and nitro-PAHs) was six fold higher in winter (averaging 1450 persons per million residents of Xi'an) than in summer. Our results call for the development of emission control measures.


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The redox property of ceria is a key factor in the catalytic activity of ceria-based catalysts. The oxidation state of well-defined ceria nanocubes in gas environments was analysed in situ by a novel combination of near-ambient pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and high-energy XPS at a synchrotron X-ray source. In situ high-energy XPS is a promising new tool to determine the electronic structure of matter under defined conditions. The aim was to quantitatively determine the degree of cerium reduction in a nano-structured ceria-supported platinum catalyst as a function of the gas environment. To obtain a non-destructive depth profile at near-ambient pressure, in situ high-energy XPS analysis was performed by varying the kinetic energy of photoelectrons from 1 to 5 keV, and, thus, the probing depth. In ceria nanocubes doped with platinum, oxygen vacancies formed only in the uppermost layers of ceria in an atmosphere of 1 mbar hydrogen and 403 K. For pristine ceria nanocubes, no change in the cerium oxidation state in various hydrogen or oxygen atmospheres was observed as a function of probing depth. In the absence of platinum, hydrogen does not dissociate and, thus, does not lead to reduction of ceria.


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I have developed a novel approach to test for toxic organic substances adsorbed onto ultra fine particulate particles present in the ambient air in Northeast Houston, Texas. These particles are predominantly carbon soot with an aerodynamic diameter (AD) of <2.5 μm. If present in the ambient air, many of the organic substances will be absorbed to the surface of the particles (which act just like a charcoal air filter), and may be adducted into the respiratory system. Once imbedded into the lungs these particles may release the adsorbed toxic organic substances with serious health consequences. I used a Airmetrics portable Minivol air sampler time drawing the ambient air through collection filters samples from 6 separate sites in Northeast Houston, an area known for high ambient PM 2.5 released from chemical plants and other sources (e.g. vehicle emissions).(1) In practice, the mass of the collected particles were much less than the mass of the filters. My technique was designed to release the adsorbed organic substances on the fine carbon particles by heating the filter samples that included the PM 2.5 particles prior to identification by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GCMS). The results showed negligible amounts of target chemicals from the collection filters. However, the filters alone released organic substances and GCMS could not distinguish between the organic substances released from the soot particles from those released from the heated filter fabric. However, an efficacy tests of my method using two wax burning candles that released soot revealed high levels of benzene. This suggests that my method has the potential to reveal the organic substances adsorbed onto the PM 2.5 for analysis. In order to achieve this goal, I must refine the particle collection process which would be independent of the filters; the filters upon heating also release organic substances obscuring the contribution from the soot particles. To obtain pure soot particles I will have to filter more air so that the soot particles can be shaken off the filters and then analyzed by my new technique. ^


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This study was conducted by either literature review or actual field survey. Results are summarized as follows: (1) Long-term occupational exposure of workers to benzene vapor at levels of 3-7 ppm, 2-3 ppm and 1.6 ppm may result in a decreased level of leucocyte alkaline phosphates, an increased incidence of chromosome aberrations and an increased level of ALA in erythrocytes, respectively; (2) Benzene is capable of causing fetotoxic effects in animals at levels as low as 10 ppm by volume; (3) Exposure of animals to or less than 1 ppm benzene vapor may result in leucopenia, an inverse ratio of muscle antagonist chronaxy and a decreased level of ascorbic acid in fetus's and mother's liver as well as whole embryo; (4) Benzene is causally associated with the increased incidence of pancytopenia, including unicytopenia, bicytopenia and aplastic anemia, and chromosome aberrations in occupational exposure population, and at best benzene must also be considered as a leukemogen; (5) Since it can be emitted into the atmosphere from both man-made and natural sources, benzene in some concentrations is present everywhere in the various compartments of the environment; (6) The findings of the emission of benzene from certain natural sources indicate that reducing benzene to a zero-level of exposure is theoretically impossible; (7) The annual average of benzene concentration detected in the Houston ambient air is 2.50 ppb, which is about 2.4 times higher than the nation-wide annual average exposure level and may have been some health implications to the general public; (8) In the Houston area, stationary sources are more important than mobile sources in contributing to benzene in the ambient air. ^


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This study purports to investigate whether a conductive tether left uninsulated and electrically floating in LEO could serve as an effective e-beam source to produce artificial auroras. An electrically floating tether comes out biased highly negative over most of its length. Ambient ions impacting it with KeV energies liberate secondary electrons, which are locally accelerated through the 2D tether voltage-bias, race down magnetic lines, and result in peak auroral emissions at about 120-160 km altitude. Since no current flows at either tether end, a bare-tether e-beam is fully free of spacecraft charging problems. Beam propagation and beam-atmosphere interactions need be modelled in a simple but quantitative way so as to allow a satisfactory discussion of observational options and their feasibility. The evolution in the energy spectrum of secondary electrons, their pitch distribution, and beam broadening due to collisions with neutrals, which would result in a broader but weaker tether footprint in the E-layer, need be modelled. Relations between particle/energy flux values, and ionization and accompanying emission rates, are considered.


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The influence of the environment on the optical properties of self-assembled In0.5Ga0.5As surface quantum dots is studied as a function of different ambient conditions for sensing applications. Their room temperature photoluminescence (PL) quenches under vacuum and decreases strongly under dry O2 or N2 environments. Nevertheless, they have a strong signal at 1.55 lm in air or in a wet atmosphere. The presence of water molecules in the environment improves the PL intensity likely due to its polar character and therefore its easier adsorption by the surface dangling bonds, leading to a suppression of the non-radiative recombination centers.


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Use of a conductive bare tape electrically floating in low Earth orbit as an effective electron beam source to produce artificial auroral effects, free of problems that mard tandard beams, is considered. Ambient ions impacting the tape with keV energies over most of its length liberate secondary electrons that race down the magnetic field, excite neutrals in the E layer, and result in auroral emissions. The tether would operate with both a power supply and a plasma contactor off at nighttime; power and contactor would be on at daytime for reboost. Tomographic analysis of auroral emissions from the footprint of the beam, as observed from the spacecraft, can provide density profiles of dominant neutral species in the E layer. A characteristic tether system, at altitude 300 km and moderate orbital inclination, would involve an aluminum tape with a length of 20 km, a width of 15 mm, and a thickness of 0.2 mm for a full-system mass around 1200 kg, with two thirds going into the power subsystem.


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Use of a (bare) conductive tape electrically floating in LEO as an effective e-beam source that produces artificial auroras, and is free of problems that have marred standard beams, is considered. Ambient ions impacting the tape with KeV energies over most of its length liberate secondary electrons, which race down the magnetic field and excite neutrals in the E-layer, resulting in auroral emissions. The tether would operate at night-time with both a power supply and a plasma contactor off; power and contactor would be on at daytime for reboost. The optimal tape thickness yielding a minimum mass for an autonomous system is determined; the alternative use of an electric thruster for day reboost, depending on mission duration, is discussed. Measurements of emission brightness from the spacecraft could allow determination of the (neutral) density vertical profile in the critical E-layer; the flux and energy in the beam, varying along the tether, allow imaging line-of-sight integrated emissions that mix effects with altitude-dependent neutral density and lead to a brightness peak in the beam footprint at the E-layer. Difficulties in tomographic inversion, to determine the density profile, result from beam broadening, due to elastic collisions, which flattens the peak, and to the highly nonlinear functional dependency of line-of-sight brightness. Some dynamical issues are discussed.


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Atmospheres influence behavior, create a positive image, and influence consumer purchasing patterns and retail perceptions. Nonetheless, the physical environment is a potential source of competitive advantage, though neglected more often than not. In particular, research on the effects of aroma as an independent variable in natural settings is very limited and requires further research. A sample of 407 moviegoers participated in a “natural experiment” in a cinema complex, using scented and unscented conditions. Findings show that scent produces significant positive differences in the evaluation of the theater, its environment, and on intention to return. No significant differences are found in the evaluations of concession products sold, despite the fact that spectators in scented rooms considered product prices to be significantly cheaper than did spectators in unscented rooms. A major implication of this study is that scent significantly affects emotional reactions to atmospheres. Retailers can thus improve environments to create enjoyable experiences and positively influence consumer responses.


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The measurement of submicrometre (< 1.0 m) and ultrafine particles (diameter < 0.1 m) number concentration have attracted attention since the last decade because the potential health impacts associated with exposure to these particles can be more significant than those due to exposure to larger particles. At present, ultrafine particles are not regularly monitored and they are yet to be incorporated into air quality monitoring programs. As a result, very few studies have analysed their long-term and spatial variations in ultrafine particle concentration, and none have been in Australia. To address this gap in scientific knowledge, the aim of this research was to investigate the long-term trends and seasonal variations in particle number concentrations in Brisbane, Australia. Data collected over a five-year period were analysed using weighted regression models. Monthly mean concentrations in the morning (6:00-10:00) and the afternoon (16:00-19:00) were plotted against time in months, using the monthly variance as the weights. During the five-year period, submicrometre and ultrafine particle concentrations increased in the morning by 105.7% and 81.5% respectively whereas in the afternoon there was no significant trend. The morning concentrations were associated with fresh traffic emissions and the afternoon concentrations with the background. The statistical tests applied to the seasonal models, on the other hand, indicated that there was no seasonal component. The spatial variation in size distribution in a large urban area was investigated using particle number size distribution data collected at nine different locations during different campaigns. The size distributions were represented by the modal structures and cumulative size distributions. Particle number peaked at around 30 nm, except at an isolated site dominated by diesel trucks, where the particle number peaked at around 60 nm. It was found that ultrafine particles contributed to 82%-90% of the total particle number. At the sites dominated by petrol vehicles, nanoparticles (< 50 nm) contributed 60%-70% of the total particle number, and at the site dominated by diesel trucks they contributed 50%. Although the sampling campaigns took place during different seasons and were of varying duration these variations did not have an effect on the particle size distributions. The results suggested that the distributions were rather affected by differences in traffic composition and distance to the road. To investigate the occurrence of nucleation events, that is, secondary particle formation from gaseous precursors, particle size distribution data collected over a 13 month period during 5 different campaigns were analysed. The study area was a complex urban environment influenced by anthropogenic and natural sources. The study introduced a new application of time series differencing for the identification of nucleation events. To evaluate the conditions favourable to nucleation, the meteorological conditions and gaseous concentrations prior to and during nucleation events were recorded. Gaseous concentrations did not exhibit a clear pattern of change in concentration. It was also found that nucleation was associated with sea breeze and long-range transport. The implications of this finding are that whilst vehicles are the most important source of ultrafine particles, sea breeze and aged gaseous emissions play a more important role in secondary particle formation in the study area.


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An experimental investigation has been made of a round, non-buoyant plume of nitric oxide, NO, in a turbulent grid flow of ozone, 03, using the Turbulent Smog Chamber at the University of Sydney. The measurements have been made at a resolution not previously reported in the literature. The reaction is conducted at non-equilibrium so there is significant interaction between turbulent mixing and chemical reaction. The plume has been characterized by a set of constant initial reactant concentration measurements consisting of radial profiles at various axial locations. Whole plume behaviour can thus be characterized and parameters are selected for a second set of fixed physical location measurements where the effects of varying the initial reactant concentrations are investigated. Careful experiment design and specially developed chemilurninescent analysers, which measure fluctuating concentrations of reactive scalars, ensure that spatial and temporal resolutions are adequate to measure the quantities of interest. Conserved scalar theory is used to define a conserved scalar from the measured reactive scalars and to define frozen, equilibrium and reaction dominated cases for the reactive scalars. Reactive scalar means and the mean reaction rate are bounded by frozen and equilibrium limits but this is not always the case for the reactant variances and covariances. The plume reactant statistics are closer to the equilibrium limit than those for the ambient reactant. The covariance term in the mean reaction rate is found to be negative and significant for all measurements made. The Toor closure was found to overestimate the mean reaction rate by 15 to 65%. Gradient model turbulent diffusivities had significant scatter and were not observed to be affected by reaction. The ratio of turbulent diffusivities for the conserved scalar mean and that for the r.m.s. was found to be approximately 1. Estimates of the ratio of the dissipation timescales of around 2 were found downstream. Estimates of the correlation coefficient between the conserved scalar and its dissipation (parallel to the mean flow) were found to be between 0.25 and the significant value of 0.5. Scalar dissipations for non-reactive and reactive scalars were found to be significantly different. Conditional statistics are found to be a useful way of investigating the reactive behaviour of the plume, effectively decoupling the interaction of chemical reaction and turbulent mixing. It is found that conditional reactive scalar means lack significant transverse dependence as has previously been found theoretically by Klimenko (1995). It is also found that conditional variance around the conditional reactive scalar means is relatively small, simplifying the closure for the conditional reaction rate. These properties are important for the Conditional Moment Closure (CMC) model for turbulent reacting flows recently proposed by Klimenko (1990) and Bilger (1993). Preliminary CMC model calculations are carried out for this flow using a simple model for the conditional scalar dissipation. Model predictions and measured conditional reactive scalar means compare favorably. The reaction dominated limit is found to indicate the maximum reactedness of a reactive scalar and is a limiting case of the CMC model. Conventional (unconditional) reactive scalar means obtained from the preliminary CMC predictions using the conserved scalar p.d.f. compare favorably with those found from experiment except where measuring position is relatively far upstream of the stoichiometric distance. Recommendations include applying a full CMC model to the flow and investigations both of the less significant terms in the conditional mean species equation and the small variation of the conditional mean with radius. Forms for the p.d.f.s, in addition to those found from experiments, could be useful for extending the CMC model to reactive flows in the atmosphere.