1000 resultados para 7140-243


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The Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis) is endemic in the Amazonian basin and is the only exclusively fresh water sirenian. Historically hunted on a large scale, this species is now considered endangered, and Studies on the reproductive physiology are critical for the improvement of reproductive management of captive and wild Populations of manatees. The aim of this Study was to verify the viability of androgen measurement in saliva, lacrimal, urine, and fecal samples of the Amazonian manatee by conducting a hormone challenge. Two adult male manatees (A-1 and A-2) were Submitted to an experimentation protocol of 12 day (D1 to D10). On D0, the animals received an intramuscular injection of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-analogue. Salivary, lacrimal, urinary, and fecal samples were collected daily (between 0800 hours and 0900 hours) and frozen at -20 degrees C until assayed. Fecal samples were lyophilized, extracted with 80% methanol, and diluted in buffer before the radioimmunoassay (RIA). Urine samples underwent acid hydrolysis and were diluted in depleted bovine serum. Salivary and lacrimal samples were assayed without the extraction step. Hormonal assays were conducted with a commercial testosterone RIA kit. An androgen peak (>median + 2 interquartile range [IQR]) was observed in all matrices of both animals, although it was less prominent in the lacrimal samples of A-2. However, the fecal androgen peak (A-1 peak = 293.78 ng/g dry feces, median [IQR] = 143.58 [32.38] ng/g dry feces; A-2 peak = 686.72 ng/g dry feces, median [IQR] = 243.82 [193.16] ng/g dry feces) occurred later than urinary (A-1 peak = 648.16 ng/mg creatinine [Cr], median [IQR] = 23.88 [30.44] ng/mg Cr; A-2 peak = 370.44 ng/mg Cr, median [IQR] = 113.87 [117.73] ng/mg Cr) and salivary (A-1 peak = 678.89 pg/ml, median [IQR] = 103.69 [119.86] pg/ml; A-2 peak = 733.71 pg/ml, median [IQR] = 262.92 [211.44] pg/ml) androgen peaks. These intervals appear to be correlated with the long digesta passage time in this species. The salivary and urinary peaks were closely associated. These results demonstrate that androgen concentrations in saliva, urine, or feces samples reflect reliably physiologic events and are a powerful tool for noninvasive reproductive monitoring of Amazonian manatees.


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The tick Amblyomma parkeri Fonseca and Arago was described in 1952, based on female and immature ticks collected in the states of So Paulo and Santa Catarina, Brazil. Thereafter, there has been no further report of A. parkeri, and the male has remained unknown. Herein, we examined ticks collected on porcupines from a locality in the state of So Paulo. Some of the ticks were identified as Amblyomma longirostre (Koch, 1844), whereas others as A. parkeri, including male specimens, for which we provide the first description. We also provide additional reports of A. parkeri after examining collections of A. longirostre and Amblyomma geayi Neumann, 1899 from different tick collections. Morphological evidence to support the original description of A. parkeri is presented, supported by molecular analyses of portions of the 16S rRNA and 12S rRNA mitochondrial genes. Morphological particularities to separate A. parkeri, A. longirostre, and A. geayi are provided.


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Purpose: Chipping within veneering porcelain has resulted in high clinical failure rates for implant-supported zirconia (yttria-tetragonal zirconia polycrystals [Y-TZP]) bridges. This study evaluated the reliability and failure modes of mouth-motion step-stress fatigued implant-supported Y-TZP versus palladium-silver alloy (PdAg) three-unit bridges. Materials and Methods: Implant-abutment replicas were embedded in polymethylmethacrylate resin. Y-TZP and PdAg frameworks, of similar design (n = 21 each), were fabricated, veneered, cemented (n = 3 each), and Hertzian contact-tested to obtain ultimate failure load. In each framework group, 18 specimens were distributed across three step-stress profiles and mouth-motion cyclically loaded according to the profile on the lingual slope of the buccal cusp of the pontic. Results: PdAg failures included competing flexural cracking at abutment and/or connector area and chipping, whereas Y-TZP presented predominantly cohesive failure within veneering porcelain. Including all failure modes, the reliability (two-sided at 90% confidence intervals) for a ""mission"" of 50,000 and 100,000 cycles at 300 N load was determined (Alta Pro, Reliasoft, Tucson, AZ, USA). No difference in reliability was observed between groups for a mission of 50,000. Reliability remained unchanged for a mission of 100,000 for PdAg, but significantly decreased for Y-TZP. Conclusions: Higher reliability was found for PdAg for a mission of 100,000 cycles at 300 N. Failure modes differed between materials.


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Purpose: To test the strength to failure and fracture mode of three indirect composite materials directly applied onto Ti-6Al-4V implant abutments vs cemented standard porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns. Materials and Methods: Sixty-four locking taper abutments were randomly allocated to four groups and were cleaned in ethanol in an ultrasonic bath for 5 min. After drying under ambient conditions, the abutments were grit blasted and a custom 4-cusp molar crown mold was utilized to produce identical crowns (n = 16 per group) of Tescera (Bisco), Ceramage (Shofu), and Diamond Crown (DRM) according to the manufacturer`s instructions. The porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns were fabricated by conventional means involving the construction and a wax pattern and casting of a metallic coping followed by sintering of increasing layers of porcelain. All crowns were loaded to failure by an indenter placed at one of the cusp tips at a 1 mm/min rate. Subsequently, fracture analysis was performed by means of stereomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. One-way ANOVA at 95% level of significance was utilized for statistical analysis. Results: The single load to failure (+/- SD) results were: Tescera (1130 +/- 239 N), Ceramage (1099 +/- 257 N), Diamond Crown (1155 +/- 284 N), and PFM (1081 +/- 243 N). Stereomicroscopy analysis showed two distinct failure modes, where the loaded cusp failed either with or without abutment/metallic coping exposure. SEM analysis of the fractures showed multiple crack propagation towards the cervical region of the crown below a region of plastic deformation at the indenter contact region. Conclusion: The three indirect composites and PFM systems fractured at loads higher than those typically associated with normal occlusal function. Although each material had a different composition and handling technique, no significant differences were found concerning their single load to fracture resistance among composite systems and PFM.


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Disturbances of the dental development may result in anomalies, which may be apparent as soon as the child is born. Eruption cysts are rarely observed in neonates considering that at this stage of the child`s life teeth eruption is uncommon. Thus, the aim of this report is to describe a case of eruption cysts in a neonate. A male neonate was brought to the emergency service with the chief complaint of an elevated area on the anterior region of the inferior alveolar ridge. The lesion was clinically characterized as a compressive and floating swelling. Through a radiographic exam two mandibular primary incisors could be seen superficially located. Due to the patient`s age and the initial diagnosis of eruption cysts the conduct adopted was clinical surveillance. Forty-five days after the first visit the lesions had significantly decreased in size, and completely disappeared after 4 months. at that age, both mandibular central incisors were already in the oral cavity exhibiting small hypoplastic areas in the incisal edges. The clinical and radiographic follow-up of eruption cysts in neonates appears to be an adequate conduct without differing from that recommended for older children.


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The option for biological nitrogen removal has recently been broadened with the description of simultaneous nitrification/denitrification, anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANAMMOX) and the concept of CANON (completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite). An autotrophic anaerobic ammonium oxidation (AAAO) consortium was successfully selected and enriched from municipal treatment plant sludges in Sydney, Australia, but not from industrial coke-oven wastewater sludges. Chemolithoautotrophic basic salt (CLABS) medium was used in the selection of AAAO organisms and chloramphenicol was added to the initial stage of selection to eliminate denitrifiers. Two different temperatures, 37degreesC and 55degreesC, were used in the selection of mesophilic and thermophilic consortia, respectively. Thermophilic AAAO organisms were not selected at 55degreesC. Mesophilic AAAO activities, however, were evident in both batch and continuous cultures, whereby ammonium was consumed concurrently with a decrease of nitrite, giving a ratio of 1:1-1:1.3 in ammonium removal rate over nitrite consumption rate. A continuous-mode mesophilic fixed-bed reactor was established to enrich the AAAO consortium. After 1 year, biofilms, pinkish in color, had developed on the support media and side wall of the feed-line tubing. Ammonium and nitrite consumption increased from similar to15 mg to 60 mg d(-1) L-1 over a period of 243 days. Later, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques revealed that the dominant cell type in the AAAO consortium had a similar morphology and 16S rDNA sequence homology to that of the recently described ANAMMOX organism, Brocadia anammoxidans.


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Aims: To determine the prevalence of hazardous drinking and alcohol-related negative consequences in New Zealand tertiary students, and to identify predictors of hazardous drinking across a 6-month period. Methods: A total of 1480 tertiary students living in halls of residence was surveyed at the start of the academic year, and a subsample of 967 students was followed up 6 months later. Questionnaire items included quantity and frequency of drinking, alcohol-related problems, use of other substances, and the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT). Drinking at follow-up was modelled using demographic characteristics, mental well-being, other substance use, alcohol-related problems, and hall drinking norms, measured at baseline. Results: Among drinkers, mean (+/- SD) weekly consumption was 243 +/- 241 and 135 +/- 157 g of ethanol for males and females respectively. The majority of male (60.0%) and female (58.2%) drinkers typically consumed more than national safe drinking guidelines. Mean (+/- SD) AUDIT scores were 10.9 +/- 7.6 for males and 7.6 +/- 5.9 for females. After controlling for AUDIT scores at baseline, increased AUDIT scores at follow-up were higher with lower age, Maori ethnicity, smoking, cannabis use, high levels of alcohol-related negative consequences, and higher levels of drinking in the student's hall of residence. Conclusions: Hazardous drinking is widespread and persistent among students living in the halls of residence. There is a need for university alcohol policies and intervention approaches among New Zealand tertiary students.


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Este livro apresenta uma an??lise de informa????es consolidadas e sistematizadas sobre experi??ncias vencedoras do Concurso de Inova????es na Gest??o P??blica Federal entre os anos de 1996 a 2000, para oferecer algumas sugest??es para o debate aos que est??o engajados no processo de aperfei??oamento do setor p??blico ou se interessam pelo tema


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A experi??ncia consistiu na implementa????o de esquema de recep????o e tratamento de formul??rios de solicita????o de bolsas de doutorado no CNPq eliminando totalmente o uso de papel. Fazendo uso do software de gerenciamento de imagens KeyFile, acoplado ao sistema de ger??ncia de bancos de dados Oracle, e de um conjunto de softwares desenvolvidos no CNPq e por empresas contratadas, o fluxo de julgamento de bolsas de doutorado, desde a recep????o do formul??rio de solicita????o at?? a implementa????o e pagamento das bolsas, passando por todas as etapas intermedi??rias de forma????o de processo e julgamento de m??rito, foi montado em ambiente inteiramente virtual. Mesas virtuais de trabalho, acomodando processos virtuais, organizados em caixas e arquivos virtuais, est??o dispon??veis aos t??cnicos do CNPq e membros da comunidade cient??fica envolvidos nos fluxos de concess??o de bolsas. Os formul??rios de solicita????o podem ser conseguidos e enviados pelos interessados por meio da Internet (ou em disquetes por correio normal),sendo que todo o processo de montagem de processos ?? feito virtual e automaticamente. Utilizando-se t??cnicas de refer??ncias a imagens, os processos tramitam sem sair do arquivo virtual em que s??o armazenados


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Este estudo ?? parte integrante de um dos programas gerais de a????o definidos para esta Escola em 1994, referente ?? Forma????o de Quadros para a Administra????o P??blica, notadamente ?? profissionaliza????o de quadros superiores da burocracia federal, denominado Escolas de Governo e Profissionaliza????o do Funcionalismo. Faz-se uma an??lise das experi??ncias de forma????o levadas a cabo pela Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica - ENAP, bem como um mapeamento das experi??ncias das escolas de governo brasileiras e estrangeiras, que em certa medida possam ser comparadas, com a finalidade de oferecer subs??dios para a formula????o das pol??ticas governamentais dirigidas ?? forma????o e capacita????o de recursos humanos no setor p??blico brasileiro


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Ciclo de gest??o do PPA; gest??o integrada do plano; a responsabiliza????o por resultados. Modelo e Gest??o do PPA 2012-2015: os atores, arranjos para a gest??o dos programas e Sistema de Monitoramento e Avalia????o. Monitoramento de Programas: conceitos gerais utilizados no governo federal, tipos de monitoramento, informa????es gerenciais e gest??o de restri????es. Instrumentos de monitoramento e sistemas da Uni??o. Monitoramento intensivo. Avalia????o de Programas: conceito e tipos de avalia????o. Avalia????o do PPA. Revis??o do Plano


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La pobreza est?? aumentando en t??rminos absolutos de manera sistem??tica desde 1990 y, desde comienzos del nuevo siglo, tambi??n en valores relativos. Hay, sin embargo, una buena nueva: el gasto p??blico social ha aumentado tambi??n de manera sistem??tica desde entonces. ??Qu?? se ha hecho con la enorme magnitud de recursos destinada a financiar las pol??ticas sociales? Hay, por un lado, limitaciones que surgen de la forma en que ellas se dise??an e implementan. La gesti??n social tradicional asume que el impacto perseguido se producir?? autom??ticamente como resultado de la mera entrega de los bienes o servicios a la poblaci??n destinataria. Aparece, adem??s, la masiva introducci??n de mecanismos de mercado en las pol??ticas sociales, bajo el supuesto que permitir??an mejorar su eficiencia e impacto. Teniendo en cuenta las limitaciones precedentes, se sugieren en este art??culo tres senderos, estos son: la superaci??n del estilo tradicional de gestionar los programas y proyectos sociales; el aprendizaje por medio de la experiencia de la evaluaci??n de impacto y del monitoreo; y la generaci??n de un estilo m??s participativo en el proceso de dise??o, gesti??n y evaluaci??n de las pol??ticas sociales.


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Tanto no magist??rio, quanto na pesquisa ling????stica (e, quando se confessa a si mesma, na filol??gica), quanto na opini??o p??blica que se cr?? titulada para pronunciar-se a tal respeito, nela inclu??dos escritores, magistrados, jornalistas, comunic??logos, profissionais da palavra, h??, no Brasil, certo consenso em que o estado da l??ngua, escrita ou falada, ??, nesta nossa contemporaneidade, algo que deixa tanto a desejar, que chamar ca??ticos aos usos que se v??m fazendo da l??ngua ?? quase eufemismo. Proponho-me aqui tentar alinhar algumas das raz??es que militariam para aquela impress??o, alinhando, em seguida, algumas sugest??es que possam, talvez, quer esclarecer aspectos relevantes da quest??o, quer encaminhar um melhor tratamento social da mesma, quando haja uma did??tica a ser preconizada. Como tudo aqui ?? opini??o pessoal que n??o engaja a de ningu??m, seria bom, creio, que, subseq??entemente, outros, mais titulados do que eu e se poss??vel em linguagem menos obscura que a minha, se pronunciassem a respeito, pois ?? de crer que em breve futuro algumas decis??es normativas se venham a aconselhar, raz??o por que um debate desse tipo s?? poder?? ser salutar.


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O presente artigo ?? parte de um estudo explorat??rio cujo objetivo foi analisar as vantagens e desvantagens na aquisi????o de bens e servi??os por meio das modalidades de licita????o preg??o presencial e eletr??nico no servi??o p??blico. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo de caso na Funda????o Nacional de Sa??de da Para??ba. A parte da pesquisa divulgada neste artigo, al??m de uma s??ntese sobre o referencial te??rico, apresenta as caracter??sticas investigadas da modalidade de licita????o preg??o, comparando suas formas presencial e eletr??nica na institui????o estudada. Os resultados apontam aspectos relevantes quanto ??s quest??es: vantagens e desvantagens do preg??o eletr??nico em rela????o ao preg??o presencial e vice-versa; recursos para atendimento de despesas; planejamento anual da FUNASA/PB; economia de pre??o; economia e repasse de recursos para outras necessidades; prazos de fornecimento; treinamento e capacita????o de pessoal. Conclui a exposi????o destacando alguns pontos fortes e fracos do processo, sugerindo medidas a serem avaliadas no que tange a capacita????o de pessoal e planejamento anual na FUNASA/PB.


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Bethylopsis carinatus sp.n., and Epyris chilensis sp.n., from Chile are described and illustrated. Taxonomic data on Chilepyris herbsti Evans, Lytopsenella herbsti (Kieffer), Lytopsenella testaceicornis (Kieffer) and Pseudisobrachium erythrocephalum Evans are included. Male of Lytopsenella herbsti is recorded for the first time to genus and species.